causes of boils in the nose


  • Causes of boils
  • Treatment of the first symptoms of
  • Useful tips from the experts

Introduced boil in the nose - it is nothing like the acute inflammatory process, which is characterized by the formation of a purulent focus. Called the boil of infection (in this case, Staphylococcus aureus) in the hair follicle of the skin. The reasons that boil jumped on the nose, can be very different, but for the most part it's non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, use of maintenance, dirty water, through which the infection has penetrated into this zone.

Promote the development of boils may diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, since they are observed constant mucus from the nose, and this is the most favorable area for the penetration and development of disease-causing bacteria. Treatment for boils may also be different, it depends on the stage of the disease, its forms, and other conditions.

If you have any signs of abrasions to the nose should consult a doctor, who will appoint an appropriate, proper treatment. Do not get involved in non-traditional methods, especially for children, because it boils at the wrong care can lead to the emergence of sepsis and other complications.
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Causes of boils

In order to rapidly and effectively treat a focus of inflammation in the nose, it is necessary to understand where it appears. The immediate cause that sprang boil is Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus.

Infection of hair follicles is due to the injury, that is, the formation of scratches, cuts, abrasions.

Such inflammation can occur with strong supercooling due to stress. In this case, treatment is required not only on the boil, but also from the source of its origin.

In some cases, furunculosis - is one of comorbidity of diabetes. To cure such focal inflammation, you should take comprehensive measures, although the treatment of such patients is very difficult, poor results.

Often, many people do not pay attention to the seriousness of the disease begin to squeeze the abscess. Amateur Such treatment may cause the infection will penetrate into all tissues, can even hit the brain. In the case where there was a fever, swelling of the lips, cheeks, eyelids, you should consult your doctor immediately for appropriate action.

 consultation with a doctor for the treatment of boils
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Treatment of the first symptoms of

Treatment boils formed inside the nose can be performed by various methods. Everything depends on the general state of health, degree of the disease. Most often prescribed vitamins, antibiotics, ointments. Treatment nose requires special attention, as the venous blood flows from this first in the skull, that is going to the brain. Therefore not recommended to squeeze boils inside the nose until they ripen.

Physiotherapy appointed in all cases, especially its not recommended when near furuncle infiltrates can be observed. In such cases suitable ointment to relieve inflammation and resorption antibiotics.

Most recommend the use of laser therapy that can quickly cure a boil, surgery is done only in the most severe cases, when the boil for a long time can not mature, there is considerable swelling.

Prevention of occurrence of boils inside of the nose include:

  • personal hygiene. All scratches, abrasions, cuts, and so should be immediately processed with the help of alcohol, iodine, chlorhexidine;
  • Do not clean the nose by using dirty cloths, climb dirty hands, be used for this and other matches, it is not suitable as a means of hygiene;
  • In the case where it boils long run, new.

Home treatment

In the treatment of boils at home need not be applied antibiotics, doctors often recommend making inhalation, ointments and teas used by conventional plants.


For inhalation of vapors through the nose, you can use a variety of compounds, among which are:

  • decoction of oak bark (a glass of water 20 g of bark);
  • infusion of St. John's wort (a glass of water 15 g of grass);
  • decoction of willow bark (a glass of water 10 g of bark);
  • infusion of sage (a glass of water 20 g of sage leaves);
  • decoction of the root of violet (a glass of water 10 g of root);
  • infusion of peppermint (a glass of water 10 g of peppermint).

Treat the selected tool abrasions should be as follows: the prepared solution is cooled slightly, poured into a deep container, then it is necessary to tilt your head and cover it with a towel. Couples inhaled for five minutes. One course of treatment is three to four such inhalations.

Local anesthetic ointment

To treat a boil inside of the nose is possible and with the help of local anesthetic ointments, which are also easy to prepare with his own hands. In addition to pain relief, and they may have anti-inflammatory effect, reducing edema, promoting resorption boil. For these ointments can use the following recipe:

  • lemon balm leaves 15 g, 10 g of plantain leaves, parsley 5g petrolatum and lanolin, 50 g of thoroughly mixed. All affected areas are lubricated three to four times per day;
  • teaspoon crushed dried chamomile flowers poured a glass of boiled water. It is used as follows: a cotton swab moistened in the infusion and apply to the affected area in the nose;
  • can be applied and an infusion of plantain leaves, mother and stepmother, peppermint, are in an amount of 10 g pour a glass of water. Tampons soaked in obtaining funds are applied to boils.

