Why leaves fall from the tree of money


  • Possible causes
  • Giving help

Among many such houseplants that require little maintenance. They seem to be specially created for the careless and inattentive gardeners and easy to carry many, many flaws in the care. Here, for example, or the well-known Crassula money tree. It would seem more unassuming green pet can not be found - and Crassula rarely sick, and the lack of light is well tolerated, and even without watering stand for a long time.

In general, no hassle money tree does not deliver his owners. However, it happens that a healthy and green tree suddenly wilt, clears leaves and inexplicably dying. By the way, falling of leaves - the most common disease that, in general, undemanding plants. Why is this happening? How to help the plant in this case? Let's try to understand.

 money tree fall leaves

Possible causes

The first and most common cause of leaf fall from the money tree - an incorrect watering. Why is that? But the fact that Crassula refers to succulents - plants that are able to store moisture in the leaves, and fairly easy to tolerate the lack of it. Excessive watering money tree carries much heavier than an emergency drought. However, for a long time to leave dry land in the pot with Jade also impossible.

Frequent and copious watering the plant begins to drop healthy green leaves, and in the foodstuff dries out too earthen clod leaves on the tree wither, lose elasticity and also fall. Therefore, it is important to observe the correct mode of irrigation. In summer, the plant should be watered every day, but little by little, and in the winter and autumn reduce watering to once a week. It is important that when watering the water in the pot and does not stagnate in the pan - it can not only lead to leaf fall, but also to root rot.

Another cause leaf fall - direct sunlight. While the Money Tree and refers to the light-loving plants, it can not tolerate a long stay in direct sunlight. If the plant is left on all day under the sun, its fleshy leaves start to heat up and lose elasticity, and eventually fall off. Therefore, money tree must be protected from aggressive summer sun. By the way, a similar effect is achieved by heating the leaves and the plant, located near heaters or heat radiator bursting.

Another reason for defoliation at Jade - a glut of soil in the pot fertilizers. That excess salts in the soil leads to the plant foliage resets. Therefore, you must carefully follow the recommendations of the manufacturers of fertilizers and comply with the dosage and frequency of fertilizing agents.

All of the above causes leaf fall - a consequence of improper care or the content of the money tree. However, it happens that the plant is looked after properly, suddenly fell off the leaves. Most likely, your tree is already middle-aged, and shedding of leaves - a sign of his advanced age. Well, the aging of the money tree - is the only natural cause, by which it can begin to drop leaves. In this case, the plant will not help you. The only thing you can do - is to rejuvenate the bush, cut off his "on the stump." In other cases, dropping leaves is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause and have a sapling first aid.

 leaves are falling from the money tree

Giving help

If you have excessive watering money tree fall green healthy leaves, but sometimes the foliage to wither subsidence. What should I do in this case? First of all, you need to stop watering before drying earthen coma, and then begin to water the plant moderately and gradually adjust the amount of water and frequency of watering to normal. Normally Jade should be watered no more than once a day in the summer and about once a week in winter and autumn. The very important thing - ensure that the bottom of the pot and pan after watering dry.

With a lack of moisture money tree can also lose leaves. True to this foliage begins to turn yellow, curl and dry up. Naturally, this happens only in the case of very prolonged drought forced. But even in the most severe cases the plant can revive - it is necessary to resume watering. It will be useful and periodic spraying Jade soft supernatant water.

If the cause of leaf fall becomes an excess of sunlight, the pot with the plant you want to move in a well lit, but sheltered from direct sun location. If this is not possible, then you need to pritenyat Jade, closing the window newspaper or paper. It is important that the plant gets enough light, but does not suffer from the effects of direct sunlight.

But in the winter pot plants should be put away from radiators and heaters. It is advisable at this time to spray money tree since over-dried air can also adversely affect the condition of the plant. To save money tree by streams of hot air, a pot plant can be put on a piece of foam - thick and wide. This simple device will protect the plant from the heat radiators.

What to do if you suddenly found out that a possible cause of thinning the crown of the tree of money become irregular feeding? Then the soil in the pot is best to replace it. Why is it necessary to do so? Because an excess of salts in the soil to neutralize it is very difficult, and the process is quite long. Therefore, the soil will be updated using the best plant.

