Want to find your dream job? Or at least just a little bit your preferred position? Then your head is probably clogged with thoughts of how to successfully pass an interview, because without this important event you can not see the work as their ears. There are many nuances that are very important for the successful completion of the job search, and we'll tell you about them.
Mental attitude
It's no secret that the right mental attitude is necessary for you to have gone through all the tests with dignity. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to instill itself, even after reading ten articles on how to successfully pass an interview. And sometimes it is even a hindrance, especially if you handled yourself horror stories about the interview.
For example, there is one error that interview with you will be sure to spend some "green" a layman - a young girl or a young man without much life experience, the issues which will be ridiculous and offensive to you. But even if your first meeting about the work actually take place with a recruiter, it does not mean the collapse of all hopes. Specialist recruitment must possess very specific knowledge in the field of psychology, professiografii, psycho-diagnostics, and many others, and it is from this (instead of age!) Depends on the quality of his work. So do not with contempt and disdain for such meetings. And if you're so set up your girlfriend, think about it: maybe they still are out of work due to such negative attitudes?
Another popular myth regarding the interview - is the idea that the recruiter only dreams of you to "fill up." This is not true! Quite the contrary - he is interested in as quickly as possible closure of the vacancy. But if a worker whom he approves, will be unqualified, he will fall on his head the wrath of their superiors, which anyone would like to avoid. That is why so carefully recruiter will check the information you provide about yourself - Take him and help him in this!
Many job seekers believe that the interviewer and the candidate for the position should have approximately the same social, material and business status, otherwise the score will be somewhat biased. However, a qualified specialist during the procedure of selection of abstracts from their own life situation and is guided by a professionally significant information: the requirements to the employee, working conditions, qualifications of the applicant, etc. ...
The key to proper mental attitude is to win over their own fears. Indeed, the man who recently left the usual workplace or even student's desk, it is not easy to give confidence and calm behavior, although they provide a successful job interview. Constituents have this fear of weight: the fear of not getting a job, fear of ridicule, the reluctance to do something wrong. But do not despair - there are a number of psychological techniques that will help you tune in:
Visualization of charts - a great way to cope with excessive anxiety and fear
Our mind is not very well able to distinguish fantasy from reality, so if you imagine your interview in detail and with a successful outcome, it will significantly increase your chances of success. Complement the image of pleasant sensations: imagine some joyful event - for example, a meeting with friends - and transferred from there to a meeting with the employer.
Come up with a suitable metaphor for a successful interview
For example, for you it can be like a test, playing "catch-up" self-presentation or a game of chess. The main thing - to such a comparison makes you positive associations that you were successful in your chosen field of activity.
Many fears arise in us because of the fact that we are exaggerating the effect of adverse effects. Therefore, firstly, make a list of all kinds of negative phenomena and see at what point is the failure of the interview. Agree, there are a lot of things much worse! Second, the detailed explanation of what the worst could happen if you do not get a job? That's right, you just find a different, and most likely, it will be due to the fact that the first does not suit you.
Relaxation techniques
If anxiety is not going anywhere, it is time for you to apply techniques such as autogenous training. This is done as follows: in a quiet environment include meditation music, take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down can be), relax and repeat specific formula, such as "I am calm" or "I will succeed." More information can be found in the relevant literature. Relaxation techniques are particularly effective in their regular use.
The result of this kind of work on oneself must become self-confidence and success. That it will allow you to make an excellent impression on the interviewer, which, as is known, can more than offset any possible gaps in your education and qualifications. Of course, to get rid of fear and anxiety is difficult, but they should not bother you! Do not forget to tune in to the interview calm and looseness - and certainly the position will be yours.
Information training
It's no secret that information in the twenty-first century - a weapon of mass destruction. Why would you not use it? Do not worry, no injuries - you just gently and quietly "ocharuete" interviewer his enlightenment. All you need to do - to gather information on the following areas:
The data about the company and its fields of activity;
Data on the structural unit to which the vacancy belongs;
Data on positions and duties;
Data on the CEO;
Data on the interview;
Has information about the organization and its fields of activity is necessary, otherwise you will be hard to understand what the interviewer will talk to your meeting. Various nuances are important: how long the company has been working in the market, and that it produces or sells, what is its purpose and mission, and much more. All these issues are best as possible to specify in the public domain, such as the Internet.
It is also advisable to find out the details of the department in which you may be working. What are the functions of this department, who his boss as it assesses the effectiveness of the work - agree, it is useful to know about this before employment. Rather, these details are important to you, because you certainly do not want that future work was the "pig in a poke."
The same applies to the post: to decide whether you want to work in the organization or not, you need to have the most complete information about the potential job. It is possible that your future boss and you have a few different ideas about what should be engaged in management. For example, you believe in your duties will include search of clients and contracts with them, and, according to a possible head, this also add search providers, negotiations, the decision of various problems and something else. Agree, do not want to know about it after the job?