To treat a boil at home can not only herbs, but also medicines, prescribed antibiotics. Sometimes you have to go to physiotherapy in a clinic, but this is only necessary when complex forms.

 Treatment boil ointment
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Useful tips from the experts

Treatment boil - it is a very important process that should not be taken lightly or let it slide. If you have consulted a doctor, then exactly follow its recommendations. Experts offer some tips to help you cope with this unpleasant disease.

  1. Do not try to squeeze the boil before it is ripe. The fact that the head and facial whole venous blood initially flows off into the cranial cavity, therefore contagion from boil primarily get to the brain, which may lead to unforeseeable consequences. Wait a couple of days, use the medicines that you recommend a doctor or a lotion of herbs. Pimple boil usually ripens a few days, after which their own breaks.
  2. Home treatment of boils can be different. Most often, the affected area is processed zelenkoj alcohol or, in severe cases may require treatment with antibiotics, physiotherapy techniques. Do not interrupt the scheme, a doctor's prescription, but if you do not come deterioration - in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist which monitors.
  3. If you have started to swell the eyes, nose, cheeks or lips, needed urgent hospitalization. In such a case is assigned to treatment with antibiotics, heparin to thin the blood that is necessary for the prevention of diseases such as thrombosis. Often used procedure of laser irradiation of blood.
  4. When a boil appears on the surface of thick purulent head, it said that defeat is possible to clean up the place. The vial should be gently pierce the sterile instrument completely clean out all the pus. Doing it yourself is not recommended cleaning boil, especially in the nose area, carried out in a hospital setting. Usually this surgery is performed under local anesthesia, a lot of the time it does not take. If you clean the ulcer at home, then you need to thoroughly wash the affected area with alcohol, apply a bandage.

In summary, we note once again that if jumped boil in the nose, you should not immediately begin to squeeze him, you must wait for maturation. In this period it can be treated, which is assigned a doctor, or use herbal infusions for dressing. If the form is not very complicated, it can dissolve the boil before reaching the stage of maturation. If the inflammation can not mature, it causes severe pain, swelling of the face starts, it is best to consult a doctor may need to start taking antibiotics, in severe cases require surgery.

 The nose appeared boil: how to cure?

 cause of the smell from the navel


  • The smell from the navel in children
  • Why is the fluid released from the navel?
  • What if there was a smell from the navel?

Navel - a scar, leave us in the memory of our prenatal development. It is at this place was the umbilical cord through which we have received nutrients. Few caregivers until an unpleasant smell from the navel. And in fact it may indicate the beginning of a wide variety of diseases.

Causes of smell may be different, this unpleasant phenomenon is often accompanied by the release of liquid, irritation, discomfort. Consider why the smell may appear in the umbilical region, not only for adults but also for young children that need to be taken in such a case.
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The smell from the navel in children

Unpleasant odors from the navel may occur not only in adults but also in young children. But if you bathe the baby every day, to observe all rules of hygiene, and "flavor" does not disappear, he's joined by another and isolation, it is necessary to show the baby's doctor to determine the cause, determine the most appropriate treatment.

In infants, such a phenomenon may accompany the healing of the umbilical ring. In this area are often formed crusts, the skin around may be a little reddened. But the reason why there is such an unpleasant odor, and fistulas can be complete and incomplete. Incomplete more common stomach gets wet first, then there are irritation around themselves inside lined with mucous fistulas. In addition, fistulas are from bladder and gall ducts.

In any case, the appearance of mucus and odor from the navel must immediately show the baby's doctor, in many cases, require surgery, self-treated at home by means of traditional medicine is not!

One type of fistula in the healing of the umbilical ring is intestinal. At this time, the umbilical cord had not, as part of the bowel wall becomes dead (ligated site). Fistula is formed, from which comes pretty fetid odor. If you do not start the appropriate treatment, such disease can become chronic, and it will negatively affect the well-being of the baby.

The most unpleasant and very dangerous disease that provokes such unpleasant-smelling discharge from the umbilical area is omphalitis. Cause an inflammation of the bottom of the navel Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Today, there are three types of the disease: a simple abscess, necrotizing.

