Birds love and hostess, and their pets, because it turns the meat is very tender and light. But even a very tasty chicken with the time bored, so good that there are more original options. Thus, for example, can be prepared goose and it is even necessary to make at least for a change. His tart-sweet taste will give a new feeling of home lovers of good cuisine.
Well, the goose will be the king of the table: the hostess can cook it on the most important holidays. At Christmas he did is a true classic. And, of course, fried or baked apples goose is able to transform into a small triumph of ordinary Sabbath dinner or decorate a friendly gatherings. So let's rather cook it by selecting the most interesting recipe.
Goose with apples at home
This dish proves that please close baked bird is very simple. Our recipe will be able to implement even the novice mistress. And in order to prepare such a goose, you will need only the available products that can be bought all year round.
1 goose
2-3 kilograms Antonov apples
1/2 cup raisins
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon dried marjoram tea
celery or parsley
salt - to taste
Cooking method:
Prepare the goose carcass according to the rules: pluck it, rub flour, opal, disembowel, rinse thoroughly, rub inside and out with salt, crushed caraway seeds, marjoram. Apples peel and seeds, mix with raisins washed and swollen. Stuff apples bird and sew it. At the bottom of the pan splash a little water, put the goose back down and put in a well heated oven.
Once the bird begins browning, turn down the temperature of the water the carcass and often stand out the juice, and check whether the ready goose with apples in the oven inside. To do this, the needle punctured the carcass in a few places. Eye-catching bright juice - a certificate of readiness goose. If the juice is pink, and the surface of the goose enough blushed, cover the carcass with thick paper, moistened with water.
Ready to put the goose on a cutting board, remove the skin, remove the apples and raisins. Divide goose into portions by means of special shears for cutting poultry. Put the pieces of goose on a platter, giving the shape of the whole bird. Around Put slices of apples with raisins. You can also decorate the dish with parsley or celery.
Christmas goose with apples
This is a simplified classic recipe, which is very easy to cook. Thanks to his young mistress can proudly boast that it has gone real Christmas goose with apples and that all relatives were delighted with him.
Goose weighing 3 kilos
green sour-sweet apples - 1 kg
bell pepper - 1 tsp
salt - 2-3 teaspoons
a mixture of white, black and allspice - to taste
For baking:
For decoration:
Cooking method:
If it is necessary, prosmolite bird and remove the remains of feathers. If this is done, wash and dry the goose. Then, carefully and evenly salt and pepper bird, both outside and inside, and start to prepare the stuffing. It is very simple: you need only to wash the apples and chop them coarsely. Then nafarshiruyte stuffed goose and kill the edge skewers. Thanks to this little trick apple juice has run out, and absorbed into the bird.
The recipe suggests that you need to cook a goose in the oven, so put it, already stuffed in the sleeve for baking, and place on the roasting pan. Warning, another little trick: on the iron sheet is necessary to pour a little water - evaporates, it will create in the oven to the required cooking goose normal humidity levels. But by the time the bird finally zapechetsya, the water should boil away completely. We turn on the oven and have patience.
Properly cook the goose, not overexposed and not pulling it too early, too, is not difficult. Just watch out for the bird as soon as it browns, lower the heat to medium and occasionally watering it stand out juice. Carcass and pierce in several places with a needle or a fork. Eye-catching white sap is characteristic of the reason for the end of cooking a goose. Then just need to put a bird on a platter, garnish with parsley and serve. Enjoy your meal.
Goose with apples, cabbage, mushrooms
This is another classic recipe for a holiday known for a long time. Goose baked with apples, mushrooms and cabbage - a luxuriously-looking dish that presents a variety of gourmet taste. And it explains why so experienced housewives love to cook it on Christmas or New Year. Take this recipe on a note to close on occasion to delight your culinary skills.
Of course, the preparation of the birds will take time, because it will need to marinate. Start the recipe translate into practice will have to advance, not when guests are on the threshold or the family wants to eat. But rave reviews will be the deserved reward for their efforts, and the best proof that the decision to prepare a roast goose was successful.
