Services landscape designer - an expensive service. But it wants to see in his dacha near the house or something unusual, pleasing look and causing a secret envy of friends. But even more reason to be proud - to tell them that this beauty created by their own hands.
On any plot expressive element will be the alpine slide.
An exquisite combination of the severity of natural stone and tenderness touchingly fragile plants bring to the idea of the inviolability of the Earth and the constant celebration of life on it. What you need to create a harmony of stone and life, how to make the alpine slide his hands, will be discussed in this article.
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What you need to create a rock garden?
First of all, of course - the inspiration. For creative work is impossible without it. And if something has to be done without inspiration, and the result is relevant - the banality and vulgarity.
Also need inspiration natural stone. Fragments of different sizes with protruding corners and sharp edges can be purchased at the quarry, where they make the rubble or in DIY stores. If possible, stones should look at the steep banks of the river or ravine, on the slopes of highways .. Well, if there are real close to the mountains, hills or hill. On their slopes you can find many rock fragments of various shapes and at the same time learn from nature ideas for combinations of stones and plants.
It is best if the stones are one color and one or two or three species of similar mind, as is the case in these mountains. In order to fit the alpine slides of different shades of gray granite, sandstone gray-yellowish color. You can choose to combine the reddish granite stones with the same color of fieldstone. These shades will blend in green plants and yellow, orange and red, purple and violet flowers. Exquisitely will look and plants with reddish or purple foliage, colorful fruits.
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So, we begin ...
We must start with the selection of places in the area. It would be better to look natural relief. Then you will need only emphasize the difference heights in the course of work and decorate the slopes.
But even on the flat as a table area, you can create a rocky mountain landscape.
This requires effort and time, but the aesthetic pleasure of seeing the result will override fatigue and lost several weeks.
The place for construction should be well-lit, open and accessible to contemplation. It is necessary to define the future size and slides, to achieve harmony with the natural elements of the garden. You may have to hold a new stone and tile track for a better view slides from all sides and provide access to the gazebo, where now have to get round.
Place selected. Then it's up to the planning and marking territory. The initial plan must be created on paper. Here and work for inspiration - to present in detail and put into the mountains and valleys below that previously existed only in unformed dreams. And then mark the selected area.
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Pit and drainage
Pit need for foundation of future slides. Its depth depends on the size and height of the rock garden. The greater the mass of earth and rock filled up, the stronger the base will have to do for her, so that after the first winter rock garden does not become a featureless mound. Too deep digging is not necessary. Suffice meter deep pit in the most difficult case.
Dug a pit filled with drainage material. If the site is under construction house or outbuildings, made a great repair the inevitable horrific amount of construction waste pit at the Alpine hills will help solve the problem of its removal. All the pieces of concrete and bricks, sand, gravel, glass perfectly fill the pit. Top to fill the pit drainage material is needed.
As to the brim will be about 30 cm, the drainage is a layer of fine gravel, CBC or a large river sand. Align and ram it, put the top layer of fertile soil with the addition of peat (30%) and fine gravel (30%). Form a hill under the plan.
They say even after the creation of the demiurge of the world rested. A week or two will have to give shrinkage and compaction of the base of an alpine slide. At this time, you can catch your breath.
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The process of mountain building
To lay the stones on the alpine hill is one important rule: in the base should be large, massive stone. The higher, the more they are smaller. Large stones on the edges of the pile of earth should be dug half to make it seem that they were exposed over time. The symmetry and geometry should be forgotten - in nature does not happen equally fallen stones.
Then comes the turn of medium stones. They must be placed so that between the first tier and stones were places filled with earth. There will be planted plants. Average stones are also placed at random, taking into account only their own imagination and easy availability of earth pockets to care for flowers and shrubs in order to be able to freely reach any point of a rock garden. So there are man-made mountain.
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What grows in the Alps?
