Massage in osteochondrosis


  • What is low back pain?
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis
  • Folk remedies against osteoarthritis

Osteochondrosis is a dysfunction of the spine, which is accompanied by painful sensations. In most cases, it affects the female population. The main spine, which carried out the impact, is the neck. There are many ways to help reduce pain and eliminate the disease. Enough effective massage of the neck with osteochondrosis. But it must be carried out correctly, respecting basic rules.
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What is low back pain?

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are periodic feeling of heaviness in the back, muscle fatigue, numbness, or a sharp nagging pain in the lumbar region, pain during a show of hands, while turning the head, the occurrence of vertigo, tinnitus, nausea and others. When multiple signs advisable to consult a specialist and after the examination to begin effective treatment. Otherwise, there comes a deterioration running stage is accompanied by stiffness in his movements. The earlier treatment starts, the greater the likelihood of full recovery and elimination of unpleasant symptoms.

What are the causes of the disease? First of all, it is a hereditary factor. Of course, this does not mean that the presence of degenerative disc disease in the parents of the child necessarily occur illness. But significantly increases the risk that due to the rather fragile structure of the intervertebral cartilage.

The second factor is considered to be frequent illness back. These include different curvature (eg, kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis). Their presence and weak back muscles significantly increase the load on the spine. Moreover the load is distributed unevenly, leading to defects in the cartilage.

The third reason is monotonous and hard work. Excessive load on the spine leads to osteoarthritis. When sedentary work and sedentary (office worker, chef at the company, working on the machine, etc.) are subject to diseases of the back and neck.

Another risk factor is metabolic disorders and injuries. The disease can appear in the background of weakened immunity, against the background of beriberi. But excessive intake of human vitamins and nutrients severely interfere with the state of the vertebrate cartilage.

 treatment of osteochondrosis
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Treatment of osteochondrosis

Suffice it to effectively carry out physiotherapy under the strict supervision of a specialist. Of course, help and pharmaceuticals in the form of ointments, which are applied to the neck or other areas of the spine. To select a suitable means necessary to establish the form and severity of the disease.

It is advisable to carry out a course of massage and manual therapy. Manualnomu effect on biologically active points allows you to push the vertebrae, as they shift leads to a pinched nerve and the appearance of symptoms. Massage can improve the patient's condition and treatment to fix the result. It not only strengthens the ligaments of the back, but also allows for enhanced blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the tissues and organs. Stronger binder capable of holding the vertebrae at a high level, keeping the distance between them. Massage is not only at the back and the neck.

Classic massage technique is performed in sitting or lying position of the patient. You must first rubbing movement warm collar zone, after which the motion becomes more intense. Due to this, the stress relieving muscle tissue, which reduces the pain. Further, it is advisable to turn the patient on his back and continue to massage the neck, from the hairy head area.

When the pain in the shoulder and hand massaging is necessary to continue and those areas of the body that would achieve a better result. For the first session is sufficient only 5-7 minutes, gradually increasing the time of exposure to the affected region. The course is at least 7 times and to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment is necessary to supplement a balanced diet, for strengthening cartilage requires a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. To further prevent the disease is not active life, you must choose the mattresses and pillows, to monitor the position of the body during work and leisure. Incorrect posture in the chair can significantly increase the risk of pain and disorders.

 the right massage for pain in the spine
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Folk remedies against osteoarthritis

Honey-potato poultice. To prepare the required grated on a fine grater raw potatoes and the same amount of honey. The resulting formulation is applied as a compress to the area of ​​the spine. The appearance of the lung burning - it's a sign that the remedy affects the body, in this case, you must remove the wrap.

Wax. Melt the wax until pasty consistency, and then impose a cake to the affected areas, the top should be covered with plastic wrap and a warm towel.

Onion poultice. Onion, grated, should be placed in the interscapular region, and the top cover of the compressor paper. To improve the effect will require a warm blanket or towel. Compress Leave for 1-2 hours, after which the residues bow rinse with warm water. Repeat several times a week to complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Tincture. Take half cup of radish juice, add a cup of liquid honey, half a cup of vodka and a tablespoon of salt. The resulting solution is used for rubbing the affected areas before bedtime. Means perfectly warms vertebrae and leads to a gradual improvement.

Thus, to prevent back pain from an early age it is advisable to monitor your posture, to exclude excessive load on the spine, do regular exercises. Healthy lifestyle significantly reduces the risk of unpleasant symptoms and pain of the musculoskeletal system.

 How to cure low back pain?

 drug allergy


  • Total of drug allergy
  • Is it dangerous aspirin
  • Antibiotics: Be careful!
  • Drug allergies and its symptoms
  • What could cause a drug allergy
  • How to prevent drug allergy
  • How to identify what you have drug allergies?
  • How to differentiate yourself from this false allergies?
  • How to treat drug allergy
  • What is a danger of allergic reactions
  • Types of drug allergy
  • Rules preventing allergies to medicines

Under the drug allergy is commonly understood as an allergic reaction to any medication. It is necessary to distinguish between normal allergy medication (side effects) and symptoms of apparent drug overdose, with no allergic reactions accomplished nothing. In this case, very difficult to prescribe treatment without identifying the specific cause.
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Total of drug allergy

A large number of people, noting the negative reaction to the medicine, immediately think that it is an allergy that fundamentally can not be true. Since the basis of allergy to the drug in children and adults should be based on a lack of tolerance mechanisms of the drug, which is quite rare. By the way, so the treatment should be given only a doctor.

