like a good marriage


  • Why do women alone?
  • The first step to happiness. Why do we want to get married?
  • Factors that impede a successful marriage
  • Happiness loves independence

It is strange the way our life. One lady sorts of fans, wondering for whom one should marry again. In the other, seemingly less attractive, pillow do not dry tears shed cold lonely nights. And she curses the world, and loses all hope of happiness, I am convinced that men are extinct. Why is this happening? Why are sometimes not even very pretty woman attracts a host of fans, while some kind of showy lady for years suffering from their absence?

Free, attractive, apparently confident of the fair half of mankind can not get married! Is not that nonsense? Maybe normal, bold, and strong men really extinct? And worthy of a woman lost in conjectures, where to find a good husband, and how, finally get married? No. Not extinct. Lacking in our society these men. And the problem is not in them, and us, self-sufficient, but there are single women.

Why do women alone?

"No real men" - a phrase that has become quite conventional wisdom in our time. Many young successful beautiful woman with one voice repeating: "good marriage is impossible! Men do not! "At the same time, and in business, and in his spare time around - a lot of attractive enough, respectable and promising representatives of the stronger sex, not family ties. And our lady somehow stubbornly refuse to notice them. Is he blind? Probably, yes. It is not nothing but a psychological blindness, which is caused by the appearance of a denial of the existence of such men. Namely, it is a cause for rejection of the unconscious action.

Psychology lonely woman initially rejects reunification with someone. And, whether in front of her even the handsome prince, insisted on prancing white horse, she will not see it. A worthy young man in her eyes turn into greedy gigolo or an experienced womanizer, spoiled a huge number of victories over the fairer sex.

It is believed that in this world there are at least five people with whom each of us can build a successful family life. And if the heart is completely wide open toward love, these people become so much more. If it hangs on a huge padlock and tightly shuttered, happiness is likely to go look for a more welcoming home. And we will cherish and his loneliness, tormented by the question of how a good marriage. The same that we had designed the destiny, will go to the neighbor, which is no different. Except for one thing - ready to love. And this is a lot, agree.

No, of course, there are women that such a perspective is not scary. But they are not so much. In most cases, we all want to have a comfortable house, children and a soul mate, happy to meet us after a hard day's work. And we get, at best, a long wait tortured cat, hysterically screaming in an empty apartment. As you can see, the answer to the question of why beautiful women are not men, is simple - they cultivate their loneliness. But only. How to cast away this inner emptiness, alienation and lack of faith in your own happiness?

 how to get married successfully

The first step to happiness. Why do we want to get married?

First, remember the absolute truth: real men have been and will be. And let today paraphernalia - not a white horse, and even white "Mercedes", they exist. If this pattern you have not caught, it is likely that the time is not yet. And maybe the most perfect man already got in your way, but you missed it or something discouraged. What? Yes, even too obvious desire to get married.

After all, to be honest, many of us strive to create a family on grounds that "a single woman - it is indecent." And not looking for a particular person, but simply a representative of the stronger sex, who agrees to go to the registrar. This fact is usually too obvious, so repelled by women even dreaming about his family man. After all, he wants to be the only one, and not just tucked under the arm tool for the realization of the goals!

Therefore, first of all, let's ask ourselves what we want to get married. To give birth to children? Or, to obtain the status of a wife? And, maybe, to feel loved? It would seem that all these objectives are quite justified. And none of them is sufficiently weighty reason for marriage. Because you can create a happy family with only those you really interesting.

Another big mistake a large part of women - the desire to get married just to get rid of inner emptiness and feeling lonely. Why do representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are often alone? Because emptiness and lonely - a state of mind. It can not be changed with some external factors. In order to build a happy family life, first you need to work on yourself and fill your soul with joy expectation. Radiant happiness woman attracts all. And marriage to her - no problem. But eternally dreary, unhappy with the whole world, even the most beautiful sufferer may be interesting unless eager sex tape. Therefore, learn to enjoy every detail, and you will attract to yourself a lot of luck.

Start with a revision of their past and try to take it without judgment. Each of you is that what you do not want to remember. But in life I need any experience, both positive and negative! Only under such conditions it is developing people. So release your past, forgive yourself, and with a light heart move boldly into the future.

Factors that impede a successful marriage

The successful start of married life make sense. Therefore, you need to marry only for mutual love. Simple sympathy and passionate sex enough to create a solid foundation for a happy marriage - you need to experience something much deeper in relation to the chosen one, and to be confident in his reciprocal feeling. Very often women who dream to quickly acquire the coveted status of married women, make a very common mistake, is not promising a successful marriage. So, what factors prevent find true marital happiness?

  1. Fear of being "old maid"

    In this case we are talking about women who turned twenty-five years of age abroad without the coveted stamp in the passport. They often very sensitive observations of relatives and friends that it's time to get married, and try to make a life with the first available man. This path is clearly hopeless, because the frustration occurring then wrapped in divorce and a sense of worthlessness. So do not hesitate to ask questions about how inconsiderate when you finally part with the status of unmarried women giving a very sleek answers, for example: "As soon as the meeting a man, make me a couple of decent! ".

