Gardenia - houseplant, which can become a real decoration of your interior. Most often we get this flower as a gift and did not know what he needs care. Among the fans of colors it is assumed that for this plant is difficult to care for, but without proper conditions, he simply dies. In this article we will try to dispel your doubts and tell you how to "make friends" with gardenia.
Under natural conditions, this plant can be found in Japan, India or China, where it grows in small trees or shrubs. Gardenia Room is a low shrub that grows up to 50 centimeters in height. Leaves of the plant, smooth, dark green and shiny. The flowers are collected in inflorescence, the beauty of its competing with roses. The flowering period lasts about six months.
Conditions of detention
This plant has a very conservative character - not like the permutation from place to place, and sudden changes in humidity or soil. Any changes will lead to the fact that the gardenia begin to drop leaves and buds. Therefore, care for this plant should begin with respect for two important rules: no change, sufficient light, moisture and heat.
Room enough photophilous gardenia plant, which is very important to ensure full coverage throughout the day. Only here the light should be scattered - direct rays can harm the plant.
Humidity also plays a big role in the life of gardenia, especially at a time when the buds appear. If the air is dry, the flower stalks cease to develop and fall off. In order to achieve the necessary moisture to the plant, you need to put it on a tray with water and expanded clay. Last is protecting cushion that will prevent the flower from a surplus of moisture.
At a time when the flower is actively expanding new leaves, it is advisable to spray an additional crown. But as soon as the buds, spraying is better to stop or make it around the plant, trying to keep water from falling on the flowers. During warmer months, gardenia should be kept in a room where the temperature is 22-24 degrees Celsius. In winter, it is enough 18-20 degrees. It is also important to avoid too sudden changes in temperature.
Features watering
When the gardenia is in a phase of strong growth, it needs abundant watering. It is important not to fill the plant and watered as the drying of the upper layer. In cold weather, watering is reduced. Approximately four months before flowering (March or April), watering should be moderate, too - it is necessary for the proper formation of buds.
Under no circumstances should there be drying or excessive moisture of the soil - gardenia will get sick and throw leaves. Watering is necessary to use warm, to defend the water. Periodically, the flower should be watered with water acidulated with lemon juice (per liter of water 3-5 drops). An alternative to this watering can become water, infused with peat. Improper watering and lack of fertilizer gardenia leaves begin to change color and shallow.
Transplant gardenia
Typically, the adult plant is transplanted every two years. The root system of gardenia grows very fast and has a lot of fine roots, so it needs frequent handling. The soil must contain a lot of organic matter and to be quite nutritious.
Ideal slightly acid or acid mixture intended for azaleas. But you can use a different structure - the main thing that it does not retain water. Be sure to take care of the drainage layer. Or, add the vermiculite into the soil or coconut fiber - 1/3 of the total soil. Transplant blooming gardenia can not - she immediately resets flowers and leaves, will be a long match.
Reproduction at home
Reproduction gardenia occurs vegetatively - via cuttings. It should be noted that it is taking root with great reluctance. Starting reproduction is best in winter, when the plant is cut to form a beautiful crown. You can of grafted and summer, but certainly before the flowering period.
Cuttings harvested from adult poluoderevenevshih shoots a height of 10 centimeters. To get the maximum number of rooted plants, cuttings can be treated with a special stimulator rooting and plant them in a container with a bottom heating.
The soil is selected the same as for the adult plant. Perfect Mix equal proportions of peat and perlite. The container with the cuttings have to close the film and in constant high humidity inside it. Propagation can be considered consummated only when the cuttings take root well. If you take care of seedlings by all the rules, within six months young plant will bloom.
For successful breeding, the lower section of the cutting should be smooth and slick. Planting it, make sure that the leaves do not touch the ground. If the leaves are too large, they are recommended to be shortened by about 1/3, otherwise they will be much moisture to evaporate. Do not touch only the top leaves - there should soon arise growth point
It has been observed that the best root cuttings, located at the rim of the container. Approximately a month after rooting the leaves unfold, and gardenia can be transplanted into a separate pot. Further care is the same as the content of an adult plant.
Transshipment young gardenias produce as proliferation of the root system. After the first transplant can begin to feed the plant in summer weekly, in winter rather than once a month. As fertilizers choose any mineral complex with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.
If the leaves gardenia become lighter, more likely, there was a sharp cooling of the soil. You may have used irrigation water is too cold. To cope with the problem will help regular fertilizer with iron compounds.
The main problems of content
Why do leaves turn yellow?
If the plant is not enough light or nutrients, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the new ones grow very slowly and have a pale shade. To avoid such troubles, provide flower bright light and fertilize every week. If the leaves turn yellow stains or streaks in the area - this is the first sign of chlorosis. This problem occurs when an excess of alkali in the soil. In this case, gardenia must be transplanted into new soil or simply replace the topsoil. Do not be amiss and sprinkling with lemon juice.