Drug allergies can appear only after repeated dosing, when he can already feel that our body is good enough it carries. Drug allergies may occur in relation to different drugs, for example, has long been a friend to us complex vitamins, aspirin or antibiotics penicillin group. In this case it is necessary to treat the disease by other means.
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Is it dangerous aspirin

People who prefer home treatment, often from headaches drink only aspirin. He is considered an important and popular medicine, but many causes intolerance, which is not a true allergic reaction. Salicylic acid, during its action on cells, may cause so-called pseudoallergic reaction.

You need to know that a simple aspirin can cause severe asthma attack, which is why asthmatics should not take medications containing salicylic acid in any form. Treatment is carried out by other drugs.

 allergies to medicines
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Antibiotics: Be careful!

According to statistics, the reaction to penicillin experiences about 5% of patients receiving antibiotics with its contents. In this case, enough common symptoms are hives, eczema manifestation, and angioedema. But this is only a small list of what can result, even the most innocent treatment of colds.

We must be very careful to receive this drug as 1/10 of allergic reactions - a direct threat to the life of the patient. In the analysis of acute reactions to penicillin drugs were identified 70% of deaths from anaphylaxis, none of the patients never suffered this form of allergic reaction. One of the most dangerous methods of administration - injection. Check reactions to penicillin are usually performed by skin tests. Only after you make sure that there are no allergies, treatment can begin.

What drugs are penicillin series

In any case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision and control of the doctor. He can say what medications should be taken only after the test. The medicines included in the penicillin series include drugs such as amoxicillin, ampicillin, flucloxacillin, cloxacillin. It is important to know that these drugs can be worn by different names, such as amoksin, Augmentin, Timentin, magnapen.

In the case of the response to at least one of the drugs is present the risk that the allergy may manifest itself and all the other drugs of this series. But do not despair too soon, as to such consequences result, not all antibiotics. Therefore, your doctor will certainly pick up a replacement, as patients with allergic reactions to penicillin may be quite a number of identical experience symptoms during treatment with cephalosporins.
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Drug allergies and its symptoms

In most cases, drug allergy, manifested as urticaria and angioedema, in addition, may cause anaphylactic shock. Intensity of allergy can range from small displays, for example, in the form of hives on the hands to the rapid fall in blood pressure that occurs during anaphylactic shock. If you receive one of the symptoms, treatment is stopped for a while.
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What could cause a drug allergy

Any treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences, including death. Can cause allergies, any medications, but among them, in addition to antibiotics and aspirin, are the following:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • X-ray contrast agent;
  • anesthetics;
  • vaccines;
  • ACE inhibitors.

 drug allergy treatment

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How to prevent drug allergy

The first step is to avoid taking those drugs that cause allergic reactions. Data on the preparations for which you are allergic, you must write a special notebook, the so-called "passport allergy."

Your doctor should always be available to provide information about the food and drug allergies, even when you think that some unimportant drugs are not particularly relevant to the drugs that cause your allergies.
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How to identify what you have drug allergies?

In order to understand how it manifests allergy to drugs, it is necessary to study the mechanism of occurrence of this unpleasant disease. Allergies in fact - is a specific immune response to the drug that he did not inspire confidence.

So, you have started treatment of a disease. During the first contact with the drug immune system can not respond. In most cases, the manifestation of an allergy can cause periodic or re-administration of drugs stimuli. The immune system begins to memorize them, recognize and during each reception to warn of the threat rather unpleasant symptoms. This is such an interesting and unusual alarm lives within every human being.

Drug allergies you or your loved ones? Better to see it. In case if you notice similar symptoms, do not rush and self diagnosis. Allergies to medications - a very insidious and rare. Very often the malaise of drugs - only side effect, which is always stated in the instructions to the drug.

To cope with it easily enough, you just have to stop taking the drug. It can be as simple pseudoallergic reaction that many symptoms are very similar to the drug allergies, but without a specific immune response. But, as in the case of this allergy and pseudoallergy requires immediate medical intervention. Put a final diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment can only be qualified allergist.
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How to differentiate yourself from this false allergies?

It is quite possible, but on the condition that you carefully can remember some of the details, in which the disease is manifested. Here are some useful tips that will help you with this:

  • pseudoallergy occurs after the first drug administration, while never a real allergy. It is always preceded by introduction of an organism with a drug;
  • manifesting itself only once, as a reaction to certain medications, this allergy will manifest itself even during the reception of similar composition unique. Thus false allergy can manifest itself on different drugs;
  • true allergic reactions are very rare, and sooner than 7 days after starting the drug, but a false allergy manifests several hours to 2 days.

