Japanese omelette


  • Japanese omelet tamago-yaki
  • Tamago-yaki at home
  • Japanese omelet on rice pillow
  • Omelet for rolls

Of all people, and the Japanese are experts in healthy food! They have neither a recipe, just a storehouse of vitamins. They respect and seafood, and desserts have quite Diet, and other meals not figure any harm cause. Nevertheless, Japanese cuisine remains for us a mystery, but the mystery we are trying to uncover.

Today, therefore, it is not only popular Japanese restaurant, but the recipes that it is possible to cook at home. Incidentally, the prosaic and mundane at first glance, the interpretation of Japanese cuisine in acquiring special taste. Do you want to make? Then try to cook, for example, Japanese omelet. The recipe for this dish is, and we will offer. By the way, the Japanese are preparing it and as a separate dish, and as a part of a side dish, and rolls.

Japanese omelet tamago-yaki

A classic recipe of Japanese omelette, which is also known as tamago-yaki. The taste of this dish is quite specific. But if you like Japanese food, then the recipe omelet tamago yaki, you will always be interested.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons Mirin sweet rice wine;
  • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce;
  • Teriyaki sauce;
  • Parsley;
  • 3-4 pieces of radish.


If we use the classic recipe, you need to make an omelette by all the rules. Therefore, in addition to the above products, prepare wrapped in plastic wrap mat, sieve, square roasting pan with non-stick coating. Ready? Now we proceed to the preparation.

Eggs break into a bowl and mix (do not stir!) Them with a fork. Now pour rice wine and soy sauce, add a tablespoon of powdered sugar and mix again. At this point the mixture should acquire a light brown hue. Next we need to drain the egg mixture to the omelette has acquired distinctive silky texture. Simply skip the mixture through a sieve

Now we put the pan on the fire, pour into it a little vegetable oil and give it overheat. When the oil goes from light smoke, gently pour in the egg mixture pan a little to make it a thin layer covered the entire bottom. As soon as the lower part of the browned pancake, to hook it to one end of a spatula and fold in half. Half of the pan have cleared, and we pour it another thin layer of egg mass. We wait until browning second pancake and prying it with a spatula, flip, putting at first.

So omletnye bake pancakes, layering them on top of each other until the end of the entire mixture. Please note that the growing Footprint pancakes all the time remained in the pan. After that, we shift our layered omelet on the mat, cut the rough edges and attach rectangular omelet. Large plate painted (random!) Teriyaki sauce, with one end put a handful of grated radish, on the contrary - sprigs of parsley, and between them - cut into triangular pieces of tamago-yaki.

 Japanese omelette recipe

Tamago-yaki at home

How to cook Japanese omelet, when there is, for example, rice sweet wine Mirin? Yes, and the cooking process requires a certain skill. Therefore, we suggest you adapt to our domestic products and easy recipe Japanese omelet. Here the main thing - to learn to make a neat roll omletnyh pancakes.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons dry white wine;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil.


The recipe is actually very simple, in any case, the composition - all of the products available to it. One noteworthy point: the omelet we'll do four eggs and one yolk. So, egg yolk and pour into a bowl and use it all the corolla, beat, and then we filter creamed mixture through a sieve - it also requires a traditional Japanese recipe for an omelette.

The strained mixture put sugar, salt, and pour soy sauce and white wine. Then again whisk whisk together until smooth and completely dissolve sugar and salt. Now set on fire conventional non-stick frying pan and grease it with oil. In a heated pan pour a third of omletnoy mixture and wait until it is lightly browned on top and grabbed the bottom. After this very quickly with a spatula and fork to help, turn omletny pancake roll. We leave it to the pan, and the vacant part of the bottom pour another batch mixture.

With the second pancake does the same. Just fold it on the other side so that the first roll was inside the second pancake. And then poured into the pan remains of egg mass, bake the third pancake and turn it into a roll with the previous ones. Our Japanese omelet is ready! Remove it from the pan, giving a rectangular shape and served with wasabi and pickled ginger.

Japanese omelet on rice pillow

The recipe is very simple, and the resulting dish will give you not only an unusual taste, but also the original view. Serve the omelet is best for grilled red fish.


  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • Half a pack of rice;
  • 4 pieces of sugar;
  • Red caviar;
  • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Vegetable oil.


