How to cook risotto in multivarka? After plov - this is not an easy dish to prepare. Especially when you consider how much time it takes. All cook it differently, but the fit if your recipe to which you are accustomed to cooking multivarka?
Before you start preparing itself directly, talk a little bit about the origins of this dish. Traditionally it is assumed that the recipe has spread to all of the other Uzbek cuisine, but the first in the history of rice cultivation allows us to assume that the principles of cooking developed in the Middle East and India before our era.
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How to make delicious pilaf?
So how to cook risotto in multivarka? There is no one way of cooking pilaf. You can prepare it in different rice, different meats or adding completely different spices. Let's look at a fairly simple recipe how to cook risotto in multivarka. Using this method at least once, you can adapt it for themselves, adding other meat or other figure.
We often use recipes that are close to this Uzbek. Many traditionally prepared lamb pilaf. In Ukraine, for example, increasingly found his interpretation of pork, but you can prepare it from anything, even from goose or duck. We will take the most simple and affordable recipe - cooking pilaf with meat chicken.
And it is worth noting that chicken, he will at the same time tasty and low-fat that, in my opinion, is very important.
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Ingredients for a tasty pilaf
This recipe is quite simple, even if you first cook pilaf or had never used multivarka. In order to make a delicious pilaf in multivarka need:
chicken (about 1, 5 kg)
one large carrot
Three medium onions
Two "multidishes" long-grain rice
6-10 medium cloves of garlic (to taste)
six "multichashek" pure water
vegetable oil - Article 6-10. spoon (the bigger, the fatter)
1, 5, Art. spoon dried berries of barberry
salt to taste
spices: red pepper, black pepper, coriander, cardamom (optional you can use other spices)
herbs (cilantro desirable, but can be different)
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Step by Step Cooking
All the products we have prepared, start cooking our delicious pilaf. This is one of many options for cooking pilaf. you can adapt the recipe for his favorite way of cooking, to which you are accustomed to: cut the products of smaller or larger or add them to a different number.
First of all, large chopped onion rings and fry quarters it "multikastryule" to a pre-heated oil for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. This should be done in the "frying" or "Bake."
Chicken rinse with cold running water, remove the peel and the right to cut the carcass. Received chop the meat into portions pieces and add them to the onions. Continue to cook another 10-15 minutes, stirring carefully.
Sprinkle meat with spices: cardamom, pepper and coriander. How much they need it depends on your taste preferences.
Pour into multivarku hot water (about half of the available quantity), close multivarku and simmer, cooking time - 20 minutes of "Quenching".
Peel the carrots and cut into strips, add it to multivarku, salt your plov. Salt should be added only to your taste - this recipe provides approximately one tablespoon without slides. But best of insufficient salting during cooking and a little salt the later than spoil the dish, so do not overdo.
Rice, pre-washed thoroughly in cold water from the tap, lay in multivarku (Fig worth buying good quality, and if you aspire to a healthy diet, then take the brown, brown.
Now add the remaining half of the water (do not mix !!!), and reserve our meal another hour, in the "Quenching" ("Pilaf").
Approximately 15 minutes before the open "multikastryulyu" and careful not to burn yourself, slide to the garlic cloves. Sprinkle dried barberries.
When an alarm sounds on the completion of cooking, leave to pilaf multivarka another 15 minutes, then remove the garlic cloves, put on a great risotto dish, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
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A process serving
Serve with chopped vegetables and red wine. Having tried a risotto once, you always want to cook it. Remember that you can cook it in a different way, adding any meat or a variety of other spices. The main thing - to calculate the cooking time. There is one rather important point in the cooking process, it is important to monitor, as in "multikastryule" liquid. If you see that it is small, then you can add 1/2 cup water to make your delicious pilaf not turned dry.
This method of cooking pilaf is not traditional, but spent a lot of experiments with multivarka, you are likely to choose for themselves a similar recipe. Cook for yourself and loved ones easy and fun.
The list of necessary ingredients
Recipe for Uzbek pilaf with pork
How to apply for Uzbek pilaf pork
Secrets of cooking traditional Uzbek pilaf pork
Useful properties of Uzbek pilaf
In each country there is necessarily any national dish. Uzbekistan is no exception. Its hallmark is the pilaf, whose name sounds like Uzbek "burns oui". This dish is truly be called a true work of culinary art. A single recipe for it can not be called because there are still many variations of its preparation. Even adding different spices, you get a completely different taste. In Uzbekistan, no event is complete without this wonderful dish.
The main feature of the preparation for Uzbek pilaf is a combination of prepared zirvak (special gravy, typical for Uzbek pilaf) and grinding part.
Perhaps you can not wait to learn the recipe of its preparation!
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The list of necessary ingredients
To prepare this dish for 12 servings you need the following products:
Long grain rice - 650 g
Flesh of pork - 650g
Morkov- 300 g
Onion - 650g
Salt and spices (cumin, turmeric) to taste
Sunflower oil - 250 ml
Water - 650 mL
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Recipe for Uzbek pilaf with pork
We suggest to try the traditional recipe for cooking this dish.
At the beginning of preparing zirvak. Zirvak - a special sauce, inherent only Uzbek pilaf. It is as follows.
Flesh of pork cut into small pieces. In a hot frying pan poured sunflower oil. When it warms up enough in the pot to put the meat and fry it over high heat until until a golden crust.
Onion peel and chop.
The meat add the onion, then turn down the heat to medium. Onions need to fry until transparent.
Carrot Wash, peel, chop sticks. Add the remaining ingredients to the pan and saute until it becomes soft.