The correct answer to what happens to you, can give only an immunological test. And until the results of the treatment is better to stop such drugs.

 drug allergy causes
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How to treat drug allergy

As usual we treat allergies? In most cases, the manifestation of drug allergy just canceled a drug that caused an allergic reaction, and appointed antihistamines (allergy) funds. When it comes to the distinct forms of allergy, the treatment can be used steroids, and even adrenaline.
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What is a danger of allergic reactions

Drug allergies - a problem rather urgent for doctors. Since the physician is solely responsible for the case, the appointment of a therapeutic drug, wherein the foreseen occurrence of allergic reactions in humans to cure sometimes just not possible. Very often patients take their own medicines regularly advertised on television, which are released in retail networks without a prescription. These are the drugs just represent the most serious threat.

The reactions and complications during treatment drugs

  • Toxic which occur at higher recommended dose of drugs. Toxic reactions in most cases occur in patients with chronic kidney and liver as well as the excess of the dose in these cases is due to insufficient drug rapid elimination from the body.
  • Side effects - abdominal pain, headache and others. Read their list, you can see the side effects of the drug in the instructions for its use. Example - a constant state of drowsiness after taking allergy medications.
  • Secondary effects - fungal infection of the mucous, intestinal microflora imbalance and more.
  • The reaction of the cancellation, which appears after the termination of long-term treatment some medicines.
  • Allergic reactions.

Types of allergic reactions to drugs, depending on the duration of their symptoms

  1. Immediate appearing immediately after injection or ingestion. These include hives, anaphylactic shock, allergic swelling. In most cases these reactions occur after injection of penicillin and its analogues.
  2. Slowed that develop after a few days. Manifested urticaria, fever, changes in blood tests, joint pain.

 drug allergy symptoms

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Types of drug allergy

Allergy drug origin in most cases, is becoming a major cause of severe allergic diseases, a little less - chronic. Among them are the following.

Angioedema and urticaria, which is constantly itching, the pressure-sensitive endangered red swollen bumps that rise above the surface of the skin, with a diameter of 2 mm to 2 cm. These symptoms may last from a few hours to 2 days. Angioedema and urticaria may become chronic and manifest themselves for many years.

Such diseases may serve as evidence, and the most serious diseases, which is why it is recommended not only limited to taking antihistamines, and definitely recommended to get tested in a specialized center of the allergic.

Attacks of severe asthma that are characterized by weak and labored breathing, anxiety, wheezing, may occur while taking penicillin and other antibiotics, local anesthetics drugs, protein drugs, vitamins B, products containing acetylsalicylic acid.

Allergic rhinitis - nasal congestion, scarce light discharge from the nasal passage. Quite often the cause of allergic rhinitis is receiving drugs, which include aspirin.

Serum sickness, often occurring after administration of diphtheria, tetanus serums, and tetanus toxoid. Much less frequently it causes can become a blood transfusion, the use of sulfa drugs and antibiotics. The first symptoms of serum sickness usually occur 7-12 days after use of the drug. In the case of repeated administration of the serum may occur 1-5 days. At the same time there is increased body temperature to 39 degrees, rash, swollen lymph nodes, swelling and tenderness of the joints, and abdominal pain.

Allergic skin lesions often appear rash. Her appearance could trigger barbiturates, sulfonamides, sedatives, aspirin, antibiotics. The rash is in the form of bumps or dots, or in the form of red spots. Such eruptions are held no more than 5 days after you stop using the drug that caused the allergy, and are accompanied by an unpleasant itching.

Anaphylaxis - the most terrible and dangerous manifestation of allergies. In most cases it may provoke antibiotics. This is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the appearance of breathlessness and bronchial spasm, decreased blood pressure, circulatory disorders of the brain, followed by pulmonary edema and brain.

What should know the expert to determine the cause of drug allergies? The cause of an unforeseen allergic reaction can only physician, while it will need to know the answers to some questions:

  • any manifestations were observed during treatment;
  • as they were expressed;
  • Was there any change in the injection site;
  • Could this medication cause similar reaktsiyu- for this should be familiar with the instructions for use of the drug;
  • dependent on whether an allergic reaction on the dose and the method of its administration;
  • unusual manifestations were observed only in the first and / or re-admission medication;
  • It is present in the patient and his family members allergic diseases.

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Rules preventing allergies to medicines

Never take immediately several drugs that have not been consumed. Since in this case it will be very difficult to determine which drug might cause an allergic reaction. In the case of the appointment of a new drug it is recommended to take ½ or ¼ of the one assigned to receive a dose and monitor the response of the body.

What if after the administration of the drug or allergy manifested?

  1. It is necessary to immediately stop the use or administration of the drug. This is sufficient for small allergic reactions, does not reflect too much on health.
  2. In case if you show no reaction takes place for 10 minutes or has worsened, we must urgently call an ambulance.
  3. With rapidly growing drug allergies take an antihistamine, without waiting for an ambulance.

Remember, the health of you and your family in your hands! So be very careful in the use of new drugs, and best of all before taking them consult your doctor.

 What if allergies to medications?
