

  • What is Lagman?
  • Cooking noodles
  • How to cook at home Lagman
  • Serving dishes

One of the most popular and traditional dishes in Central Asia and the East is Lagman. This dish is prepared from meat, stew with noodles and vegetables. There are many types of cooking. Over time, many recipes added new ingredients, however, present the dish has its own recipe, which has been long been known peoples of China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Tatarstan.
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What is Lagman?

Lagman - is a dish based on meat. Some housewives prepare it in the form of soup, and someone does look like a stew.

A distinctive feature is the recipe Laghman aroma and rich flavor.

After all, for the preparation of the food used special noodles, lamb and vegetables. There is still much debate about the right recipe Laghman. Russian housewives use different cooking options. Someone thinks that the composition is required radishes or radish. Other - do Laghman deliberately thick consistency, adding to the recipe more new products.

Traditionally made use for cooking lamb. However, in different variations of the recipe can be found and other kinds of meat: pork, beef, veal, turkey or chicken. For the preparation of Laghman home, you can choose any meat. Preference should be given to the flesh with a small bone. The taste of this dish will turn out amazing.

 recipe Laghman
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Cooking noodles

The main ingredient of the dish - it's noodles. In many countries, it is prepared independently. For the preparation it is necessary to knead the dough, consisting of 500 g. flour, 2 eggs, and 300 ml of water. The dough is kneaded until homogeneous, then allowed to stand at room temperature for approximately 2-2, 5 hours.

The resulting dough is kneaded until the consistency of modeling clay hand, it must be elastic, or may be formed during rolling out of the hole. To dough was good texture, you can moisten it in salt water. Thus it will not break and stick to the hands.

The dough was then divided into small pieces. The resulting mass is rolled into the form of long flagella. In order to better stretched noodles, dough should be lubricated with oil. Perfect noodles should be similar to the twisted cord length greater than 50 cm.

You can also buy ready-made noodles in the store in the form of Italian spaghetti. However, the taste of it is significantly inferior to the home. This recipe Laghman still speaks of noodles that are prepared at home.

 Different recipes Laghman
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How to cook at home Lagman

  1. In the beginning you need to boil the noodles in lightly salted water. To noodles do not stick together, we can add the water a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Then boiled noodles need to discard in a colander to water glass.
  2. The next step - the preparation of gravy at home. It is also called "vadzha." This traditional dish is usually cooked in a cauldron. You can use a deep frying pan or a small pot. For the gravy must be diced meat (500 gr. Beef or lamb). Sliced ​​meat must be placed in a heated cauldron with sunflower oil. During the next 20 minutes it is recommended to fry the meat until golden brown. Then add the meat and the chopped onion otchischenny. For the gravy still need a carrot, it must be cut into large strips. Carrots are also added to the kettle.

    While the onion and carrot stew with meat, you need to finely chop the cabbage, cut into julienne radish and beans, chopped peppers and tomatoes. These vegetables are put in the cauldron, stir and cover with lid. The mixture extinguish the fire about 15-20 min., Then add boiling water to the pan. Again, cover with a lid and stew for another 20-30 minutes. For the gravy will need potatoes, it should be cut into small cubes. Potatoes are also added to the gravy with spices (salt, basil, coriander, garlic). Another 20 min. dish should stand on the fire until cooked gravy.

  3. Cooked sauce consistency should resemble a thick sauce or stew. To the dish was more fragrant, add the hostess boiled water instead of broth in the gravy. Taste of the Laghman get very busy.

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Serving dishes

The dish is usually served in a deep plate or piala. At the bottom of the dish spread the boiled noodles. To noodles are broken, it can shift with the help of tongs, forks or arms. Top - pour gravy sauce. On top of the dish can be decorated with greens - basil or cilantro. Also for sharpness and delicious taste can be served with Lagman chopped peppers.

Externally, the dish looks very appetizing because of the abundance of vegetables, herbs and spices. Furthermore, Lagman - a very satisfying meal. Preparing a dish about 50 minutes.

