Useful properties of carbohydrates, why do we need them?
Balanced nutrition: how and what to eat
The food for the human body is a supplier of energy resources all costs recharged only with its help. Proper nutrition - it is not only the guarantee of health, but also beauty. What kind of food can be correct? Only a balanced where there is the right mix of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and vitamins and minerals useful. Each of these components has a specific function in the metabolism - the complex mechanism of our body. A balanced diet is the presence in the daily human diet 30% protein, 20% fat and 50% carbohydrates.
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The functions of protein: why we need it
Protein - is the most important material for the process of restoration and replacement of old cells with new ones. These processes occur in the human body continuously. Development of this substance in the body is impossible without amino acids, which are rich in plant and animal protein. Carrying out the construction and function of the cells, a protein on the basis of which the various compounds and hormones, together with glucose is an excellent food for the brain. Hair, nails, muscles, internal organs - our whole body working on this material.
The main sources of protein - it is animal and vegetable products, such as cottage cheese, fish, meat and eggs. In the process of digestion and processing of initial body its composition is different from that obtained. The fact that the digestive process cleaves proteins into amino acids, which are used by the body to produce its own protein. The digestibility of vegetable proteins somewhat below the body naturally, compared with animals (85% and 97%). Total proteins are able to synthesize up to 30 kinds of amino acids, and 22 of which are considered essential, since the body itself can not they develop. And the rest of the amino acids, as you know, are interchangeable. Foods high in protein include:
Sturgeon caviar (28, 9 g per 100 g of product);
Beef (28 g per 100 g);
Turkey meat (25, 4 g / 100 g);
Canned "tuna in its own juice" (23, 5 g / 100 g);
Shrimps (21, 8 g per 100 g);
Chicken breast (18 7 g per 100 g);
Trout (17, 5 g per 100 g);
Low fat cottage cheese (16, 5 g per 100 g);
Oat meal (13, 6 g per 100 g);
Chicken eggs (13 g per 100 g);
Buckwheat (12 6 g per 100 g);
Rice cereal (7 g per 100 g);
White canned beans (6, 7 g per 100 g);
Kefir (3 g to 100 g).
Regular consumption of proteins in the food helps to speed up metabolism. If you exclude them from the diet, the processes of growth and development of children will be slowed down, in adults occur multiple changes in the body, including: changes in the structure of the liver, reducing digestibility and useful nutrients, change in hormonal levels, the deterioration of the heart muscle, decreased performance and memory problems.
In addition, the insufficient amount of the substance in the human body decreases the immune system, this occurs at the expense of reducing the production of antibodies also causes beriberi, gives rise to the development of inflammatory processes. On the other hand, an overabundance of protein also does not threaten positive consequences.
Since our body can not store this excess "in reserve", the liver has to work hard and to recycle it into glucose, urea and other compounds for removal from the body. In the derivation of our body's calcium is lost, there is a risk of kidney stones and cancer development.
In order not to overdo it with protein and prevent its deficit, it is important to know the required rate. The average level of protein in the daily diet of an adult should be between 100 to 120 g, in a case where exercise is high enough, it should be increased to 160 g
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The healthy fats: all this stuff
The standard view of fats is very negative, they are considered enemies of the slim figure, but in the right quantities, they are essential for our body and its normal functioning. Fat - is one of the most powerful sources of energy.
Fat deposits protect the body from injuries, damage, prevent loss of heat, and also serve as a major source of food, loss of appetite, or when there is no opportunity to eat. Dietary fats are a combination of esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids (there are two types: saturated and unsaturated).
The fatty saturated acids found in solid fats of animal origin and unsaturated - in seafood and liquid oils. Average fat content in the body - 10-20%, in case of problems with metabolism, this figure rises to 50%. In humans, fats found in cell membranes, membranes of nerve fibers involved in the synthesis of hormones, acids, bile and vitamins. Below is a list of some sources of fats:
Cooked beef (16, 8 g per 100 g);
Boiled lamb (17, 2 g per 100 g);
Fried carp (11, 1 g per 100 g);
Grouper (9, 7 g per 100 g);
Salmon roe (13, 8 g per 100 g);
3 Milk, 2% (3, 2 grams per 100 grams);
Cheese "Dutch" (26, 8 g per 100 g);
Margarine (82 g per 100 g);
Cod liver (65, 7 g per 100 g);
Sunflower halvah (29 7 g per 100 g);
Bitter chocolate (35: 3 g per 100 g);
Mayonnaise (67 g per 100 g);
Butter (82 5 g per 100 g);
Fat yogurt (3, 2 grams per 100 grams).
Eat fat is a must. With it comes the digestion of protein and vitamins (A, B, D and E), normalizes the nervous system, supported by the elasticity and firmness of the skin, provided absorption from the gut of useful minerals. Assimilation animal fats going worse than the plant, but the body's need for both of these species. When balanced meals a day must be an adult to consume 100 to 150 grams of fat, and the ratio of vegetable fat to the animal should be 30-40% 60-70%.