Why fall buds?
Sometimes care gardenia does not bring the proper result: the leaves wither and fall off, the buds are cleared and not dissolve. Most likely, the plant does not like the conditions of detention. Transfer it to a warmer place and try showering only defended water at room temperature.
Why do leaves turn black?
If you find that the leaves turn black at the gardenia - immediately start watering the plant with acidified water. If the leaves are covered with dark spots - you're either too flooded the plant or sprayed it in direct sunlight. In the first case it is better to transplant the flower in fresh soil and do not allow such errors. In the second - we got a thermal burn leaves. Gently remove the damaged areas, and for some time, remove the plant in partial shade.
Formation of crown
To gardenia grow nice and neat bush, you need to regularly trim it, forming a crown. On young plants, which just grows, you can simply pinch the upper kidney.
If you have already grown a bush, which is formed incorrectly, you can try to rejuvenate it. For this spring should be cut all the shoots, leaving 4-5 cm. Then place the pot with a plant on a well-lighted place and the growth of young twigs to form a bush at its discretion.
Yes, gardenia care at home requires much more attention than the content of any other houseplant. But if you can find her approach, you will never regret that opted for this flower.
Features lemons grown at home
How to choose the seeds for planting?
Planted the seeds of lemon
Formation of lemon crown
Proper care of the lemon tree
Rules and features of transplant
Feeding plants
This fruit like lemon, is not perceived by us as extremely exotic plant, because it can easily be grown at home. If you are ever faced with the cultivation of citrus, then you probably know that the trees from the leaves of the pot is released, then quickly die, or simply do not bear fruit. Let's look at how to grow a lemon from a stone to plant pleased not only for its exotic appearance, but also become fruitful.
Lemon tree - a perennial, and its abundant flowering. However, lemon flowers are not striking - they are often hidden behind the foliage of the plant. But there is indescribably fresh deep flavor - it filled the whole room. Even if you're growing a lot of other flowers or trees, lemon will clearly stand out against the background. At home, the lemon tree looks pretty exotic.
Features lemons grown at home
If we consider the advantages and disadvantages of lemons grown in the home, it is worth noting its special vitality and increased immunity. The plant does not require special greenhouse conditions or expensive fertilizing agents. No need to adapt lemon and humidity at home. However, importantly, to the room was spacious, and the light in it - bright enough. Otherwise, the tree will not be comfortable.
Fruits, nurtured at home in a pot, much juicier and tastier than store bought. Important and price question - landing requires only seeds. And that, in principle, not expensive. And what to say - the process of landing you will find fun and interesting. Someone once put a lemon or orange on their own, continue to show an interest and become collectors of citrus plants.
Lemons are grown in an apartment can reach one and a half meters in height. But the trees that grow in areas with large, bright windows, can and do grow up to three meters. Of course, to grow a good tree will require some effort. Because initially be patient - have to work hard. It is a painstaking process, but as a result you will be able to admire the results in the form of strong wood and juicy fruits.
How to choose the seeds for planting?
The selection of seeds - this is the first fundamental step. From what plants you choose will depend on just how fruitful harvest will be, and how long will grow the tree itself in your home. Breeders recommend choosing the largest seeds, fresh - those that you recently got out of the fruit. Note that they can not be dry, in fact because of this can greatly worsen germination. It is possible to process the "Appin" - soak the seeds for a day (three to four drops of "Alpin" one hundred milliliters of cold water). This procedure is primarily reduce the waiting time of the first shoots, as well as speed up plant growth and strengthen its immunity.
Sow directly about thirteen to fifteen seeds, because about a third of them will rise, and the remaining can be lost in the process of growth or because of improper care. Those seedlings that will remain and will be the most viable and strong, and will later bring you harvest. It is therefore essential to provide for this in advance. Sowing seeds not enough, you simply may be left with nothing. By the way, this rule applies not only to the cultivation of lemons, and other citrus trees.
Planted the seeds of lemon
Now on to the most important stage - the landing. How to do it in a city apartment? First of all, let's talk about the soil. It should be loose, slightly moist. At a depth of one and a half centimeters disembark prepared seedlings. Immediately after the landing took place, put the pot in a warm place. Generally, the house can do for the future of a small tree greenhouse. Watering the plant does not need, just to periodically spray the soil itself. After a few weeks you will start to see the first shoots.
An important stage - the emergence of a second pair of leaflets. Once this happened, the seedlings are seated in separate containers. Try not to disturb the integrity of the soil. It is therefore necessary to prepare a good drainage, and try not to pereuvlazhnyat ground. All young plants are very sensitive to sudden changes in irrigation, whether overflow or peresushka - be careful in primary care. At this stage it does not require a lemon in the greenhouse; In contrast, conventional home sapling becomes stronger and stronger.
