Spathiphyllum called the plant, which belongs to the family Araceae. His homeland - a country in South America, and East Asia and Polynesia. If you have to choose the right location for Spathiphyllum in their home, then this plant soon will begin to bloom magnificently and will delight you with flowers all year round. Usually flowering Spathiphyllum begins six months after the landing, that is when the plant is still very young, so it's important to protect it from all sorts of diseases and to provide him with competent care.
Genus Spathiphyllum - more than forty-five species stemless plant, other than short rhizomes. Many of the subspecies are decorative, they are intended for urban apartments and houses. They fit perfectly into any interior decorating it and making it more vivid. However, growers are often faced with the difficult problem - blackening of the leaves of the plant. Why is this happening and how to solve the problem?
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Spathiphyllum: you need to know about your ward
First of all, let us look at the features of this plant. Translated from the Greek "sleep" means "blanket", but the "phylum" - a sheet. Indeed, the plants covered by its form reminiscent of simple sheets that can be oval or lanceolate, have a flair in the middle of the side or parallel. Spathiphyllum petioles have distinctive feature - they expand the base.
Inflorescence plants - it's ears, located on a long stalk. Usually flowering begins in early spring. As a rule, Spathiphyllum bloom a few weeks, but there are species that blooms year-round delight, as mentioned earlier. After completion of flowering need to remove the cover and cut the flower stalks are available as low as possible.
Spathiphyllum has a beautiful expressive leaves and bright flowers. In addition, the plant is not too demanding to care, however, to forget, for example, about the regular watering, and periodic spraying is not necessary. Today is especially popular this kind of Spathiphyllum as floriferous (underground stem length of 20 cm and a width of 5-6 cm). This plant has a bright-green, pointed leaves and bright, mostly white blanket that little concave in shape. No less popular and Spathiphyllum pleasant, similar to most profusely. The only difference is in the size of the leaves - they are larger (25h10 cm). Different colors and covers. In the second case it has a greenish tint.
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The basic rules of care
As has been said very often in the course of its growth Spathiphyllum is facing a number of challenges. First of all it leaves yellowing and drying. In addition, the plant due to improper care blacken the tips of the leaves. So why is this happening and how to prevent the occurrence of a disease?
The first plant to provide the necessary conditions for him. A suitable temperature range - 22-26 degrees. If you want to plant bloomed magnificently and bright, it is necessary to consider that to do so he will need a rest period. To do this two or three weeks, lower the temperature to 12-14 degrees, limiting the watering. Please note that the Spathiphyllum does not tolerate drafts. Place the pot with the plant away from doors and windows, if you are constantly open window.
Spathiphyllum like bright but diffused light. In the summer the plant is better pritenit from direct rays. It is best to put a pot with a flower in the bright, slightly shading place. In winter, lighting should be sufficient - Spathiphyllum should not suffer because of the lack of light.
Pay particular attention to watering. Spathiphyllum should be watered very abundantly during spring and autumn, in the winter period reduce watering. It is important to know that the lack of fluid, as well as its excess can provoke all sorts of problems. It's like a rotting of the root system, and problems with the leaves or flowers. Often the tips of the leaves turn black because of improper watering.
Now about fertilizer - the correct feeding also depends a lot. Beginning around March until the end of September fertilize Spathiphyllum, using high-quality fertilizer, which can now be purchased in all the flower shops. Pay attention to the quality of the feeding - in its composition should be known. If the plant blooms profusely in winter, it is necessary to feed Spathiphyllum about once a month. And do not forget that this plant prefers a good humidity. Wash, wipe and spray the flowers and leaves. Apply for this warm water.
It is important to know how to repot the plant. In the case of transplant Spathiphyllum should be annual, and it must produce in the spring. You do not need to choose this spacious, too big pots - the size of the dishes to be appropriate. To choose a transplant soil: two parts of the turf, a part of the leaf and peat soil in combination with a portion of humus and sand. Add the resulting coal and ground perlite, and place the bottom of the pot drainage.
Reproduction Spathiphyllum - a division of the bush, which occurs in the process of transplantation. Working with the plant, be careful not to injure the root system - it is very easy to damage. Do not tear the roots of his hands - just cut them with scissors. After the division process is completed, the spray leaves but not water plants for three days.
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Problems in the cultivation
With the basic rules of care we understand, now we need to talk more about how to treat illnesses Spathiphyllum, which can appear for different reasons. It is not superfluous to know also why these diseases occur. If the room is too dry air or low temperature, you will soon notice that blacken and dry leaf tips. This is desirable to avoid, so make sure that the temperature does not fall below the required standards. It is not necessary to prevent and excess fluid, which also manifests itself in problems with leaves and flowers.
If you want to increase the humidity in a room, often spray Spathiphyllum. If the plant has suffered from the cold, then move the pot in insulation, protected from wind and drafts place. If Spathiphyllum ill due to excessive overflow, then you need to get the plant out of the pot and dry soil. Over time, the tips of the leaves have to buy again healthy.
Problems with the blackening of the leaves or the withering away, as well as flowering can also occur due to weak growth, the cause of which - the defeat of spider mites, aphids or scale insects. For example, the mealybug you can see with the naked eye - its effect is manifested in the light selection on plant leaves. This discharge is called honeydew. As a rule, mealybug affects root system Spathiphyllum.
To prevent scale insects damage the leaves, you need to regularly monitor the plant, especially in the off-season. Follow all the rules of care. If the pest has already hit the plant, you should cut the damaged parts, pre-assembled pests. For processing Spathiphyllum using insecticides which actively absorbs root system and transports them across the plant. These drugs kill all the parasites that suck plant juices cell.
Spathiphyllum needs a good watering competent and frequent spraying. If you notice that the plant dries up, provide him a more versatile integrated care. Arrange the plant a kind of shower that enliven Spathiphyllum will make its flowers and leaves are brighter. But in that case, if the room is cool, to abuse this "shower" is not necessary that the plant is not frozen.
Often plant leaves as well as flowers and suffer due to excessive watering. Many growers, thinking that the more liquid will get the plant, the better it will grow, seriously mistaken. Even if you thought that the plant's too dry and should be watered more frequently, it is not necessary to go to such measures - you may aggravate the existing situation. Result - root rot, blackening of the leaves, wilting flowers. Try and stick to the right balance here. If the soil is too moistened, it is best to transplant the plant. With transplant to save him, perhaps out. If not Spathiphyllum transplanted in time, it can be lost altogether.
Fertilize the plant, try not to overfeed. All the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients must be in the soil for plants in mild sufficient, but not an excess. The same can be said about the lack of dressing. In this case, the plant begins to wither and dry.
On your part it is important to normalize the dressing, make it balanced and optimal. Pick only those agents that are right for Spathiphyllum. Each serving of fertilizer should be of medium size, not too voluminous, but not too small.
The reasons that provoke disease Spathiphyllum, an incredible amount. But all the problems are mostly due to improper feeding, watering, too low or high temperatures, that is, because of improper care. Once you see that the plant is sick, immediately begin to save him. Spathiphyllum providing competent comprehensive care, you can grow in their own house or apartment in this delightful plant that will refresh and decorate the interior!