Wen causes of under the skin


  • Causes and symptoms
  • How to cure wen

Wen under the skin (lipoma) - a fairly common phenomenon. There is this disease in both women and men of any age.

Wen is the subcutaneous soft ball, filled with fat.

These lumps like to settle on the back, arm, neck, head. Quite often, talc appear on the body in small groups.

 Consultation with your doctor to choose treatment
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Causes and symptoms

Causes of lipomas is still not fully explored. Doctors can not identify explicit factors that contribute to Wen on the body. There are several theories, each of which has the right to exist, but it is not conclusive. For example, some doctors believe that the causes of this disease are genetics and heredity. Others suggest that talc formed due to upset the autonomic system. Still others think that to blame the increase in sebaceous glands due to improper food regime and lowered immunity. Some doctors have noticed that lipomas occur more frequently in people who have been identified symptoms of other skin diseases.

Symptoms usually not expressed clearly. Wen often are painless education under the skin on the body and do not cause significant discomfort. The pain does not occur even when pressed to make immediate symptoms Wen distinguish them from the symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes. Lipoma at pressing can move slightly and deform.

Over time wen increases in size, and it brings considerable inconvenience aesthetic. Especially unpleasant if it can not hide the body under clothing or camouflage any other way. In such a case treatment. If Wen is in an inconspicuous spot on the body, it is also recommended to be tested. Symptoms that appear in some other skin diseases can be very similar to the symptoms of the appearance of lipomas, so better to be safe.

If wen appeared on the face, the treatment in any case can not be put off. While lipomas are small, they are treated fairly simple. But the removal of large lipomas can decorate your face not very aesthetic scar. Also, do not delay the treatment if the tumor originated in the vicinity of the internal organs.

 non-surgical treatment Wen introduction of a special solution
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How to cure wen

The first thing you need to know - treatment and disposal at home wen categorically unacceptable! Some people try to pierce wen, or squeeze it like a normal pimple. Such manipulation can lead to infection and the spread of tumors throughout the body.

Do not trust yourself and folk medicine. Folk "craftsmen" come up with a lot of techniques, most of which are not only ineffective, but can be harmful to health. For example, the myth that lipomas disappeared after people lose weight. Grueling diet did not protect from this disease! They only weaken the defenses of your body, and it is certainly not benefit and enhance treatment.

Before prescribe treatment, the doctor examines the lipoma. If the formation of small size, it is punctured and the liquid that is inside, is investigated. If the wen has grown, you may be sent to the US to see what accumulated inside the lump.

Standard surgically removed talc is quite simple. The operation lasts about 1-2 hours and complete healing of the operated area - about 2 weeks. Small tumors are removed under local anesthesia, and overgrown - collectively. The doctor must not only remove fatty tissue, but also to pull the capsule lipomas. If this is not done, there is a possibility that after some time on the newly formed tumor site.

In the not very advanced cases of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a medication that does not include the operating surgery. This treatment involves the introduction of a special wen preparation which "resolves" fat. But the disadvantage of this method is that the results can be seen only a couple of months, and the capsule lipoma is not removed and there is a risk of re-emergence of the disease.

Over time, the arsenal of physicians began to appear new non-surgical and non-invasive methods of removing wen. Especially popular are: laser, puncture-aspiration, radio-wave method. The latter method is effective for small entities. Laser as a panacea for all wen. Due to the fact that the laser beam is very thin, it is possible to remove a lipoma on her face, leaving no scars. Rank by laser on the body heals much faster - for 4-5 days. The operation is painless and bloodless, which is important for many people. Another advantage is that the operated patients do not require stitches and hospitalization. After removal by laser wen there is no recurrence.

Do not start your health and time to take action if discovered, even minor symptoms! Early treatment saves you from many unpleasant consequences that may arise due to the indifferent attitude towards their health.

 How to cure subcutaneous talc Body

 causes of HPV in men


  • The types of HPV and their basic properties
  • Ways of human infection with HPV
  • Symptoms of HPV infection in men
  • Diagnosis of HPV infection
  • Treatment of HPV
  • Methods for the prevention of HPV infection

Human papillomavirus (HPV) and its impact on reproductive health is now - one of the most frequently discussed issues. The risk of contracting certain types of the virus to women is well known. And what shall be the consequences of HPV infection for men?

HPV infection is one of the most common among men. Over 90% of adult men and women are infected with some type of HPV, or just a few. The majority of people are unaware of the carriers of the infection and are clinically healthy. HPV is transmitted only from person to person by direct contact. The virus lives and breeds in the epithelium (cells covering tissue) of the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and genitals. A feature of life of human papilloma virus is the stimulation of abnormal cell proliferation of infected tissue. As a result, there are various tumors of the skin and mucous membranes, including malignant.

The types of HPV and their basic properties

Currently, there are more than 120 types of HPV. The virus causes a type of different variants of epithelial damage from harmless warts to cancer development. In connection with this are 3 groups according to the degree of oncogenic papillomaviruses risk of an infected person.

  1. Non-oncogenic types (HPV 1, 2, 3, 5) - never cause cancer. These types of virus or spontaneously eliminated from the body or provokes the development of warts.
  2. HPV low-risk oncogenic (HPV 6, 11, 42, 43, 44) - could trigger a malignant process under certain conditions (very rare). These types of HPV are sexually transmitted and cause genital warts primarily development. HPV 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of anogenital condylomata.
  3. Papillomaviruses high oncogenic risk (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82 types) - often provoke malignancies preferably genitourinary system. In Europe, the most widely used virus types 16 and 18. Currently proved etiologic role in the development of these types of cervical cancer in women, they are detected in 85% of cases. Moreover, carcinoma of the cervix in women without HPV infection does not occur.

 one of the ways of HPV infection may not be protected sex

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Ways of human infection with HPV

HPV Infection occurs only through direct contact with an infected person through the skin and mucous membranes when microdamages. Very common household transmission, as papilloma virus while stored in the particles of desquamated epithelium.

