You eat raw vegetables? Many consider this a rhetorical question. Say, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce nobody would never be subjected to heat treatment. How about beets? More than sure that salad of raw beets and carrots to eat a few. Meanwhile, it is not only very useful, but tasty, you just have to learn how to cook these dishes.
Before we present you more than a good and simple recipe of salads, talk about the benefits of raw vegetables in general.
What advantages does the raw food versus cooked, fried, baked, in a word, one that is prepared with the use of high temperature conditions? And are there any advantages? It turns out that they exist, and they are many.
Raw foods require prolonged chewing, which positively affects the state of teeth and the gastrointestinal tract.
With raw vegetables we get more nutrients and vitamins that are lost during heat treatment.
Fragrant and juicy raw foods do not need a lot of spices and salt, which are flavor enhancers.
In raw vegetables contain a lot of water, therefore, the body is saturated with useful, well-structured moisture.
Salads of raw vegetables quickly satisfy hunger, while they are low in calories and thus help to maintain a slim figure.
Vegetable fiber found in raw vegetables, stimulates peristalsis, helping to release the body of toxins.
Convincing, is not it? And this is not a complete list. We hope that the salads that we offer, appeal to you to taste and take a worthy place in the diet.
So, the first recipe.
Salad of raw beets with apples
1 sweet beets
1 green apple
tablespoon olive oil (you can use flaxseed, walnut, etc.)
teaspoon of honey
lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking method:
Beets and apple grate, sprinkle with lemon juice, add honey, salt, pepper and pour vegetable oil. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs you like. Since beets are perfectly combined dill, parsley, cilantro.
The recipe is absolutely simple effort to require minimal cooking salad. This salad of raw beets with apple is very juicy, tasty, healthy.
The following recipe - salat- "broom". It is always recommended to those who want to improve their health, purify the body, lose weight.
Raw beet salad with vegetables and apple
200 grams of white cabbage
1 cauliflower
1 beet
1-2 carrots
green apple
3 tablespoons olive or linseed oil
lemon juice
Cooking method:
Finely chop the cabbage, beets, carrots, kohlrabi and apple grate. Sprinkle all with lemon juice, salt (a little) and fill with oil. Before serving a salad of beets, carrots and other raw vegetables, sprinkle with herbs.
Note. We advise to take the prescription and use of such weapons salad as often as possible. He is well improve peristalsis. The composition ingredients can be varied by adding to the salad radish, radish, turnip, etc.
And another recipe. This salad can be rightly attributed to the category of so-called beauty salads. It is very light, tasty and healthy. It cleanses the body and helps to improve the appearance of skin color and complexion.
Salad of raw beets with yogurt
1 beet
100 grams of prunes
5-6 chopped walnuts
100 grams of yogurt
teaspoon of honey
Cooking method:
Prunes soak for an hour or two, then cut into strips. Beets grate. All the mix, add honey and yogurt. Stir and immediately bring to the table.
Each recipe has its own flavor, but they are united by absolute health benefits. And the ability to vary the ingredients allows each time to create a new taste. Based on our tips and tricks, you can create your own recipe for a delicious salad of raw vegetables.
Cook with pleasure! Bon Appetit!
We recommend that read: beet salad with prunes
Salad with chicken and Chinese cabbage
Vegetarian salad with Chinese cabbage
Salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and cheese
About salads could write forever, for their number tends to infinity. Of course, we understand that it is impossible to grasp the immensity, so quite satisfied with more modest ambitions: to tell how to cook tasty and light salad with chicken and Chinese cabbage. And to begin with, as usual, a little tell about what is Chinese cabbage (in common parlance it is more commonly called Peking) and what it actually eat.
It turns out pekinku can eat anything. Chinese cabbage belongs to the lucky number of the vegetables that are "friends" with that many different products. It's one of the reasons for the immense popularity of this vegetable, which, incidentally, appeared on our table not so long ago. Gourmets quickly appreciated the great taste of Chinese guests. Today, it is salted, pickled, boiled, baked, and, of course, include in salads, in which it can play a major role, and serve as a nice extra.
I must say that the salad - the most defensible version of the application of Chinese cabbage. This way you can keep all the vitamins and trace minerals, which are in the cabbage a lot, in particular, it boasts a high content of vitamin C.
The apparent advantage of vegetables are low calorie, so the salad with cabbage and chicken, for example, and with the addition of an easy filling - great diet lunch or dinner: tasty, useful, low-calorie.
Salad with chicken and Chinese cabbage
2 chicken fillets
polkochana Chinese cabbage
2 fresh cucumber
sweet onion
a few stalks of green onions
3 tablespoons olive oil
lemon juice
teaspoon of Dijon mustard with grains
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking method:
Chicken breast boil with the bay leaf, pepper and onion. Chilled meat is cut into strips and put in a salad bowl. Add the chopped onion, cucumber, mix well and pour over the dressing.
Recipe sauce. Mix the olive oil with the lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. All the beat.
Before serving, sprinkle the salad with cabbage and chicken chopped green onion.
Note. Salad with boiled chicken breast - the diet version of this dish. It is ideal for all those who are watching their weight and shape. You can also use fried or prikopchennoe fillets. By varying the ingredients, you will receive every time a new taste.
Vegetarian salad with Chinese cabbage
head pekinki
3 fresh cucumber
300 grams of cherry tomatoes
bunch green onions
herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
tablespoons balsamic vinegar
teaspoon of honey
30 ml of soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking method:
All vegetables are cleaned and dry, so the salad was watery. Cabbage cut into strips, cucumber - strips, tomatoes - halves, onion - rings. All add up in a deep salad bowl and mix. Drizzle with dressing.
Prescription refills. Mix the oil, vinegar, honey, soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste all the ingredients lightly beaten.
Before serving, salad with cabbage and tomatoes sprinkled with chopped greens.
Note. Salad can be charged with yogurt flavored with garlic, mustard and spices to taste. If you prefer oil, it makes sense to vary the types of vegetable oil, mix different varieties. For example, it is acceptable to add to olive oil nut, sesame, peanut, etc. Always try to use linseed oil, which has a unique composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and cheese
2 chicken fillets
small head of Chinese cabbage
300 grams of cherry tomatoes
juicy onion salad varieties
Bank of olives
50 grams of Parmesan cheese
3 tablespoons olive oil
lemon juice
salt, pepper, sugar to taste
Cooking method:
Boiled meat and cabbage cut into thin strips, cherry tomatoes - halves, and onions - semirings. Put prepared foods separate segments on the platter, decorate with olives on top. Pour all this beauty dressing prepared from oil, lemon juice, salt, sugar, spices.
Before serving, sprinkle the salad with cabbage and grated parmesan chicken. Garnish with herbs.
Note. It is perfectly acceptable to mix all ingredients. Then, the dish can be served as a cocktail salad - portions.
Chinese cabbage is good and warm salads. The same can be fried chicken and serve on the basis of cabbage, seasoned sauce that you like. And be sure to fantasize: salad with cabbage, chicken, ham, mushrooms will decorate any table - and the everyday and festive.
Cook with pleasure! Bon Appetit!
We recommend that read: Chinese cabbage salad with chicken