What conditions are necessary for the cultivation of lemon
He lives in our homes sunny guest from the subtropics - a lemon. The relative simplicity of this plant can be grown in his home even in winter. There are specially bred varieties that bear fruit all year round, and is small in size crown.
The most famous sort of home lemon - "Pavlovsky". He gives a small, but regular harvest. And if you decide to have multiple trees, you can throughout the year to provide his family with vitamins. Our today's article is devoted to this wonderful and very useful plant. We will tell you that is a lemon care at home. So, where should you start? Of course, with the methods of reproduction.
Reproduction of lemon in the home
Lemon trees are propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings. With the first method, the difficulties will arise - we go to the store and choose the most beautiful lemon. The main thing is to make sure he was ripe, so the reproduction of seeds is best done during the warmer months. After all, winter is hard to find a suitable specimen. How to understand that the fruit is suitable for reproduction? It's simple - the color of the rind should be a uniform yellow.
Lemons are grown from seed, much stronger. They are resistant to temperature, successfully resist disease and rapidly increasing the green mass. However, such a plant will be significantly different from the parent tree on biological indicators, while the tree from cuttings involves one hundred percent similarity with the parent.
Another advantage is the rapid development of propagation plants: in 4-5 years, your tree will bring the first fruits. But when propagated by seed should not rely on such quick results - the fruits have to wait at least 8-10 years.
As you can see, each method of reproduction, there are pluses and minuses. Here the choice is yours. Well, we will tell you in more detail on each of them.
Lemon seed
If you decide to get a lemon tree is in this way, remove all the seeds from the fruit and set aside the most neat and well-formed. To be sure, sow several pieces of different fruits. Seeds are planted in small pots or oblong boxes. As the soil for planting, take a mixture of peat and floral earth in equal proportions. Do not forget to put on the bottom of the tank drainage.
Seeds are immersed in the ground about a centimeter. Then moisten the soil of the sprayer. Watering seedlings should be regular, as drying topsoil. Pick a room with optimum temperature - 18-22 degrees of heat. From the moment of landing until the first shoots should not go more than two weeks. Once the seeds hatch, select the strongest shoot, and also give all the attention to him.
For the successful growth and development of the plant it is necessary to create hothouse conditions. Cover the germ of a glass jar, and water is applied to the pallet. Once a day, remove the jar for 5-7 minutes to a lemon could be sated with oxygen.
As soon as the germ will get young leaves, the bank can be completely removed and transplanted future tree in a separate pot with a diameter of 10-12 centimeters. Repotting should be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots have not yet firmly established. When the plant reaches 20-25 cm tall, transplant it again, changing the pot (it should take the size of the increase) and the earth. Next resettlement will be required only to the extent of the root system sprawl.
Propagation by cuttings
Cuttings are cut only from adult and healthy plants. For successful rooting their length should be 10 cm, width - 5 mm. Sprig cutoff chosen for the location of the kidney: in the handle should be formed of 3-4 buds and few leaves.
You can further process the stalks stimulator rooting and put it in water until roots. And you can plant them directly into the ground, consisting of sand, humus and flower land and prikopat three centimeters deep. Then cover the jar and wait for the emergence of young shoots.
Given that the first time, the root system is not developed enough, it makes sense to regularly spray the leaves on the handle. The soil should be kept moist, but without water stagnation. Finally rooting takes place in about a month.
What conditions are necessary for the cultivation of lemons?
For the cultivation of lemon (both winter and summer) requires soil with a good supply of organic and mineral substances. In principle, any suitable mixture sold in flower shops. If you take the soil from the suburban area, it is best to enrich it with humus. At the bottom of the pot lay drainage. This can be used, or charcoal or expanded clay.
Stagnation of water will lead to death of the plant, so it is important to monitor the humidity earthen clod. Approximate watering schedule - 2 times a week, while give maximum soil fed with water and then dry. If the plant is still filled with water, the soil is better to completely change. As a container for growing perfect clay pot. Thanks to its water-absorbing properties, it can slightly adjust the humidity of the soil.
