Kitchen - is the heart of every home. This inviolable territory of each family. This is her patrimony. And, of course, we all strive to make the kitchen a comfortable and cozy. And that creates a cozy atmosphere? That's right - two different things and lovely trinkets decorating the kitchen space.
Jewellery Kitchen brings to life an element of celebration. They are pleasing to the eye and improve mood. They transform the most modest kitchen and enliven the most pompous. In every kitchen there is a place for gizmos that will be a good decoration or additional necessary (but beautiful) accessory.
And if you make a decoration for the kitchen with his hands, then they will constantly be reminded about what you did the skilled worker and clever! This fact, and it raises self-esteem and affect the excellent quality of dishes prepared such a wonderful hostess.
Decorative elements of the interior of the kitchen can be divided into groups:
- Textiles,
- dishes,
- decorative compositions.
Jewellery made of cloth
Special chic will give your kitchen a properly fitted curtains. They define the general direction of the decor. When choosing window curtains, you define a style that is closer to you, romantic, classical or modern. A functional items such as towels, stool covers, table linen must simply comply with the chosen style.
Decorate the kitchen and lampshades made of fabric. You can buy ready-made, but you can make it yourself. And if your hands are not crooks, but quite the contrary, it overpower you and a set consisting of curtains, tablecloths and lampshade. And not mastered - no problem. It offers all kinds of studios and studio of textile design.
And how much charm lies in the kitchen napkins on a table or shelf, and with dishes! If you are such crafts like knitting and embroidery, the Romantic style - that is the case. That they are widely used embroidery and knitted items.
And if we're talking about these styles, it is necessary to say about the dish, which was also to decorate the interior.

Utensils as an element of decor
Lined up rows of plates on the special long shelf. Hanging in a row on the cup hooks. And low - ladles, skimmers, knives, spatula, frying pan. And now before us a picture of a typical kitchen of the old England.
If you like this arrangement cookware you a fan of the Old English style. But it is not necessary to put all the dishes on display. Stay on something one.
It fits well in a kitchen interior and ceramic tableware. Jars, pots, kettles, Krynki - it's elements of style "country" or "chalet". Try it in your kitchen. Perhaps this is you, and not enough to create a harmonious look of your patrimony.
But glassware, arranged for the transparent doors of the kitchen cabinet, takes us back to the times of the Soviet Union. You like? Do! And let only say that it is not fashionable ... This stylish! And he made in accordance with the style of "retro".
Decorative compositions
They will create a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Such compositions can be bouquets and panels of plaster casts of fruits and vegetables, dried grasses and flowers. Or the transparent capacitance layer by layer filled with colored cereals. A can and fresh fruit, berries, citrus fruits, beans, vegetables, canned in decorative bottles (also fashionable).
If you believe in people's signs, then place in the kitchen guardian for the house - he will protect and beautify your home. Figurine brownie too will feel great on the kitchen shelf. And the classic kettle on Baba certainly find a place in your kitchen.
You can also make a mural of puff pastry. You can hang decorative plates on the wall. You can also place a still life (painting or photo). You can experiment with wallpaper or tiles ... a lot more then you can!
Give only the will of their own imagination and grasp the decoration cuisine with his own hands - and all you get!