Many people love this dish as french fries. Not only because it is very popular, but because it can be quickly and easily prepared at home. Fried potato wedges thin like not only adults but also children. Let's try to cook fries at home?
French fries recipe
1 kg. Potato
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
The preparation of French fries at home, starting with the fact that the potatoes must be peeled, washed and cut each potato on horizontal strata. The width of each to be no more than 1 centimeter. Each layer cut into strips. The resulting straw pepper, salt, and then put on a well-heated pan and fry until cooked in a large amount of vegetable oil. French fries in the fryer is preparing for the same scenario. Serve with ketchup.
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Do you want to please the pet fish and do not know what to cook? We offer you the fishcakes, which will surely please everyone. Especially that prepare them very easily and quickly. How to cook fish cakes? To begin?
Cutlets fish cod
1 kg. cod
1 onion
stale bread (3 pieces)
1 egg
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
How to make fish cakes Cod? To do this, the fish must be washed, cut and separate the fillet from the skin and the ridge. Onions clean. Stale bread to soak a small amount of warm water. After that, fish fillets, bread and onions, mince. We should add the egg, salt and pepper. Ready minced fish in the refrigerator for 1, 5 hours. Then the form of minced meat patties and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Cod fish cutlets - ready! Serve with a young recommend boiled potatoes.
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Fish cutlets pike
1 kg. pike
2 carrots
1 onion
100 gr. hard cheese
3 tbsp. tablespoons butter
2 eggs
3 tbsp. tablespoons flour
1 bunch dill or parsley
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
How to cook fish cakes of pike? To do this, the fish must be washed, cut and separate the fillet from the skin and the ridge. Ready fillets through a meat grinder. Cheese grate. Onions and carrots to clean, and also through a meat grinder. The resulting vegetable stuffing, you need to gently squeeze to remove excess liquid. Then combine all ingredients, pepper, salt, and again mince. In the resulting mass add the butter, well beaten eggs and flour. Mix thoroughly. Then the form of minced meat patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Delicious fish cakes of pike - ready! Serve cutlets decorate with chopped herbs. Fish cutlets pike recipe can be prepared in the oven.
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Fish cutlets pollock
1 kg. pollock
2 onions
100 gr. white bread
1 egg
100 gr. bacon
2 tbsp. tablespoons butter
3 tbsp. tablespoons breadcrumbs
1 tsp. Sugar
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
To prepare fish cakes recipe from Alaska pollock, a fish must be cleaned and washed, and then separated from her flesh. Onions cleaned, cut into pieces of bacon, chop the fish fillets, bread soak a small amount of warm water, and then skip these ingredients through a meat grinder. Add salt, sugar, pepper and egg and mix thoroughly. Then the form of minced meat patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Fish cutlets pollock - ready!
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Fish cutlets canned
1 can of canned
250 gr. semolina
3 onions
2 eggs
vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Cooking fish cakes from canned fish, starting with the fact that you need to put canned in a bowl and mash with a fork. Then add the fish semolina, chopped onions, and mince. Then add egg, salt to taste. Then the form of minced meat patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Cutlets from canned fish - ready! Serve with rice recommended.
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Fish cutlets of pink salmon
700 gr. pink salmon
200 gr. salmon
2 eggs
1 onion
2 slices white bread
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
How to make fish cakes of pink salmon? To do this, all the fish cleaned from the skin and bones and rinsed, and then brushed with onions, mince. To receive the beef add the eggs, pepper, salt. Bread soak with warm water, and when it will soften add it to the stuffing and mix. Then the form of minced meat patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Fish cutlets of pink salmon - ready!
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Fish cutlets catfish
1 kg. soma
2 onions
3 cloves garlic
100 ml. milk
2 eggs
250 gr. corn
vegetable oil
tomato sauce
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
To prepare the cutlets of catfish, the fish must be washed, cleaned and why separate the fillet from the bones and skin. Bread soaked in warm milk. Fish fillets through a meat grinder, and then do the same with bread, brushed with garlic and onions. Add the egg, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. Then the form of minced meat patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Fish cutlets catfish - ready! Serve with tomato sauce.
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Fish cutlets walleye
600 gr. pulp walleye
1 egg
1 onion
1 bunch of parsley
100 gr. butter
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
To prepare meatballs perch, the fish must be washed, cleaned and why separate the fillet from the bones and skin. Then perch fillet, with greens and peeled onions, mince. Add to mince half grated butter and stir. Melt remaining butter. To add to the minced egg. Pepper, salt. Cutlets from minced fish, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Fish cutlets walleye - ready! Before serving, pour the melted butter.
