How often should be fed a kitten and how much he needs to eat?
Natural or dry food?
So, in your house there was a small, plaintive mewing fluffy ball. And it does not matter how the cat became a member of your family. Bought in the famous nursery or a stray on the street, he was equally touched by his helplessness and pleasantly tickled the palm of soft fur. His eyes were frightened and also very trusting stare at you with a silent question: "Do you love me? ". And how could it be otherwise, since he has won your heart forever! You kiss kitten in a funny little face and then a bunch of puzzles problems associated with the arrangement of his life in a new home.
In the first place there is the question the power of the baby. If possible, ask the previous owner than it is fed kitten when he lived with his mother, and about a week to stay the diet to avoid additional stress. And then gradually you can start to teach your pet to new types of food. Usually kittens are ready to separate from the mother at the age of one and a half to two months. By this time they had eaten on their own, but not all posited food. However, caring hostess not be difficult to add to an existing diet necessary amendments.
Thus, the products that are best suited for kittens, always directly dependent on their age. Thus, the crumbs of one month should be fed liquid food. It is best to use a special cat milk substitutes ready, and sometimes, if the veterinarian permits, you can purchase and some mixtures produced for infants. They are fully adapted to the body of a young child and, therefore, are a good substitute for breastfeeding.
Never use whole cow's milk as the first food - it has a high fat content, due to which the hard to digest, and some kittens this product generally is contraindicated in its original form, since virtually no perceived their body. Often it persists into adulthood as people who can not tolerate lactose. Therefore it is not necessary to experiment.
If you are the hostess still quite crumbs and do not know what to feed kittens monthly, then, according to experts, can be safely administered in the diet of cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt. These products are generally well accepted small stomachs and do not cause any problems. However, you can not give them too much. Besides, enriching a small amount of cheese is still pretty meager menu, you give the kids to understand that in addition to the liquid state of food and there is also a more solid, so you need to learn to chew. By six weeks of age kittens are eating quite independently. Therefore, the time has come to deal with the question of what kind of products are best suited for the harmonious growth and development of the pet.
What products you need to feed a kitten?
First of all, does your pet can not do without meat, because the cats belong to the predatory animals, so their diet young two-thirds should consist of exactly that product. It must be administered since the age of one month. But give preference to vegetable varieties, which include chicken, turkey, beef and rabbit. Experts do not recommend giving the kittens raw meat, but you can pre-freeze, killing the harmful microorganisms. And best of all it boil. If you want to feed your pet svezhatinoy, scalding her with boiling water. In no case do not let the kitten fresh meat! This way you can simply kill the baby.
Poultry must be carefully separated from the bones, which can not be given any kittens or adult animals. For the first time to buy chicken, which still need to crank through a meat grinder. So the kitten will be easier for him to eat and not choke. The same way you can do with the rest of the solids, so to speak, for convenience and ease of eating small pets. In fact, many experienced breeders cats give them canned meat, which are produced for human babies. They are natural and therefore suitable for young animals.
Beef and chicken offal boiled as it is suitable for gradual introduction of the diet of fluffy prankster. Do not experiment with a raw view these products as well can cause indigestion and upset stomach. The liver can not be given more than once a week - it can hurt even unformed full skeleton.
Remember that vegetables - are vitamins that affect the health of the kittens. It should be noted that they are not fully digested by animals, but even a small part of them give kids a lot of nutrients. Start better with vegetables boiled, although often adult animals prefer them raw. Try not to abuse the potatoes and completely avoid beans, corn and peas.
If your little pet refuses to eat vegetables in pure form, then go to a small trick. As is known, it is better to cheat, if you can not make, and with animals is often such tactics is the only way to force them to eat. Therefore, the finished broth, place a small amount of vegetable mixture, boil and mince together with the meat. Pour all of a couple of tablespoons of broth saturated and offer their dinner as a kitten. Remember once a week to give your child one of the second egg yolk, in which a lot of vitamin E.
Can not do without your pet fish. You can give as a low-fat sea, and the river, but in any case, carefully remove the bones from it all and be sure to boil. Raw fish is a source of dangerous infections and parasitic infestations. Very useful for a variety of kittens stomach cereals (rice, buckwheat, oats, etc.). But since only one porridge capricious unlikely to feed, it is better to give, together with the meat or cooking broth to give it a delicious smell.
As mentioned above, it is impossible or undesirable to give kittens cow's milk, but dairy products are they very useful. But if you are a mistress of lop-eared pet, do not abuse the cheese and hard cheeses. After all, they contain calcium is able to strengthen the cartilage, and the ears of the baby hanging become erect. By the way, like kittens soft curds spreads, so buy them in a department of children's food. If you still prefer to buy a cottage in the market, better to choose is not very fatty and bring it to the right consistency of sour cream drop.
