how to transplant a money tree


  • Terms planting
  • Terms transplant

The plant Crassula is popularly known as money tree. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, this flower is able to bring to the house of wealth and good fortune. That is why it is increasingly possible to meet on the window sills of city apartments.

To talisman really worked, it is necessary to grow their own with a single twig or leaf. Do it will not be difficult, since this plant is completely unpretentious: fast gives roots to successfully take root and does not need special care.

Today we talk about how to properly plant the process and how to transplant it in the future. After the growth of a money tree, like any houseplant in need of resettlement to a new, more spacious residence.

 how to transplant correctly money tree

Terms planting

It is best to borrow a leaf or stalk the rich, successful people, then their financial well-being and sure to go to you. It must be done in secret - you can not give money tree. Or pay the landlord the plant, even a purely symbolic amount. Sharing a sharp knife cut off, it is desirable that the chosen process were 2-3 pairs of leaflets. Give him a couple of days to dry.

Now you have two options: put sapling once in the ground, covering his glass container (to create the greenhouse effect), or leave in a glass of water as long as he did not let the roots. It is better to choose the second method of planting. So plant a money tree will take root in the ground. For a more rapid appearance of roots in water, dilute a special powder - kornevin. It can be purchased in any flower shop.

If you could not get process - do not despair. Money tree can be grown from a single leaf. He, too, needed podsushka as cuttings, and the time for the appearance of roots. Incidentally, the leaf is better not put in the water, and immediately planted in a small pot pre-dipped in kornevin.

Do not forget to cover the seedling cups or small glass jars. Watering is not necessary to remove capacity as needed simply add water to the tray. Once the seedling let new leaf, "greenhouse" can be removed.

To transplant the money tree, you can use a ready-purpose primer or a mixture designed for cacti and succulents. The first pot for the plant to be small and shallow. Be sure to add to the bottom of the drainage to settle moisture when watering.

Water the tree should be at least drying ground. In the summer - 2-3 times a week. In winter - just once. Try to accurately determine the irrigation and pour the plant. Otherwise, the roots begin to rot, and the flower will die, and not having to bring into your home's financial well-being.

 change money tree

Terms transplant

Transplant money tree should be carried out only in the spring. When exactly? Late April-early May - the best time for relocation. Because jade tree grows slowly, it relocated to the new pot should be no more than once every two years. But then there it all depends on the conditions of the flower, if it is enough light, water and fertilizer, it is already a year old pot may be small. In general, depending on the situation. Once the notice that sapling was closely engaged safely transfer.

As mentioned above, the money for planting the plants, you can use ready-made soil mix. And you can cook it yourself. For this you need to mix part of the turf of the earth, three pieces of sheet and one part sand. This also adds a couple of handfuls of ash, clay and humus. Also, do not forget about the drainage, in which you can use as a concrete block.

The pot should be greater and deeper than the previous one size. It is said that the root system is not too Jade grows, so the capacity for planting should not be too deep. But it must be sufficiently broad and stable as the growth of the plant acquires a large number of dense leaves and its stem stiffens. Conventional plastic pot and can not keep the gravity of the money tree, so it is best to give preference to ceramic or earthenware containers.

So, I picked up the pot, the land is prepared. You can do the transplant. The selected pot pour drainage (1-2 cm layer) on top of adding land - so that it fills a quarter tank. By the way, you can put on the bottom of a few small coins, so you activate the positive energy plant. With one hand, the capacity to adhere to the other, holding the barrel, gently pull out the flower. Shake off the roots of the soil. Too zealous not worth it - nothing bad will happen if the roots remain between the old land.

We place a monetary tree exactly in the middle of the pot and fill up the earth. Strongly not rammed her better as necessary dosyplete top. Immediately after the transplant well water the plant and subsequently do not forget to loosen the soil, so that the air flowing to the spine. If the weather allows, you can leave the tree on a balcony or terrace. Just do not let him direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves can get burns.

Well, now you know how to transplant a tree, and when the money is better left delat.Teper direct his energy in the right direction. To do this, hang it on the tree a few Chinese coins, tie the red string or ribbon. And the pot with a plant in place strict south-east of the apartment. This direction affects the financial well-being. So, at least, it said in feng shui.

