Even the most mouth-watering dishes, cook if they are too often quickly stale. Cutlets, chops, sausages and boiled sardeli - they are good, hearty and popular in every home. But sometimes not only the soul but also the stomach requires diversity. And here is to be "on" a fantasy owner. At our site you will find a lot of recipes of Russian, European, Jewish and other cuisines that make your cooking life will be much brighter and more interesting.
Right now we offer several options to consider duck with prunes. Typically, this dish is associated with Christmas or New Year, because often it is served on the festive table. We will destroy the stereotypes: the bird can be cooked in a hurry, especially without thinking of the ingredients of the sauce to any dish. The only negative - a fairly long duck baked in the oven, so it is better to do on the weekends, when you do not need to rush to work or school. Well, take it into the hands of the recipe and feel free to get down to business.
Easy and fast duck with dried fruit
Novice mistresses, had never had dealings with a bird, this recipe fits perfectly. Firstly, the preparation of food is ridiculously simplified: just need to rub the carcass spices stuff with prunes and send in the oven. At the same time the most difficult - not to miss the moment when the duck propechetsya and periodically watered it heated with oil. Agree easily apply is not necessary. In addition, you do not need too many ingredients, which will save the budget. Given all of the above foods charms, it begs the legitimate question: why not prepare a delicious bird with prunes? The more that a recipe you already have.
500 grams of soft prunes
a small duck (take polutorakilogrammovuyu carcass)
Salt - to your taste
1/3 cup of warm boiled water
freshly ground black pepper
a little olive oil
Cooking method:
Before you dive headlong into the culinary creativity, thoroughly rinse the duck, and then dry it with a paper towel. If necessary, remove the giblets in advance, of which the future can make soup. Now connect one piala refined olive oil, salt and black pepper, then mix well the ingredients. Optionally use your favorite seasonings. To do this, fit coriander, dried dill, basil. Cooking can also be a duck with chopped garlic, but it is, as they say, a very different recipe.
The resulting fragrant sauce Pancake rub the bird on all sides, as well as the inside. Then, soak for fifteen minutes in boiling water dried fruits when they become softer, drain the liquid, rinse them well and dry. Stuff prunes carcass, and the remaining product is set aside. Now, lay the duck in a special dish and garnish with dried fruit on the sides. This also pour warm water, and send the dish in a pre-heated oven. The optimum temperature for cooking poultry is considered to be 190 degrees.
After about 30 minutes, open the door and pour over the dish heated with oil. Roast the duck for about one and a half hours. If you notice that the beginning of the burn crust, which may be due to too much heat, cover with foil, and the carcass of food continue to cook. Before serving, dressed poultry, cutting it into several pieces, which are overlaid with prunes and pour the juice into saucers. Maybe someone wants to pour his dish. As a side dish can make mashed potatoes, boiled buckwheat or rice porridge. Bon Appetit!
Duck with mayonnaise, spices and prunes
This recipe is for those who love to cook, improving their skills and is open to new dishes. Duck stuffed with sweet prunes, smeared with mayonnaise and baked in the oven, it will appeal not only to fans of real meat. It is incredibly delicious taste to celebrate, even those who belong to the bird without much enthusiasm. The impregnation can be used as a fat sour cream or cream.
400 grams of prunes
coriander - to taste
average duck - one piece
two laurel leaf
80 grams of gourmet mayonnaise
black pepper (suitable for both sweet and ground)
three cloves of garlic
For decoration:
20 grams of fresh dill
Cooking method:
If you decide to make a bird for a family dinner, we recommend to buy a small: one, a maximum of half a kilogram. Then you will spend a lot less time on the baking dish. It just depends on the weight of the ducks and how long it will have to prepare. So, after a good carcass will wash and dry, rub it on the sides and inside of table salt and pepper. Dried put in a bowl and cover with hot water, let it sit for ten minutes to soften them. After an unnecessary drain fluid chnnosliv squeeze with a towel and connect with the bay leaf and coriander, enter here the crushed garlic.
Mix well and a lot nafarshiruyte her bird. Hole sew conventional threads or special fasten skewers. But do not forget to get extra items before serving food on the table. Now treat the duck with mayonnaise, liberally coat it on all sides. Then place the bird in the sleeve and tie it. The dish should be prepared in an oven at 190 degrees, about 2 5 hours. Before removing the product (about 30 minutes before), remove the bag and pour the juice formed a bird, and then again put in the oven. With this dish will ruddy and beautiful. Sprinkle it with chopped herbs and call relatives - her husband and children - enjoy delicious creation. This recipe is useful not only in everyday life, but also in the "festive" life.
Bird with apples and prunes
Do you want to learn how to cook the bird in the oven? Then welcome to this website. In our face you will find a faithful assistant and professional guide in the world of culinary arts. Now you do not have to leaf through specialized guides and manuals for beginners - all of the most incredible recipes, from simple to the most complex, are located here. So your offer detailed instructions for preparing appetizing golden duck with juicy apples and prunes.
two small green apples
three guests prunes
polutorakilogrammovaya Bird
70 milliliters of vinegar diluted with water
pepper and salt
20 milliliters of oil
Cooking method:
In order not to spoil the dish and did not give it too sour taste, dilute vinegar with boiled water. By the way, it can be replaced by freshly squeezed lemon juice. Now, rinse well under running water plucked and eviscerated bird when it is sufficiently dry, rub it with salt and black pepper. Note that this should be done not only with external, but also from the inside. After wrap the carcass in a bag or plastic wrap and leave to marinate (three hours will be enough).