Lemon has elevated love to the world. When the sapling a little older, to arrange his daily sunbath. And best of all choose to plant permanent place of residence, for example, the southern window sill, as the lemon is not too fan of permutations. In winter Provide additional lighting using fluorescent lamps. To create a beautiful crown, regularly turn the plant by different parties to the light.
Transplant into a new pot is made as the proliferation of roots, about once a year. The new pot should be greater than the previous couple of centimeters. There is no need to completely shake off the old earthen room, simply drag it into the prepared container and dosypte the right amount of fresh soil. When the volume of the pot reaches 10 liters, the annual transplant can be stopped, simply change the top layer of soil.
It is important to avoid drafts, especially in winter. Several times a week can produce an additional spraying crown of the tree, it will help maintain the proper humidity. In winter, the beginning of the heating season, you can go to daily spraying in order to avoid dryness of the air.
To lemon tree looked aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to form the crown. During the first year of life the lemon grows by 30 centimeters. With the onset of spring and the growing season is necessary to cut off the upper part of the stem, leaving about 20 centimeters. So you push the tree in the release of new lateral buds.
It is important not to touch the top three kidneys, in the future they will turn into the young twigs. The lower the kidney removed. The following year, the operation is verified, it will lead to existing branching shoots. It looks nice tree with several main branches and six levels of branching. Once you are satisfied with the result, pruning can stop and just keep fit crowns, pinching off too overgrown branches.
With proper care the tree will begin to bloom in a few years. If the period of flowering occurs in winter, it can be self-pollinated flowers with a cotton swab. If ensued too much fruit, some have to be removed, otherwise the plant may die from exhaustion. Calculate the allowable number of fruit is easy - you need to one lemon accounted for about 10-15 leaves.
That's all the secrets. We hope that our article will help you to grow healthy lemon tree that gives a rich crop of useful fruits.
Botanical description
Conditions of detention and care
Possible problems
Among a lot of houseplants that we plant is not for the beautiful flowers and lush greenery, and primarily as talismans. True, most of these plants still have mascots and impressive appearance. And so is the indoor pets Spathiphyllum, received the popular name of "women's happiness."
And if in your house there was this wonderful flower mascot, then you should try to create for him the most favorable conditions. And for this you need to find out what it is and what should be the care in the home Spathiphyllum.
Botanical description
The appearance of this house plant is really quite spectacular. Unlike many indoor plants with stem and leaves, sapatifillum more like a bunch of fine glossy leaves on tall stalks. An even greater resemblance to the bouquet acquires it during the flowering period, when over the rosette of leaves on slender stalks rise white, yellowish or cream color is very unusual shape.
Spathiphyllum leaves grow directly from the ground, as usual in our understanding of stem of this plant has not. This kind of stemless plant of the family Araceae, which is represented by more than forty species. Spathiphyllum In the wild it grows in Central and South America as well as in the Philippines, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and the Moluccas. Spathiphyllum is growing in wet swampy forests, along streams and rivers.
Leaves his radical, pointed or oval, rich dark green color and gloss. Along the sheet is a pronounced streak, which differ from the short transverse veins, so that the sheet is formed clearly visible embossed pattern. Flower Spathiphyllum - a spadix inflorescence with extended veil and white, yellowish or cream-colored. Spathiphyllum blooms for a long time - for several weeks. Flowering usually occurs in the spring, but can be re-Spathiphyllum bloom and at any other time of the year.
So in the flowering period, and during the rest of the flower does not lose decorative. However, Spathiphyllum popularity is due not only impressive appearance, but also its unpretentiousness of care. Too much trouble to their owners the flower room does not deliver, but, nevertheless, it blooms only in comfortable conditions for themselves.
