homemade egg noodles


  • Egg Noodles home
  • Gentle egg noodles
  • Egg Noodles
  • Pasta "Egg"
  • Milk and egg noodles "Delicate"
  • Orange homemade noodles with carrot puree
  • Home-spider egg noodles
  • Green egg noodles with spinach
  • Egg noodles with curry garlic

The recipe for a family meal is simple: good company and caring hands of the hostess. What could be better than chicken noodle for such a case? Our answer - homemade noodles! Cooking it is not very difficult, and the cutting process can turn into an exciting experience, if brought to the household help. It is in these moments are remembered the most ridiculous stories, time passes quickly, and the case - a dispute.

The secrets of successful home noodle dough consistency, slice thickness, uniform drying, and, oddly enough, in the rolling pin. Replace it with a glass bottle can not be - the thickness of the dough must be uniform throughout the reservoir. Dry noodles can be in the free or special ventilation dryer. Attack?

Egg Noodles home

Of course, if you have homemade chicken eggs, noodles had an excellent flavor and bright color. It does not matter if there are not found in the fridge - a beautiful color pasta can be given by means of a pinch of saffron or turmeric.


  • Wheat flour - 350 grams
  • egg yolk - 8 pieces
  • olive oil - 30 grams
  • Salt - a pinch
  • hot water (not boiling) - 70 ml
  • Saffron - a pinch

Cooking method:

In a bowl, sift the flour, make a hole in it and pour back the proteins separated from the yolks, salt and sprinkle in the saffron (turmeric). Dough is best to use the mixer and beaters for the dough. Kneading the dough, gradually pour in the water and olive oil. Should someone get an elastic, not lipnuschy their hands, but soft enough, and a dimple made with your finger for 20-30 seconds to be half-lined. Cover the dough with cling film - let rest for half an hour at room temperature.

The recipe came to the next step - the formation of egg noodles. Sprinkle work surface with flour, cut the loaf dough in half and start to roll. Liberally sprinkled with flour, roll out one piece to a thickness of 1 mm. The dough is very pliable and obedient, roll it is not difficult. The resulting layer, cut in half and sprinkle each half with flour. Take in a loose roll and cut with a sharp knife into strips of 4-10 mm in width. In the same manner the remaining dough slice. Noodles can be stacked on top of each other, well-interspersing layers of flour. You can cut it shorter.

If you want dry noodles for the future, lay it gently on a baking tray or another and leave for a day (or even more, depending on the slice thickness) in a ventilated dry place. If you have Electric driers for fruit, use it according to instructions. But the taste of noodles will be more tender if it was immediately prepared. Short noodles can be folded in a plastic container and freeze. Fold it like a mound, not rammed. As a result, after the preparation of simple, you get a fresh egg noodles. Dried products are boiled for 10 minutes, frozen - 6 minutes, fresh - 5 minutes. Bon Appetit!

 homemade egg noodles

Gentle egg noodles

This recipe differs in that it does not contain water. This allows you to roll out the dough thinly incredible, until transparent.


  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt - a large pinch
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a crater in the center and pour in the whipped her with salt eggs. Knead the dough, slowly pouring vegetable oil. Form a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and set it aside for half an hour - the dough will be more pliable when rolling out. After a specified time, and proceed to the main part of the painstaking preparation - to the butchering of vermicelli.

Working surface of the table, sprinkle with flour and roll out the dough ball all in a very thin layer. The top layer and powder the flour. Now roll the dough rolls with a loose one and the other side, leaving a distance of 1-2 cm between them. Carefully pry the bottom of the resulting product and turn it on a cutting board. With a sharp knife, cut the dough into thin strips. Push in the center of a long needle or wooden skewers and lift cut noodles. Dry it 10 minutes before cooking (or completely dry for storage). Cook no more than 3-5 minutes in boiling salted water or broth. Bon Appetit!

Egg Noodles


  • wheat flour - 1, 5 cups
  • egg
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 3 chicken yolk
  • salt

Cooking method:

In the bowl of egg and separate the hammer 3 egg yolks, then whisk the egg mass to a light foam. Fill with cold water and a teaspoon of salt. Gradually add flour and knead by hand a dense but pliable dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for half an hour. Recipe egg noodles came to the process of cutting.

On a cutting board, pour a thin layer of flour, otschipnite third part of the test from the coma and roll thickness of 1 millimeter. Using a thin knife or pizza cutter, cut noodles of the desired width. You can put its layers, sprinkling with flour. Boil the pasta for 3-4 minutes in boiling salted water, add water a little vegetable oil. Chopped fresh herbs and butter wonderfully complements the taste of boiled tagliatelle. Bon Appetit!

 Egg noodles homemade recipe

Pasta "Egg"


  • egg - 3 pieces
  • glass of water
  • flour (about 1 kg)
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Cooking method:

Of these components knead the dough and leave it under the lid a quarter of an hour. So the dough will be more pliable. Sprinkle work surface with flour and roll out the dough into a nearly transparent layer. Leave it to dry an hour and a half. If you do not lapsherezki and you want to get a perfectly flat noodles using conventional wooden ruler, cut into strips of desired width. Dry in the draft is not less than a day and add to the banks for storage. Boil in salted water for 3 minutes or less. Bon Appetit!

Milk and egg noodles "Delicate"

This recipe contains milk, because pasta is obtained particularly tender and tasty. Its only caveat is that these very small pasta shelf life, so prepare as much as eat at a time.


