Types of basal cell carcinoma: from the surface to form scar
Diagnosis of the disease
Methods of treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Preventive measures: how to resist the disease?
Basal cell carcinoma - a cancer of the skin on the face or neck, which is the first spot with a slight pinkish scaly surface, which then develops into nodules, towering above the skin surface. Usually this disease occurs in the elderly and those who often stay in the sun a lot.
The disease is very dangerous, if left untreated or non-compliance with its scheme basal cell carcinoma can develop into large ulcers, affects not only the soft tissue, and cartilage, the bones of the skull. In no case be self-medicate. If you have any skin nodules, you should immediately consult your doctor. Today distinguish four stages of formation in the skin, the treatment depends on the stage of the cancer, the disease.
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Types of basal cell carcinoma: from the surface to form scar
Basal cell carcinoma is divided into several types, among which are distinguished:
nodular form as a small nodule, which initially has a size of 5 mm. Lace translucent, visible blood vessels, the cancer tends to develop peripheral density similar to cartilage, often a fusion of individual foci. Nodular skin cancer often goes into ulcerous-infiltrative. Ulcer healing is not possible, the prognosis of this form is generally poor, urgent treatment is necessary to help get rid of the disease;
surface shape is the formation of plaques in the form, which is covered with crusts, atrophied mosaic. This is the simplest form, it is a benign infiltration of the skin with a basal cell carcinoma is almost always absent;
form scar appearance is the formation of plaques in the form of a pinkish hue with sharp edges. Infiltration pronounced localization on the scalp, nose is unfavorable, as often leads to cartilage damage, bone;
special forms of basal cell carcinoma can be characterized by a variety of external manifestations, there is definitely need to consult a specialist oncologist.
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Diagnosis of the disease
When basal cell carcinoma is necessary to conduct proper diagnosis, which will not only help to identify the disease, but also its phase. The surface of the skin is carefully inspected, as required visual inspection of the mucous membranes, palpation of distant and regional lymph nodes. They often use a magnifying glass to even a small portion of each skin was perfectly visible.
Held histological biopsy specimens - a scraping, smear-imprint biopsy. Method of sampling depends on the appearance, the state of the tumor. To open sores must be removed imprint, pre-clean the surface of the scales and crusts. Scraping is removed with a scalpel, distributing the resulting material on a surface of the slide. A biopsy is performed, if the surface is sufficiently large the tumor is not damaged.
Ultrasonography allows you to determine how deep basal cell carcinoma, its infiltration, the true dimensions. This is carried out to determine the depth of tissue before removal.
Correct and timely diagnosis conducted to determine how much skin cancer has reached. Total distinguish four degrees of basal cell carcinoma:
first step: a slight degree of 2 cm, bounded on all sides the dermis;
the second stage: the formation is greater than 2 cm, grows through the entire thickness of the skin, but does not involve the subcutaneous fat;
The third stage: basal cell carcinoma spreads to all tissues around;
fourth stage: not only affects the soft tissues, skin cancer penetrates the bone and cartilage, are nearby.
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Methods of treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Today skin cancer, which is a type of basal cell carcinoma can be treated in different ways, but you need to start doing it immediately after the first symptoms. In this case, basal cell carcinoma will be liquidated quickly, the skin will be practically no strongly visible traces. In any case, the treatment regimen should always be agreed with the doctor.
Today, there are six ways in which the basal cell carcinoma can be cured:
Radiation. This type of treatment involves conducting irradiation area of the skin with the help of short X-ray beams. This treatment is combined with remote gamma therapy. It is carried out only at the initial stages of the disease.
Laser. This method is now considered the most progressive and effective, because it is absolutely painless, well tolerated by people in their old age. It is used in the initial stages, hardly leaves a trace.
Surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma the most popular and frequently used. During this process the affected tissue excision with a scalpel, often require only local anesthesia. But to use such treatment is possible only with small amounts of basal cell carcinoma, as might otherwise be large and disfiguring scars face.
Medication with drugs. Treat basal cell carcinoma, basal that is, you can and with the help of certain medications used for this anti-tumor, ie cytostatic agents, which reduce the size of the skin lesions. Use these drugs should be only after the prescribing physician and research. In no case can not buy their own!
Cryogenic treatment involves the use of liquid nitrogen, which bazalioma cauterized. This procedure is quick, painless, often performed without anesthesia. In addition, postoperative scars are almost invisible.
Projections after treatment
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma is possible only in a hospital or a doctor's prescription scheme. The prognosis can be very different, it depends on the stage at which the disease had begun treatment itself.
On the first and second stages the prognosis is favorable, complete recovery occurs in about 90% of cases.
In the third and fourth stages of the disease more difficult to treat, require surgery after excision or destruction of tissue scars remain, extensive defects. At these stages, the tumor recurs in half the cases. There may be a destruction of the skull bones, cartilage, which entails the need for more plastic surgery. The prognosis for life in general favorable, but only under the condition if treated basal cell carcinoma begins in time.
Any treatment and surgery may be carried out only after a medical examination, no medicines, creams and ointments can not be used without first consulting with a specialist, home treatment does not exist.
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Preventive measures: how to resist the disease?
For at-risk groups must be met preventive measures that can help prevent the occurrence of basal cell carcinoma on his face. Here are some simple tips that will help to counter this terrible disease:
summer, try not to walk on the street during most of solar activity, from 11.00 to 16.00. If this is not possible, use special creams with UV filters, try as much as possible to close the skin from the sun's rays.
Most often, skin cancer affects the face and neck, so it is recommended more careful to protect these places;
Observe the correct diet, which must necessarily include vegetable proteins instead of animal. The ideal option for this are nuts, beans, you need to eat more vegetables;
do not touch the old scars, do not hurt them. If they are constantly exposed to friction from clothing, then go to the doctor to consult with him;
in the presence of poorly healing wounds and ulcers should begin intensive treatment, because they can develop into basal.
Basal cell carcinoma - a malignant tumor of the skin, which requires immediate treatment and constant supervision by a doctor. It is a skin cancer that can not be harmless, so the presence of specific symptoms should immediately see a doctor, just to comply with all the recommendations and treatment regimens. At home, there is no treatment, all the proposed so-called non-traditional and alternative methods are not effective, they will bring only harm.