Conditions of detention and care
Spathiphyllum comfortable for the conditions of the atmosphere will be as close to its natural habitat. In nature, as we have already said, it grows in shady swamp forests. Therefore, you must have a flower in a room with ambient light and protect it from direct sunlight. Wet environment provides frequent watering and regular spraying of both the plants and the air around it.
Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving tropical plants, so do not tolerate low temperatures and is afraid of drafts. Preferable for the content of this plant temperature - 22-23 degrees of heat. It is permissible to drop to 18 degrees in the summer and spring and winter, the optimal temperature for the content of Spathiphyllum - 18-16 degrees, but not below. To grow Spathiphyllum need loose and moisture capacity of soil mix based on peat. Heavy stick together and compacted soil after irrigation, which prevents soil aeration and oxygen to the roots of plants.
Proper care Spathiphyllum just have to provide comfortable conditions for him. For example, the moisture-loving flower needs watering year round. And in the summer watering should be more abundant and more often than in winter and autumn. It is noteworthy that with abundant watering should be given to dry the top layer of earth in a flower pot. But even short-term over-drying earthen coma can lead to disease and death of the plant. Spathiphyllum and damaging to the stagnation of water in the ground. Therefore, it should be watered abundantly, but as drying topsoil. When watering is necessary to wipe dry the bottom of the flower pot and pan. In winter, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering, but you must make sure that the land in the pot does not dry out completely.
Winter and summer flowers can be watered only supernatant water. The same water should be sprayed Spathiphyllum. Spray it should be common, but during the flowering need to do it carefully, trying to keep water from getting on the tender buds. On the lack or excess of water the plant reacts state of foliage. If moisture Spathiphyllum is missing, then it leaves droop. But when excessive watering the leaves Spathiphyllum may appear dark spots.
Competent care includes periodic and timely dressing plant complex fertilizers. Feed the flower is only necessary during the active period of growth - from late February to early autumn. Winter and late fall in the Spathiphyllum does not need dressing. Fertilize the plant during watering about once a week. For dressings, aqueous solutions of fertilizer at a concentration of one to one, one gram of fertilizer diluted in a liter of water.
Timely change Spathiphyllum - a guarantee of its good growth. If you care to carry out a flower on all the rules, then it must be transplanted as overgrowth of bush. That is, as soon as the aboveground part of the plant will fill the entire surface of the earth coma, flower it is necessary to transplant into the new, larger size pot, but it is better not to wait for such a state of Spathiphyllum and transplant it every spring. When transplanting in a flowerpot replace soil mix, and it is required to stack the bottom drainage layer. When transplanting you can also share much overgrown bush and thus obtain new copies of the plant.
Proper care Spathiphyllum implies certain hygiene procedures. In addition, after each irrigation is necessary to wipe the bottom of the dry flower pot should also be cleaned of dust and leaves traces of water after spraying. Rub the flower soft, damp cloth or cotton swab. And to enhance the shine you can use special preparations designed to care for plants with glossy leaves.
Possible problems
The main problems in growing this plant are losing decorative sheet and the absence of flowering. The cause of the yellowing and blackening of leaves Spathiphyllum usually wrong care of a flower. For example, when a lack of moisture in the air and potassium salts of a dressing Spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow. The irregularity, lack or excess fertilizing, as well as excessive watering can become a cause of blackening its leaves.
Lack of flowering is usually caused by incorrectly chosen pot. The fact that blooming Spathiphyllum only when it is almost completely filled with roots main space flowerpot. By the way, if you believe the national signs, then it blooms only in those homes where there is love and understanding. So it is worth considering - perhaps reluctance Spathiphyllum bloom is not improper care.
And even if you know how to take care of the Spathiphyllum, even if you do everything right and it still does not bloom, then the reason may be an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in your home. However, believe it or not national signs - your business. But not for nothing called Spathiphyllum female happiness. And can there be a happy woman, in whose house is not all right?