  2. The desire to quickly play a lavish wedding with a white dress and veil

    Girlfriends povyskakivali married, and you desperately jealous of the holiday, which began with their family life? But is it the triumph of his essential attributes? It is important to find the right one is a man who can make you happy. So do not rush to every representative of the stronger sex, who showed interest in you, write to the grooms and ponder what wedding dress will be the most suitable for him. Try to estimate how comfortable you in the company of this person, if he draws you like a man, and a person would like you to his children, and so on. That positive answers to these important questions and form a clear picture, which you will understand whether your relationship prospects worth the wait or someone else.

  3. Constant talk of parents of grandchildren

    Stop, stop! This is certainly not a reason to get married as soon as possible. Even if you have a stable relationship with a loved one, but still for some reason it does not offer you their legitimate desire to become parents grandparents did not have to push you to the speeding up of events. It is important to decide on marriage between a man took himself, without pressure and pressure from the zhenschiny.Milye ladies, never forget that it is you need to win, and not vice versa. And even today, when the boundaries between the sexes were leveled, and the roles are reversed, on the issue of marriage proposal woman is better to take a passive stance. After all, excessive insistence on its part might confuse and alienate even the elect. Why would he that is in the hands of itself, but still being imposed?

  4. Pregnancy as an excuse for marriage

    If the couple has long been a semblance of marital relations, the news of the imminent fatherhood usually becomes a reason to go to the registrar. But it happens, and so that man and woman meet for some time, their relationship go to sex and as a result on the test two strips, showing an unplanned pregnancy. Well, if a young man is showing awareness and offers to marry. But often the opposite occurs, and a pair of raspadaetsya.Devushka, in whatever was seeking to get married, trying every possible way to reason with the future dad often turned for help to the parents, but even if the marriage is registered yet, the best it gets very, very rare. Most often, the couple diverge soon after the birth of the baby. Therefore, an unplanned pregnancy can not be considered the key to a successful marriage.

  5. Search tight purse

    If your understanding of a successful marriage is about more than finding a wealthy candidate for a husband, it is no wonder why you still have not met her only man. For a woman who is ready to marry for money by men seen from afar and try to get round. Who wants to be seen only as a purse with crispy banknotes, or a walking credit card?

And how can you call a good marriage in which sensual side replaced by financial relationships? Even if you marry a rich man, such an alliance may be the same "golden cage". Are you ready for life dependent on her husband? And if he met someone younger and prettier? So do not be guided solely by mercantile considerations, but rather listen to your heart. This is what will be discussed in the next section.

 how to get married successfully

Happiness loves independence

Many lonely beauty convinced that the man - is an object that exists in the world, to meet all their needs. Each of these ladies think about one thing - how to successfully marry a rich man who will take care of her. And, of course, to any suitable applicant to grooms, she immediately puts the question point-blank: "What can you do for me? "It is clear that" suitable bidder "once retires. Because it is - a man who wants to be treated as an individual and not as a method of execution of desires. For modern man, and so constantly exposed to stress. And in the family, they want to remove them, but do not add more problems themselves. No, some help a candidate for a husband, of course, can provide. But to do this he does not have to.

However, we are with you, dear ladies, too, their men do not have to. There are among us is a category of women-mothers, hlopochuschih over their elected representatives as well as a mother hen over chickens. They envelop a man caring, trying to facilitate his every move. The same, if he - a strong personality, not withstanding such obsessive attention and constant violation of personal boundaries area eventually escapes. Remain with "Mommy" a noble and infantile slackers, shamelessly enjoying their loving without any return.

This man is in my heart always remains a hunter who occasionally needs drive persecution. And then with a woman, for which there is no need to race at least periodically, it becomes boring. But the independent person for a self-sufficient man-hunter - coveted prey because it makes experience the true excitement. He can not think about how to create a good family is with her, but not without a woman is his life. And this, if there is mutual interest, very good soil for a lasting marriage.

Of course, to choose a husband, you need to have for this opportunity. So before should learn to be friends with any men, or fight them. And you can do both together, because such interaction will allow to know better the stronger sex and relieve internal stress when dealing with their representatives. But any war in any case shall not acquire the scale intergalactic battles - so long and become a man-hater. It is better to give it a form of wrestling in which contestants are not only respect each other, but are even willing to gladly surrender to the winner. With conditions, the probability of revenge.

Without a doubt, these tips can not guarantee complete success in his personal life. The psychology of a single woman is not uniquely determined, since it is not subject to sketchy. However, there are some tricks that claimed more our grandmothers, work almost flawlessly. Men, they said, must learn to listen carefully, with a smile, in any case without interrupting. Above jokes elect necessarily have to laugh, even if the joke has long grown a beard. Does not work? Prizovёm to help all his artistry. After all, we just want to look in his eyes witty!

Experienced lady, who married successfully, do not recommend talking to a potential candidate for a husband currently all pointedly silent on some of the pages of his own biography. Moderate mystery and innuendo - the best decoration women. Sometimes, out of sight of the elect have to disappear for a couple of days, indicating that the light does not yet converged on him wedge. It podolёt oil is only inflaming the fire of his soul. To heighten the effect can sometimes mention in passing the compliment that you are doing at work or on the street. After all, for any representative of the stronger sex is no greater pleasure than being able to have what everybody likes.

Good men live next to us, and not invented by some fantastic country. To see them, you need to change your perspective on the world and realize that life is diverse. And then it will be colorful and filled with the joy of music. And be sure to hear the melody that we're looking for. And it is sure to come, because he, too, is looking for happiness next to his beloved. The main thing - to know him and did not pass.

 Like a good marriage: say goodbye to loneliness

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