Defoliation and feng shui

Believe it or not, but the cause of the money tree leaf fall could easily become your financial crisis. Anyway, followers of the teachings of feng shui truly believe in direct communication status of this talisman of wealth and status of the owner of the purse. The fact that, according to the Eastern teaching, money tree is an indicator of a fall or growth of income of its owner. So do not be surprised if during a financial crisis or a major purchase you commit your cash mascot drops leaves.

But when your income grows, then leaves the money tree are large, juicy and green. Of course, this statement is highly debatable. However, such coincidences happen too often, so I do not really believe in the mystical bond money tree and a purse of its owner. It is not just the plant became known as money tree.

As they say, forewarned - is forearmed. Knowing why the money tree leaves are falling, and you can prevent this phenomenon, and help the plant, if it actually happened. Good luck and health to your money tree!

 Why do the leaves are falling from the money tree?

 dendrobium orchid


  • Overview
  • Transplant
  • Watering and fertilizing
  • Reproduction
  • The rest period

Buying in store precious flower in the flowerpot which has a label with the inscription «Dendrobium nobile», you become the proud owner of one of the most unpretentious of hybrid orchids. This group combines the different types of weather conditions, with different addictions to temperature, lighting and flowering period.

Pure Orchid "Dendrobium nobile" is practically not for sale, and even in specialized greenhouses you are likely to sell a hybrid (Dendrobium Phalaenopsis orchid), outwardly no different from the original, but more adapted to our conditions. That is, take care of him better and easier.

In this article, we'll show you what constitutes these kinds of orchids, some care they need at home, let's talk about how to transplant them. And also touch on a topic such as the multiplication of hybrid Dendrobium Phalaenopsis.


Types of epiphytic tropical orchids are divided into two groups: leafless and evergreen. Under natural conditions, the size of this plant can be very different, and at home - the height of the orchid does not exceed 60 centimeters. A distinctive feature of this species is the presence of so-called bulb - false aboveground bulbs.

Their main task is to store water and nutrients in the rainy season and drought actively use them. Bulbs look very diverse: they can be long or short, thin or hanging. Reproduction of this genus of orchids occurs vegetatively or by seed (but such reproduction is only available by special arrangement).

Flowering Dendrobium will not go unnoticed. Sometimes the buds are formed on bezlistyh and outwardly unremarkable stems. Painting can be very diverse, however, as the shape of a flower. Flowering lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. Very often, these hybrids are grown for cut flowers that retain their freshness for up to 7-8 days. If the care of plants is correct, the duration of the life cycle of the home will be about 7-8 years.

 orchid Dendrobium nobile


Dendrobium Phalaenopsis orchid transplant - one of the key moments in its content. Even if the substrate outwardly looks quite good, with time many of its important properties are lost. And that means - to care for the plant will be more difficult. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Breathability

Given that the nature of these types of orchids grow on trees and their roots entwine trunks and branches, we can say that the plants used to "breathe." Though tropical downpours frequent phenomenon, the roots on the surface dries very quickly. The climate in the tropics is known for its humid, but, in any case, do not wet the air!

At home, it is very difficult to recreate such an environment, so air permeability of soil is so important. However, over time the bark of frequent watering begins to decompose, which not only makes it difficult to root respiration, but also contributes to the accumulation of excess moisture and decay. If time does not take action, the plant will die - no care it will not help.

  • The optimum acidity

Initially, the acidity of the substrate in the pH range 5 5 - 6 5, it enables the root system from the ground to receive the necessary nutrients. Over time, the total acidity increases, which is detrimental to the plant as a whole. Sometimes at home noble Phalaenopsis is grown in pure coffee, occasionally basting with lemon juice or oranges. This method has the right to life, the main thing to make sure that the roots do not get burned in the acidity more than the permissible norm.

  • The ratio of salt

With regular fertilizer salts accumulate in the substrate when their number reaches catastrophic proportions, the root system is not able to perform its functions. And if not urgently phalaenopsis transplant, he will die.

In summary, we can say with confidence that the transplant orchids should be carried out every 2-3 years. Moreover, in the case of newly purchased plants, he needed a transplant almost immediately after flowering.

The main key to successful transplantation - perfect timing (when finished flowering). Then phalaenopsis can quickly adapt to new conditions and to consolidate its roots in the ground. So what are the steps you need to take to correct transplanted Dendrobium Phalaenopsis and what care he needs after relocation?