  • 300 grams of flour
  • egg - 1 piece
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • salt
  • Dried parsley or dill - optional

Cooking method:

The recipe for this protein does not contain the noodle. This will make the pasta harder, they are boiled soft. So, first separate the yolk. Then mix in a deep bowl the flour, egg yolk, and, if desired, dried chopped herbs. This will give the noodles unusual taste and aroma. Stir the salt and pour in the warm milk. With the mixer knead the dough. Roll out and cut into noodles familiar way for you - as you can see, the recipe is very simple. Bon Appetit!

 delicious homemade egg noodles

Orange homemade noodles with carrot puree

Not all children like to eat carrots, but kids love the pasta! Combine business with pleasure, and prepare small gourmet carrot noodles.


  • 200 grams of washed carrots
  • 3-4 cups flour
  • 3 eggs
  • sugar and melted butter - 1 tablespoon
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

To make a wonderful orange noodles, slice carrots into pieces cleaned, boil until soft and grind in a blender when the vegetable has cooled. Mix the eggs, sugar, butter until smooth. Then, gradually podsypaya flour kneaded dough is stiff and divide it into 4 parts. Each of them roll out thinly and cut into noodles. Dry it to the state of fragility. Flavored boiled noodles orange butter - Enjoy your meal!

Home-spider egg noodles

In this simple recipe for noodles and fun way to cutting.


  • wheat flour - 600 grams
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces

Cooking method:

On the wide chopping board sift the flour in the form of slides. The deepening hammer eggs and kneaded dough. This should be done for at least 30 minutes, if necessary podsypaya flour. Wrap in plastic wrap bun dough and leave it for half an hour on the table. Then divide into 4 parts com, roll out one of them, prisypaya top layer of flour. Leave to dry layer of dough on the table for at least 30 minutes. When that time passes, wrap the dough onto the rolling pin and cut it lengthwise. Now cut a wide strip along the three narrow. Armed with a sharp knife with a thin, gossamer-liqueurs vermicelli and drain it on a flat dish, pour the flour, in a few hours. Store in tightly closed containers. Bon Appetit!

 homemade egg noodles recipe

Green egg noodles with spinach

This recipe gives you not only incredibly delicious, but also a very useful product. For spinach - it's just a storehouse of vitamins A and C, which are preserved by heat treatment, as rich in vegetable protein. The taste of this noodle is practically no different from the usual, but healthy meals has grown significantly. Not finding fresh spinach, you can use frozen, pre-heated to room temperature and squeeze.


  • 450 grams of flour
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 100 grams of fresh spinach leaves
  • teaspoon salt (tea without slides)
  • 15 grams of olive oil

On podsypku:

  • 60 grams flour

Cooking method:

Spinach rinse thoroughly, shake off excess water and protomai him a couple of minutes in a small saucepan without water (only those droplets that remain on the leaves). Liquid drain and squeeze the spinach, let cool down. Sift the flour. For shredding is best to use a food processor, but if you do not have this, chop all the products one by one in a blender. Download the processor flour, spinach, salt and grind everything until smooth. Add some beaten eggs, olive oil, and again all mixed. Get ready the dough, cover with a damp towel and let it rest for at least half an hour.

Recipe moved to the second stage - to rolling out and cutting. Com Roll out the dough into a circle about 25 centimeters in diameter. Wind in the half circle rolling pin and roll out a layer thinner. Turn the rolling pin 30 degrees and repeat the procedure several times until the reservoir was less than 1 millimeter thick. Leave the dough to dry out the green in a draft of not less than half an hour.

From the resulting loose seams roll rolls and cut into noodles of the desired width. Do not forget to turn over and pour the flour weight, leaving it to dry. You can also cut sheets of lasagne verde - they can be dried or frozen. Noodles better to use for a week, the longer it will be stored, the fewer nutrients and vitamins in it remain.

Egg noodles with curry garlic

Recipe noodle with garlic is prepared in the usual method for you. Such pasta will be particularly spicy, as a garnish for meat dishes and a separate dish with sauce bechamel. Vermicelli with curry turns a saturated orange color with a pleasant spicy scent. Be sure to try both types of noodles - they will make a nice change to the usual menu.


  • 2 eggs
  • flour - 2-3 cups
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml
  • salt - teaspoon
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Curry - 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

The cup type in egg, salt and pour vegetable oil and mix everything with a fork. Rub garlic on a small grater and add it to the mixture. In another bowl make a similar oil-egg mixture and add to it instead of curry garlic. Then take two deep bowls, and sprinkle in the same amount of flour knead the dough with curry and garlic, as indicated above (recipe "egg noodles Home-spider"). Cut the noodles or pasta of your choice. Drain and cook the dish, choose a favorite recipe. Bon Appetit!

As it turned out, for a tasty homemade dinner is enough to have a minimum set of products - flour and eggs. Little variety composition and applying a bit of diligence, you'll get an elegant dish for a dinner party for friends and relatives. Home surpass egg noodles taste store bought pasta, in fact preparing a dish with love and care about the health of the family. Moreover, scientists have proved that from vermicelli prepared from durum wheat, not fattening. And choosing a recipe with carrots and spinach, you get a dish, rich in vitamins and minerals. Cook with inspiration and benefit!

 The cozy family dinner: homemade egg noodles

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