What is a garden hyacinth, know almost everything. But the fact that this flower can be grown on a windowsill of a city apartment, guess very few growers. But those who had to cope with this process, would never have not renounced it. It's so nice when on the eve of the New Year holidays the room is decorated not only tinsel and Christmas toys, but also of extraordinary beauty Hyacinth - flower with a delicate flavor and reminiscent of spring sunshine.
Yes, you heard right. Home hyacinth flower blooms in the winter it. But in order to achieve the appearance of the fragrant buds at an inopportune time, you need a bit of bother. In principle, nothing complicated process of growing is not represented. The main thing - to comply with the necessary conditions and accurately follow the instructions. It was about the content of the hyacinth at home and we will discuss in this article. But first, let's look at what sorts of plants are suitable for winter forcing.
Domestic varieties of hyacinth
To bloom was plentiful, you must use the variety in accordance with the terms of the release of buds. For example, if you want to get an unforgettable New Year gift - a blooming hyacinth, choose the variety that is suitable for winter forcing. What hyacinths are suitable for this process?
A 'Innosans - the most popular early hyacinth. Buds have a soft white color. Flower spike grows up to 25 centimeters in height;
Pink Pearl - pink hyacinth blossoms is in the form of a cone;
Delph Blue - early hyacinth blue or blue tint. It is considered the most resilient among their relatives. Flowering 20-25 days;
Jan Bos - grows up to 25 centimeters in height. Throwing red buds, flowering time - 15 days.
The above hyacinths are the most popular among gardeners dealing room by distillation of the plant.
How to choose the right bulbs for planting?
When selecting bulbs, pay attention to its size. For the successful cultivation of the best buy large specimens with a diameter of at least 5-6 centimeters and weighing about 80 grams. Also note the apparent condition of the bulbs. It should be dense, well-ripe, do not have to rot areas and mechanical damage.
Accurately determine the future color of flowers and plants can be carefully studied bulb. For example, say cream flakes that will bloom hyacinth yellow. Mauve determine pink or red color. Purple - blue or light blue. Knowing how to identify the color of the plant, you'll be sure exactly what to buy exactly the hyacinth that you need.
It is worth noting that just blooming hyacinths have a more vivid color. By the end of flowering buds pale: bright yellow becoming pale, red become pink hue.
Growing hyacinths in the ground
So the bulbs are selected. Now you need from the "settle." This should be done in September, while the New Year holidays, you will receive a blooming hyacinth. We select a wide and shallow pot on the bottom pour a layer of expanded clay, from the top - a small layer of special soil. It can also be purchased at a flower shop. Now sprinkle the ground with sand and put it hyacinths future so that they were close to each other, but did not touch the edge of the pot.
Few deepening bulbs and sprinkle their remaining soil mix. The top should stay outside. Consider that the first phase of the landing was successful. Now you need to put a container of bulbs in a dark and cool place, for example in the cellar or on a loggia. The main thing that the room temperature does not exceed 5-7 degrees.
Try to keep the soil constantly moist and in a couple of months you will notice that your hyacinths let young leaves. And it means - they can be carried in a light and warm place where the temperature does not exceed 15-17 degrees.
Now we have to wait until the plants bloom. Once this happens, you can "relocate" them in a permanent place. There should be plenty of light and about 20-22 degrees Celsius. Remember to water hyacinth - do not allow the drying of the soil.
Forcing in water
Hyacinth content at home is possible not only in the soil mixture, but simply in water. To do this, choose pots that have a broad base and a narrowed neck. Here, guided by the size of the bulbs. In order to keep the water does not stagnate in the tank and not bloomed, placed at the bottom of a little fine charcoal, and on top put a layer of gravel (1-1.5 cm). The latter is necessary to ensure that the coal is not surfaced.
Then, fill a vase with water: it is best to take a melt or rain. If this is not possible, it fits just filtered. The amount of water is calculated such that the distance from it to the bottoms of the bulbs did not exceed 2 millimeters. Now you need to cover future hyacinths something dark, for example, caps made of paper, and put them in a cold room.
The next few weeks until the formation of the root system, you need to periodically add water in flowerpots (every 3-4 days). Make sure that water does not get in the bulbs. Once hyacinth reaches 8-10 centimeters in height, it is possible to remove the caps and make it into a warm and bright room.
Hyacinths contained in the water, feel good on the sunny windows. If you notice that the water began to rot and unpleasant smell, be sure to change it. Do not forget to put on the bottom of the fresh pieces of coal and river gravel.
