to begin repairs in the room


  • We plan to work progress
  • Select a repair method
  • Buy materials

If a transfer is two fires, one repair is several crossings! And so we often put off and put off repairs, even if already delayed any longer. And sometimes just do not know where to start and what to grab first. Of course, the repair repair strife. One thing is when we just want to freshen up a room, replacing it wallpaper and correct some minor flaws, or the so-called traces of time. It's quite another matter if the room requires little overhaul, or we decide to radically change the whole design of your living room or bedroom. However, in any case, the sequence will be the same repair. And begin repair of any complexity needs from one and the same. So where to start repair of the room?

We plan to work progress

First, you need to plan for the entire course of future work. And not only work, but your actions. In addition, you must decide how to design your room, how serious you need to carry out repairs, and by whom all this will be done.

First of all, evaluate the state of the room. What you need to do? From the type of repair depends on many things: from the monetary costs and ending with the involvement of artists of different specialization. Regardless of the future of interior design you need to estimate the necessary preparations and the dirtiest work. Are you going to change the windows and doors? Will the tension mounted or ceiling? Do you need to replace or install additional electrical outlets? You will line the walls or sheathe their plasterboard?

Assessing the scope of work, make a plan for phased implementation. As a rule, repair the room begin with the dirtiest work. So, if necessary, replace the wiring label is the second item on the repair plan. Because the first point - it is destructive, dismantling work. And first of all need to delete all the old wall coverings, ceiling and floor. Installation of windows and doors should be the third point of your plan. After that usually begin to engage in walls, then comes the turn of the ceiling and floor repair - the final stage of renovations.

Now you need to design the future of the interior of your room. It has become fashionable to ask for this to professional designers. In general, it is quite reasonable and justified by our commitment to the stylish and competent design of their homes. A definite plus professional design - really comfortable and beautiful interior, taking into account all your wishes. Minus only one - additional costs.

If you still decide to save on professional design, you still need to have an idea of ​​what your room will be renovated. Today it is not difficult to do, referring to the resources of the omniscient Internet. See page design companies, read the article about the styles of interior and just flip through pictures with examples of design solutions. You will definitely be able to make a design project of their own. Let unprofessional, but your own.

 Where to start repair room

Select a repair method

Let's say right away, you have a choice small. There are only two options. Either you make a repair their own hands, or invite artists. However, there is a third option: something you do by yourself, but for something using hired labor. Depending on the complexity of the repair you choose the best option for themselves.

If the repair is minor and only updating the walls, ceiling and floor, it will take you quite capable. Even to hold the wiring and put a new door on their own will be able to a lot of men. However, householders masterovitye cope with plasterboard, and even with the false ceiling and laminate flooring. But personally set a new double pane windows and suspended ceiling you are unlikely. Therefore still have to use the services of professionals.

If all the repairs you plan to entrust the builders, there can also be selected. Firstly, you can invite a team of generalists that you hold all repairs, from beginning to end. Second, you can work every kind of charge masters narrow profile. How exactly do you solve this problem, it depends only on your financial capabilities and their own view of it. Each method has its pros and cons.

Turning to the repair and construction company, be sure to read the reviews and even better - personally talk to clients of this company. Any self-respecting company is required to give you this opportunity. If you hire specialists, it is best to do it on the recommendation. And do not hesitate to ask about the timing, discounts and terms of the contract. By the way, a written contract is in any case - it disciplines and the customer and the performer.

Buy materials

As practice shows, all the decoration and building materials better buy in advance. Moreover, the need to pre-calculate everything (quantity and value) and buy all the materials with a small margin. Do not buy everything at once in one place, even though it seems to be very comfortable. However, if funds for the repair you are not severely limited, it is possible to do so. But!

Different stores the same materials are sold at different prices. Somewhere discounts, and somewhere they are not. Some offer free shipping, while others only self. Walk around the building shops and markets to ask the price, please read range. For example, selecting a particular color linoleum, pay attention to the quality and density, and the price.

By the way, it does not hurt at all to know the addresses of all specialized shops, markets and stores of the city. Although it is said that overseas heifer - mite, but the ruble transportation, today, this proverb is outdated. With the spread of prices and widest range of products you can save significantly if the purchase of construction materials are not advertised in the store in the city center, but somewhere in the wholesale warehouse, located in the suburbs.

So, make a plan and cost estimates, developing a design, to determine the workforce and purchase the materials, you can begin to repair. Oh, and most importantly - from repair, please be patient. It is oh, how you need it! So patience and good luck to you!

 Where to start repair in the room? At first!

