braised duck with apples


  • Duck with apples, stewed in wine
  • Duck stew with apples and carrots
  • Duck stewed in applesauce
  • Duck with apples and prunes in a sleeve

Want to treat loved ones an unusual and delicious hearty meal? Select a duck with apples, and you will not regret it. Whichever recipe you choose, always turn the meat juicy and tender, and the fruit will give the dish an unsurpassed flavor. In addition, apples are a good side dish, which in itself is unusual.

If you are afraid to put out a duck from the fact that its meat is harsh, prefer birds grown on a chicken farm. The skin of a carcass has a lighter color, it is not so much fat in the village, and it is less by weight. Choosing ingredients, pick a suitable size utyatnitsu a cauldron. Best of all, if it's cast iron cookware - then braised duck is cooked faster.

Duck with apples, stewed in wine

The procedure described below has the recipe for duck deliciously delicate creamy taste that garnish the meat can not even much sweet canned fruit - peaches, pears and others.


  • Duck 2 kilogram weight
  • 300 grams of carrot
  • 2 apples
  • orange peel for
  • bulb onion
  • tuber celery
  • stalk leeks
  • 30-40 grams of butter
  • 1/2 cup cream 20-25% fat
  • cup dry red wine
  • tablespoon dried savory
  • black pepper and salt

Cooking method:

Cook this dish is the first thing to start cutting a whole. Clean it from the remnants of the pen, if necessary, wash and dry the skin with a paper towel. Cut the carcass into 4 pieces and rub a mixture of salt and pepper. Leave it to soak for a short while, but in the meantime enjoy a vegetable. Wash them, peel and cut into cubes the same size. Celery, by the way, take about 125 grams.

Prepare utyatnitsu or cast iron cauldron. Warm dish over high heat and melt it in a couple of tablespoons of butter. QUARTER bird fry in butter, put them skin down. If the layer of fat is quite thick, puncture the skin in several places with a fork, so that during frying heated with excess fat. When the duck will get a golden color, sprinkle in the prepared vegetables and stir them into the utyatnitsu simmered for 15 minutes with the meat. At the end of cooking, pour a glass of dry red wine.

Next step: turn on the oven and set the temperature of 160 degrees for cast iron cookware and 170 degrees for another metal. When the oven is sufficiently warmed up, sprinkle with fried duck with vegetables dry savory and send bake for an hour without the lid. During this time, gradually sneaky 100 milliliters of cream. After the allotted time, carefully remove the meat dish and sprinkle a tablespoon of orange zest. Overlaid duck slices of fresh apples and send a stew in the oven for 10-15 minutes later under the cover. That's all, flavorful and tender dish is ready - serve it with noodles, canned peas or fruit. Bon Appetit!

 braised duck with apples recipe

Duck stew with apples and carrots

Another traditional recipe poultry for the festive table - braised duck with apples. Use your imagination and add flavorful seasoning to your liking - it will make your meal special and truly memorable.


  • duck carcass weight of 2 kilograms
  • 1 kilogram fragrant sour apples
  • lemon
  • ginger root
  • salt and black pepper

Cooking method:

As usual, we offer a cooking start with cutting a whole. Wash it and pat dry with paper towel. Then proceed to the immediate cutting poultry. Chop off her wings and legs, tail are cut to odorous gland does not spoil the dish a specific smell. Armed with a sharp knife, make an incision at the breastbone and frequent short movements cut the fillets. In the ham bone is not cut. You should have 2 breasts, 2 ham and 2 wings. Mix grated piece of ginger root (about 3 cm long) with salt and pepper and rub generously this mass pieces of duck. Let sit for 30-40 minutes meat.

The recipe goes on the readiness to extinguish. Cast-iron cauldron warm over medium heat, put it down pieces of duck cloth. Fry the meat until brown, then pour a glass of cold water and leave to stew under the lid 40-50 minutes. Meanwhile clean the carrots, grate and send it to the cauldron. It's time to add to the recipe notes of flavor and tenderness. This will help us juicy apples with acidity. In the fruit, remove seeds and cut into large slices. From the juice of half a lemon squeeze and pour them apples. Thus the fruits are not darken and retain their flavor during cooking. Add slices of apples in the kettle and boil for some time at least 15 minutes. Serve hot and enjoy the wonderful taste - bon appetit!

Duck stewed in applesauce

Perhaps the following we present the most simple recipe duck. Stewed apples simmered, she is exceptionally tender and flavorful. We are sure you will get a lot of pleasure from the taste of the dish, while spending a minimum of effort on his cooking.


  • Duck 1, 8-2 kilograms weight
  • large apples - 4 pieces
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • a sprig of rosemary
  • clove

Cooking method:

Washed duck divide into portions and add to the skillet. Two apples peel and core, cut into large pieces. Arrange the fruit between the pieces of duck, and on top put a sprig of rosemary. If you do not have fresh spices, use dried rosemary needles. Cover the skillet with a lid and put it on medium heat. Once the duck will give juice, pour a glass or two of hot water. Simmer the dish should be not less than one and a half hours until the apples do not seethe the sauce. Periodically check the readiness of meat, if you got too old bird, extend the cooking time and do not forget to pour the water.

The remaining apples wash and clean the core. Cut into 4 pieces and place in the sauce between the pieces of duck. Salt dish and add freshly ground pepper. The perfect combination of flavors is a mixture of white, pink and black peppers, but it does not matter if they did not have on hand. Once you put in the cauldron of fresh apples, stew dish another 15 minutes, then you can call the household to the table - the meal was ready. Bon Appetit!

 braised duck with apples recipe

Duck with apples and prunes in a sleeve

Not every housewife has utyatnitsu or cast iron cauldron. No problem! A delicious and healthy dinner can be prepared using the sleeve for baking and conventional baking. A perfect recipe for birds we will have already found.


  • big bird duck
  • 70 grams of pitted prunes
  • 2 green apples
  • tablespoons soy sauce
  • tablespoon lemon juice
  • heaped teaspoon honey
  • pepper and salt to taste

Cooking method:

As long as you do not cut the duck, cut a piece of hose for baking, equal to half the length of the carcass. Then start cutting bird: it cut the tail, excess fat and chop into portions. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid honey, soy sauce and lemon juice. Pour this marinade over duck and remember her good hands. Keep it in the refrigerator for an hour configure themselves.

And you in the meantime proceed with sliced ​​fruit. Peeled and core the apples cut into cubes. And prunes soak for 10 minutes in boiling water. Select Smoked dried fruit - it will give the dish a special piquancy. So you deal with fruit, it's time to heat the oven to 180 degrees. As she warms up, fold in the sleeve for baking salted and peppered poultry pieces and sliced ​​fruit. Pinch the ends of the sleeves loosely clip and send in the oven for a couple of hours.

When the meat is separated from the bone, remove the pan and gently Transfer the contents of the hose in a bowl. Drain and pass on a wide dish braised duck, apples and prunes. Some fruits chop blender and pour a little in the process of baking the resulting liquid. Stir in the sauce a pinch of pepper, and pour into a gravy boat. The dish will be an incredible success, if you boil the rice side dish. Put on a plate heaped rice, pour its sauce and add the pieces of poultry with fruit. Bon Appetit!

As you can see, to cook tasty with us is not difficult. Even modest amounts of ingredients can make a luxurious dish to taste. Among other things, as we simmer the dish, it is possible to do their business. Cook quickly and easily - create culinary delights with inspiration!

 Duck braised with apples

We recommend that read: Duck with apples in the sleeve: recipe
