If you have decided to get yourself a bag, it might be worth a try for those purposes are popular and fashionable patchwork technique? After patchwork not only saves using old clothes and scraps of fabric, but make exclusive accessory, the likes of which you certainly nobody will see.
Bags, in the technique of patchwork, adorable! And as much as possible here to implement the most daring ideas! You can sew a large luggage or beach bag, you can make small cosmetic bag or a baby and want to - sew elegant clutch bag or everyday handbags. And how patchwork technique allows you to experiment with fabrics, lines and models: it can be a traditional English quilt with geometric patterns, and the Japanese patchwork with a floral applique, and quilting, with its volume of stitches and unpredictable Crazy patchwork. In general, we take as a basis patchwork in any of its interpretation, storage tissues and tools and start work. Author's work, mind you!
Beautician in the technique of quilting
Sew, as expected, with a small model. To start sew a little (or not so little), beautician - purse, which should be every self-respecting lady. This model is characterized by an impressive amount in a small package, and it is very easy to sew. Given the not very elaborate model of a cosmetic, it will do quilting technique that combines patchwork (patchwork), and bulk stitches. For this we need a cosmetic:
zipper twenty centimeters in length;
Two cut colored tissue, for example, plaschevki;
string matching or contrasting color of fabric;
thin padding polyester or batting layer;
Sewing pins;
sewing machine.
First collect patchwork fabric. Sewing of the fabric follows. Cut twelve square patches of the same color and the same twelve different color patches. Side of the square - five centimeters, plus seam allowance. Take the two flaps of different colors, add them to grind down the front side and one edge. Expand and iron out. Just sew two different colored patch. Now these two pieces put together in a band, folded them face and sewing together the two extreme sides of colored squares on both workpieces. As a result, it should get a band of four alternating squares: two of one color and the other two. Likewise sew five bands.
Then do patchwork fabric - or rather, two for the two sides of beauticians. For each fabric sew three strips, placing colored squares in a checkerboard pattern and a good otutyuzhivaem seams. Now cut out two pieces of syntepon size patchwork fabrics. Put the fabric face down on the table, impose on him sintepon and shear pins in the center of the squares. In the sewing machine making stitch "seam in seam" pristrachivaya sintepon to the web by connecting seams between the patches. From a single piece of material cut out two more details on the size of the parties to the future cosmetic, applying them to the wrong side sintepon make the connection line on the edges of parts. We receive two pieces: patchwork and quilted on one side and smooth and one color on the reverse.
Now, with one long side of each we do hem zipper and zauyutuzhivaem it. Tack zipper and sew it on the machine. We received almost ready to deploy beautician. Next, we add up the two parts stitched by the front side and the bottom of her purse. Again we put a pipe, aligning the bottom seam with zipper and stitched by side. Pull the bottom seam and zipper disconnect parts, forming corners and pin up their pins, and then do one seam at each of the four corners, laying it perpendicular to the side seams beauticians. Unnecessary corners cut off slices and overcast. Cropped all the extra thread, gut-wrenching makeup and admire your creation.
Bag from the remnants of fabric
Elegant and laconic style patchwork bag, suitable rather for economic purposes. However, depending on the used fabrics and decorative stitches or tape to mask the joints, handbag can go glamorous or romantic or naughty. For its production, we use the well-known technique Crazy patchwork and prepare the following materials:
patches of colored cloth arbitrary shape;
thread for embroidery or braid to mask the joints;
thick fabric for the base of the bag;
thick leather bands for handles.
First, cut out of the two parts of the fabric of the future shape of the bag: rectangles, slightly tapering upward, and with rounded lower corners. Now proceed to the collection of crazy-web. To do this, we decompose more details on the table face up. Then take a rag and place it slightly shifted from the center tselnokroynoy parts and putting also face up. He put on another patch of (edge combine optional) seamy side up. Shear details and do a line, both of the flap When sewing through to the edge of the top. We expand and straighten the top and shred otutyuzhivaem seam. Excess fabric lower rag (which stands for the free seam) Crop.
Then put another patch on the first two - also face down. Again, we sew it to the web and to the flap unfolds, iron out the seam, cut the excess fabric. So we fill the entire pattern flaps basis. The second part can be made one-color handbag and tselnokroynoy, but can also be collected from individual flaps Crazy patchwork technique. Otyuzhivaem patchwork bags and decorate parts taped seams or decorative embroidery. Fold both of the details right sides and stitched by on the bottom and sides. Iron out the seams and wrenched the resulting bag.
Now we cut out two pieces for lining (size parts bag plus seam allowance), add them right sides together and sew along the bottom and sides. Iron out the seams, but do not remove. Put the lining into the bag and baste the edges of both parts (on top of the next bag). Next, cut a strip of cloth for edging or making use of the ordinary bek. Treat the top edge of the bag binding.
Finish sewing manufacturing and attaching handles. From thick skin cut two handle the desired length and sew a handle to the front wall of the bag, and the other to the back. That, indeed, is all. Bag style Crazy patchwork ready. If you're good enough own cutting and sewing, you can sew a lining with pockets and sew in a zipper-lock bag. Instead leather handles sostrochit can handle multiple layers of fabric.
Bag of pieces of leather
If you have somewhere in the closet hanging out of fashion leather jacket, try to turn it into a bag, aligning the patchwork quilt and knitted. And if you're using for this purpose the skin of different colors, the bag will turn out even more interesting than single-color leather flaps. So, for the manufacture of such bags you will need:
square patches of skin (with a side of about seven centimeters) - 32 pieces
lining fabric;
yarn for connecting flaps and vyvyazyvaniya pens;
Crochet hook;
Prepare for leather scraps, making the perimeter of each punctures for connection: with an awl at the same distance from the edge and from one another puncture holes. Now all tie rags yarn matching color or a contrasting color (so it will be even more interesting). Then assemble the two webs (sixteen squares each), connecting flaps using yarn and a crochet hook. Fold both the cloth together (wrong side) and connect them to the bottom edge and sides are also using a hook and thread.
Lining cut two pieces (the size of the bag plus seam allowance), fold them face and Stitch the sides and bottom. Insert (not twisting) Get a bag in a bag and baste the edges of the bag and the lining and then sostrochite them. Crocheted edge tie bags, using any decorative, but a dense pattern. Tie a pen (or pens) desired length and attach them to the bag. If desired, decorate Sew the zipper and the bag crocheted or made of leather colors. By the way, instead of the skin can be used pieces of felt (this material does not crumble at the edges) or link details of patchwork fabric.
As you can see, for the manufacture of bags in patchwork is not necessarily used exclusively in the traditional patchwork to our understanding. These bags can be connected, and then you get knitted patchwork. Or even combine different techniques: patchwork and quilting, knitting and appliqué. The most suitable for single bags are considered to be dense fabric: denim, canvas, plaschevka, tapestry drape. If your intention sewing quilted handbags, use less dense tissue, but for bag style Crazy quilt can combine virtually any fabric, lace, leather and hand-knits.
Quilting, for that matter, any other needlework provides virtually unlimited opportunities for creativity. And though not all at once to get the perfect, do not despair and do not stop half way - the skill comes with experience. Someone wisely said that the meaning of life in the building. Is sewing, knitting, weaving, sculpture - it is not creation? So create, create and have fun with the process and the outcome. Good luck!