- Possible causes abscission of flowers from orchids
- Age blown orchid
- Inadequate lighting
- Overheating orchid
- Low humidity
- Hypothermia orchid
- Neighborhood orchid
- All kinds of stressful situations
- Wrong watering orchids
- Mechanical damage
- Gray mold
- Mealybugs
Orchid is known for its large variety of colors and amazing shape delicate flowers. Their beauty wins the hearts of even those who are deeply indifferent to the wonderful world of flora. For some time now, these tropical flowers have become popular with gardeners in colder northern latitudes, which, thanks to modern means of care were able to have this plant at home. But some housewives sometimes complain that with proper care and attention at the orchid flowers fall off anyway. Why is this happening?
Possible causes abscission of flowers from orchids
In fact, orchids totally capricious plant, although many flower growers fear it possible complexity of care and scares, nullifying the desire to have at home such a beautiful flower. But with proper care (according to the definition, but is easily achievable conditions of detention) Orchid reward for all the work his mistress beautiful flowers. The key to this success lies in practical experience and patience grower.
The reason why the orchid resets its flowers, in fact, there may be several: a possible stress rearrangement of the pot with a flower or moving hosts, inadequate lighting facilities, excess or lack of sunlight, hypothermia or overheating orchids, drafts in the room, haphazard watering plants, reduced humidity. At the first sign when the first flowers were dropped or withered buds, good grower should analyze the situation, to help recover the flower. What, then, could be the reason that the flowers fall?
Age blown orchid
First of all, buying in a store with orchid blossoming buds, be sure to ask when it bloomed. Because if suddenly dropped orchid flowers, such a phenomenon may be due to the expiry of life bud. Some species of orchids bloom in just over a week, others three or more months. Do not forget that this plant, like all living things on earth, subject to the natural process of aging.
Inadequate lighting
In the process of care for any kind of orchid key to successful growth and flowering is correctly chosen lighting facilities. If the lighting in the room is insufficient, then the orchid will wither first buds and petals, and then fall off the flowers. Buying or dissolve already blooming orchid, it is necessary to bear in mind that the stores there to equip lighting is much better than at home. Being in a new environment without the usual light fold orchid flowers and tight buds.
It will be located farther from the flower pot from the window, so, consequently, less sunlight it will receive. A significant obstacle to obtaining such a delicate flower lights are even thin tulle, especially in autumn-winter period of the year. All these nuances hostess should consider in advance and try to choose the most optimal place of permanent residence orchids, not to injure the plant once again forced to reshuffle and not to provoke the orchid flowers to drop.
Florist should know that there are times when the spike appears at the end of the summer, to develop state of the bud to the month of October, and the window suddenly darkens - the rains or snows. At this stage of bud development it stops abruptly, and possibly slow drying peduncle. This plant is very sensitive to light, because the internal chemical reactions occur blooming only for a certain amount of sunlight.
Overheating orchid
In summer, on the contrary, the orchid is required to protect from direct sunlight, ie, hide it in the shade of other plants or place for a light curtain. A blooming orchid is best to clean all the windows. The summer sun can be too bright for this flower, and too hot rays of the sun will act on it is detrimental.
There are cases of erosion flowers and buds. In addition, the orchid in the summer is at risk of complete decay, since the roots of the plants are sometimes cease to be necessary for normal functioning of the moisture, and there comes the inevitable dehydration. During the heating season, the orchid could be harmed by jets of hot air coming from the radiators. In this case, too, can fall in and dried up flowers and tight buds. A pot of orchid have required so as to avoid the flow of hot air. It should ensure that branches with peduncles not hung, and even more did not touch the battery. Recommended pododvigat flower pot close to the glass, battery cover and a hot wet towel.
Low humidity
If the air is too dry, there is a threat of tissue desiccation easily vulnerable blossoming flowers and buds, and one day you will find that almost all the flowers at your favorite orchid fell off. If you do not want to see a picture, then in any case do not let in the room where the pot with the plant, the humidity was lower than required.
To maintain the necessary humidity in the immediate vicinity of the plant is recommended to use a humidifier, if such a device you do not have, you can fit on a windowsill trays with damp sand, expanded clay, peat or other suitable material for this purpose.
Under the influence of winter sunlight heats up the sand, which leads to the evaporation of water or moisture around orchid. If you simply sprinkle the air around the flower to increase its moisture content should take it only filtered water.
Hypothermia orchid
Supercooling of the sensitive to slight changes in temperature plants, such as orchids, can lead to undesirable leaf fall. This can happen if you are in a cold winter orchid carry home from the store down the street, or when an incorrectly configured temperature in the room where the "live" your flower. Please be aware that neatly packed in cellophane paper and delicate orchid may be the cold no more than 15-20 minutes.
Draught can also cause hypothermia to which the orchid immediately respond that throw flowers. Particularly high risk of cold drafts in the winter season. When airing the room, be sure to make sure that the pot of orchid was not in the draft, the consequences of such mistakes will be disastrous not only for the flowers and buds, but also for the entire plant.
