They say that women are in the majority, notorious selfish, and only dreaming about the men do all their desires and whims. And the unfortunate stronger sex is forced to deny themselves all over in order to appease the weak half of humanity. Complete nonsense. No, we really do not mind seeing in their half Hottabych and noble knight simultaneously. Here are the majority of men such qualities are present only in candy buketny period relationships. And then they think of themselves, loved ones and begin to nurture your own ego. We are lost, not knowing what had happened, and what happened to the warning and attentive admirer. We do not know what to do and how to deal with man's selfishness. And whether it is possible to deal with it at all? And if so, how?
What it is expressed in the traditional male selfishness
In fact, selfishness - a property shared by almost everyone. Without it, we would not try to make their lives better, and not trying to self-development. Male and female ego in normal doses can be considered the engine of life. It usually does not oppress others, and even sometimes the case in their favor. But if we begin to think of themselves primarily not particularly regard to the rest - there is already talk about their well-being is not entirely correct. It must be said that women have a somewhat exaggerated ego clearly expressed significantly less than men.
Male ego is found everywhere. And the show itself may be what you want. They are our precious husbands manage to shamelessly lie on the couch, when lathered wife vacuums, washes, cleans and prepares lunch time. Well, why not -? After cleaning and stryapane - the problem of women, even if it plows at work no less than the faithful. Tired? Her problem. No man this thing - to peel potatoes or clean floors ...
And even if pious and peeling potatoes or washing the floor, men's selfishness in it manifest itself in something else. Well, who among us does not know what to tinker with the stronger sex, felt some discomfort! That which is unknown, may be considered a lucky woman. Few men are fearlessly to their own health issues. Even if they are at the slightest failures in state of health is not begin to get hysterical and doctors, then climb into bed and whining, demanding greater attention. And here forget about everything and nosis with a cut finger sufferer as a written sack!
It is believed that men feel ashamed to admit that they are ill. Certainly not! When a man finds himself the center of the universe, he is able not only to make light of the tragedy of the common cold, but also to pretend that he was sick. It is urgent to hammer a nail, take out the trash or drag home heavy bags? Oh, he was so ill, so ill! Perhaps it is something very serious ... urgent need to go to the doctor! And it will go, and will take their claims to Aesculapius abdominal cramps, back pain and general weakness. And to require the hospital to at least a couple of days slip away to work.
You're here to save on tights and cosmetics, and he quietly buying an expensive toilet water and dinner in an expensive institution. You lie with fever, and he shamelessly goes fishing, football or the sauna with friends. You are extremely busy on the Internet with a client or customer, and he itchy ear, requiring warm lunch. You're exhausted during the day and want to finally fall and fall asleep, and he turns on the TV at full volume.
Familiar? And it does not surprise you? All right. Because these signs of male selfishness are so common that many of us tend to think of their inherent property of the male nature. And somewhere it is even true. Here, let's see, where did he come at all, this man's selfishness.
The origins of male selfishness
Male half of humanity has long considered itself significant the fairer sex. And it is not because women - being a second-class for rendering various services to the stronger sex. Just the chance of survival for men was less. They were killed in hunting and in battles fought duels and generally ever risked his head, often losing her. The ambitions of the stronger sex, coupled with nagging adrenaline created excellent conditions for the reduction of the period of their lives.
And the women before the men had no difficulty. After all, he was also a supporter and breadwinner and protector, and the father of the children, finally. But they are something of potential fathers and children of breadwinners in the field of battle returned nothing at all! That had to miss the first comer, cherish as the apple of the eye and pleasing in every way! Otherwise, it runs away to some - a dough-uptime and submissive maidens.
Special reverence stronger sex are beginning to use after major wars. Battle carried away the whole armada of men's lives. Home safe and sound back only a small part of soldiers. Needless to say, that each of them was worth its weight in gold? And each of them understood it, and started to feel a little elect. This trait was cultivated and hereditary.
As time went on, the stronger sex was coming, but the attitude remains largely unchanged. Because the boys are often raised warriors and workers, but inspire them women - beings of a lower order. They must be used as a means for procreation and construction of everyday life. This is very bad for us approach to the weaker sex in some families there and still. The parents almost from the cradle to the developing child male selfishness, raising it in the spirit, "I need a woman."