We hope that our article will help you to grow a money tree healthy, and the number of its leaves will be commensurate with the amount of money in your family!

 How to transplant a money tree: the secrets of successful cultivation

 remontant strawberry varieties

  • Remontant strawberry long days and its characteristics
  • Remontant strawberries neutral daylight, and its characteristics
  • Features of cultivation varieties remontant

About remontant strawberries most inexperienced gardeners know is that it bears fruit more than once per season. But about what care it needs for high productivity, few know. Therefore, such strawberries cultivated in the same manner as conventional. Let's take a brief look at some of the features of cultivation remontant varieties to harvest promised not to disappoint you. But first it is necessary to clarify the question of what is connected with the difference in the kinds of berries beloved by all, and why some of them make it possible to re-gather the fruit, while others do not possess this ability.

The main difference from the ordinary strawberry fruit bearing several times during the season in that they are formed at different times of the kidneys. In that which gives one crop a year, they are laid in late summer or early autumn, that is reduced only during daylight hours. Remontant same plant family that behaves quite differently. Bookmark the kidneys in some varieties occurs during the long daylight hours, while others - neutral. It depends on the yield of strawberries. Thus, in the first case, the growers get two or three gather in the season, and the second - deal with permanent fruiting plants, up to the frost. And now it's time to talk about the most popular varieties of sweet red berries.

Remontant strawberry long days and its characteristics

Among the most productive and attractive appearance of this type of strawberry varieties deserves special attention the one that is known for experienced gardeners named Garland. Fruiting it starts in May and ends with the onset of the October cold. In addition to high yield, this variety is extremely decorative. It forms a set of long stems, coyly peeking out from under the leaves, and produces the average number of antennae. Sam bush looks like the world, which is impossible not to admire, because on it are simultaneously delicate white flowers, ovaries and ripe bright berries. It must be said that the majority of remontant varieties to increase yield of the first flower stalks should be removed as soon as the season began. It is no exception and Garland.

This plant brings a smooth and rather large berries weighing up to thirty grams. They have an unusually sweet taste delicate bright red flesh and draw their flavor. With bush can collect up to one kilogram of berries. As for the resistance of plants to frost and drought, the figures are close to the average. Remontant strawberries in this class is subject to the defeat of mildew and botrytis. But it can be grown vertically, and not just on the garden beds.

Describing the plants of this family, we can not tell you about that one, which is one of the first representatives, bred in our country. The name of the variety is very beautiful - Autumn fun. It is considered a reliable and proven over the years. This strawberry bears fruit twice in a season. In June you can collect a modest harvest of the first, but the second gardeners regale from August until the first frost.

The plant is a medium sized bush having from ten to twenty stems arranged in one level, and leaves. Berries of strawberry remontant different thick juicy flesh pink color and have a sweet dessert taste. Their weight reaches twenty grams. One of the advantages Autumn fun is its resistance to fungi, stem nematode and strawberry mite.

You can not go past the varieties under this promising title as inexhaustible. He appeared by crossing strawberries Upper Silesia and inexhaustible, and is still one of the first successful results, which is rightly proud of domestic breeding. This remontant strawberries is the average height of the bush is not particularly overgrown and has a small amount of dark green leaves. Berries that have shiny skin, is shaped like a cone with a blunt end. They are fragrant and sweet. Among the main features of this variety is called a high yield, a small amount of whiskers and exposure to powdery mildew. Already in the second year plant produces about forty stems, and its useful life is six years.

Among the best varieties of selection of our country can be called without exaggeration Crimean remontant strawberries. It is very yields and that is particularly interesting, not fruiting twice in a season, and continuously - from late May until October. But with the onset of autumn the plant is better to hide. The dark red berries have large flat thick juicy pulp and unusual aroma of wild strawberries. For remontant strawberries in this class characterized by resistance to winter cold, diseases and pests. In addition, the bushes are very decorative because of the long stems.

We can not ignore, and famous for its high yield Albion. He also encouraged continuous fruiting peaks which can be seen in the end of May, beginning of July, at the end of August and mid-September. Bushes of this variety of strawberry is quite powerful, flower stalks neponikayuschie, very large dark red berries have a glossy shine. Their weight reaches sixty grams. Doubtless the "plus" Albion is its resistance to temperature changes, disease and drought, as well as high portability.