From apples, remove the core, then cut them into medium-sized wedges. Prunes are divided into two parts and soak in hot water. Then rinse, dry and mix with green fruit. The resulting mass Stuff the bird and to the filling does not fall out, secure the opening with toothpicks. Put the product on a baking sheet, pre-treated vegetable oil. If you do not want to mess with a side dish, spread around the birds peeled and cut pieces of potatoes. You can sprinkle it with spices and drizzle with olive oil. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and return it to the dish. After two or three hours, when it is browned, set the table. Note that the potatoes should get much earlier, otherwise it will burn.
Each recipe has its own characteristics and specificity of the preparation. But different variations on the theme of "stuffed ducks" still have common similarities. For example, poultry is baked at least two or three hours, and it should always be watered periodically heated with oil. To dish came juicier, use sauces: mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil.
We recommend to check out: The recipe for duck with apples in the sleeve
Lazy dumplings almost classical
Lazy dumplings-roses
How would any of ravioli makers praised its products, but with some homemade dumplings or ravioli-store competition will not stand. And let us guarantee the excellent quality of the finished dumplings, convinced that they stuff is made by hand, minced contains no protein supplements and flavor enhancers. Anyway homemade dumplings will taste better and better. However, the process of making this publicly favorite dishes so laborious that the temptation to buy a shoplifting dumplings very great.
But do not rush to abandon autographic cooking tasty, juicy, fragrant, and one hundred percent natural homemade ravioli. Try to cook ravioli lazy. Yes, lazy turns out to be not just dumplings and stuffed cabbage. Recipe for lazy dumplings also exists. And not one, but several! By the way, different from the lazy dumplings can be not only a recipe, but the method of preparation. However, we will not feed the Nightingale fables and feed their households dumplings. And let them be lazy, but turn out not less tasty than the traditional.
Lazy dumplings almost classical
This lazy ravioli recipe involves the use of a special form. Form for ravioli - is a metal or plastic disk or a pentagon with hole-cells. It is thanks to such adaptation process is greatly simplified cooking dumplings - there is no need to model each dumpling separately.
Half a kilo of minced meat;
1 raw egg;
1 head of onions;
Black pepper.
For the dough:
400 grams of flour;
1 raw egg;
1 part-time cup of water;
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
Half a teaspoon of salt.
After all, as in the traditional way? We are ready to roll out the dough, cut circles out of it, put on each ground beef and then zaschipyvaem each circle, forming a neat pelmeshek. Using the form for ravioli, we skip this step. But we start with the dough and cooking meat.
Stuffing we shift into a bowl, add it twisted in a meat grinder or in a blender chopped onion, egg, ground black pepper and salt (the latter put to taste). Mix. For the dough in a bowl sift the flour, place the salt, pour vegetable oil and break an egg. Gradually adding water, knead a smooth, dense, but elastic dough. The dough is then cover with cling film or a towel and leave it for thirty minutes. During this time, the gluten swells, and the dough will become even softer and more pliable. This matches the method of preparation of the lazy dumplings with a traditional method exhausted.
Next we need to roll the dough, and you need to prepare immediately two large reservoir. Then one layer is placed on the form, floured, in a closed test holes stacked pieces of meat, and then it is covered by another layer of dough. Floured top layer, rolled several times on it with a rolling pin, cutting the dough in the shape of the protruding edges. Lay off a rolling pin, gently remove the excess dough around the edges of the form, flips it over and shakes have stuck together pelmeni. Boil them, laying in boiling salted water.
Lazy dumplings-roses
In this way, cook ravioli lazy even easier. We do not need a form, and the composition of the recipe ingredients differ only in the presence of vegetables. From vegetables we do a kind of cushion for our ravioli-roses.
Half a glass of water;
Half a teaspoon of salt;
2 eggs;
Flour until desired dough consistency.
For filling:
700 grams of minced meat;
2 onions;
Fresh herbs;
Black pepper.
For vegetable pillow:
2 carrots;
2 onions;
2 pod peppers;
Vegetable oil.
Knead the dough classic dumplings. Divide the eggs into a bowl, add water and salt and gently stir the mixture. Now we begin to slowly pour the sifted flour, mixing very stiff dough. Cover it with a cotton towel or cling film and leave for half an hour in a warm place. During this time, the dough will be softer and more elastic. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Twist in a meat grinder bulbs, combine them with the meat and add the eggs and chopped parsley. Put salt to taste and freshly ground black pepper and mix well.
Plan ahead and vegetable cushion for ravioli. The recipe of its preparation is simple enough. Clean the onions and carrots, and peppers from seeds and remove the membrane. Cut all the vegetables into strips and fry in turn vegetable oil until golden brown. We spread all the vegetables in a deep roasting pan and begin to make dumplings.
Sprinkle the table with flour, spread on it all the dough and rolled it into a thin layer. The thinner we roll out the dough, turn out so tasty dumplings. Note that the formation of the test should not be round and elongated, because we have to roll it into a roll. Now, spread on the dough all the stuffing and evenly distribute it across the seam. Wrap and Roll zaschipyvaem its edge. Then simply cut into pieces and roll the resulting spread them in a roasting pan on vegetable pillow. Put the mini-rolls cut up. By the way, that the meat juices are not flowing, the lower section of each roll can be zaschipnut. We fill our lazy dumplings with water so that it covered them completely. Put in a roasting pan lavrushki leaf, if desired, add spices, cover with a lid and simmer the dumplings about half an hour.
As you can see, to make lazy ravioli quite easily. Anyway, their prescription is practically no different from the traditional homemade ravioli. A simplified method of cooking. And what recipe you like? Incidentally, lazy dumplings can not only cook, but also steamed or baked in the oven. Cook with pleasure! Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field!
We strongly recommend to read: How to cook a duck in aerogrill