First, this is my mother owe that performs all of the favorite son of his duties. She runs around the house, giving him a shirt, socks, slippers. Prepares and washes, despite the illness. I go crazy if scion sneezed. It lies at three o'clock in the morning and gets up at six in the morning to cook breakfast has grown guy. This behavior generates the mother and the boy in relation to the rest of the fairer sex. He grows up with the belief that women do not get tired, do not get sick, they do not need help around the house and are generally required to take care of the stronger sex. And such a man can not be immature and weak. But he will meet in the first place their desires.
Egoists are not only buried in the maternal care of the children, but also children from disadvantaged families. In the house where the child is not paid any attention to him there is nothing left to do, how to think first and foremost about itself. Otherwise, you can just stay hungry. The principle of "first for himself" firmly fixed in the mind and causes a person to act in accordance with it almost the rest of his life. Even though it will be comfortably. With regard to the neglect of women's needs, then here it is quite natural. After all, a man brought up the street and she usually cultivates defiance of the weaker sex.
In short, due to the selfishness of men, and education, and the nature of social development. That is why many refer to it favorably.
And who of us the position of the wife, "you have to look after me," it does not seem wrong. Whats wrong with that? Likewise behaved father, brother, uncle and a neighbor in the stairwell. Those who did not have a similar example of his father, uncles and neighbors are not willing to quietly look at the quirks of her husband, nervous, offended, scandal and sulk. And how to be in this case? How to deal with man's selfishness?
Ways to combat male selfishness
The selfishness of our men has one feature. It is manifested in all its glory only when we begin to behave like a caring mom and overly keen on this role. Well, why not take advantage of this man? His guardians, teteshkayut, dancing around him and not forced to do something that does not feel like it. Rare representative of the stronger sex oppose this state of affairs and begin to surround the attention his wife, mom, trying to ease her life. Well, if a woman is ready to lack of proper attention from her husband, so be it. Perhaps because she realizes the maternal instinct. And if not - then it is necessary to consider such a feature of male selfishness and try to awaken missus sense of responsibility for the family.
In other words, to elect a bath did not selfish, it is necessary to pray less on his person. Let us remember that we, too, need attention and care and become sometimes turn into a naive, requiring care and guardianship girl. Of course, not every one of us now is to their liking. We are now independent, independent, self-sufficient, at last! However, if a woman is married, is not the same that it exploited the most brazen! Therefore, we will little actresses periodically demonstrating helplessness and confusion in some situation.
No need to drive nails and her husband to carry heavy bags from the store. We can not do it. No need, falling from exhaustion, stroke expensive shirt in the morning, when he watches football. Let pat myself. You should not bring him slippers and submit clean socks. He is no longer a child and should know where that is. No, it is necessary to take care of her husband, of course. But do not go to extremes, and pay attention to their own comfort. In the end, my wife - not a service bureau, and the beloved. And she craves careful attitude.
"Yeah! "- Says one -" But if I do not nail into the wall vobyu, a shelf in the bathroom and did not appear! And how can I not dragged the bag, if the house ball Roll? ". No one will die from what appears in the bathroom shelf. And because dinner is fried eggs. Uncomfortable? Well, then nailed pozovёm neighbor. And ask him or any friend of a man to help bring heavy bags. Let faithful alarmed and thought, finally, what are the functions of his family - in vylёzhivanii on the couch or something else?
In principle, a special drama in that the man lying on the couch, and we at this time we nosimsya with a mop and wash up the mountain of dishes, no. If he works hard, he is struggling to provide for his family. No it, and when the faithful going to die from the cut finger. And even then, when he buys his favorite thing, forgetting that his wife no tights. Frankly, we are also capable of such tricks. And not much in this case from their halves are different. This is a fairly innocent manifestation of the male ego, which many perceive as a matter of course.
But when blagovernomu absolutely do not care about what happens to his wife when he was not at all interested in her needs and the needs of children when he is busy only - there is still much worse. With such a complete egoist is better not to have affairs voobsche.Potomu that the fact that they change, and can be no question. And when it has managed to contact with this type of remains or clenched teeth, stand him either, not especially hesitate to break off relations without regret. Because they will not be happy ever.