From early childhood, you know that change is not good. What is adultery - a betrayal, treachery, a knife in the back. Are you longing to notice that public opinion is very tolerant of male adultery, listening to arguments about the sad fact that all men are the same and that they change their wives. Internally you even prepared for the fact that your life is a story can happen when a man commits adultery favorite with another woman. Here are just could not imagine that izmenschitsa yourself as yourself. What exactly do you destroy the old relationship with her husband changed him with another man.
What's going on in the soul of a woman to commit such an act? Remorse, shame, fear of losing her husband? Or treason entails celebration and joy of the offense? It all depends on the situation and on what led the woman to change. Now we will not talk about those young ladies that can easily go to sexual contact with other men, in spite of its status as married women. It does not matter, it's official or a civil marriage - most importantly, that she is not free. We'll talk about those women for whom betrayal - an event that can turn the life.
Before you wring your hands and moan, "What have I done," try to calm down and understand the objective reasons for his action. Even if it happened spontaneously, even if after a good dose of alcohol - is like your cheating husband has profound implications. In order to move on and decide what to do with his life, you just need to sort through everything. It will be just perfect if you meditate away from her husband, as the feeling of remorse will not give you the opportunity to focus and think logically. Find a reason to leave home for a couple of days to think about it.
Why did you change
It is believed that all women are divided into two categories: those that are good and right, and those that are bad and walk. Most often, a society with contempt for the ladies who have decided to "go to the left," but there are situations where this behavior can be justified. Life sometimes surprises and female infidelity is not censured, and the approval and even the loudest applause. With other women, of course, because men never approve of such an act. Even if they themselves regularly, "resting" on the side, even if their friends - married women, all the same, they will beat their fists in the chest and scream that any woman-traitor - the latest stuff. But we know that there are times when the husband is not faithful to the main sign of virtue. So what can a woman lead to a situation when she forgets the oaths of allegiance and unfaithful to her husband with another man?
The desire of novelty
Speaking of novelty, it is not meant a change of sexual partners as such. Women perceive intimacy not only as the act itself, but as a set of all actions leading to it. Living a long time with the same man, many women no longer feel welcome. Sex eventually turns into a routine, there is no more compliments, no hot look of passion. And most importantly, those magical "butterflies in the stomach," which appears earlier at the touch of her husband, for a long time and disappeared. And as without butterflies? And if suddenly some man woman suddenly experienced a half-forgotten already a good feeling of sexual arousal, there is a chance that it will not stand. As a consequence - treason, and after -glubokoe remorse.
And stand in such a situation is not only possible, but necessary. Even if we assume that cheating and crazy passion for her lover will break with her husband when a woman begins to live with a new partner, then where is the guarantee that after a couple of years, the situation will not happen again? What if this macho sexual metamorphosis happen with time, and it will cease to be seen in a recent mistress sex bomb, and only mistress and mother of his children? Again, betrayal, search of new experiences? Just over any relationship to work, and if you get bored with her husband in bed, the situation needs to be corrected together. There are lots of ways to revive the former passion, but none of them said that the solution would be a betrayal. Because it is a road to nowhere.
Impotence husband
Alas, in our time, more and more men suffer from impotence in bed. And if earlier potency problems experienced more men "almost retired", now nobody will be surprised if the guy does not and thirty years is consistent sexually. What is to blame - the environment, lack of exercise or stress - no matter how important that the wives of these men have hard times. It's hard to love a man, and not to test him any physical pleasure. Over time, start scandals in the nervous system, headaches, depression comes. Yes, and my husband is well aware that such a condition is the culprit of his wife, and that nagging feeling makes him suffer no less. And if a woman decides to change, the great happiness it brings is not. Although it is correct for your health, but mental anguish bring her a lot of sorrow, because a betrayal - it's like a betrayal.
If betrayal - not for you, but you just cry into my pillow and do not try in any way to help your partner, then nothing he married you. You should not let things take their course, an urgent need to go to the doctor and start treatment. Of course, few men willingly agree to go to the clinic and make public his "vice" by some unknown people in white coats. But you and the wife to caress, and even ruse to lure her husband to the doctor. The sooner you act, the more likely to achieve positive results. It did not work in the same hospital - go to another, try everything - from medicines and injections to acupuncture. Believe me, if you do not sit idly by, but to act, the result is bound to appear. And then you will not need other men - will be enough of their own.
