Gloxinia - blooming beauty comes from Brazil. In Europe, it came in the XIX century and was named in honor of German botanist and physician Benjamin Peter gloxinia. Gloxinia has tuberous roots and bell-shaped flowers. Bells tower on long stalks. The most beautiful flowers, with terry texture. Incidentally, the name of the flower is very similar to the German word «Glocke» (bell).
Bright double flowers cause involuntary admiration. He argued that the plant dies immediately after flowering, but with proper care it does not. And could flowering gloxinia as in natural and artificial light. As for the cultivation of the flower, then there are a couple of ways: the cultivation of tubers and seed propagation. Gloxinia from seeds - the process is fairly time-consuming, but the result is worth it. So, here we tell about plant propagation, and try to describe in detail the whole algorithm.
Growing from seed gloxinia
So how do you properly planted and grow this tropical beauty? As for gloxinia seed, everything depends on the growing conditions. In the first place, of course, the lighting and temperature. Before planting seeds to determine the temperature in the room by the indoor thermometer. It should not be less than 20 degrees. For additional illumination can be used fluorescent lamps. They allow the seedlings come up at any time of the year with minimal lighting.
Propagation by seed has its own peculiarities: seedlings appear only when there is sufficient light. Therefore, they are recommended to be sown on the soil surface, possibly slightly prisypaya ground. For planting, you can use ordinary soil, one which is used for adult plants. But there is one important point: the soil particles should be as finely as possible. Before you fill the container land, you must first sift it, and then compacted.
Thus, the material will be on the one hand sufficiently porous, and on the other - a dense, allowing seeds to remain on the surface and to obtain the necessary amount of light. The soil before planting, moisten. To land is not settled, it can be done with a spray gun.
After the seed is planted, it is necessary to cover them with transparent film to create a greenhouse effect. As mentioned above, in order to seedlings sprouted, they require sufficient light. Consequently, the resulting greenhouse is necessary to put on a shelf, illuminated by special lamp, or a light windowsill.
Do not forget to check the temperature in the room where there is a container with seedlings - it must be at least 20 degrees, and possibly higher. Growing from seed means gloxinia permanent wetlands from the sprinkler. Spraying should be fine to keep this under irrigation spray as far as possible from the soil.
Excessive moisture can lead to the seeds that are on the surface, just settle into the soil, and this, of course, undesirable. If you planted the seeds in fairly hot season, the soil can dry quickly. To avoid drying out, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the soil and, if necessary, in addition to humidify it.
If you did everything correctly, the seedlings will appear for 6-7 days after sowing. Now seedlings need for daily ventilation. Let's say you spent the morning spraying, then - in the evening, open teplichku for 2-3 minutes to a container of fresh air entered. About a week later airing can be increased up to 5-6 minutes. And since the third week of open teplichku necessary for 15-20 minutes.
Algorithm watering changing from the third week. Now, the seedlings need not be sprayed and watered by drip. Water is injected under the roots of plants with a syringe (needle must be removed). The soil must be moist always! This rule is the most important in growing gloxinia.
One month after seeding film is removed completely, and the irrigating gloxinia seeds of compliance in the former regime. Now, however, you can not inject water from the syringe (agree, is quite long, and dangerous for the roots of young plants), but just put a container with flowers in a pan with water for 15-20 minutes. Water that is not absorbed in the meantime, must be drained. Next watering produce as drying ground.
After about 2 weeks grown seedlings need to sit down, because they are already working closely in the same container. Prepare a few tanks and dive in these seedlings so that the distance between them is 5-6 centimeters. A month later, the young gloxinia can "settle" in a separate pot. Choose a small capacity - less than 11-centimeters in diameter.
That's all, now have to wait for flowering. Buds appear in 5-6 months. The following year, when the tubers gloxinia completely get stronger, make another transplant. Pots choose a little more - 13-14 centimeters in diameter.
Cultivation of gloxinia tubers
If you decide that seed propagation is not for you, you can do easily and grow gloxinia tubers out of the purchase. Recommended to buy them in February and March. Choosing tuber, inspect it - it should not be rotten or shriveled. Size of the tuber is also important, because what it is, the more it nutrients that provide abundant flowering gloxinia.
When planting the tuber is important not to confuse the lower and upper part. The upper portion has a concave shape. Sometimes it is possible to distinguish between buds that look like bumps or irregularities. Of those subsequently hatch leaves. The lower part of the tuber is smooth and more arched.
Before planting the tuber, wash it with cool water. To avoid possible contamination of the flower, put the tuber in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. Ready for planting substrate used. On the bottom of the pot is poured drainage (ceramic) and only thereafter the ground. Tuber need to put the convex side down flush with the ground or bury it a little bit. Then tuber carefully covered with earth.
After planting, the soil must be moistened. Proceed very carefully - the water should not fall on the tuber itself, otherwise it can lead to rotting. Watering is best done from the bottom, ie, in the tray. After that pot plants are placed in a well-lit warm place. The first shoots will not keep you waiting and will appear in a month after planting.
Care gloxinia
Well, here you are, and raised gloxinia. Now we need to talk about caring for her. In principle, nothing complicated about it there, but there are some nuances. About them we describe below.
Watering and fertilizing
Water the plants must be carefully, to make sure that water does not get on the flower itself. It is recommended to use warm water to defend. In no case do not water the plant with water from the tap! So you will destroy the flower. Do not allow complete drying of the land - watering as needed. From April to August, the soil can be fed. Fertilizers are made once a week. In the summer, be sure to maintain the desired humidity in the room. To do this, every 2-3 days spray from a spray the air around the flower, trying not to get on leaves. Humidity should be 70% to 80%.
It must be taken carefully and the selection of locations for your flower. Gloxinia must be placed so that it is not in direct sunlight, as this may cause burns the leaves. The best option - to put a pot on the windowsill east or the west window. Here, the plant will get the right amount of light to him. The air temperature should be 20-22 degrees in summer and 10-14 degrees in the winter. Keep in mind that gloxinia is very sensitive to temperature changes and drafts.
Diseases and pests
None of the plant is not immune from the disease. And gloxinia is no exception. It is particularly exposed to the invasion of various types of mites. To prevent this disease is to treat all plants fitoverm (you can buy it in the specialty store). It is necessary to dilute the drug according to instructions and spray the flower. The procedure was repeated 2-3 times at weekly intervals.
The rest period
With the onset of autumn, or rather - October at gloxinia begins a rest period. At this time is to reduce watering and place the pot in a dark and cool place with a temperature of 10-12 degrees: well suited porch or gazebo. "Sleeping" gloxinia is recommended to water once every 3-4 weeks.
Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that no reproduction gloxinia or care it is not particularly difficult. All of these procedures under the force of even a beginner florist. A little patience, and flowering gloxinia will please you with its beauty is very, very soon!
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