Anyone who has ever tasted Lagman will be able to understand why this dish is so beloved and popular in many countries. No wonder many people praise Lagman and believe that the traditional food for themselves. In many homes Lagman is a festive table decoration, a tribute to the guests. Despite the fact that a great many cooking options, all housewives share a love for this dish.

 How to make yourself at home Lagman

 salad with lamb and vegetables


  • Salads with lamb
  • Soups: Soup with lamb
  • Lamb to second

Meat dishes are always very popular. Most often it is dishes from pork or beef.

But for many, the best meat for cooking - a lamb.

Dishes with lamb is very common, starting with a very simple and extremely refined finishing.

Meat of sheep or lamb, which is used for food, is called mutton. Since ancient times, people have very much appreciated the lamb, especially lamb meat (lamb). Many festivals, mostly Muslim, can not do without cooking dishes from this meat. The daily menu, dishes of lamb is also not uncommon.

Ovine can be considered relatively dietary product, since it has less fat than other meats. But it concerns only the meat of adult animals. The lamb a lot of protein, B vitamins, iron, sulfur, fluorine, magnesium, zinc, potassium and other trace elements.   The most valuable low cholesterol. In addition, located in the meat lecithin normalizes metabolism, cholesterol, regulates the activity of the pancreas. Therefore lamb dishes must be present in your menu.

The main drawback of lamb - a large amount of lipids that contribute to the development of obesity, heart and vascular diseases. To avoid such consequences, during the cooking, drain the juice-catching, do not use butter, add the vegetable side dishes.

When selecting purchase lamb meat from animals whose age is not more than three years. Please note the following:

  • the color of the meat should be bright red. Its dark color suggests that the animal is old or ill-fed;
  • the type of fat dry milk-yellow color;
  • fresh meat define rapid return to original shape when pressed;
  • good smell inherent mutton;
  • bone white or pinkish-blue tint if it is a young lamb.

Which parts of the lamb is better to choose for cooking? It depends on what you want to cook.

  1. To prepare the broth, soup - bones, ribs, knuckle.
  2. For the aspic, jelly - head, shin, shank.
  3. For boiled mutton - brisket, neck, shoulder blade.
  4. For steak and baking - back leg.
  5. For the chops with the bone - loin.
  6. To prepare the cutlets - neck, shoulder blade.
  7. To roast - back leg, neck.
  8. To prepare the stew, pilaf - shoulder, brisket.
  9. For goulash - blade.
  10. To prepare the steak, shish kebab - back, loin, ham, fillet (or saddle).
  11. For the stew - ham, bacon, pork loin.

We offer you some dishes with lamb.

 vegetable soup with lamb
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Salads with lamb

Green salad with radish

Salad is very easy to prepare, good for everyday or for a festive menu.


  • 400 g lamb (fillet)
  • Bow-turnip - 2 pcs.
  • 2 green radish
  • a little olive oil for frying meat
  • salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise


  • Fry fillets in olive or vegetable oil and cut into small pieces;
  • Add sliced ​​radishes and onions;
  • add salt, pepper, mayonnaise;
  • stir well, put in a salad bowl and garnish with basil.

Salad with horseradish

This salad is rather closer to the appetizers. They can be filled tartlets for buffet.


  • boiled lamb fillet - 200 g
  • grated horseradish - 100 g
  • 2 onions
  • lemon juice - a teaspoon
  • mutton fat - tablespoon
  • sugars - 0, 5 tsp.
  • mayonnaise - 5 Art. spoons
  • salt


  • Fry fillets in olive or vegetable oil, cut it into pieces;
  • add the sliced ​​radishes and onions;
  • add salt, pepper, mayonnaise;
  • stir well, put in a salad bowl and garnish with basil.

 lamb with herbs

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Soups: Soup with lamb


Snack thick soup that is served to boiled meat.