Goose weighing 2-3 kilograms
offal or remaining after the preparation of the goose, or specially bought chicken
Antonovka apples - 5 pieces
mayonnaise - 150-200 milliliters
half of head cabbage
mushrooms (eg, mushrooms) - 0, 5 kg
onions - 2 pieces
Dried prunes - 5 pieces
seeds of rosemary, salt, gray pepper, sweet pepper - to taste
For baking:
culinary thread
Cooking method:
Fully plucked, gumming, washed and dried goose wipe napkin to remove excess fat. Then evenly lubricate the bird inside and out with mayonnaise, mixed with salt. And leave the goose marinate for 10 hours. Thanks mayonnaise bird will be very tender. While goose marinated, you need to prepare the filling: chopped tripe stew in sunflower oil, then add them to the onions and mushrooms. Hold this mixture in a skillet until soft, then add the shredded cabbage. It is this part of the filling is necessary to put out before the end, not forgetting to 5 minutes until ready to diversify its prunes, rosemary and herbs. After a couple of hours you need to leave it in a colander - for cooling and draining fat.
Continue cooking the goose, go to its stuffing. Gently Stuff the bird with the mixture. Then cut the apples into quarters and place inside the carcass latest. And then out of the corner cut obkolite poultry prepared in advance toothpicks and sew through them goose culinary thread. You can then send the dish baked.
Put the goose on a baking sheet lined with foil or cabbage leaves (a "protective" layer need to cook the bird to not burnt). Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Send it goose for 2-3 hours (depending on the weight, keeping in mind that 1 kilogram of bird baked for 45 minutes). Every quarter of an hour watering goose stand out juice and remove heated with excess fat. To properly prepare the bird, it should be evenly roast thoroughly, so do not forget to turn the carcass.
After 2-3 hours of reach for the goose out of the oven, lay it on a plate, let it cool slightly and remove the skin. It does not matter if some of the filling vysypetsya, because it will still need nice place next to the split into portions bird. The recipe comes to the finish line - it remains only to decorate the goose. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.
Roast goose with apples, beef and cabbage
This recipe was created for meat lovers. Roasted goose pleasantly surprised by the combination of gourmet hearty beef and tender bird. And apples and sauerkraut only add spice to it, will make it even more interesting. This roast goose can be a "chip" smart housewife dish that can be prepared in the most solemn holidays, dish, always popular with the family. So do not hesitate to enter it in your cookbook.
Goose weighing 3 kilos 5-4
apples any sweet-sour grades - 5 pieces
ground beef - 750 grams
sour sauerkraut - 1, 5 kilos
onions - 300 grams
salt - 20 grams
black and red pepper - to 5 grams
parsley (optional) - for decoration
Cooking method:
Begin to implement the recipe to life with singeing goose, rendering the fat, carcass washing and wiping. If all this is done, rub the bird inside and out with a mixture of salt and pepper. And start to cook the onion, obzharivaya it into part of the melted goose fat in a skillet. Once this is done, mix the onion with ground beef and poultry nafarshiruyte. Then sew the edges of the cut prepared cooking string and send the next masterpiece in the oven.
Prescription goose preparing fried at a temperature of 185 degrees on average 3 hours (at the rate of 45 minutes per kilogram of poultry). It is extremely important that it is fully and uniformly filling propeklas. To properly prepare a goose, it is necessary every 15 minutes to water it regularly arising fat and turn it. In three hours you can get the bird and leave it to cool slightly.
In the meantime, you can just prepare a side dish. It is necessary to mix the sauerkraut with the left part of the pre-heated with oil and stew it for 15 minutes (this can be done simply in a saucepan on the stove). 5 minutes before the end it is necessary to add to it chopped apples into slices. This recipe is also interesting that part of the fruit garnish and not filling. It will be prepared roast goose with apples, not apples, but this dish was less than tasty.
Then you need to put the bird in a dish, side dish to serve it, garnish with parsley (if you want). Cut it is not necessary, especially if the roast goose was cooked by you for the first time - for the crowd filling the feeders will be a pleasant surprise. Dish impressive variety in taste, so do not hesitate to cook - it is guaranteed success.
Each recipe is presented goose in their own interest. Choose the one that liked the most, and try to cook it. Better yet, try to realize all these recipes cherished gourmets not one, but four times. And be sure to cook the goose with apple - it's fun, though troublesome, but it pays off a hundredfold praise your culinary talents.