Selection of plants for rock garden provides two main options: perennial grass and trees and shrubs and all kinds of annuals. In the flower shops you can buy different colors of the young - they are fleshy rosettes among the bare stones decorate the hill immediately after landing. In the first year is to sow the seeds, planted seedlings biennial and perennial herbs and flowers. In autumn, in September-October to plant tulip bulbs and melkolukovichnyh. Then already in early spring next year, man-made miracle please the eye.
To alpine garden pleasing to the eye soon after the construction of the first year, most plants will make it summer and autumn Flowering species - purslane, Iberis, alyssum, eschscholzia, nasturtiums and marigolds and asters undersized. They are sown directly into the ground in May, the earliest of them begin to bloom within a month after planting, while others take the baton later. You can buy in the shops ready for planting seedlings blooming annual flowers.
Dwarf conifers harmoniously fit into the rocky landscape, and their delicate branches will turn green after the frost. It should pick up those rocks, which spend the winter in good conditions offered to them. After all, winter winds and thaw a layer of snow can reduce or completely expose the sublime landscape of land where the plants will have to spend the winter. In central Russia are going through a good winter dwarf arborvitae, pine and spruce, junipers.
To make natural mossy stones must be found in damp and shady places the pads of moss green velvet. This moss is necessary to carefully rub your hands and mix with the ground and water before sparse gruel. She applied to the northern that is out of the sun surface of the stones, the ground beneath them. Likewise come with lichen - colored scaly patches it easy to see on different surfaces.
Cauliflower: the cultivation of seedlings
Growing cauliflower in the open field
Secrets of harvesting
Cauliflower - an annual vegetable plant cabbage family. Motherland - the Mediterranean, is widespread in Western and Northern Europe. In Russia cauliflower imported from Europe in the 18th century, it is cultivated widely in small volumes. Prized for its earliness and taste and not too complicated care. In the food consumed head (inflorescence modified) plants that contain a lot of vitamins and mineral salts. Very helpful use of cauliflower with gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases.
The root system of the cauliflower is located close to the surface of the soil and developed worse than the root system of cabbage. After the formation of rosettes of 25-30 leaves inflorescence is formed, having the form of a dense head of green, yellow, white or purple flowers. In general, the cauliflower to grow more demanding than other types of cabbage. Sensitive to adverse conditions and care, although generally not demanding to heat, but less resistant to low temperatures than the same cabbage. When their prolonged exposure to plant growth slows down, and used in food formed small head. The optimum temperature for the formation of dense and large heads - 15-20 degrees.
At temperatures above 25 degrees formed small head and loose, especially at this time insufficient watering. In addition to the ambient temperature, cauliflower demanding light conditions, especially during the growing seedlings. In the context of the long daylight hours plants accelerates the formation of heads, but in the future is their izrastanie and flowering shoots are formed.
The artificial creation of conditions the shortened daylight hours leads to the formation of denser heads and prevents the formation of flower-bearing shoots.
Of all the most fastidious cabbage color to the composition of the soil, its fertility. Nutrient requirements of her two times higher than that of white. In addition to basic applied mineral and organic fertilizers, it urgently needed feeding manganese, magnesium, boron and molybdenum. With a lack of trace elements observed underdevelopment heads, hollow stalks, leaves and deformed heads themselves usually rot.
Currently zoned about 10 varieties of cauliflower. Early-maturing (vegetative period - 85-100 days) - Movir 74 (good for canning), Early Gribovskaya 1355 Snowflake. Medium early (the growing season - 95-120 days) - Domestic (suitable for canning), Moscow canning and guarantees. Late-maturing (vegetative period - 175-230 days) - 679 Adler winter, spring Adler and Sochi.
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Cauliflower: the cultivation of seedlings
Growing conditions cauliflower and care are almost the same as in the cultivation of seedlings of cabbage. Seeds are sown in early varieties of seedlings boxes installed in heated greenhouses or other heated rooms. On each potted consume about 2-3 grams prepared for sowing seeds. Soaking of seeds is recommended, for which they were placed in a gauze bag filled with 0 to 5 volume and soaked in pure water at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Moistened soil before sowing and seeding is carried out to a depth of no more than 1 cm. After seeding seeding mulch thin layer of sand.