Director General - a key figure in the whole company. It depend on it company policy, organizational culture, working conditions, and the efficiency of the whole. It is therefore very useful to know, under whom you work. If it is a large company and the public persona, then try to find information in the media, and if small, then social networks, common acquaintances and employees of the organization can provide you with great service.
In many ways, our anxiety arises from the uncertainty of the situation of the interview. You do not imagine that you expect, so worried. What might be a way out of this situation? That's right, you can paint himself as a more detailed picture of a successful interview. This is possible only if you have complete information about how and what will happen, so read carefully the following paragraphs.
Try to come to an interview a bit in advance - it is better for ten to fifteen minutes - because the delay in this situation is simply unacceptable. If you still encounter any force majeure, be sure to call and tell the interviewer. At the entrance to the office do not forget to say hello to all wait in the waiting room if need be. Turn off your mobile phone before the meeting - nothing should distract you. Upon entering the room, say hello and smile - the effect of the first impression has not been canceled. Sit on a chair facing the other person, or if necessary, a little move and expand it. Posture is better to choose low-key, but not clamped.
Listen carefully to all the questions the interviewer asks you, do not interrupt and quietly respond to them. Asks if something suddenly became clear. Most likely, you will be asked to tell about themselves - in this case, you should get your professional merits, without duplicating what is in the resume. Toward the end of the interview you will be sure to provide an opportunity to ask their own questions - you can use it to specify all the details remain unclear. After the meeting, Speak connectivity options with a potential employer, thank the interviewer and friendly goodbye.
A quality level for the appropriate qualification
Surely you and you know that you need to look for a job corresponding to their experience, education and orientation. So the first thing is to say even before the interview - it is not necessary to consider jobs that do not fit you in the level or function: either you wasting your time on a meeting with a recruiter or, perhaps, get a job, but soon realize that no deal, or you get tired of it. Although there are exceptions - in cases when you want to radically change the direction of professional activity.
The availability of suitable qualifications for little cherished position - should this level also demonstrate. Of course, you can talk about what you are wonderful, intelligent and talented employee, but the interviewer should also see it. So, what should be in an ideal self-presentation?
Grammatically correct speech
Needless to say how important the knowledge of grammatical, lexical and stylistic foundations of the Russian language, especially for a person who is tried in positions related to communication. If your speech is replete with errors, nothing good from the interviews do not wait.
Stress resistance
Quality number one, according to employers. Every day, the modern worker happens to so many surprises that he must be able to deal with them. If you do not know how - the result of suffering, which is not good. So when the interviewer starts to provoke you into a nervous behavior, stay calm, because it is now estimated as resistance to stress.
Self confidence
Nobody wants an alarming and a dependent worker. It is believed that a confident person can bring to the end started, it is easier to overcome difficulties. The employer reads it according to your posture, gestures, facial expressions and gait, so you should remember how you behave in a confident and able to demonstrate this during the interview.
The interest and enthusiasm
Oh-oh-oh, how many words written about how important it is to show the right motivation. It is believed that it is able to compensate for any faults in the other parameters. So do not hesitate to ask questions, to talk about what is interesting to you, because this way you give the employer to understand that you do not care.
The ability to accept criticism
Agree, this is a useful quality for a potential employee. You can not have those who never makes a mistake, and that is why it is so important to be able to learn from their mistakes and receive feedback. So if suddenly the employer will make you remark, quietly listen to him, give thanks and make the right conclusions.
High levels of thinking
Naturally, any employer seeks to rid himself of the stupid workers. Try not to "slow down" during the interview: concentrate, picks up items, analyze incoming data and generate interesting ideas.
Business look
Of course, the first impression formed about you, depending on how you look. Surely there is no need to explain that a job interview is to dress in formal business style. This does not mean that you should not be feminine - it just needs to be emphasized femininity official, not sexual details.
For the meeting with the employer to select high-quality pants or skirt suits, which sits well on you and highlights your dignity. You should feel confident in it. A good alternative would be similar as well as a pencil skirt around knee length (varying it depending on the type of figure). Colors should choose conservative and muted: black, dark gray, beige, dark blue, and others. If it is cold outside, put on top of the classic trench coat or.
Shoes preferably neat, without excessive decoration, heels and covered - regardless of the time of year. Tights are required, and in the winter you can wear thick black tights - they emphasize the length of your feet. The bag should be medium in size and classical forms: briefcase, suitcase, tablet - probably something strict and rectangular A4, which contain all the necessary items and documents. Complete the resulting outfit stylish accessories - neck scarf, earrings, ring and watch, but do not overdo it: sometimes funny, when the position of mid-level claiming lady, dressed to the nines. Complete the resulting image of the touch of your favorite fragrance - and you're ready to achievements.
In just one hour the employer should see your dignity and to understand why he has to take it for you. Therefore, your task - to find a balance in which you treat the interview as an important event and, at the same time, do not concern yourself izvedet. It is necessary to feel the interviewer and follow him in the communication process. No one can guarantee you of certain conditions or progress interviews, so the most important quality - it's flexibility. With it, you'll always be ready for anything. And then the work will be completely yours!