For rice pillow is desirable to take the rump, which has sufficient adhesion. Because of this rice we can easily get to make rice pads. So, boil the rice in salted water, it is thrown back in a colander and wash. Now, break the eggs into a bowl and add the soy sauce and sugar. The salt mixture is put in it is not necessary - it is precisely the function performs the soy sauce. We look forward to when the sugar has dissolved, and stir the mixture until a light foam.

Then take a pan (preferably non-stick, as we omletnaya mixture with sugar). To omelet guaranteed not burnt and is easily removed from the pan, grease it with oil and set on fire. When the pan is glowing, it pours into it omletnuyu mixture and fry under the lid. Then turn the omelet loose. Ready omelette give to cool and cut it into pieces the size of rice pads.

From boiled rice form a pad in the form of cubes. To do this, first we slip into tight balls, and then crush them laterally. On each pillow put a piece of omelet and decorate with red caviar. It is served with fried red fish as a garnish. It was very Japanese!

 tamago omelet

Omelet for rolls

Terrific rolls, sushi and sashimi prepared with Japanese omelette too. It is noteworthy that the use omelette or as a filling for rolls, or as a wrapper. In the first case it is prepared by conventional formulation and the second baked in the form of thin pancakes. So if you have decided to experiment in this direction, then try to make an omelette rolls with rice.


  • 6 eggs;
  • A tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • Tablespoons soy sauce;
  • A tablespoon of white wine.


Lightly beat the egg whisk, add powdered sugar and pour in the liquid ingredients. Once again, trying to drive the mix and bake thin pancakes omletnye a pan with non-stick coating. Ready-made pancakes can be used for preparation of rolls with rice. If you need omletnaya filling for rolls, just cook a traditional Tomago yaks, and then cut it into strips and multi-make one of the components of the filling. Rolls with rice and scrambled eggs are obtained very tasty.

Here's a different omelet Japanese. By the way, you can vary the recipe, baking pancakes to roll with some filling. You can, for example, sprinkle half finished pancake steamed vegetables, you can add small pieces of sliced ​​ham or herbs. And you can sprinkle the pancakes cooked rice or planed cheese. However, it will not be a real tamago-yaki, and scrambled eggs based on Japanese cuisine.

So the case for small. Select the recipe and learn to do roll omletnyh pancakes. Of course, Japanese omelet turns out not quite familiar, but very delicious, porous and silky. Try it - it may be the dish will become your brand. The main thing - cook with pleasure. Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field!

 Japanese omelet - we learn the secrets of Oriental cuisine

 steam omelette


  • Steam omelette
  • Protein steam omelet
  • Apple omelette couple
  • Cheese omelet couple
  • Steam omelet on the quail eggs
  • Cheese omelet Turkish
  • Orange omelette
  • Acute omelet with soy sauce
  • Nut and berry omelet in Greek
  • Scrambled eggs with corn steamed
  • Omelet with steamed sea bass
  • Sweet steam omelette

Some people believe that a couple of tasteless meals and fresh. Maybe cook a pork chop in a double boiler not a good idea, but the steam scrambled eggs - it's a masterpiece. Consistency of such foods is particularly lush, it is literally filled with air bubbles. Taste steam omelet is so gentle that not all components are suitable to him. On this page you will find the recipe of egg dishes to do is very simple, and it is likely to appeal to you.

The special charm of steam omelet that it can be easily and beautifully feed. Egg weight during cooking fills in a form and it holds great. You can pour raw omelette in a cup, glass, cocotte or silicone mold and cook it for a couple. If you do not have a double boiler, it does not matter. Pour the egg mixture into the cup, and cover with greased foil. In a saucepan, boil water, immerse the dishes 3/4 height of boiling water and cook until tender. Garnish with sprigs at the time of the greenery, you can build a flower, honey and other delicious scenic pictures.

Steam omelette

Here is a classic recipe steam milk omelet.


  • 5 eggs
  • a glass of milk
  • salt (garlic, if you like)

Cooking method:

Beat in the eggs one by one into a bowl, pour the milk into it, salt to taste and stir with a fork all. No need to shake up just mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a bowl and cook for a couple of about 25 minutes. Thus prepared omelet steam can sprinkle herbs and serve with fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

Protein steam omelet

It often happens that after cooking dessert are extra chicken proteins. It is necessary to make them steam omelettes and enjoy the gentle dietary foods.