You'd be surprised if you knew how many women make love "on the side" of simple curiosity
. Her husband quickly get used to and know it inside out, but the strange men, casting interested glances at you - the unexplored mysteries
. Vaughn, got girlfriends lovers, and now bloom and prettier, so why not try? That solved these women on adultery to tickle your nerves and be "like everyone else"
. For them, a betrayal - not a vice, but a way to get out of life as much as possible impressions
. Most likely, it comes from a lack of love for her husband
. If there is no feeling of boundless happiness from the fact that every night you go to bed with the same man if his touch - just part of the marital debt, and close to treason
. Perhaps you jumped too early to get married and not "walk up" and you can be seized life and wanted new experiences
. But it says that you just do not love your man
. So why continue to live with him under the same roof, betraying and cheating? Is not it better to go in search of a man who does not want to change?
Most often, women are taking revenge on cheating husbands, if they knew about the infidelity of her Blessed. It is not surprising, because understand that the husband trampled all the brightest, the most beautiful thing in a relationship is not easy. First - shock, then tears, despair, depression. And, as a consequence, the "bright" idea to repay her husband the same coin - to sleep with someone on the side. Many women believe that cheating unfaithful husband - the only way to get rid of feelings of humiliation of dignity that such a simple way, they will punish the traitor, and won the "battle of the sexes."
It all depends on whether you want to keep the family together and continue his relationship with a man. No - your right to look for another option, but sex with him better after you stop living together with her husband. It will be much more honest and noble, at least, your honesty will make you honor. If you're hoping to punish the husband, to hurt him, but the costs are not going with him, it is better to give up their evil plans. The chances that a man will know about your change is not too little, and it is unlikely he will forgive her. It is useless to prove who started the first - your relationship will change once and for all. Your betrayal destroy the last building block on which to build a relationship of trust within the family. Even if you manage to save a marriage after that, the former will not be happy.
The husband-tyrant
It is precisely the very reason that a woman condemned for adultery is very difficult. No, we do not encourage anyone to commit such acts, just think about this. If a husband beats his wife, he offends the child if he is constantly under the influence of alcohol and not get tired to insult, humiliate his woman, whether a crime betrayal by a woman? A rare case, you say? Not at all. And you can not imagine how many families live in similar ways. It is not necessary that the wife was zatyukali, tormented life poor thing. Sometimes such situations fall and totally successful, beautiful lady with dignity. But to get away from her husband's tyrannical they can not for various reasons.
Most often, they suffer such an attitude because of uncertainty in their abilities and because of the fear of being alone. But if suddenly the card formed so that the woman met another man, if she decided to give herself to him - that is, her right. Perhaps this is the first step to ensure that free themselves from the shackles binding her and leave her husband, causing only pain and suffering. Did not help pitying persuasion girlfriends and intelligent books - so the circumstances can give her the strength to escape from the tyrant.
Lee said her husband of treason
Here again, it all depends on whether you want to keep the family together. It is necessary to know the psychology of men, to see what changes they do not forgive. Convinced that God himself created them polygamous and that cheating on their part - just a prank, that it is not necessary to betray the values the female adultery have quite a different attitude. The men all my life vie with each other for the right to be the strongest, most successful. And on sexual wins this rule does not change. Be a cuckold for men - is the same as that announce to the world that he is - a loser. "I change - am a woman myself, I change - I have" - something like this postulate any man.
In addition, long known that female infidelity is much more dangerous than men. Not immoral and not dirty, but it is dangerous. Man tied an affair on the side, thinks the "brain" that is him below the belt. He may not come to mind to leave his wife for another woman, because for him cheating - just another way to assert themselves. With a woman it is much more difficult because it is not looking for sex and relationships. And the usual betrayal could end up that she just leaves her husband to lyubovniku.Eto another reason to keep silent about what happened adultery and not give her husband reason to think that you do not appreciate him more.
Of course, you have remorse, but my heart is stone the memory of the terrible deed. But if you want to ease your conscience and honestly my husband of treason, the easier you will not. Even if after that you keep the relationship, the trust you more, no one will. Hurtful words about your last change will escape from her husband at every quarrel, he will be reminded of misconduct before the end of his days. Even with the proviso that swear by that has forgiven you and do not raise this issue.
If you realize that you do not want to continue the relationship with my husband, you can tell him everything. Although much more merciful to just pack up and leave without dedicating it in these unpleasant details. Here you catch two birds with one stone: to spare his pride and save face, in his eyes remained faithful and honest man. After all, once you have chosen this man as a husband, and so he was very dear to you. So why did finally turn the knife in his wound, telling about the change?
Whether you want to get away from her husband or not - it does not matter, in any case, you need to understand yourself. At least for the future, such history does not repeat itself. Treason - a situation that could destroy everything that was dear to you in a relationship with a man. For us women, it is very difficult to feel happy with a man, which we ourselves and betrayed.
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