Many are familiar with the disorder as boil in the ear. It's quite unpleasant, painful purulent inflammation of hair follicles, which may be accompanied by fever. The hardest thing is the disease occurs in young children who are at an early stage when it can be prevented, can not even explain what they are concerned about.
Treat boils can be very different means, in rare cases, it requires hospitalization, but mostly they are about a week, provided that proper care. The symptoms in the early stages may be different, but most often it is pain, burning, stinging, redness, slight. Curing time may be different, but if you correctly and in time to begin to treat the boil may simply disappear before reaching maturation.
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Causes of boils
Correctly boil cure is very important, especially for kids, but we need to know why it appears. There can be several, but the most important is the failure to comply with hygiene. The child should be accustomed from the beginning that we must always wash your hands, dirty handles can not get into the mouth, nose, ears, comb wounds and scratches. Doing this will begin with quite a young age, the child then to automatically start itself hygiene.
You may receive a boil and from mechanical damage, ie scratching various objects are often dirty. The resulting mikrotsarapinku gets staph begins abscess that needs to be cured.
Sometimes the cause of the inflammation is due to colds, if the child is blown in freezing, wet weather.
The symptoms of boils in the ear
The first signs which indicate that it is necessary to begin treatment on the boil are burning, swelling, redness, tingling and flushing of the skin. Symptoms may include arching headaches, piercing pain in the ear, irritability. In children, these symptoms are particularly hard: naughty kid can refuse to eat, constantly pulls to the sore spot.
Stages of development of the disease include:
development of infiltration takes 1-2 days. This is the initial stage in which you can prevent the maturation of an abscess with the help of vodka warming compresses;
abscess, necrosis occur in the third or fourth day. At this time, the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor, do not try to squeeze out the pus yourself;
the overall recovery phase can take up to 10 days.
Course of disease is as follows:
on the location of the boil first appears redness, itching;
inflammation is localized, it becomes thick, has a purple-bluish color;
on day 3 is formed necrotic core with the top of the bubble;
the last stage of the boil matures, purulent rod torn away when the bubble bursts.
What you can not do in any case
Attention! When boils are often used "home" treatments that absolutely can not do! Boils prohibited from using douches, in the ear should not be exposed to water in any way. That is, shampooing, bathing should be delayed until the boil will take place completely.
We can not allow scratching to pus came out. As long as the boil is ripe, push it in any case is not recommended!
Improper treatment can result in the formation of carbuncle, sepsis, thrombosis. Therefore, in order to quickly cure the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Carbuncles are enormous, reaching saucer tissue damage subcutaneous tissue, they are difficult to heal and leave scars, in rare cases, fatal consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to treat boils take very seriously!
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Methods of treatment of boils
Boil treatment can be performed in a hospital or at home - it all depends on the severity of the disease. The most frequently prescribed drugs such as erythromycin, tetracycline, and other rulid. If the form is very neglected, it is necessary to hold a series of injections with an antibiotic.
In some cases, it recommended autohaemotherapy, ie intramuscular injection of their own blood, which must be repeated every 48 hours.
This treatment is very effective, you can combine it with antibiotics.
At the initial stage it is recommended to use vodka compresses, UHF, ultraviolet irradiation. If the boil was discovered, that is used to remove pus narrow special swabs soaked pulling ointments. In the last step, you can treat the affected area washes using boric Vaseline, it allows you to relieve itching.
Furuncle ear usually easily cured in a week at home, but large dolgosozrevayuschie boils best removed surgically. It happens that if you start early treatment at the initial stage, the boil just dissolves, without reaching the stage of already aging.
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Treatment in hospital
If you find a child in the eye of the boil, then do not try to get rid of an abscess yourself, especially if the skin around the highly inflamed and very affected area gives the baby a lot of pain.
Usually offered admission in the presence of large boils, thus it is necessary to make warming compresses, rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, bandages with Dimexidum, Vishnevsky ointment, levomikol. Surgical procedures, even in the hospital is rarely used, but there are times when to do it is necessary.
If the temperature is increased, the prescribers to reduce it, such treatment is often combined with taking vitamins, immunostimulants.
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Home treatment of boils in the ear
To treat a boil can be a variety of ways, including people who are quite effective. In most cases the treatment is carried out at home, in the early stages you can do ordinary tincture of iodine. If the ear is observed only itching, tingling, mild irritation, then boil occurrences can be avoided. But this is not always possible, as a small child can not clearly explain what it is that he is concerned, he is usually the ear begins to hurt when the boil is already clearly visible.
