Our relationship with the opposite sex are often very complex and tense. Even having lived side by side with her husband more than a dozen years, we do not always know how to understand the psychology of men and predict the actions of the faithful in a particular case. It would seem that this is nonsense. After all, to study the psychology of men are not too difficult! His life is built on three pillars: a woman, work, hobbies.
It is connected with them the whole psychology of men! So we think, confidently assuming that, being aware of your preferences traveler life, we may be manipulated. However, it is not. Men's psychology for women - the same dark wood as the female psychology of men. And that is why each sex need to know what language they speak, "the enemy."
Psychology of men is that they are only meant to look so self-confident, energetic and steadfast. Sometimes it seems that they were called stronger sex only because of the physical superiority. So vulnerable, tender and vulnerable, they are sometimes! And if you think about how strong women can be ... And this force is often simply incomparable with anything comparable. Yes, this is it, the power of a woman's love, wisdom, and even women's tricks. Unless we want to, we will be able to control senses the man tightly bind it to themselves, deprived of rest and sleep. To do this, you just have to know some of the most important secrets of male psychology.
Fine men's organization
Yes, it's not a typo. That is the stronger sex is the proud owner of such a thin and vulnerable soul. This is the first and fundamental secrets of male psychology. They - creation, which should be treated very carefully. Forget the fairy tales in which you read about impenetrable knights and princes persistent. In real life it is not so. The relationship with a man - a thin crystal.
This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to shake over them as over a precious vase, God forbid. But, showing sensitivity, understanding, respect, and at the same time making it tactfully and unobtrusively, you can touch the deepest strings of the male soul. Souls that just as well as your needs for understanding and support.
The man also wants to be loved - remember this. Genius can be called the woman who one day be able to say: "All I knew! Men - not the stronger sex is not. They are the weaker sex, it is a great error in the determination! "Of course, the statement loud, but it is hidden and is the most important essence, this is the basic psychology of men. Realizing this essence once you have attained the invisible power and incredible appeal to people of the opposite sex.
This point is that every woman lies a special inner strength that can have only one to awaken this understanding. We do not want to say that women are stronger than men, the competition is inappropriate here, just our strength in the various things ...
This understanding is the basis of the answer to the question of what the essence of the psychology of men. If you understand and believe that woman - is boundless and omnipotent ocean, which flow into the river; the woman - a universe that gives life; the woman - it is a source of pleasure and calm for a man - you realize how much your favorite needs you. And realized, will gain even greater strength and knowledge of the characteristics of male psychology.
Features male psychology
Men's psychology is such that they like eyes - is, of course, undeniable fact. Who does not like to be next - a beautiful woman who is admiring glances from other men? In addition, it is an incredibly nice man, it raises it, not only in their own, but in the eyes of colleagues, friends and passers-by. But here there is a secret to success in men!
Beauty - loose concept, very loose. And men are different tastes. Adapt to the parameters of the models or to conduct a survey among men - is stupid and ineffective. Psychology of men is such that they each have their own type, subconscious or conscious. In general, a beautiful woman - the one that feels like this. Because it spreads around him fluids appeal. And so, too Kohl happened to be born a woman, we will take care of themselves, to develop femininity, to work on their image and style.
For some reason we believe that the secrets of seduction, as well as the psychology of men are quite simple. Once they see the long legs, tiny waist, big breasts - and they immediately lose their heads. Therefore, we are exhausting themselves debilitating diet, change the shape of the breast to the detriment of their health, spend a lot of money on the fitness clubs and salons, and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, American psychologists been found that men are not as important volume as a proportion of the figure. A half (!) Of men do not pay attention to such factors as the weight. Therefore, simply to maintain the shape and monitor its smartness, performing simple exercises or doing the necessary procedures. Fortunately, modern features contribute to this as well as possible!
At the same time it is wise to avoid excesses. Aggressive makeup in the style of "vamp" and very long, sharp nails - it is not for everybody. In order to know exactly how to win the heart of man, such details need to tactfully find out during a conversation with him. And this should be done before the cardinal change its image. Men's psychology admits less desperate experiments with female appearance: men love variety and novelty only spurs their interest to women.
Sex Secrets for Women
Female sexuality - is a very important, if not one of the main factors of attractiveness in the eyes of a woman partner. And the most interesting - the fact that the psychology of male behavior in this matter has not changed for hundreds of years! For them, there is no non-sexual women! But there are those among us who have not yet discovered this in itself or has not developed to a sufficient degree. Therefore, all the cards in our hands!
Sexy woman drives men crazy, and one of the main manifestations of his feelings for her - this is what he wants it. But here plays a rule of the golden mean: it is necessary to develop the women's wisdom and discernment to distinguish the sincere desire of the simple instinct, as well as a womanizer and distinguished connoisseur of women. Knowing the psychology of the men will help you with this.
Development of sexuality in a woman - this is a huge field for the imagination, and even an art. Sexuality can be everything from manners, behavior and voice to clothing and accessories. Developing sexy and attractive, it is important not to be vulgar and overly open - it only alienate the majority of men. But many of us are not aware of this in an attempt to seduce a partner! And try compulsively to show him all the charm of the figure.
While only tenderness, softness, along with an awareness of the beauty and strength of women's sexual create a unique aura. Add a bit of mystery, puzzles and innuendo - and we will be able to turn the head of any man who just like us. Is not that wonderful?
