beef baked in foil

And what people may come up only to eat delicious, but economically and usefully. Especially when it comes to meat. To preserve its taste and useful qualities, our predecessors baked animal carcasses directly over the fire, without removing them from the skin. Then he began to coat the pieces of meat with clay and bake them in the fire. Then he replaced the clay test, and fire - stove. And, finally invented foil. We invented it, certainly not for roasting meat, and for other purposes. But cooks quickly appreciated and have adopted this invention. And so today, beef, baked in foil - just one of the few dishes that are prepared with the help of a magic metallic paper.

Let us, and we learn this simple enough, but such a useful case. Especially because:

  • baked in foil stewed meat has a taste and smell - roast;
  • Cooking takes place without the participation of fat;
  • baked meat juicier and more tender and softer cooked roast;
  • This method is suitable for the preparation of a dietary menu;
  • it is simply delicious!

  Classic recipe

So, having your kitchen conventional oven (the oven) and check the foil for preparing beef, baked in foil, the following ingredients:

  • Meat fillets better - about a kilogram
  • Carrots - half or whole
  • Garlic - head
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Black pepper - teaspoon


Meat cleanse from the films, and my waffle obsushivayut clean towel. Carrot my, clean, cut into long thin sticks (large strips). Clove of garlic cut into two or four parts (depending on the size of cloves). Pierces a piece of beef from several sides long, thin and sharp knife. The puncture push slices of carrots and garlic. Mix salt and pepper and rub this mixture of meat.

Take a sheet of foil, put on his meat and wrap tightly. Meat put on a baking sheet, place it in the already heated oven. Once out of the oven be heard characteristic "shkvorchaschie" sounds a little bit diminish the fire. Cook the meat for about an hour. The exact time depends on the size of a piece of beef and tightness of the oven. Feeding the meat can be hot or cold.

 beef baked in foil

Portion beef in foil

The dish is, of course, the title of the diet is not meant, but the role of the "nail" on the festive table is quite cope. However, for everyday dinner or lunch so baked beef in foil is also nice.


  • About a kilogram of beef (veal)
  • About a kilogram of potatoes
  • Half a kilo of mushrooms
  • Half cup heavy cream
  • Oil for frying
  • Spices (to your taste)


Meat cut into portions (for steaks). Cut the meat across the grain strictly, so that at the cut was a characteristic pattern in the form of "whorls" or irregular rings. Tap it, sprinkle with salt and pepper and quickly fry in hot skillet. The result will be almost finished beef with browned crust.

Cut into slices potatoes fried in the same oil. Chopped mushrooms fried first and then pour in the cream and simmer until tender. For each batch we take a sheet of foil, put on his flesh, then the potatoes, and on top of the mushrooms. Season with each serving spices, tightly wrap the foil, leaving a little space inside. Bake 40 minutes Serve directly in the foil.

 How to bake beef in foil

Tips and Tricks

Beef in foil will taste better if the meat is pre-soak in a marinade of soy sauce, garlic, salt and olive oil.

To roast beef turned a golden brown, turn the meat and ready to pour it heated with juice. Send your meat in the oven for another 10 minutes.

You can determine that the meat in appearance foil. As soon as it begins to smoke, and the folds of duck - the meat is ready.

During cooking, the meat can safely do other things. Only about ten minutes until tender should carefully be followed.

Knowing how to roast beef in aluminum foil, you can easily cook and festive, and the workaday dish. You find out what to do on the road or on the environment. With this sliced ​​meat to make a sandwich, and with the remnants of - pizza, salad or cake. Be of good cheer!

 Beef baked in foil: recipes, tips and secrets

We recommend that read: Beef Steak

 How to cook a rabbit in the oven

«Rabbits - is not only valuable fur, but also dietary 2-3 kilograms, easily digestible meat ..."