About two weeks after germination held swordplay seedlings. Seedlings earliest planting dates grown in peat-humus pots. Seedlings later dates can be grown and bezgorshechnym way. For this dive seedlings in peat-humus soil hothouse flower beds or potted.
In the formation of 2-3 true leaves conduct fertilizing plants with a solution of potassium or ammonium nitrate, which is diluted in a bucket of water 5 g of ammonia and 15 g of potassium nitrate. When the plant forms 3-4 leaves, top-dressing is performed by spraying a solution of boric acid and ammonium molybdenum acid (2 g per 10 liters of water). Seedlings watered rare, but abundant, after watering the room ventilated. About two weeks before planting in open ground carry out the gradual hardening of seedlings, plants accustoming to the outdoor temperature. Seedlings ready for planting at the age of 45-50 days. By this time, the plants should be at least 4-5 leaves.
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Growing cauliflower in the open field
Regardless of the method of planting, do not forget that cauliflower thrown on the site after such predecessors as legumes or root crops, onions, early potatoes or early varieties of cucumber. When grown as a re-culture cauliflower placed after the early crops and green podzimnih crop roots.
Under the spring and summer growing cauliflower soil is prepared in the fall. After harvesting the previous crop it carefully treated with a hoe to a depth of 6-10 cm. Then dig site, introducing 1 m 7-8 kg of manure or compost torfonavoznogo, provided that they have not been made by predecessors. In the spring, before planting into the soil making fertilizer (ammonium nitrate - 30 g, potassium chloride - 20 g and 50 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. M) and re-dug it carefully loose clumps.
Seedlings are planted in early cauliflower scheme 70h25 cm, mid - 70h30 see. Sometimes it makes narrower aisles (50-60 cm) and the distance in the ranks of the wider (40-45 cm). When transplanting into each well was added a pinch of ash, mixing it thoroughly with the ground. Then poured into 1 liter of well water and planted plants. After planting the seedlings watered regularly to adapt it to the site. A week later, dead plants are replaced with new ones.
Planting seeds in open ground is carried out to a depth of 1 cm. Sowing is usually carried out pre-soaked seeds. When the first true leaf plants thinned out, and leave between 15-20 cm (with a width between rows 70 cm) or 35-40 (with a width between rows 50-60 cm). Further care of planting the same as caring for seedlings.
During the cultivation is carried out at least 5-6 irrigation (at least 30 l / m). A prerequisite, especially during the formation of heads, is loosening the soil, which is held after every rain or watering. Care is in the processing between rows and hilling plants. If necessary, a fertilizing complete mineral fertilizer.
To grow a full crop compulsorily spend pritenenie heads of cauliflower in the period of intensive formation.
Furthermore, two of the upper tie plate or head bends sharply.
This is done in order to head is not falling apart and keep their color.
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Secrets of harvesting
Proper care - is not only growing, but also literate harvest. The heads of cauliflower are cleaned when they reach sufficient size. 1 m planting clean 2 kilograms or more heads. Cut off the head with the 3-4 rosette leaves. Plants that failed to mature before the end of the harvesting time, pulled out by the roots and used for their rearing. For this, they must have a head diameter of about 5 cm and at least 20 leaves.
For rearing, they are placed in the cleared of biofuel heated greenhouses and greenhouses, placing at 1 m 35-40 plants. The plants are then closed shields mats black film and maintained in the greenhouse temperature 5 degrees. Greenhouses, as cooling, insulated with sawdust or other materials at hand. Clean such a harvest in December or January.
Doraschivat head of cauliflower can be in basements or cellars. In this case, the associated plant and hung up back on trellises. Once the mass rearing heads of cauliflower reaches 0, 5 kg and a diameter - 15-20 cm.
That's all the secrets - nothing complicated.
The heads of cauliflower used in food in fresh, boiled, fried. They are also pickled, used in soups, casseroles, side dishes and salads.