The lack of fat in the body can lead to a deterioration of the skin, disruption of cholesterol metabolism, to the emergence of the risk of developing atherosclerosis, slow growth and development of children, depression of the central nervous and reproductive systems. An overabundance of fats and should be avoided, otherwise there is a threat of destruction of the pancreas, the liver, the development of cancer and gallstone disease. Of excess accumulation of fat is also suffering figure and appears overweight, because this component contains the most calories: 1 g - 9 kcal.
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Useful properties of carbohydrates, why do we need them?
Carbohydrates are a major source of energy and building blocks that make up the organism. In combination with proteins, they form the most important compounds, enzymes and hormones, necessary for proper operation. They can be divided into simple (monosaccharides: glucose, galactose, fructose and disaccharides: maltose, lactose, sucrose) and complex (pectin, cellulose, starch, glycogen), as well as digestible and non-digestible. Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body and entering the blood, saturate it with the necessary materials, in case if there is a need. If no such need, the surplus of carbohydrates (30
processed by the body into fat and is deposited as a reserve.
The active participation of these substances take in the activities of the digestive system, exerting a beneficial effect on the absorption of micronutrients in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and ATP provide about 70% of the energy expenses of the brain.
The sources of complex carbohydrates include pasta, potatoes, various cereals, bread, fruit and vegetables, and to the simple - sugar and all products based on it. The ratio of simple and complex carbohydrates in the daily diet should be 20% to 80%.
Below are the main products-carbohydrate sources.
Peas (13, 3 g per 100 g);
Potatoes (19, 7 g per 100 g);
Boiled corn (22 5 g per 100 g);
Garlic (21, 2 g per 100 g);
Lentil (53 7 g per 100 g);
Bananas (22, 4 g per 100 g);
Grapes (17, 5 g per 100 g);
Fresh rosehips (24 g per 100 g);
Dried aspen (33 g per 100 g);
Pearl barley (73 7 g per 100 g);
Corn grits (75 g per 100 g);
Cashew (22, 5 g per 100 g);
Dates (69, 2 g per 100 g);
Cream crackers (71, 3 g per 100 g).
Full carbohydrate content in food should be at least 400-500 g If their deficiency in the body can occur fatty liver (fat deposition by reducing the reserves of glycogen in it). Disturbed metabolism of proteins and fats, the accumulation of harmful substances in the blood, ketones (together with increased oxidation of proteins and fats can occur coma due to poisoning of tissues of the brain and changes in the acid environment of the body).
If you find the following symptoms: trembling hands, sweating, drowsiness, weakness, hunger, nausea, headaches, dizziness, then it means that you have a very low level of carbohydrates. It can normalize sugar. To avoid this, you understand, you need to eat at least 100 grams of carbohydrates a day. Elevated levels can lead to obesity and insulin increase. This occurs while taking carbohydrate-rich foods, when the elements get into the bloodstream and to neutralize them released insulin to process glucose into fat.
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Balanced nutrition: how and what to eat
As we have seen, no matter how healthy and nutritious elements may be in the food you need to eat them in the right proportions, otherwise you risk not only hurt its appearance, but also health. Learning to eat right is not that at all, below are some tips to help you start a healthy lifestyle.
Breakfast should be nutritious. This is the first food intake for the day, it was he who "put on their feet" and recharge your batteries before your next meal. To do this, perfectly suited complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat pasta, wholemeal bread, porridge any (except semolina), cabbage, kiwi, zucchini, apples and grapefruit.
For lunch, combine protein and carbohydrates. Should definitely be eating meat or fish for lunch, as well as greenery. Reception dinner should be made no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Loading the stomach before going to bed is not necessary. For dinner perfectly suited dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
Try to eat each day at the same time. Recommendations for a particular meal times no one is more convenient to eat 2-3 hours, some eat more often. The main thing in this case - to accustom your body to eat on a schedule.
When you receive a food should not hurry. The faster you'll chew your food, the more you eat. This, perhaps, remembers each of the fair sex, dreaming to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend to chew slowly, prolonging the pleasure. This ensures rapid saturation and, consequently, prevent eating too much.
Drinking water should be regular. According to experts, a day to eat the amount of the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Forced to do it is not necessary, your body will tell you when and how much to drink. It is necessary to give up the sugary drinks that are sold in all stores.
Try to keep your diet varied. It should include foods from all food groups: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Pamper yourself only useful sweets. Confectionery and certainly a lot of fun, but extremely harmful for the figure. Replace them with fruit, dried fruit, candy, dark chocolate, marshmallow and marmalade.
Drinking large amounts of salt increases the risk of hypertension. Refusing salt in any case it is not necessary, dose it properly and replace common salt in the sea or iodized. Take food only need to signal the body. Avoid random snacking friends and colleagues in a cafe, at home in front of TV and computer. There is only the appearance of hunger.
By following these simple and unsophisticated recommendations, you can go to the correct and balanced diet that will saturate the body with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and at the same time and the energy, vitality and good humor.