What to do when Hyacinth withered?
Faded bulbs can no longer be used for forcing hyacinths at home. But they can be planted in open ground. Hyacinth are planted in the fall - in October. And your yard next spring or summer residence bed adorned with colorful and fragrant flowers.
Some growers dig hyacinths, as soon as the blossoms, and store them all winter in a dark and cold room. And planted in early spring over them. If you want to get new items for forcing hyacinths at home, do the following:
Wait throw hyacinth stems;
But do not let the buds open - tear off them;
This is necessary in order to gain strength and onion she had her babies - some bulbs;
Around June hyacinth dig and separate the children from the mother bulb;
Put them in a hot room with high humidity for a few weeks;
Then transfer to a cooler place, where the air temperature 5-7 degrees lower than the previous;
After another 2-3 weeks "relocated" bulbs in terms of 15-17 degrees Celsius.
While pass all stages of preparation, the time comes to plant hyacinths in a pot or in the pot with water. Thus, these beautiful flowering plants will accompany you all year round.
Hyacinth Room is not too fussy. The only thing you have to take care of if you want to achieve flowering - the correct watering and lighting. Remember, hyacinth likes humidity but does not tolerate standing water. Watering produce carefully, trying not to fall on the very onion and leaf axils, otherwise will rot and die hyacinth.
It needs bright light but out of direct sunlight better beware. Some growers even use extra lighting at night in the form of fluorescent lamps.
Careful attention should be paid to the choice of bulblets for distillation. If you want your hyacinth bloomed profusely, do not use small or damaged items. Planting some bulbs in one pot, prefer the same size, or flowering will not be friendly.
That's all the secrets. Follow our advice and you will be sure to succeed! After all, in any case, the main thing - the desire! And, of course, a little patience and diligence, too, will not hurt.
Why is it so happens that does not bloom kalanchoe
Terms of care for kalanchoe
Create the necessary conditions for the flowering kalanchoe
It is hard to imagine a home collection of flower growers without such wonderful plants like kalanchoe. His colorful buds decorative and flowering kalanchoe can please the home for up to six months a year.
But often many fans florists face the following problems that are associated with this delicate flower: poor growth of the plant, which began the process of decay, long break in the timing of flowering, or signs that Kalanchoe never going to bloom. In these cases, the grower comes a time when it should start to worry.
Perhaps you are wondering why not kalanchoe blooms in your home. And this despite the fact that you're struggling to help the flower to reveal in all its beauty and splendor of the rich. But all of your efforts and the efforts are unsuccessful. Do not despair. With proper care and caring for Kalanchoe plant can be returned to its former power and allow it to flourish anew. Let's understand together what could be the problem.
Why is it so happens that does not bloom kalanchoe
Daring to make Kalanchoe, you should know that this flower belongs to the genus of succulent tropical plants. This means that the heat-loving plant, it does not tolerate cold and there are several capricious; you have to comply with the necessary conditions for the care of him. But there are several types of Kalanchoe, is well adapted to our climate; These varieties are usually available and florist shops and greenhouses for cultivation in the home.
By acquiring a healthy, lush bush kalanchoe, generously studded spike, everyone wants to plant peduncles covered from season to season, and that every year on the lush bush blooming bud opens and decorating his house an abundance of bright colors. But it happens that after a period of prolonged flowering and mandatory rest plant not covered peduncles, trunk Kalanchoe significantly extended, leaves begin to fall. Any grower will immediately notice strange changes in the appearance of the plant.
Terms of care for kalanchoe
The reason for the above phenomenon is one - illiterate care gentle tropical plants. Just so your not kalanchoe blooms and does not add to the growth, but on the contrary, has the form of a bush unhealthy patient who needs treatment. What you need to know the florist, to avoid such a sad outcome?
Formation of the bush kalanchoe
Hostess Kalanchoe should be remembered that a good plant growth, healthy appearance and a profusion of blooms is directly dependent on the systematic and proper formation of the bush. In order to achieve this, you must adhere to the following rules of care:
After a period of flowering Kalanchoe to mandatory removal is necessary to subject all the old flower stalks;
At the same time any excess should be cut shoots - for giving bush attractive appearance desired shape;
After this treatment, the plants continue to constantly monitor it and promptly pinch off new shoots.