  • 2 protein
  • 60 grams of milk
  • sour cream - 10 grams
  • butter for greasing form

Cooking method:

Separate the whites and whisk whisk them with milk, add a spoonful of sour cream and a pinch of salt. Lubricate the form of butter rice from the steamer or normal glass. Pour the egg mass in a mold and cook steamed until tender. Watch out for the water level. Serve warm scrambled eggs - all a pleasant meal!

 steam omelette recipe

Apple omelette couple

Juicy and flavorful recipe for a quick snack will be enjoyed by both adults and children. Cooking it better with sweet and soft varieties of apples.


  • 3 eggs
  • apples - 100 grams
  • 10 grams of butter, melted

Cooking method:

Washed and peeled from the core the apples and cut into cubes simmered in butter a few minutes. If apples are sour, better sprinkle them a little sugar. Put the fruit in a baking dish. Beat eggs with a fork, fill them and send to prepare the apples in a steamer for 15-25 minutes. Pour cooked scrambled eggs with melted butter and serve hot, cut it into slices. Bon Appetit!

Cheese omelet couple

This recipe is just replete with useful products: cottage cheese and cheese as a source of calcium, herbs and eggs as vitamins and iron. Prepare this delicious dish for your loved ones, give them a bit of care and attention.


  • egg - 3 large pieces
  • granular cheese - 50 grams
  • hard cheese - 50 grams
  • Milk - 125 ml
  • butter - 30 grams
  • herbs of your choice (small bunch)
  • salt and spices of your choice

Cooking method:

Wipe fat cottage cheese through a sieve, not really trying to grind, let him remain slightly granular texture. Whisk egg whisk Stir in grated cheese and to salt, use spices to your taste. Green chop and add to the bowl. Put the grated cheese. Using a mixer or whisk, mix all ingredients.

Shopping cart for cooking vegetables Cover the food with foil, pour the egg, cottage cheese and doing the dishes for a couple. The preparation will take about 10-12 minutes. Omelette remove from the basket by pulling on the foil. While still hot, roll it roll, Wrap foil around the savory food and allow to cool in this form. Cut the omelet slices and sprinkle with fresh herbs and green onions. Bon Appetit!

Steam omelet on the quail eggs

Undoubtedly, quail eggs omelette give special taste and benefit.


  • 3-4 quail eggs
  • chopped dill - tablespoon
  • 5-10 grams of cheese
  • 50-70 milliliters of milk pasteurized

Cooking method:

Whisk the eggs and milk with the help of a fork, to rub cheese on a coarse grater. Stir salt to taste, depending on the type of cheese. Sprinkle with chopped dill and pour the egg mixture into a container for steamers. Ready-made meals for a couple need 15-20 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

 How to cook an omelet steam

Cheese omelet Turkish

Excellent taste and successful feed specialties will bring a lot of fun to your household. Preparation of aromatic dishes will take some time, but you will be satisfied with the result.


  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • curd - tablespoon
  • cheese (preferably Camembert) - 30 grams
  • salt - ¼ tsp
  • Mint - 2 pinches
  • Paprika - ½ teaspoon
  • white pepper - 2 pinches

Cooking method:

Lightly beat eggs and cheese mash with a spoon and salt and add to the egg mixture. Cover the steamer basket baking paper, be careful not to make folds. Pour the mixture, sprinkle with spices, chopped mint and grated cheese. Cook for a couple of about 5 minutes. Remove omelet with parchment and gently twist to roll while it is still warm. When a cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Orange omelette

The name is intriguing, is not it? Be sure to try to prepare this recipe, you will be surprised how tasty dish will turn out with minimal effort and time.


  • 6 eggs
  • juice of 1 orange
  • salt, white pepper - a pinch

Cooking method:

Thoroughly washed lightly whisk the eggs with orange juice, salt and pepper to your taste. Pour the mixture over the molds, filling them half, for a maximum of two-thirds. Place the mold in a steamer and cook for about 20-25 minutes. You can add the zest of half an orange and a pinch of curry. Ready omelette slice and serve with a glass of orange juice. Bon Appetit!

Acute omelet with soy sauce

Light, diet, low-calorie omelet. The recipe is very simple, and dishes prepared according to him, a very vkunym.