As another interesting varieties worth mentioning Portola, especially as he is a successful derivative described above Albion and exceeds the yield of more than twenty-five percent. Berry weight of thirty grams has the shape of a wide cone and has a harmonious taste. Furthermore, it is completely absent characteristic crunch. And here at a pretty solid Albion he sometimes is.

 strawberry remontant varieties

Remontant strawberries neutral daylight, and its characteristics

The most famous gardeners cultivar named Queen Elizabeth, who was bred by breeders Moscow. It can be grown in the open or in greenhouses, and even as Ameln culture in special containers. It has an average crop yield (give up to two kilograms of berries with a bush for the season), but resistant to most pests and various diseases. The most delicious berries that remontant strawberries ripen in early June. In July, you can collect a second harvest, and from August to October - the last.

The fruits of variety Queen Elizabeth large, smooth and shiny. Their average weight is forty grams. Cool weather contributes to the fact that the berries turn slightly elongated shape and weight reaches one hundred grams (certainly not in the total mass, and, so to speak, champions). The flesh is juicy, firm, bright red, with the aroma of wild strawberries. The fruit of this variety is excellent transported, retain their shape even under high temperatures. In itself, the plants resistant to frost, but if your goal is to get an early harvest, the bushes for the winter should cover.

From the above formed the other varieties with a slight difference in the title - Queen Elizabeth ΙΙ. Without exaggeration, we can say that today it is the most popular remontant strawberries. Fruiting early as at the beginning of spring, when barely coming off the snow is already on the first stalks buds. Under the conditions of the protected ground of the plant varieties capable of bringing the berries from April to November.

It offers exceptional productivity (yields about ten kilograms of fruit per square meter) and an average frost resistance. Usov such remontant strawberries produced little. Its large dense berries have a regular oval shape and great taste of dessert. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, and also has an attractive decorative appearance. Cultivated it is not more than two years, while requiring dressing fertilizers and needs regular watering.

 remontant varieties of strawberries

Features of cultivation varieties remontant

If it is a fruit-bearing plants, which requires long daylight hours for the formation of buds, then it is better to be prepared for the accelerated life cycle within two to three years. This culture is not able to grow and give the harvest time. The desire to get high and early berry picking for the second time this season entails removing the stems first. But if you need a mustache to propagate the plant, the victim usually bring harvest.

As for the neutral varieties of light day, they usually live for only one year, then the yield and quality of berries fall. This is due to an ongoing process of flowering and formation of ovaries, which causes rapid aging of strawberries. Outsmart nature can be, but not for long. Make it a rule to adhere to the following tips for growing neytralnodnevnyh grades:

  • Seedlings planted in the period from July to August - it is better to allow the youngsters to settle down and give in the future a great harvest season.
  • Do not be afraid just after planting to cut all the flowers and make it up to the onset of cold weather, then get the opportunity to collect berries early next year.
  • Enjoy the harvest from May until the first frost, and in August or September, enjoy a seedling cultivation using antennae from the parent plant.
  • When it is the end of the harvest season, remove the old bushes and cover the beds so-called mulch - hay, sawdust, straw or dry leaves.

Proper care remontant varieties of strawberries in a period of growth, maturation and harvest is frequent loosening the soil and abundant irrigation. It is particularly important to comply with the last condition for continuously fruiting plants, because they need a lot of energy for flowering and all the new ovary. In addition, the remontant varieties require feeding and protection from pests and diseases. Do not forget about weeding, removing the reddening leaves and tendrils. The beds in the same period of the winter mulch sure to avoid freezing.

Many gardeners, especially in the northern regions, probably faced with the fact that not all the fruits of the second and subsequent crops ripen before the cold weather. To avoid such losses, it is possible to practice the cultivation of remontant strawberries in a protected ground - under the film. This helps to ensure a culture of early first harvest and keeps the entire volume of the second, and the plant itself has time to prepare for the cold weather.

 Strawberry remontant: grade increased productivity, with fruit until frost
