duck with apples in the sleeve


  • Duck with potatoes and apples
  • Duck with fruit
  • Bird with rice and apples "in Russian"

Duck baked in a sleeve with sweet and sour apples - ideal for the festive lunch or dinner. If you cook it properly, to pick up for this successful recipe, the dish will turn out incredibly tasty and juicy, and the meat - tender, with a delicious golden crust. The bird is quite fatty, so it is too much, of course, I do not eat. But every problem can be solved, and that the duck is the perfect place to dump some yummy. You can stuff the carcass rice, buckwheat or confine fruits, such as prunes, apples or oranges.

Duck with potatoes and apples

Each recipe is good in its own way, so choose a dish, focusing on the taste. Especially with a little practice and experimenting with the ingredients for the filling - rice, buckwheat, apples and others - you can determine exactly what is best combined duck, at what temperature it should be prepared in a sleeve when removed and thanks to some sauce turns out more crispy and golden brown. We offer to start right now!


  • two small sour apples (for example, well suited grade "Antonovka")
  • polutorakilogrammovaya duck - one piece
  • 100 grams of soft prunes
  • salt - to taste
  • five large potatoes
  • 1/3 lemon
  • three tablespoons of honey
  • two cloves of garlic
  • seasoning - optional
  • 25 milliliters of oil

Cooking method:

The skin is quite oily duck, which is both good and bad at the same time. On the one hand, the dish turns out very juicy, but on the other - heavy on the stomach. That is why we offer to take note of this recipe with apples. The fact that during the preparation of the bird in the oven fruit not only absorb the excess fat, but also give the carcass a little spicy sour taste. Optionally you can use special spices, such as paprika, olive dried herbs and so on. Garnish in this case do not have to - it will play the role of baked potatoes. Let's get down?

First you need to prepare the marinade: Melt honey on a steam bath, enter into it a little bit of salt, spices and a half servings of vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is smeared duck, not only on all sides, but also inside. Leave it for a few hours, preferably overnight. Then the bird perfectly saturated, and the meat is very juicy. For product is not winded, cover it with a special cling film.

The stuffing is cooked very simple: cut the sour fruit into cubes of medium size, pre-getting rid of the seeds and core. To prune became softer, soak it in hot water for about fifteen minutes. Then drain the excess liquid, rinse and dry after a knife, divide into two halves, but if you want you can use the whole dried fruit. Mix ingredients in a bowl, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and then nafarshiruyte carcass apples and prunes. So that they do not fall out, sew the hole thread and fasten with wooden skewers. As for the garlic, then it clean from the husk and by making a few cuts to slide into the product.

Duck cooked in the oven or a sleeve on a baking sheet - Recipe "permits" both. In the second case, lubricate the metal surface of the remaining oil and place on a bird. Then preheat the oven to 200 degrees and return it to the dish. Meanwhile, remove the potato peel, cut it into large pieces, sprinkle with salt and spices. After about 45 minutes, remove the product, pour it stand out from the duck juice and lay next to the vegetables. And once again put back for another hour, reduce temperature to 180 degrees.

If you decide to bake the carcass with apples and dried fruits in the sleeve, then simply place the bird in it together with potatoes and tighten. Prepare the same manner as described above, but before removing (roughly half an hour before), cut and pack a product hold bit in the oven. With these simple manipulations formed crust and crispy duck and turn golden. The separated oil can be used as a gravy - just pour it into a special saucers and serve with the main course. By the way, do not forget to get rid of the thread and shpazhek. Hopefully this recipe is useful to you!

 duck with apples in the sleeve

Duck with fruit

If you do not know what the recipe "fruit" duck better - for example, prunes stuffed with apples or oranges - we recommend to try both. In this case, you will be able to judge objectively. Baked bird looks great on a festive table and are always popular with guests. On a side dish you can cook steamed rice with vegetables, mashed potatoes or buckwheat, whichever event you will.