This applies to sexuality in dress. Many girls naively believe that than her (clothes) smaller the better. At the same time, studies show that most men find sexy attire tight blouse, heels and long, not short, a skirt with a slit. After all, the psychology of the men based on ancient hunting instincts! And the excitement in them, awakens only that is not available, but is not that itself goes into his hands.
The assertion that every man wants in bed passionate lioness, do not always correspond to reality. After all, they also have different temperaments and tastes. It is important to approach each other, and for this you have to be careful, gentle and affectionate in bed with her beloved. Understanding the depth of his emotions and desires, the ability to generously give their love is more important than knowledge of different poses from the Kama Sutra. A woman depends atmosphere in the bedroom. Negative emotions do not have to be there, it should be a place for relaxation, rest and love.
Sometimes it seems that the man at the moment only sex and emotional distress does not bother him. But we often want is sex! In this respect, the psychology of men and women have equal value. Why then expect him to romance constant and declarations of love? After all, sex itself is such a confession! If for some of the women it is not so and it separates sex and love, so it should work on them to further reveal their sexuality and love all that is connected with it.
The roots of this relationship can go, of course, in childhood and adolescence, when we were taught that sex - is something dirty and shameful, unworthy of decent women. Each of us is important to understand that this is a misconception. Sex - it is natural and good, is opening its embrace of self-love and love to men, it is in the end, the pleasure is incomparable to any other. Why should we deprive yourself of such a pleasure, if the opportunity presented to him by nature?
A mother - is it good?
Agree, the psychology of men and chat with him - not so simple things. Some ladies are practicing such things indulgent, motherly attitude towards the opposite sex. Take care of a man - this, of course, very good. And many of them are in need of warmth and affection like the parent. Endowing the spouse of such warmth and tenderness, usually a woman, as the Keeper of the hearth and the mistress, unwittingly begins to be interested in the man was fed and well dressed. To some extent, this is nice and both men and women.
However, maternal feelings should be dispensed, and so they can not be in excess. Otherwise, they can stifle the passion between the couple, their relationship is a life limiting. But male and female psychology means marriage primarily as a union of the two halves of the same whole. And then everything else. Therein lies the secret of this aspect of the relationship.
Bad sign is when a man too needs a mother's care and looking for the woman who could replace his mother. It speaks of his immaturity and lack of independence. Such a man is hardly ready for family life and responsibility for his actions, which is very important in a relationship.
Therefore, the correct dosing maternal tenderness and care, can only strengthen the love of man to himself. But excessive in this case is able to kill her.
Inspiration for men
It is said that all the wars in the world began for women. Is it so? Yes, a woman has the energy that can direct the power of this man in a creative and destructive in the channel. And let our time is not accomplished duel for the women, but that the man does, he does it, in fact, for her sake. In this regard, it is very, very important to his work and accomplishments valued his woman. It inspires a man to even greater achievements.
Well, one of us, the girls do not like good gifts, travel, beautiful clothes, jewelry and perfume? It turns out that we have all this (or do not have), also depends on us - this is the psychology of men. Even if you are running, most often the main breadwinner - your partner, and this is its main purpose is still a long time, when he hunted mammoth and his companion sat in the cave, preparing food and raising children.
Men's psychology in this case is easy to understand. Any guy incredibly nice to achieve something and see the admiring eyes of his woman, cheering the fact that he does. One important secret here - it is praise on her part. While men are considered to be or look mostly thick-skinned, but all of them like to be praised. The main thing - to do it sincerely and fawn, but at the same time and do not forget to just talk about what you like about him and his actions.
Undoubtedly, there is also need to know when to stop, because no man wants to expect from him only the ideal of action. The man is also important to take it as you are, and where something entirely earthly man, who also has the right to make mistakes. Better to constructively criticize or express support than all the time to tell him that he is a superhero. It is important not to be negative, and everything to do with love for man.
Sacrifice in relations
Psychology of men is that when we go to great lengths to keep a partner, it produces the opposite effect. All forgive, to understand everything, to agree with everything and respond with love to his boorish attitude - it demeans the dignity of women. And at the same time and humiliates man, next to which a woman is. Patience and sacrifice - this is from another fairy tale, in a relationship they are useless. The secret here is simple - how much we respect and love ourselves, so it makes a man. Because a woman who knows her worth, will not let a bad attitude. These ladies are generally very popular with men.
If we believe the secret of seduction of men complete submission and let wipe her feet, we make a big mistake. This situation is already flawed at its core, and the way out of it - nowhere. Perhaps this behavior and will be able to tie someone (such examples - mass), but who? It looks like he will be a real man, in which every woman needs? This is a relationship we want to afford? After all, it can only be a man with a lot of complexes and low self-esteem, often hates women and trying to assert themselves at the expense of their humiliation.
Such a relationship should be terminated. All that brings discomfort, not worth our precious time, our nerves and our lives. Yes, you can try to help the man if he wants to help and appreciate it. If he does not want to change anything - it is not necessary to be humiliated. After all, so we miss the chance to meet the other, the one who will truly love us! And while still spoil the nervous system and accrete themselves complexes. As a result, such a beautiful life is passing ... it is necessary to aspire to a better and then love will find you!
Expect from a man of respect and understanding, while trying to respect and understand it - it is natural and right. Only with such a man a woman can open up like a beautiful flower. And it will be happy about it. And it will be a real man, a man whom we are worthy. Knowing how to conquer a man, we are thus able to create their own, unique, unrepeatable, and so native knight!