Infection with HPV types that infect the mucous membranes occurs during sexual intercourse. Therefore, these forms of HPV infection are diseases transmitted sexually and are often combined with other similar infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis). The probability of infection by the human papillomavirus high risk increases with the amount of sexual activity and sexual partners.

Infection with HPV newborns during childbirth with the development of laryngeal papillomatosis and anogenital warts in infants.

 drug treatment of HPV
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Symptoms of HPV infection in men

As a rule, men infected even oncogenic HPV types not bear such serious consequences for women.

In most cases, HPV infection goes completely asymptomatic and do not cause any symptoms of disease.

With a healthy immune system, the human papilloma virus often self-eliminated from the body or stored in a latent form.

Infection with non-oncogenic types of the virus in some cases leads to the appearance of papillomas on the skin exposed to friction of clothing (axillary, inguinal region) or flat warts on the skin of the hands. These symptoms are caused by HPV 2, 3, 5 types. Perhaps the emergence of plantar warts or palm, often painful when pressed thickening of the stratum corneum of irregular shape. They cause human papilloma virus type 1. The symptoms are equally common in men and women.

Infection nizkoonkogennymi types of HPV 6 and 11, takes place through sexual contact with an infected person and causes the development of genital warts in the anus and genitals. This disease is the most frequent manifestations of HPV infection in men. Prevalence of it - about 1% of sexually active men, according to the United States. The disease can occur after long (more than 3 months) of the incubation period. The source of infection in most cases can not be established because the virus, many people are in a latent state, and does not cause painful symptoms. Genital warts are skin growths on a narrow stalk, resembling cauliflower or comb usually painless. Located in men the foreskin, coronal sulcus or anus.

Maybe the location of the warts in the channel of the urethra (endouretralnye warts), usually combined with anogenital. Can cause a violation of urination and symptoms of chronic urethritis.

Laryngeal papillomatosis (laryngeal) caused by human papillomavirus types 11, more common in children under 5 years. Usually associated with the infection at birth. But can occur in adults infected through oral-genital contact. The main symptoms of laryngeal papillomatosis - hoarseness, pain and impaired swallowing.

Papillomavirus oncogenic risk in men can lead to the development of penile cancer, anal cancer and throat cancer.

Anogenital cancer in men infected with high-risk HPV, is found in many times less than the carcinoma of the cervix in women. This is due to the anatomical features of the reproductive system. Chance ill anogenital cancer depends on individual susceptibility to HPV, the properties of the immune system and other factors. For example, anal cancer occurs 17 times more frequently in men who have sex with men and HIV-infected. Common and difficult to treat form of genital warts is also more common in HIV-infected men.

Symptoms of anal cancer can be pain, itching, bleeding during bowel movements. Sometimes the symptoms are absent at all. Signs of penile cancer are thickening of the skin, change of color in the form of focus or spot, after the formation of erosion and bleeding, swollen lymph nodes in the groin.

Malignant tumors of the pharynx and larynx can sometimes be associated with certain types of human papillomavirus, but the majority of these types of cancer are associated with smoking, and other factors. Characteristic signs are a constant sore throat, cough, hoarseness or change, swallowing disorder.

 Laser removal of papillomas
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Diagnosis of HPV infection

Currently, there is no laboratory test to detect HPV in men. For screening women informative virus detection and determination of its type using the polymerase chain reaction. When laboratory diagnosis should take into account that more than half of cases, the infection is a short-term nature of the virus and, after a while, spontaneously eliminated from the body. Most men infected with the human papilloma virus, will never have health problems related to HPV.

Genital warts are diagnosed by the characteristic type of visual inspection to identify endouretralnye warts when symptoms have to do cystoscopy.

Since anogenital warts in most cases combined with other infections, sexually transmitted infections, it is advisable to carry out relevant studies.
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Treatment of HPV

There are no treatments for human papillomavirus, but there are ways to treat diseases they cause.

The main treatments for warts and warts are surgery: the removal of a scalpel, removal of liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery), electrocautery, laser coagulation, chemical destruction. After a few weeks or months after the removal of warts can recur in this case will require repeated removal. Surgical removal of genital warts does not reduce the risk of infection with a sexual partner, as the virus persists in the body.

Often surgical techniques combined with the use of antiviral drugs and immunostimulants, but the effectiveness of these methods has not been proven in controlled medical research.

For the treatment of anogenital cancer apply surgical techniques, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Typically, these methods are combined.

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Methods for the prevention of HPV infection

The only readily available means of protection against HPV is a barrier contraception (condoms). The method does not have the high reliability as sources of HPV may be in areas not protected by a condom. However, to reduce the likelihood of infection with HPV and prevent other types of infections, sexually transmitted diseases, the method allows.

In Russia registered two vaccines for the prevention of HPV infection.

The two-component vaccine "Cervarix" prevents infection most common oncogenic HPV types 16 and 18 and prevents at least 85% of cervical cancer cases. The vaccine is recommended for use by girls 10 years old and women to 45 years.

Four-component vaccine "Gardasil" but HPV 16 and 18 types, protects against infection of 6 and 11 types of HPV. Thus, it is, in addition to the prevention of carcinoma of the cervix, preventing 90% of cases and anogenital condylomata pharyngeal and laryngeal papillomatosis. The vaccine "Gardasil" Recommended adolescents 9-17 years, including boys and women 18-45 years. Vaccination is done three times: initial introduction, then after 2 and 6 months.

Vaccines do not affect the already existing papillomavirus infection and its treatment do not apply.

 The human papilloma virus is dangerous for men?