The difficulty is that this tropical flower although very heat-loving, but very poorly tolerate stuffiness. So, for the need to constantly ventilate the orchid room. Ventilate the room to be even in cool weather, but this should be done with extreme caution. In summer, the orchid is recommended for airing time to time issue to the balcony or on the street.
Neighborhood orchid
Orchid - a real sissy; it hardly suffers located near the nuts, bananas, apples and tomatoes due to heat they ethylene. Detrimental impact on the status of orchids and being with her bouquet of wilting flowers. This proximity provokes the rapid aging of the plants and shedding of flowers and unopened buds. Therefore florist should be aware of such an unusual reaction flower on certain types of nuts, fruits and vegetables. And the presence of orchids in the room should be avoided like the neighborhood.
All kinds of stressful situations
The reason for the sudden stress state flower could provide a change of scenery, for example, moving from the store to the apartment. Or mismatch conditions in which it is located, the conditions in which the orchid should contain. For example, poor lighting or improper temperature control facilities. As a result, the stress resulting from the plant may begin to fade, and then do not be surprised if one day suddenly fell off the plants and leaves, and flowers.
For orchids, which does not tolerate a change of habitat, it is better to choose a permanent seat. But it should be oriented to the cardinal. As strange as it may sound, but the orchids prefer east or west, that is, the window should go to any one of these parts of the world. Other destinations orchid does not like, so they are best avoided.
Wrong watering orchids
If the soil in the pot with a flower constantly overdried, so orchid watered often enough. If the soil is too wet, the flower suffers from a surplus of moisture. Illiterate selected mode watering orchids reflected first on the damage the root system of a flower. As a result of watering the roots of the plants will wither or rot, it depends on how much water gets orchid.
The result will be an infinitesimal part of the root system, which will be unable to provide the necessary moisture for normal functioning of the entire flower. In turn, the plant begins to flower buds and redistribute more moisture in the vital organs of life - in the stem and leaves. Because of this natural process in the first place will dry up and fall off the flowers and buds, and then fade, and the whole plant as a whole.
Experienced Florist determines the watering time to the touch. When you touch should feel a slight, pleasant soil moisture. The soil in any case should not be wet or dry. If you constantly watered to prevent that the soil is either too dry or waterlogged, the imminent death of the plant. And one more important detail - the water that watered the plant, should be slightly warm.
Mechanical damage
Different points and spots of black, brown or even transparent colors may appear on the unopened buds or mechanical damage. It should be remembered that it is easy to injure the delicate petals of orchid can be in transit in case of accidental fall of the pot or flower harming pets. Therefore, the hostess should be a special care and protect the orchid from such injuries.
The reason for this kind of dots and spots on the buds and flowers, and could serve as a careless watering plants. When watering orchid bright direct sunlight, you can inadvertently leave a few drops of water on the buds or flowers have bloomed. These drops will be enough to cause sunburn followed by spots on the petals of an orchid. Such mechanical damage provoked stunting, wilting and shedding of flowers and buds of the plant. And, unfortunately, they are not subject to any treatment.
Gray mold
This is a fungal disease, which manifests itself primarily on the buds and flowers of orchids. First, there are small watery spots, which then turn into sunken, necrotic areas of the characteristic brown color on the petals and buds. At the same time in any part of the plant may appear dirty gray-colored stains that contain ash coating.
If on the fly to hold your hand, lightly touching the plants, you can see that it is well cleared. This fungal disease pathogen may reach the root of the flower. After the petals fall off from the orchid flower will gradually wither and then die.
Left untreated plants on time, you risk losing all the orchid. Florist should know that the fungus spores are carried on hands, clothing and just passed through the air. Causes of gray mold lie in the failure to comply with temperature control, improper irrigation, lack of ventilation, overfeeding nitrogen-containing fertilizers, high humidity and poor-quality irrigation water. When the manifestation of the disease is required as soon as possible to isolate the ailing orchids and other flowers to immediately take her medication.
This insect, appearing on the orchid starts to suck the juice out of it and at the same time injecting toxic substances into the plant. As a result, the orchid is weakening, begins to slow its growth and development. The first symptoms of the plant to observe these insects easy.
Leaves insect infestation orchids begin to turn yellow or blush, and then the flowers fall off the plant. Also appearing sticky droplets on the leaves on both sides and the characteristic "cotton" white plaque. With a large lesion of plants mealybugs deformed buds and flowers, and the leaves can get the marble hue.
Insect quickly appears on the orchid, which is weakened or overfed with nitrogen. At the first sign appears on the mealybug orchid plant should be immediately isolated from other neighbors. Then it requires mechanical cleaning flower insect. Normally, the parasite lives among the leaves of orchids in the stalks, flowers and buds. Leaves of the plant can simply be cleaned with a cotton swab. A flower stalks, flowers and buds need to cut.
New orhideevod should not panic and worry if a newly purchased orchids suddenly starts to drop flowers. Better to just try to analyze why it happened. that was the reason that the flowers fall off? Only to find out the cause of the disaster, you can help your flower to recover.
Anyone who dared to have an orchid at home quickly become admirers of exotic ornamental plants. Many growers over time begin to collect a variety of varieties of tropical flower. But with proper care and patient magnificent orchid will continually bestow his mistress of great beauty and shape of flowers.