These words from an old sketch, almost fully meet the reality. And if the value of about fur you can bet that that's really the meat diet. It is indispensable for children's food, for the people who are watching their health and controlling your weight. Those who are interested, for example, French, know that the rabbit stew - a classic of the genre, it is served to the table in the finest restaurants, where it is marketed as a gourmet dish. Well, we'll show you how to cook a rabbit in the oven so that it turned out the same delicious, like a good French restaurant.

I must say that the French are not alone in their passion for the rabbit. Rabbit meat is regarded as a gourmet product in many national cuisines: Czech, German, of course, the French, etc. Famous chefs know how to cook a delicious rabbit in the oven, how to make stews and other dishes from the rabbit. And now it will know you.

According to experts, rabbit meat - an environmentally friendly product. Today it is a very important factor. After all, for anybody not a secret that the industrial production of pork, beef and poultry output is meat, stuffed with various chemicals, antibiotics and other not very useful for the human body substances. When growing rabbits these negative factors are excluded, as the body of this gentle rodent is just not able to accumulate harmful substances, pesticides and other chemicals.

Rabbit meat is referred to as white meat, which means that it is easily absorbed by the body, ideal for children's and dietary nutrition. Tender meat contains no saturated fat and cholesterol, but has a high biological value. In addition, rabbit meat contains very well balanced vitamin and mineral composition. Its uniquely recommended for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic disorders. Regular consumption of tender rabbit meat promotes normal fat metabolism and the optimal balance of nutrients, protects against atherosclerosis.

How to cook a rabbit - in the oven, in a frying pan, chunks or in the form of whole carcasses? This makes the taste. He is good in baked and Fried and stewed. We are beginning to offer you a classic recipe.

Ragout of rabbit


  • Bird Rabbit
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 5-7 cloves garlic,
  • white roots (parsley, celery, parsnip)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil for frying,
  • 100 ml vinegar
  • 150-200 ml of vegetable broth
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, spices,
  • 1 teaspoon of starch

Cooking method:

Rabbit carcass thoroughly washed, cleaned of films, remove the fat and chop into small pieces. Fold in the bowl, add water and vinegar and leave to marinate for a few hours.

In a heated pan to put pepper, bay leaf, and other spices that you prefer and lightly fry. Then add the coarsely chopped onions, carrots, roots and continue frying until golden brown.

Remove meat from marinade, pat dry and season with salt and pepper and fry in oil in which the browned vegetables and spices.

The capacity to extinguish folded rabbit meat, fried vegetables, a couple of cloves of garlic and pour the vegetable broth. It will require quite a bit - just to cover the meat.

Send the meat in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and leave an hour and a half, it should be very soft.

At the end of cooking add salt to taste and pepper, pounded garlic and put 30-50 milliliters of water (or cold vegetable broth), mixed with 1 teaspoon of starch to the sauce thickens.

On a side dish to a ragout of rabbit can serve pasta, rice, potatoes.

It looks spectacular on the festive table baked rabbit. The following recipe will answer the question how to cook rabbit completely in the oven.

 cook a rabbit in the oven

Rabbit, baked in a "sleeve"


  • Bird Rabbit
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 stalks leeks
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt, pepper, spices
  • Provencal herbs
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Cooking method:

Rabbit carcass rinse thoroughly, remove the fat, dry and rub with a spicy mixture of salt, pepper, crushed garlic, olive oil and Provence herbs. Leave to marinate for a few hours.

The "hand" to put the rabbit carcass, coarsely chopped onions, carrots, leeks, a couple cloves of garlic, and send in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Baked rabbit out onto a plate, and the resulting strain in the sleeve juice, pour into a saucepan and gently boil down. Balanced taste, adding salt, pepper and lemon juice. Register as a sauce.

If you want to cook the rabbit in the oven with mushrooms, vegetables, white wine - go for it, because the basic recipes you have. Add your favorite spices and raduyte family a delicious meal.

Bon Appetit!

 How to cook a rabbit in the oven? Very simple!

We advise to check: What to cook pike