Formation of lemon crown
Starting with the first year seedlings, it is necessary to pay attention to how the formation of the crown. If we are talking about the lemon, then you can completely remove those branches, the growth of which is directed inward. Usually, they are very weak and have few leaves. Deleting concerns defective seedlings - is worth keeping only those that are the most stable and strong and grow faster.
Leaving only the healthy plants, you will receive as a result of fruit trees, which will bring early bountiful harvest. By the way, good growth and fruiting also affects annual transplant. Do not forget that in due time "feed" the plant - without proper nutrition even the strongest seedlings killed. In winter, the house can be illuminated with special plant lamps: herbal or fluorescent.
Proper care of the lemon tree
Now, let's talk more about how to grow a lemon from a stone, that is how to take care of the plant south of the house. First of all, it should be said that if you grow a lemon tree on the window sill on the sunny side, in the summer they must be carefully protected from overheating the root system and burn the leaves. You can just move the pot to the edge of the sill. If some citrus fruits like direct light, something about the lemons do not say, so try to avoid direct exposure to direct rays of your lemon.
In winter, do not be afraid of hypothermia soil - just reduce watering. A plant watering needs in the winter only when needed, otherwise the roots will rot and this can lead to the death of the tree. In winter time the temperature suitable for the lemon is 5-8 degrees in the summer - 20-22 degrees. In general, the ideal ingredients for a good growth of the tree - a combination of heat, moisture and light, but in moderate proportions. Consider the fact that the plant does not tolerate drafts. In no case do not need to put a lemon from the heating system (radiators, heaters).
If you have already decided to place the plants in the house, you do not need to change it - grow a lemon here. Try as little as possible of its move, touch, touch. It is only necessary to turn the tree about 10 degrees once a week. It is also possible to put next to a lemon water container - is directly raise room humidity. This watering lemon tree is recommended twice a week, but quite abundant. To do this, experts advise to use rain or snow water. If this is not possible, then use plain tap water, which was previously to be left in the sun to stand.
If you talk about leaving home for the leaves of the tree, here they just need to spray every day, but in any case not rubbing, as do many. Lemon - no ficus, he can not move. It is also advisable to spray water defended. Try to spray approximately the same time as it needs to be stable wood care.
Rules and features of transplant
Any plant periodically needs a transplant. In the case of cultivation of lemon in the home should observe the following rules:
Before the age of five transplant the tree once a year, gradually increasing the size of the pot;
The maximum size of the pot in diameter - less than forty centimeters;
With five years of starting to repot the plant twice or three times a year;
Do not perform the transplant at the stage of fruiting or flowering;
Any container planting should have special holes to drain the fluid.
A few words must be said about the soil. In order to grow a tree and bear fruit quickly, choose a neutral soils. Buy this can be in any flower shop. Do not forget about the use of drainage, which has already been discussed earlier. The drainage layer should be about 3 cm. If you transplant a tree in a plastic pot, the drainage is put in water for several hours before planting trees.
Feeding plants
Feeding - a mandatory step in the growth of any plant. In the case of lemon trees grown at home, the situation is as follows. To use the power of lemon-based fertilizer minerals. Suit also combined and organic fertilizing. In summer, feed the plants once every ten days. But in the winter - once a month. In the flower shops you can buy special fertilizer for citrus plants. They are something, and you can fertilize the lemon growing in the home.
Completeness of ripening lemons may be determined primarily by the golden color of the fruit. It is achieved due to carotenoids - a storehouse of vitamin A needed for ripening fruit. Immediately after the lime is formed, it does not fall off, and continues to grow. He will hang on a branch and grow from year to year. However, be aware that when the fetus is increased in size, it may lose its properties. Thus, the pulp is dried, it becomes wrinkled and sagging, and peel excessively thickened. The juice, which should be sour, becomes still unpleasantly bitter.
If growth occurs lemon house, under normal conditions, it will be a year-round fruiting. It looks very impressive - one tree can soon grow ripening fruits, appear young ovary and the buds and flowers. Lemon is looked after properly, looks bright, and the scent of wood, always very strong and pleasant. At the same time the leaves have expressed an emerald hue. In order to achieve this type of lemon, do not forget about the pest. Then lemon can and does "live" about thirty years old!
In general, with proper care the tree can grow and forty-five years. It all depends directly on the characteristics and housing, and by watering with dressing, and a number of other factors. No less important role played by the climate of your area - not everywhere Lemon may well take root. Cultivating a lemon tree in the home, caring for them properly, you can grow a truly magnificent southern plant, which will please you with its bright appearance and juicy fruits. With a little effort and you will surely succeed!