First, it is recommended to do if there was a boil in the ears - is to use the heat. This will accelerate the maturation of boils, its localization. To do this, patients have to lie on the ear warmer, which is filled with warm water, a heating pad itself previously wrap a towel. Also, for these purposes you can use a reflector Minin, that is well known to many "blue lamp", which is different antiviral, antibacterial properties.
But applying such a treatment must be careful, because often warming can lead to sepsis, which means that Staphylococcus aureus gets into the blood. The day is enough just 13-15 minutes to warm ear. Before maturation can not open the boil, as well as put pressure on its top, remove the bubble. This "treatment" can only lead to the spread of infection, especially in children. Inflammation begins to move to adjacent tissue, which will only worsen the situation.
To treat a boil in the ear, especially in young children, should be very careful, as the head circulation is very intensive and any infection that gets into the blood, can cause complications, life-threatening.
At home, you can carry out this treatment:
Use a solution of borax (sodium tetraborate that is) used in unshaped furuncle. Tablespoon of the drug is dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water, then soaked in the resulting solution swabs are applied to the affected area, they must be replaced as drying;
You can treat a boil at home and with the help of calendula, which tablespoon chopped herbs, it is added to 30 g of petroleum jelly, all mixed thoroughly. Ear boil the resulting lubricated with ointment several times a day.
As effective drugs can be used, and baked garlic and honey and dandelion flowers, but before starting any treatment, you should still consult your doctor, especially if the affected area greatly inflamed.
Cure the boil is not as difficult as it may seem. You can not manually delete it, since it is purulent-inflammatory disease can easily give complications. Sometimes it requires treatment in a hospital, but for the most part, if you have time in the initial stages, boils perfectly treatable and at home.
The main symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis
Treatment of the disease
Hemorrhagic cystitis - a serious widespread disease of the genitourinary system, in which the bladder mucosa inflamed, as observed in the urine mixed with blood.
This phenomenon is periodic, blood in the urine that appears and disappears. The symptoms are the result of the fact that under the influence of harmful bacteria mucous membrane begins to break down.
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The most common underlying causes of hemorrhagic cystitis include:
viral infection;
undergoing chemotherapy, especially in combination with chemical exposure;
frequent suppression of urine, which is why the bladder is full, and its walls are stretched, so is a violation of blood circulation;
mechanical obstacles to the emptying of the bladder, such as the presence of tumors and narrow the urethra;
foreign body in the lumen of the bladder;
ingress of harmful bacteria to the bladder as a result of poor personal hygiene;
a weakened immune system;
diabetes mellitus;
thyroid disease.
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The main symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis
The main feature of the disease - a frequent urination (sometimes even every 15 minutes), followed by sharp pains. Acute hemorrhagic cystitis is characterized by high fever, chills and malaise. These symptoms may disappear within a week. But if left untreated, the hemorrhagic cystitis can take a chronic form. In the chronic form, each subsequent worsening of the disease will be less severe symptoms, but blood in the urine will always be present. The walls of the bladder will be overgrown by connective tissue, and its functioning will worsen.
Thus, the following main symptoms:
fever early in the disease;
chills, malaise, fever;
discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
frequent and painful urination;
the presence of blood in the urine;
the presence of leukocytes in urine;
urinary retention resulting in thrombosis urethra.
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Treatment of the disease
The attack of hemorrhagic cystitis can result from hypothermia, and most people do not pay enough attention to the first symptoms, believing that the body will cope on their own. Usually on the second day already appear spotting. Treat the disease it is necessary, as otherwise it may lead to kidney infection.
Treatment of hemorrhagic cystitis should be started as soon as the first symptoms appear, the disease did not have time to go into a severe form. The most common disease diagnosed by ultrasound and X-ray studies, cystoscopy, urine and blood. Treatment should only be a doctor. Usually, if the cystitis does not flow in severe, putting the patient in the hospital is required. However, compliance with bed rest and diet required. From the diet should exclude alcoholic beverages, spicy, sour, spicy, etc. Each case is individual diseases. The attending physician will likely prescribe drugs microclysters warm bath. If being treated permanently, in the course of treatment entered treatment of bladder irrigation water or special solutions.
For all these reasons, the patient must:
adhere to bed rest;
diet, namely, to eliminate from the diet of sour, smoked, spicy foods and increase your intake of fluids;
to take the prescribed medication;
take medications, strengthens blood vessels.
After recovering hemorrhagic cystitis must adhere to the basic rules of prevention of the disease to prevent any recurrence. Observe personal hygiene rules, avoid hypothermia and to prevent inflammatory diseases.
It should always remember that prevention and early treatment - is the best way to avoid complications.