Water to boil and pour into the pan. Fire is necessary to subtract the smallest.
In a saucepan, add salt and spices to taste. Leave stew under the lid for 40-60 minutes.
The next step in the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf with pork - rice tab.
Figure need to go, wash and Gulf water, leave for 40-60 minutes to soak.
After this time, the water is drained from the rice, after which it is poured into the pan on zirvak, which by this time is ready. Zirvak and rice must not be mixed as long as the Uzbek pilaf is cooked. Fire needs to be done medium.
Further, when the water is absorbed and partly evaporated, it is necessary to make several openings in rice. Reduce heat to low and leave to stew for another 20 minutes previously covered for.
Now Uzbek pilaf is ready, it can be mixed.
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How to apply for Uzbek pilaf pork
According to the traditions of Uzbek cooking Uzbek pilaf is usually served on a large platter, designed for two, four or more persons. These dishes are large in size (30-50 cm in diameter), round flat with low sides, usually made from clay, porcelain or china. Before putting pilaf in a dish, it must slotted spoon stir in a cauldron. This is to ensure that all the components in its composition were uniformly distributed. The indigenous people of Uzbekistan believe that with this method of delivery pilaf is well manifested its true taste. "Palov oui" is laid out on a plate slide and put it on top of quince, meatballs, garlic, pieces of meat, all sprinkled with chopped green onions.
However, Uzbek pilaf with pork can be served in individual portions in large soup bowls (Kasakh) or on plates. In ancient times in the wedding celebrations of his guests served on the cakes. For this special ceremony baked cakes cup-shaped, with a curvy sides and subtle means. Sometimes this practice is used in Uzbekistan and now.
It is worth noting that this Uzbek pilaf pork supply temperature is also important, which should be around 70-75º, and by the end of the meal - not less than 65º.
In addition, according to the traditions of Uzbek cuisine, this is the national dish made drink tea and snack cakes and salads.
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Secrets of cooking traditional Uzbek pilaf pork
When cooking in Uzbek pilaf is important to consider the basic principles which should be followed no matter what the recipe of the dish you choose for yourself. After all variations on the theme of cooking can be a lot. For example, one recipe involves adding raisins, another recipe suggests adding dried apricots, a third recipe can be interesting set of spices (turmeric, cumin, saffron).
However, the technology of preparation of this dish remains unchanged.
Cold working. From processed as starting materials are more dependent dietary and useful properties Uzbekistan pilaf. Cold working - sorting, washing, cleaning and cutting the original products.
Heat treatment - one of the most important aspects of the technology in the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf. It includes perekalivanie oil, cooking zirvak, bookmark dovarivanie rice and steamed.
Preparation zirvak. It is cooked immediately after perekalivaniya oil. The Uzbek cuisine is considered that the longer the quenching zirvak, the better the taste pilaf.
Bookmark rice is as follows: lay the washed rice in a prepared zirvak even layer and fill with water immediately. Special technological methods at this stage of the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf pork is considered to strengthen the flame once put Fig. The secret is this: fat boils at the bottom of the pot and the water evaporates on the surface of a layer of rice. It is also important to consider that the water level must be higher than the contents of the pan (about 1, 5-2 cm).
Properly prepared Uzbek pilaf pork should be crumbly, risinki should not stick to each other. That is why the risotto cook a little longer to own a pair of previously covered with a towel. Importantly, that for the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf pork should be used solid rice varieties, such as when cooking rice will not stick together.
There are some guidelines that need to be taken into account in the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf with pork. Then the Uzbek pilaf, cooked by you, will be unbeatable!
Pot (or pan) to be with thick walls. Uzbekistan used to prepare pilaf cauldron, which can be thick-walled copper, iron or aluminum.
Fire to do little. Pilaf is to languish. It is very important to cover it with a towel.
It's worth noting that the amount of water is required to pour as much as you have rice!
It is necessary to prepare pilaf crumbly. And you must fill pilaf boiling water, not cold water. He immediately must start to boil.
Meat pilaf in Uzbek with pork (better to take the flesh of pork) should always be bold.
Oils need to take a lot. For in Uzbek pilaf with pork, according to a traditional recipe preparation, the best choice is a combination of cotton, sesame and sunflower oils. However, if you use only one of its kind, it is best suited sunflower oil. An important aspect is also the pre-baking oil.
In addition to oil, an important ingredient in Uzbek pilaf with pork is animal fat. The Uzbek cuisine used a ram or goat fat.
For Uzbek pilaf is very important sequence bookmarks products and the duration of their treatment. Cooking time depends on the number of portions to which will be done pilaf.
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Useful properties of Uzbek pilaf
There are many different recipes pilaf. It is unlikely that someone can call a single recipe for its creation This dish has been known since very ancient times. But it is in Uzbek pilaf is considered one of the most brilliant culinary inventions! And all because the recipe of its preparation is simple, with very distinctive pilaf unbeatable taste. In addition, it is in Uzbek pilaf is a truly healing, which is confirmed by the doctor of medical sciences, professor of Tashkent State Medical University, AA Askarov, who recommends eating this dish Uzbek gastritis, general malaise, after heavy physical exertion.
It's all about high digestibility pilaf (according to nutritionists digestibility coefficient of 98%), achieved thanks to a special combination of products in it. So, despite the high content of fat, rice is considered a light meal! No wonder the Uzbeks share this meal at any time of day, even before bed because digestion is not difficult.
Therefore, by preparing Uzbek pilaf with pork, enjoy its delicious taste and eat to your health! And be sure to get yourself a suitable recipe for you create it! After all, each family should have their secrets! Bon Appetit!