Omphalitis symptoms are:

  • yellowish discharge from the navel;
  • redness of the ring;
  • unpleasant characteristic odor;
  • crusts covering the umbilical region;
  • the temperature of the baby, reaching 37, 5-38 degrees.

To treat this disease is necessary only in a hospital, the navel is constantly washed from pus. In severe cases, surgery is acceptable, but this time begun treatment is rare.

To mishap not occurred, it is necessary to observe a few simple rules for the care of infants:

  • the child must be approached from a purely clean hands;
  • first three weeks of diapers and clothes iron on both sides;
  • change of underwear is made every day;
  • after bathing the wound near the navel is treated each time as follows: first, crusts removed from the 3-percent hydrogen peroxide solution, and then the place is dried, it is applied a drop of 5 percent potassium permanganate or other antiseptic.

 the cause of the smell from the navel piercing can serve piercing

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Why is the fluid released from the navel?

Fetid aroma of the navel may be accompanied by various secretions, most often it is a liquid. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Garbage. When injected into the stomach of dust particles of clothing, sand and other foreign objects (especially in deep navel) starts tissue irritation, and is a direct way to the development of infection. First, there is an itch, then discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  2. Inflammation. When an inflammation of tissue around the navel begins to accumulate pus, which is due to hit the anaerobic bacteria. Often such break festering, pus begins with a very unpleasant odor.
  3. Cyst of the bladder can also be one of the causes of emissions. First, abdominal pain are observed, then the body temperature rises. A cyst inside generates bursts, resulting from the navel begins to stand the smell oozing liquid.
  4. Candidiasis. Often women is candidiasis, or thrush, is becoming the reason why the navel of the unpleasant odor released. In the navel begins to develop the fungus Candida, with him out of the cheesy discharge. Very often it is susceptible to such disease in immunocompromised people, who can not suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, it is recommended to start immediate treatment.
  5. Abnormal development of the urinary flow. Urachus is a tube that connects the stomach and the top of the bladder between the transverse fascia and peritoneum of the abdomen. In some cases, it is possible that urine flow will not close the pipe after birth, and this is the reason why from the navel of mucus, there is incontinence, odor, begins to form a cyst. This requires surgery to correct this defect.
  6. The emergence of fungal infections can cause malodorous discharge, often accompanied by severe itching, burning sensation.
  7. Sepsis. Modern fashion can be one of the reasons for this phenomenon. Improperly made piercing causes inflammation, bleeding from the navel, sepsis. In the case where the navel begins to ooze from the stationery liquid and smell putrid, should immediately seek medical advice and prescription of treatment!

 Care navel avoid getting infections

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What if there was a smell from the navel?

So you need to take when beginning to trickle from the navel of a liquid and an unpleasant smell, but the reasons for this are not clear? We offer instructions on proper care of the navel:

  • Be sure to observe the rules of hygiene, wash at least once a day with mild soap. After the shower, wipe with a soft cloth navel, there should not be water;
  • deep navel should be cleaned once or twice a week with a cotton swab moistened with disinfectant. To do this, apply chlorhexidine or miramistin, the odor well help fukortsin, hydrogen peroxide;
  • check the navel, whether it mud plugs. Especially often it happens in obese people who have a deep navel. It accumulates dirt, skin cells, lint from clothing - all rolled into a very tight roll, which can cause inflammation;
  • if you comply with the rules for the care of the navel, but the isolation and smell are, make sure you consult your doctor. The reason why this happens can be diseases such as umbilical fistula, cyst urahusa, omphalitis, fungal diseases and so on. In any case, need to consult a dermatologist or a surgeon, which will appoint proper and effective treatment.

The stench from the navel - this is not such a rare phenomenon, as it may seem. Usually, even when it is, few people think about the reasons for this. But even if you follow all rules of hygiene, and the smell still remains, he's joined by isolation, it is necessary to address urgently to the hospital. This is especially true of young children who have an unpleasant odor accompanies omphalitis that requires urgent action. So if you find that the smell is not lost, there is a liquid, itching, pain, do not self-medicate, see your doctor to determine the cause and treatment.

 Why there is an unpleasant smell in the navel?