  • Orchid is necessary to get out the old soil and put in a bowl with water;
  • Clear the root system from the old substrate. To make this easier to do, let stand orchids in a basin for about 15 minutes;
  • Perform a thorough inspection of the root system for the presence of rot or dried roots. Remove all unnecessary and treat damaged areas of green paint;
  • Thoroughly dry the plant. Qs time will depend on the ambient temperature. Typically, home drying takes about 2-3 hours.
  • Actually transplant the plants into the ground. The substrate can be bought at a specialty store. The pot should be slightly larger than the previous: in order to fit it in the root system, and was about a centimeter of space. At the bottom of the pot you need to put a drainage layer that will prevent root rot and facilitate the care of plants in the future.
  • Correct transplant phalaenopsis, means - the right to place it in a pot. To do this, you need to inspect and an orchid plant in the middle of the pot so that the young buds not appeared buried in the ground. To plant was more stable near the pseudobulbs installed wooden sticks, as appropriate flower tie. These backups are needed as long as the orchid is not accustomed.

What flower care needed in the future? Time of watering depends on how long does drying plants before planting. If she took the whole night, the watering can be directly when falling asleep soil. If, however, a couple of hours, it is not earlier than 2-4 days. The first version has the advantage of a self-shrinkage of soil by water - you will immediately see, we still have to fill up the soil, or no longer exists. The main thing that the newly transplanted phalaenopsis well entrenched. It can not just stand on the bright sun, otherwise the plant may get serious stress and greatly weakened.

 dendrobium orchids

Watering and fertilizing

Proper care of the plant is in the regular watering and fertilizing. Different species require different frequencies of irrigation, which also depends on the degree of illumination and temperature maintenance. The higher these parameters, the more abundant and more needs to be watered.

In bright sunlight triggered by strong growth of new cells, resulting in the need for the plant in water increases substantially. Reducing the intensity of light slows metabolism, and the roots absorb less water. Therefore, care in the winter should be kept to a regular inspection of the plant, that has the ability to immediately take steps to salvation.

The most important rule to remember is to every owner of an orchid Dendrobium Phalaenopsis - Between watering is necessary to give the "drink" all the available moisture. To say exactly how long it will take, it is impossible. Everything depends on the temperature. Focus on the ground, and will help you in the usual wooden stick, stuck in the ground near the stem of the flower. Once you decide that it is time to water the orchids, remove the stick and look at it. If there are still traces of moisture, watering should be postponed.

Fed these types of orchids in the period of active growth (when it starts flowering). To do this, every third watering is done with a specialized fertilizer that is added according to instructions.


The simplest multiplication - just divide the adult and healthy phalaenopsis apart. For each of the new plants must be left for at least three pseudobulbs or germ and a new pair of pseudobulbs. Sometimes sites where there were no stems, can be formed babies.

Potentially, each of them could be a new full-fledged plant. Remove from the mother plant can be, as soon as the growth of roots and leaves. But it is better in this case, completely cut off the old pseudobulbs. Then, the reproduction is successful: baby quickly take root, and the mother plant did not suffer. Caring for young orchid is the same as for an adult.

If the plant has lots of pseudobulbs, which could potentially give Babe (ie they had no stems), you can encourage them to do so. To carry out reproduction, old pseudobulbs cut, cauterize the cut and put in a glass of water.

Water is required to regularly change once a week pseudobulbs dried. Usually baby appears 10-20 days after the cut. In greenhouse conditions reproduction is even easier: just cut off pseudobulbs put on wet moss and noble offspring will flower soon.

The rest period

The most difficult thing for the owners of this type of orchid to understand what a period of rest? When it begins and when it ends? And most importantly, that it is time to make a flower? To distinguish the waking from sleep plant is very simple. During waking orchid constantly is showing signs of life, produces flower stalks, growing new leaves or roots. The easiest way to determine the status of the plant roots, if they are present green tips, the dormant orchid is not going to.

Care in a rest period is changing dramatically. If the cold weather have you noticed that your orchid asleep, showering it is no longer necessary. Try to keep the temperature of the contents of the flower was within 10-16 degrees, then sleep will be a success and soon the plant will give you a new spike.

That's all tricks. Finally I want to give one piece of advice: buying dendrobium, be sure to ask the seller what care he needs. After all these hybrids, as mentioned above, have different preferences. Good luck in the cultivation of exotic beauties!

 Dendrobium Phalaenopsis Orchid: the content of the hybrid plants at home