It is equally important to ensure the kitten with fresh drinking water and a special green grass. It is a sprouted grain oats and wheat and is very useful for the body of animals. Such as the greens can be purchased at a pet store and grow independently. Put in a bowl of water, the grass is permanently retain its original freshness and will certainly taste a kitten. Do not forget about the kid needed vitamins and minerals from food because it gets far from all of them. Therefore, consult your veterinarian and get those he advises.
In addition to the allowed and a very useful product, and there are those who feed your little pets can not. Some mentioned above, but includes also the following list:
butter and other dairy products with excess fat;
egg white;
spices and salinity.
How often should be fed a kitten and how much he needs to eat?
In addition, what is needed to feed the furry pet meows, most housewives is the question of how many times a day it is best to eat. Experts advise immediately begin to adapt to a particular mode of the baby, because it can greatly simplify your life. Not very hard to guess that the older cat, the greater the intervals between feedings, and hence the number of approaches to the bowl is reduced. It is important to follow exactly the regularity at which your pet is hungry and will not be, but do not overeat. The correct mode will allow your child to gain weight quickly and keep up with the growth.
Usually, we purchase or take into the house kitten, which had turned a half or two months. But it also happens that in our house and are very tiny babies. They usually feed as babies, that is in compliance with the two-hour intervals. Portions of living for such a small fluffy lumps determined in grams, sometimes "by eye" and feed him while pipetting. I must say that newborn kittens to nurse very difficult and troublesome, and often your good intentions are doomed to failure, but it does happen and happy exceptions, and you get not only the mistress of your pet, but also his "mother".
When crumbs fulfilled three weeks, you can begin to enter the main lure. Give him a little scraping raw meat, quite a bit for the first time. As soon as he will understand the taste of the product, and get used to it, try a little bit of low-fat yogurt or sour, and then ask the curd. It is important to remember that the kittens, like all children may have trouble digesting certain foods, so take your time and follow the correct sequence of their entry in the diet: new let the day after pipsqueak get used to the previous one.
Fluffy baby two months and just under the recommended food five or six times a day. It's like human children, where for a small ventricular much food is simply counter, so after two or three hours once babies need milk. And kittens, which are recommended to be invited to a bowl often. But with three to five months may be reduced meals up to four times. When pussy turns six months, it must be fed three times a day, and eight to nine months, it's time to move on the regime of the adult animal and eat no more than twice. It happens so that the cat is mature enough and one portion - it is better to give for the night.
To understand how much you need your pet meals a day, you need to know the weight. So you will be able to easily calculate the number of grams of food at one time. Should proceed from the fact that for every kilogram of small animal need two hundred to two hundred and fifty grams of food. For proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the normal development of a kitten it must include:
from sixty to one hundred and twenty grams of fish or meat;
ten to twenty grams of cereals;
from twenty to fifty grams of vegetables;
from twenty to sixty grams of cottage cheese and other dairy products.
Natural or dry food?
Before such a difficult choice, sooner or later it turns out to be most of the owners, deciding for themselves the question of how and what to feed a kitten. Both the first and second types of food have their positive and negative sides. The use of natural products allows you to select and control the right diet for a kitten, that is to comply with the necessary balance. However, since you have to pay a lot of time preparing food for your pet, because it must necessarily be fresh.
Dry food - this is a very convenient way out for those owners who are often absent for various reasons at home in the morning and the evening. It simply sprinkle croutons and put close to fresh water. But in this case you have to choose the right high-quality ready-made meals of this kind. Cheap products are advertised and usually causes great harm to the animal's internal organs, significantly reducing its life. Provide your pet in good health since childhood, normal development and a strong immune system only by means of a ready supply of premium and super-class standing quite expensive.
About what it is dry food is best to buy a kitten, you need to ask the competent veterinarian. Try to know the opinion of several independent experts. Accustom your pet to dry feed can be two months. Better to start with a pre-soaked in water, broth or crackers yogurt to baby it easier for them to chew. Gradually translate the animal feed without added liquid. If you do decide to replace natural food prepared croutons, try not to mix both types. This will adversely affect the health of your pet.
We can not ignore another kind of ready meals - canned cat. Not all of them can be given to animals, but often the owners do not think too much, and buy the ones that are always at the hearing. In the best case it ends stomach upset, and at worst (with prolonged use of substandard products) - fatal for your pet. It is especially dangerous to give cheap canned little kittens. Choose only those that do not cast doubt on the structure. And best of all, again, consult your veterinarian.
But equally important, together with well-balanced nutrition to give your small furry playful love and affection these urchins. Be patient and attentive to the needs of a cat from a very early age, do not miss his opportunity in their own way to communicate with you or play. Avoid severe punishment, is not it, you can not grow a gentle humming and evil shaggy monster that will demonstrate their aggression and vengeance at every step.
Do not take a small pet as a fun toy, think of it as a living being that is entirely up to you and of the care that you can give him. Only under such conditions kitten with age become a faithful and wise friend love you selflessly, devotedly and for life.
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