After completing all three of these points, you should not assume that all of this is limited concern about the future of your Kalanchoe. You need to constantly monitor the plant and wait for the emergence of new shoots, which always appear after cutting and removing old stems. As soon as the new shoots, let them grow a little bit, but then again you need to nip off all the upper leaves. After a few days on the ground pinched shoots begin to appear.
Now, just on young shoots will appear the third pair of leaves, you should make a new pinched. But this does not end the process of giving the desired shape Kalanchoe bush. Last proschipyvaniya plant should be carried out again with the same shoots. But now, if you're properly and carefully done, it should be expected that in the end you will form a lush and dense bush to be bright flower on your windowsill for a few months.
Preparation of the plant to bloom
To achieve an abundant flowering Kalanchoe in the future, you need to know that the flower buds tab produces during short winter days with the corresponding regime alternation of light and shade. Kalanchoe that has received insufficient light and the rest of it in the period bookmark buds, probably not will blossom in the future. If necessary, in some cases, it is recommended to create an artificial plant (duration) of daylight, covering Kalanchoe with a pot from 18-00 to 8-00 hours of a special cap, cardboard or a dark bag.
You should determine which part of the world goes out the window with a pot of Kalanchoe. The windows to the north almost none Florist Kalanchoe not bloomed, and the bush was not there enough lush. Therefore, the windows from the north are advised to avoid. The windows to the south last pinched flower should be made at the end of November. If the window is located in the west or east, for the last pinching big enough periods - from November to March. In any case, florist should be a good time and to calculate the correct time of the last pinching Kalanchoe that future plants gaining strength and has successfully blossomed on the windowsill for a few months.
Shortly after the usual young shoots with new leaves appear awaited flower stalks. It is possible that you will be hard pressed to distinguish the leaves from the stems, because it is almost impossible to make even an experienced florist. But as the difference between the leaves and peduncles is obvious. If the end of March there were no flower stalks, allowed last nipping plants.
Create the necessary conditions for the flowering kalanchoe
Now let's look at a number of conditions, failure of which leads to the fact that the Kalanchoe does not want to bloom. Especially it would be useful to learn the young florist who often unknowingly make these mistakes, and then lamented: "My Kalanchoe bloomed first, and a year later stopped! "
So, it is necessary to know:
Kalanchoe, like any other succulent plant that grows in tropical countries, loves the sun. Although in this case and refers to plants prefer very short daylight hours, a long stay in a darkened room can not only lead to the fact that Kalanchoe cease to bloom, and begins to lose its leaves, but also to the imminent death of the plant. At the same time whimsical flower afraid intense sun with direct sunlight.
Watering Kalanchoe
The need for watering the plant is very reasonable. It is believed that the plant rests in winter and needs constant watering abundant this time of year. At constant watering in winter, you can plant to provoke untimely activity. This will lead to the plant vegetative disorders in general. And in the spring you can not wait to each branch blooming kalanchoe and dazzled with the bright flowers.
In summer, an enhanced watering the flower. This is necessary for the continued growth of Kalanchoe and timely onset of the flowering period. In summer, you can restrict one or two waterings a week Kalanchoe. To better determine the time of watering you better explore the ground to the touch. If the upper part is dry, which means that it's time to flower watering.
Air humidity
Despite the increased water demand, kalanchoe more suitable dry air. This fact is explained by climatic peculiarities of the place of origin of the plant. But sometimes, at very high temperature, indoor spraying is allowed. It should be very careful, because the excessive spraying of Kalanchoe can lead to various plant diseases, the flowers wilt and his inevitable death.
Pests and insects
Wholesome Kalanchoe bush with great stability refers to all kinds of attacks numerous pests. But an excess of moisture the plant ceases to bloom, leaves stunted, weakened trunk and root system of plants in general. Kalanchoe is easy to become vulnerable and attacked by powdery mildew, gray mold, spider mite, voylochnika, mealy cherventsa and aphids. Pests spread and settle on the leaves, flowers and stem of the flower.
Weakened Kalanchoe quickly loses its magnificent views and needs immediate treatment. If you help the plant in time, it can save and restore the health of the dying body. But most importantly - Always observe the permissible parameters of humidity in the immediate radius of finding the pot of Kalanchoe.
Kalanchoe, like any other plant, gratefully respond to your love and care. If you mustered the proper patience, stick a flower in the care of these simple tips, the plant in response to it will not make you wait long. Kalanchoe necessarily unfold on a windowsill in its lush beauty, and will bloom for a long time and to please you and your loved ones.