  • large orange
  • Duck (carcass weight buy a half to two kilograms)
  • two sweet apple
  • three small garlic cloves (you can use the dried product)
  • salt
  • 30 grams of olive or other vegetable oil
  • chili powder and black pepper
  • Basil - on request

Cooking method:

If you value your time and effort, we recommend to buy already fully plucked and gutted duck - then you do not have to do it yourself. It will only singe, wash and dry (use ordinary paper towels). The next stage of cooking with apples - marinade. To do it, connect one piala vegetable oil, is here to help squeeze the garlic press. Enter dried spices - paprika and black pepper, basil, salt - and carefully mix everything. If using fresh herbs, knead well with their hands and then grind mortar. Peeled oranges cut into four parts, squeezing some juice to the sauce. Let it brew.

Now received marinade rub the duck inside and out - it will not only give the dish an unusual taste, but also give it a nice golden color. If time allows, remove the bird in the refrigerator for one to two hours, so she was soaked. Then heat the oven to 180 degrees, while they themselves enjoy a filling. Washed apple peel and remove core, chop them into large chunks. In the same way to cut the remaining orange. It remains to stuff the bird fruits and sew up the hole. If you plan to bake the product in the sleeve, put the carcass in it, close the clip and send in the oven. Depending on the weight of the duck is cooked in an average of one and a half to two hours.

If you have a dish you like, next time can try to cook it, using a different recipe for the marinade. You will see how much will be different taste of the product. Now, mix 30 grams of light mayonnaise, a tablespoon of honey and a bit of fragrant hot mustard. Optionally enter your favorite fresh or dried spices. Incidentally, mayonnaise is better to take no shops, and own preparation. For him, you will need one egg, vegetable oil, salt, sugar and vinegar or water are added only if necessary to dilute the dough too. Whisk whisk the ingredients, and then you can make the marinade for a duck with red apples, the recipe of which you are already familiar.

 Duck baked with apples in the sleeve

Bird with rice and apples "in Russian"

Finally, we offer another recipe that can try on the weekend. After cooking the duck takes quite a long time - about two hours. But the effort is worth it! Delicate bird with rice, vegetables and green apples has a truly perfect taste - only one kind of food causes a storm of positive emotions. Reaction family will delight you - surely you pass for an outstanding cook.


  • curry and salt
  • one middle duck
  • four green sour apple
  • Three bell peppers
  • two small onion bulbs
  • half cup of rice
  • fresh herbs
  • olive oil

Cooking method:

Remove from the pre-plucked duck giblets, then one can make a delicious light soup with noodles. But more about that another time, now back to our meat dishes. So, after the carcass will wash, pat dry it well and pour the rice in advance with water and let it sit for an hour or two. Then he "comes" with the bird in the oven directly. Now we have to prepare the filling: Cut apple core, get rid of the seeds and chop the vegetables into small cubes. Peppers remove seeds and cut into thin strips, onion - half rings. Brown the onion vegetable slightly in olive oil until light golden brown.

Take the bird and rub it first on top and then in a mixture of salt, pepper and curry. By the way, if there is edible duck "remnants" - the lungs or liver - you can use them for filling. For its preparation in a bowl combine apples and chopped greens, leaving some for decoration. Now nafarshiruyte the product, secure the opening with toothpicks and reload the dish on a greased baking sheet or glass bakeware.

As for rice, after he swells, rinse it several times, allow to drain, and then send it to the duck, spreading it around the product. This also add fried onion and bell pepper. Pour all the salted water (take 1/3 cup) and cover with foil. To bake the dish in the sleeve, put all the ingredients in it, along with the bird, fixing clips, put in preheated oven. The optimum temperature - 190-200 degrees. Two hours later, the duck is ready!

These recipes are suitable for special occasions (birthday celebration, Christmas or, for example, the eighth of March from a large number of guests) as well as for dinner in the close family circle. The only disadvantage of baked duck can be called a fairly long cooking time. But do not let that scare! After appetizing rosy bird with apples - a real perfection, accessible to everyone!

 Duck with apples in the sleeve for special occasions

We recommend that read: Recipes duck in your sleeve
