- How to attract the attention of men
- Proper communication with a man whose heart we want to win
Well, what girl does not dream to meet her only man who would have loved it, so that all his life in his arms and carried? But, unfortunately, our desires and wishes of those whom stretches the heart, not always the same ... Yes, there he is, the elect, very close! But nothing says. Well, to do that? How to win a man's heart, if he does not pay attention to us? Or access, but sees nothing more than a familiar or friend. How to behave in such a situation? The answer is one - will have to make some effort! The main thing is not to sit back and swallowing tears. We act! And then, God forbid, do not have time to look back, his heart will be conquered by any grymza. Sorry, girl ... So we proceed.
How to attract the attention of men
To begin with, we try to find out where our favorite works, what his interests, goals, and that attracts the biggest guy in women. First of all, we need to create a psychological portrait of the elect. And I try to look at it from the outside. For such a portrait does not need to know all the virtues of man. It is important to get an idea how we can bring it and not realize that you like in a guy. Girls fall in love, because it requires their inner essence. And when we are in love, we were impressed with everything in man: positive, negative, and its quality. Naturally, to understand, being in such a state, what a good man, and what is bad, almost impossible.
The next step is to conquer the hearts of men would be the choice of the method of meetings with the guy. After all, we noticed that it is necessary to communicate. Or even just to appear regularly in the same place often hangs out and the young man. Therefore, we have to go to the same places, which goes into each heart. It may be some clubs, tennis courts, gyms, finally, just park where he walks with a dog. Writes a fitness club, learn to play tennis, we start a dog ... Anything, just to be close to his beloved. And nice and helpful, too. You might also lose a few kilos.
Go ahead. We found a place where we can meet the chosen one, but it is hard not to notice us. What to do? Do not try to stay close to him and past him roam here and there. Of course, like melteshenie he ever let notice. But you want us to conclude after this is unlikely to make. On the contrary, perhaps. She decides that it is trying to seduce frivolous flirt.
That's completely useless. So you want to be unobtrusive. But at the same time to step up and address the most with some innocent question to his beloved is possible. It is possible and widespread use feminine wiles - something dropped or even fall near the men. This technique, coupled with a request for assistance works almost flawlessly.
It turned out to meet? Great. Now let's talk about how you need to communicate with a guy, so it does not slip out of hands.
Proper communication with a man whose heart we want to win
In the event that we are doing the same things and loved, in no case do not show him that we understand in some question better. Competence in any case be possible nuances. But it is necessary to emphasize that the man in many ways superior. Suppose that feels meaningful and more experienced. The stronger sex likes to feel superior to the weak! Not bad will ask the chosen council decision on a particular issue. This will often communicate with him and will look natural and innocent.
Personal communication with the young man - let him feel wanted and understood. Then he will look for a reason for communication. It should be remembered that we are going to be the woman he loved, not just a friend. And avoid conversations that discuss topics with friends, not to loved ones. For example, it is not necessary to talk about his former cavalry or interested in his past passes. Otherwise we risk really be just friends in a row.
If you work around a topic could not talk about the past should be casual, not in any way criticizing someone with whom there was a rupture of relations. The interviewer probably think that then we will also respond negatively about him. And it's not a plus in our favor.
In fact, any guy wants to feel like a real man. That is the sexiest, the most reliable, the most popular and the most intelligent. And if a girl is now and then to emphasize this, it is, no doubt, he likes it. Because the gentleman beside her feel very important. Well, we'll do it as a favor! Let him think that he is in front of our eyes - almost a god. To the worse, then? Moreover, it is not difficult. Simply closely with concerned expression listening to elect. Yes, sometimes he play along and surprised groan.
Demonstrate your intelligence at first should not be dating. Main now - to make communication enjoyable for a loved one. Own clever arguments leave for later. For now, just listen carefully, sometimes by inserting into the conversation appropriate to the subject a couple of meaningful phrases. Well, usually scare stronger sex too smart sensible person! More will decide to get away, look after who knows where! Therefore, as much as possible we report the guy that most intelligent here, of course, he is.
And generally flatter, emphasizing its uniqueness. Only flattery must at least partially correspond to reality. For example, one should not speak frankly ugly man that he - the true Apollo. Surely not believe and suspect us of lying. Better to praise the bravery, courage, strength, charm, finally.
Very good man will ask for help in something. Well, he's such a strong and reliable, and we are completely defenseless, helpless and do not know how to endure the hardships of life! Guys love to help poor girls. Of course, do not just ask for your favorite drag on the eighth floor of a huge closet. Help help, but everything should be in moderation. Perhaps he was not a fan of carrying. It is advisable to choose something more appropriate. So, what's the chosen one that understands and knows how to do.
He is versed in computer programs? Let us give a couple of lessons to work with them. He loves to play poker? Please enter it in the course and us. He is interested in cars or motorcycles? Oh, how long you want to learn to drive for a vehicle! And so on. It is desirable to find a same hobby as a loved one. Read something on this subject, and then ask him a couple of silly questions.
Allow men to show off knowledge. Remarkably, if it's a hobby involves hanging. Some common sport or travel closer to nature will allow as soon as possible. The main thing that passion was not purely a man's job.
Render small guy, but quite pleasant service. Maybe he's that - it collects? So find and give a rare ekzemplyarchik collection. It seems to be lying around the house by accident. Or loves fishing and hunting? Then priobretёm inexpensive gear or a suitable souvenir and prepodnesёm with a slight smile. Like, here, was found in a closet.
And suddenly come in handy! In the end, if your favorite is a colleague or a student in one institution with us, you can just support him in the work on the project or task. So, by chance. They say that the most interesting. Or cook something delicious and treat them to several people, among which will be our friend has thrown. But first you need to learn its culinary preferences. Not hiding in the team trepang with cuttlefish and Chinese food guy can not stand. Just throw out your money away!
An excellent solution to the problem, how to win a man's heart - a crowd of fans, which we allegedly surrounded. Suffice it to two or three calls from different guys in the presence of a loved one and two bouquets of fresh flowers, he began to stare in our direction. It demanded a strong woman sex is automatically transformed into an object of hunting! Main in this case - do not overdo it with the amount of pseudo-suitors. Not every man wants to get lost in the crowd and be one of many.
In general, before the action begins to conquer our knight should find out what type of girl he prefers. Maybe a guy like graceful blonde, and we are pretty big brunette. Well, then, will have to disguise a little sit on a diet. And then to get into the beautiful dress and show man in front.
If we can look spectacular, it certainly will pay attention to us. In the same case, if the acquaintance of a young man has been going on for many years and change its image is already difficult to surprise, try to be mysterious and unpredictable. We change an habitual way of relationships, become sometimes refuses to meet, disappear, change of jeans and sneakers to elegant dress and so on. Similar changes in the behavior and appearance of women tend to her fellow man comes to taste.
And finally, the most important thing. We are always optimistic, cheerful, positive sentiment. Hardly gloomy hysterical able to settle permanently in someone's heart. From this it would be desirable to get rid of as quickly as possible. Therefore, even if the soul of the winter, before the meeting with your favorite ice have to melt all the forces. Well, when it is impossible, postpone the meeting until spring.