  • mutton (preferably breast) - 500 g
  • water - 3 l
  • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Bow-turnip - 5 pcs.
  • vegetable oil (fat of tail) - 60 g
  • bay leaf - 4 leaf
  • black pepper and red peppers
  • salt, dill, cilantro to taste


  • 2:00 simmer chopped brisket, which is filled with cold water and season with salt;
  • fry the chopped onions and tomatoes, cut into slices, vegetable oil, or
  • fat sheep's tail;
  • potatoes, cut into cubes, put in a pan (cauldron), cook for another 30 minutes;
  • crush grains of black pepper and add Shurpa, to put the red peppers (0, 5 pod) and bay leaves until tender when meals will be 10 minutes;
  • herbs to put in a bowl of soup.

Stew lamb

This soup is easy to prepare. Especially good if then in a pot. Cooking is based on 6 pots.


  • lamb (RIBS) - 1, 2 kg
  • water - 3 l
  • Potatoes - 12 pcs.
  • Bow-turnip - 1 pc.
  • salt and herbs to taste


  • 2:00 cook lamb over low heat with the addition of the bulb;
  • remove the lamb and cut into small pieces, remove the bulb;
  • potatoes entirely put into the broth and boil, then rub through a sieve and then put in a saucepan with
  • broth;
  • in pots decompose meat, pour the broth with pureed potatoes;
  • pots and lids close half an hour before lunch, put it in the oven for longing;
  • putting greens in pots of soup.

 Lamb chops

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Lamb to second

Mutton, stewed with tomatoes

Simple and inexpensive dish for a festive menu.

Ingredients (3 servings):

  • lamb (fillet) - 0, 5 kg
  • tomatoes - 300 g
  • Bow-turnip - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • fat - 30 grams
  • pepper, salt and herbs to taste
  • potatoes for garnish - 650g


  • lamb cut into pieces and fry on both sides, put in a saucepan;
  • pour the broth into the pan, where the roasted lamb, boiled;
  • onions, finely chopped, fried with flour, dilute broth;
  • with tomato slices and cover each piece of meat, pour the sauce to the level of tomatoes and stew
  • 40-50 minutes in the oven;
  • fry potatoes and serve as a garnish, watering sauce of a skillet and sprinkle with herbs.

Chops of lamb

Extremely tasty dish that does not require special preparation. Served with mashed potatoes is better to apply with onion sauce.


  • lamb loin ribs - for one burgers take 2 ribs
  • butter for frying
  • breadcrumbs
  • pepper and salt
  • potatoes for garnish


  • chop chop, leaving two ribs on each cutlet;
  • one rib removed and thrown out, and the second to make shorter;
  • discourage cutlets, sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in bread crumbs;
  • put the oil in a frying pan and bring to a boil;
  • in boiling oil to put cutlets and fry them over high heat, and with that and the other;
  • turn down the heat and fry the lamb until tender over low heat;
  • Served with mashed potatoes and onion sauce.

Grilled lamb multivarka

Recipe, where lamb is cooked in multivarka. Preparation of ordinary mutton steaks for those housewives who value their free time.


  • fillet of lamb - 0, 4 kg
  • vegetable oil - 40 g
  • dill, garlic, oregano and parsley - 10 g
  • spices, salt


  • fillets cut into steaks;
  • rub the steaks with salt and spices;
  • garlic and greens grind and mix;
  • in this mixture marinate steaks 15 minutes;
  • Pour oil into a bowl Multivarki, put the marinated steaks;
  • close the lid, set the menu "Hot", 25 minutes - cooking time;
  • open the lid after 10 minutes, and turn the steaks;
  • cook until the completion of the program.

For this dish as a side dish well suited for fresh vegetables.

Feel free to enter into the menu dishes of lamb. They can be a decoration for your desk. The main thing - you need to choose the meat and cook it properly. We hope that our recipes will help you in the kitchen.

 Cook lamb for a variety of recipes