We advise to check: Where to start repair bathroom

 correct dog urine odor removal


  • Tools odor
  • Terms of use of funds

In every second house has a beloved pet, whether dog or cat. Usually they have a tray, or they wait patiently when they withdraw into the street. It happens that the pet does not want to wait vrednichaet or even for some reason shits in the house on the furniture, carpets, floor. Place starts to smell, and to remove the smell is quite problematic. Anyone who deduced the spot and came across this problem finds its ways to eliminate the stench. Still, any housewife wonders whether she cleans the urine.

 dog urine odor removal of chlorine
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Tools odor

  1. One of the universal means of removing odors - vinegar, especially well suited for the removal of a dog or cat urine. The big advantage of it is that he is well weathered. First we need to dilute the vinegar with water. Normal 9 percent diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, white vinegar - half. After that, it is desirable to pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and sprayed onto a place that smells. Alternatively, you can carry out this procedure with a cloth. For best results you need a good spot to dry. When the mixture is dry, place a well washed with warm water dissolved in it with detergent. Instead of vinegar to remove the stain as possible with citric acid.
  2. Displayed canine urine odor by using an agent that is present in every house, - hydrogen peroxide. However, since some of its chemical properties, it can be used mainly in linoleum or tile. First you need in a plastic bowl, combine 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of any detergent (better dishwashing liquid) and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir the mixture applied to the surface, which is necessary to remove the stain with the smell of urine. We leave it for 30-60 minutes. The dry mixture is washed off with warm water and a cloth or sponge.
  3. A good version of dog urine odor removal - the use of potassium permanganate. It is one of the products that act as oxidants, as well as a deodorizing agent. Tidy up with the help of dark surfaces is desirable, as it tends to paint the place, which was applied. Enough potassium permanganate crystals dissolve in warm water and treated by the described portion of the resulting solution. Leave to dry completely. The color of the solution in this case is not important. Commonly used liquid is pink, but for the long-standing stains left pet urine, or extremely heavy processing is desirable dark, almost black solution. Clean solution is not necessary. However, the procedure is repeated until the smell is completely gone.
  4. Bleach - another common tool that removes traces of good "dog toilet". However, before you use it, stot make sure that the surface can withstand the impact. Add a bit of bleach to the water in a ratio of 1:10, stir. The resulting solution was put into place, requiring dog urine odor. After 20 minutes, be sure to thoroughly rinse the surface with water.
  5. Eliminate the smell from the wooden surfaces or tiles will iodine. Sufficiently dilute antiseptic 15 drops per liter water. The resulting liquid was treated surface.
  6. Sometimes the smell of dog urine output, you can use vodka or rubbing alcohol. These funds have a strong odor, which helps avoid future trouble from the new dog. To eliminate the odor polluted place of the wetting liquid with a cloth or sprayed with an atomizer. Then alcohol is rubbed with some force into the surface. At the last stage a dry paper towel, cloth or paper impregnated with liquid. Action to be repeated as long as there will be a dry cloth.
  7. Universal tool that allows you to remove the stain and odor of feces - soap. The most effective its use in fresh filth on the tissue surface. A small piece of soap is rubbed and mixed with water. The resulting slurry is immediately applied to the location that is the cause malodor. About 10 minutes worth the wait to a surface saturated with soapy agent. Using a damp sponge to remove soap and wash.
  8. Ancient tool that can remove unpleasant odors and bring spots - soda solution. Soda is diluted in water to obtain a dense slurry. It is applied to the formation of the smell of the place, where it remains until dry. Then place vacuuming or sweeping.
  9. Freshly squeezed lemon juice, diluted with water 1: 1, help to eliminate the smell of urine with upholstered furniture. With it, the stain just processed, and after 15 minutes wiped with a clean cloth.
  10. Do not forget about cleaners different surfaces. They are in a large number and variety on the market.

 odor removal using lemon juice

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Terms of use of funds

This is the most popular means of odor control. Anyone who takes away with them urine needs to protect himself. During operation, be sure to use rubber gloves so as not to harm the skin of hands. Before putting on gloves can also spread his hands greasy cream. In addition, to eliminate spot on tissue, it is undesirable to use solutions with iodine or potassium permanganate. A hydrogen peroxide is not used for lacquered and fabric surfaces to prevent them from lightening.

There are many opportunities to bring the smell of dog urine. However, that work was not in vain, it is necessary to determine the cause of the dog's behavior. If this little puppy, the solution is to teach him how to "walk" in the right place. But if the dog is an adult, it is likely, it is a disease, and it already should be treated. Otherwise, the house will smell permanently.

 The funds can eliminate the smell of dog urine