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Salmon fish cakes
500 gr. salmon fillet
1 onion
1 potato
1 egg
1 bunch dill
2 cloves garlic
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
To prepare the cutlets of salmon, the fish must be washed, cleaned and why separate the fillet from the bones and skin. Fish fillets through a meat grinder, and then do the same with the peeled potatoes, herbs, onions and garlic. Add the egg, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. Then the form of minced meat patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Salmon fishcakes - ready!
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You want to cook unusual pancakes with potatoes? Then let us prepare today pancakes - Belarusian national dish. They can be prepared with a variety of fillings: meat, mushrooms, cheese, etc. Each ingredient will make pancakes unusual and very tasty dishes. To begin?
Pancakes made from potatoes
500 gr. Potato
1 egg
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
How to cook pancakes made from potatoes?
To do this, the potatoes must be cleaned and rinsed. Then grate it on a coarse grater, and the resulting potato juice drain. To potatoes add the egg, pepper and salt. Frying pan greased with vegetable oil, then with a spoon put potato pancakes. Fry on both sides until a nice golden brown. Delicious potato pancakes made from potatoes are ready!
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Potato pancakes with meat
1 kg. Potato
150 gr. chicken
1 egg
2 onions
3 tbsp. tablespoons flour
1 bunch dill
3 tbsp. tablespoons butter
vegetable oil
sour cream
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
Cooking pancakes with meat begins with the fact that the onions and potatoes must be cleaned, and then mince. Dill and mince. Rinse chicken and mince. Potatoes, meat, salt, eggs and flour mix. Frying pan greased with vegetable oil, then with a spoon put potato pancakes. Fry on both sides until a nice golden brown. Potato pancakes with meat - ready! Potato pancakes with meat recipe, wherein the meat stuffing you can use absolutely any meat: beef, pork, etc.
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Belarusian potato pancakes
1 kg. Potato
1 onion
1 carrot
1 egg
3 tbsp. tablespoons flour
1 bunch dill
vegetable oil
Cooking method:
How to make potato pancakes Belarus? To do this, you must clean the potatoes, wash and grate. To potatoes add chopped onions, shredded carrot, flour, chopped herbs, salt and egg. Mix thoroughly. Frying pan greased with vegetable oil, then with a spoon put potato pancakes. Fry on both sides until a nice golden brown. Belarusian potato pancakes - ready!
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Meatless pancakes
1 kg. Potato
1 onion
4 tbsp. tablespoons flour
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
How to cook meatless pancakes? To do this, you must clean the potatoes, and then wash. Half potatoes grate, and the other half at a major. All mix, pepper, salt, and then add the flour. Frying pan greased with vegetable oil, then with a spoon put potato pancakes. Fry on both sides until a nice golden brown. Lean potato pancakes - ready!
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Potato pancakes with cheese
6 potatoes
2 onions
3 cloves garlic
1 egg
150 gr. hard cheese
1 bunch dill
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
To prepare the potato pancakes with cheese, potatoes necessary to wash and clean the grate. We should add the chopped garlic, egg, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. Frying pan greased with vegetable oil, then with a spoon put potato pancakes. Fry on both sides until a nice golden brown. Meanwhile, peel the onion and then cut into half rings and fry until cooked in vegetable oil. Cheese grate. Ready-made pancakes out onto a baking sheet, then each of them put a bow on top and sprinkle with shredded cheese. Baking in the oven and bake for 10 minutes until the cheese melts. Potato pancakes with cheese - ready! Before serving sprinkle with chopped herbs.
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Potato pancakes with mushrooms
1 kg. Potato
300 gr. champignons
3 onions
2 tbsp. tablespoons flour
1 egg
vegetable oil
pepper, salt
Cooking method:
How to cook pancakes with mushrooms? To do this, wash and peel the potatoes grate. The potatoes add an egg, and then flour. Pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. Onions chop, mushrooms cut into cubes. In a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion, then add the mushrooms. The resulting mushroom zazharku add to potatoes. Frying pan greased with vegetable oil, then with a spoon put potato pancakes with mushrooms. Fry on both sides until a nice golden brown. Potato pancakes with mushrooms - ready!