  • eggs - 6 pieces
  • green onions - 5 pieces
  • dill - 4 sprigs
  • soy sauce - tea spoon
  • vegetable oil
  • Water - 6 tea spoons
  • ground red pepper

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl hammer eggs, pour the water, soy sauce and whisk whisk weight. Add finely chopped dill and green onions. Sprinkle the egg mixture and cook chili for a couple about a quarter of an hour. Just take it deep form, because the meal will increase in volume during the baking. Bon Appetit!

 how to make an omelet steam

Nut and berry omelet in Greek

The unusual flavor and spicy aroma of dishes will not leave anyone indifferent. Delightful recipe is now possible to use at home!


  • Milk - 1 liter
  • flour - 240 grams
  • egg - 8 pieces
  • figs - 2-3 berries
  • almonds or flakes - 1-2 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons
  • sugar - 1 spoon dining
  • nutmeg, cinnamon

Cooking method:

Knead the dough a uniform milk, flour, eggs, nutmeg and salt. Allow the dough for about 30 minutes. Figs and nuts properly chop, mix with cinnamon and carefully enter into the dough. It remains to pour a lot into a form for steamers and cook until complete solidification of the surface. On top of already stretched out of the oven omelet, sprinkle with sugar. Bon Appetit!

Scrambled eggs with corn steamed

The recipe for an omelette with sugar canned corn to everybody's taste, after sweet vegetable wonderfully balanced aroma of green.


  • corn (canned) - 340 grams
  • egg - 4 pieces
  • milk - 45 ml
  • margarine - 20 grams
  • butter - 10 grams
  • greens - to taste

Cooking method:

Make a healthy breakfast is very simple: connect the raw eggs with milk, add some roasted beans canned sweet corn and salt mass. Continue cooking: pour it all in the form of its pre-greased with margarine, and bring to a readiness in a double boiler. Omelet Serve slices on the trays, watering it with butter and sprinkled finely chopped greens. Bon Appetit!

Omelet with steamed sea bass

This recipe, which is useful in marine fish wonderfully complemented by delicate milk-egg mass. Cooking perch can be separately, fry it in the pan, but you can steamed. Choose your own color taste.


  • grouper - 300 grams
  • butter - 50 grams
  • milk - half cup
  • egg - 5-6 pieces
  • dill and chives

Cooking method:

This recipe can be implemented in two ways. Prepared fish fillets cut into small pieces, fry in a pan on both sides in hot fat, catch perch pieces and send them in a baking dish. Eggs are a good whisk, mix with milk, chop the herbs and a little salt, cover with them and steam the fish until cooked. Omelette serve it immediately.

The second way to prepare a meal: a mixture of eggs and milk, steam the for 20-25 minutes. Simultaneously, the second level steamers cut pieces can be cooked fish. When the egg mass thickens enough, scrambled Stuff the pieces of steamed sea bass. Fully finished dish fold in half and refrigerate.

To prepare the dish a particularly luxuriant, separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the last in a solid foam. Mix the egg yolks with milk and herbs, season with salt and spices and then enter them into the beaten salted stable foam proteins. Then cook the omelet with fish on one of the above methods and serve with soy sauce and fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

Sweet steam omelette

Delicious sweet dish wonderfully suited for an afternoon snack.


  • 0 5 vanilla sugar sachet
  • 10 grams sugar
  • 10 grams of butter
  • 125 milliliters of milk or cream thick
  • 130 grams of jam or marmalade
  • 250 ml of fruit juice
  • 5 eggs

Cooking method:

Fresh eggs with whisk whole milk, add a spoonful of sugar, a little vanilla and pour the mixture into a vapor rice bowl. Cooking sweet omelet in a double boiler should be in about an hour, then pour the jam prepared dish and serve with cream or fruit juice. Bon Appetit!

Light, delicate and delicious omelet is the perfect dish for breakfast, because apart from the fact that it is very easy to make an omelet stands out for its use. The egg contains a large quantity of our body proteins and fats, vitamins A, B6, D, E. The composition of the yolk contains elements such as phosphorus, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, cobalt, iodine.

It should be noted that until recently, nutritionists assured - eggs should be eaten in moderation, as they include a lot of cholesterol. However, authentically proved that eggs also contain a sufficient amount of lecithin, and thanks to him that cholesterol is not delayed in the walls of blood vessels. Therefore it is possible to cook eggs on a daily basis in the form of a couple of omelets. Eat tasty and useful!

 The steam omelet: a healthy and tasty breakfast
