puansetiya care at home


  • General rules of care
  • How to make flower puansetiyu
  • The rest period
  • Reproduction and transplant
  • Diseases and pests
  • Other issues and questions

What care is needed plants, know all the flower growers. By and large, only need to be aware of the particular instance of the appropriate light and temperature conditions, to know how to water it, but to be able to propagate and replant. However, there is among domestic colors and such care for that is far from easy. For example, care puansetiey - red Christmas star - will require you to not only basic knowledge of farming, but also the ability to comply with special light conditions, without which it blossom would never become.

Anyway puansetiya capricious. That she does not want to bloom, then suddenly she leaves turn yellow and fall off ... And the owners are scratching their heads, shake off what could not have happened if the disease, and how to make this capricious blossom at home. In short, puansetiya gives the fairest flower growers much trouble. But it is compensated Incredible flowering puansetii. The main thing - to know about its features, know how to take care of, and if necessary to multiply.

General rules of care

Caring for capricious puansetii begins from the moment of its acquisition. Choose a flower shop in the most healthy copy. Signs of good status pusansetii - a large and dense crown, short stem and dark green the lower leaves. If the leaves of the flowers look wilted, the stem is pulled or bent, the flower is clearly weakened, long flowering will not please you for a long time in your home will not survive.

When puansetiya to move from store to your home, it will take some time for acclimatization. Try to have at this time it was protected from direct sunlight and is not in a hot room. During acclimatization puansetiyu should be kept at a temperature of 15-20 ° C. It is dangerous at this time and lowering the temperature. If the room will be cool (below 10 ° C), then these adverse conditions puansetiya lose their bright bracts.

Strictly speaking, this temperature range is preferred in the period of active growth and flowering puansetii. At the same time necessary to provide the flower bright lighting and timely watering. Puansetiya not tolerate drought, but can also react negatively to soil moisture. Therefore, it should be watered only when the top layer drying earthen coma. When foodstuff dries out too soil the plant will die from lack of moisture, and in excess of its roots from rotting.

As for the lighting, the flower loves the bright lights, but does not tolerate direct sun. However, the excessive shading can start falling leaves, stop or do not start blooming. By the way, flowering puansetii - a separate conversation, so how to make it blossom in the home can only possessing the necessary knowledge.

 puansetiya care

How to make flower puansetiyu

The fact that puansetii red (pink, white) bracts appear only under certain mode of day and night. For the formation of flower buds it must be in complete darkness for at least half a day. And if you want to get to bloom puansetiyu, for example, the New Year holidays, this mode is necessary to provide at least eight weeks in advance of their occurrence.

Placing the plant for 12 or 14 hours in a dark place or just covering his opaque dome (box, bag), you will achieve that in two-three weeks puansetii flower buds begin to form, and in the future will appear bright bracts. Prevent flowering puansetii maybe the wrong watering or heat. At this time and in the flowering period, which can last from two to six months, puansetiyu should be kept at a temperature no higher than 20 ° C, while the temperature is most favorable below the average rate - 15-17 ° C.

With proper care and abundant flowering will be prolonged and will end puansetii natural transition into a state of rest. By the way, the beginning of this phase, often causing panic among the owners puansetii. After all, it was at this time the leaves turn yellow and fall off puansetii, even if you are caring for her properly. However, there is no reason to panic - is a natural process. You just need to remove the flower on the storage and wait for the beginning of a new active phase.

The rest period

So after flowering puansetii red bracts and green leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the plant itself goes into a resting state. This period usually lasts until the spring, but the plant needs special care. If you have the opportunity, you move puansetiyu in a cool dark room, where the temperature would not exceed 15 ° C, but did not fall below 10 ° C. Be sure to keep watering puansetiyu - the land in the pot in any case should not be dry. However, the plant should be watered moderately and not very often.

With the onset of spring plant should be cut, continue watering in mild mode and start to feed complex fertilizers. About a month later the stem starts to grow, and there will be young leaves. With the onset of heat puansetiyu desirable to keep the open air. But do not forget that it does not tolerate high temperatures and direct sun. Start watering flower in the normal mode for him, trying not to overdry or pereuvlyazhnyat land in the pot. Continue to feed puansetiyu just do it less frequently - once every three to four weeks. At the same time it is possible to form the crown of the plant, it periodically trimming. Since the beginning of the active phase puansetiyu can be replaced and expanded.

Reproduction and transplant

Transplant puansetii spend the spring, before flowering to plant strengthened. For the transplant choose a pot with a diameter slightly greater than the former. Flower can simply cross into a new pot, keeping the earthen room and pour fresh earth. But if you suspect that puansetii began to rot the roots, the flower must be processed by cutting damaged roots, and completely replace the land in the pot. Do not forget about the transplant drainage layer.

Reproduction puansetii does not cause any difficulty. The fact that at home this flower reproduces the most simple and accessible way - cuttings. The most convenient way to select the cuttings during the cutting of the flower. Their length shall not exceed 10, and be less than 7 centimeters. In addition, each suitable for breeding sapling must have 3-4 green leaves.

Cuttings are immediately put in a moist substrate. Before the appearance of the first shoots of cuttings is not fed, but only periodically watered and sprayed. Incidentally, the multiplication puansetii will be successful only if a constant moderate humidity of the substrate and good drainage. With stagnant water on young plants may appear fungus gnats or whitefly, while its lack of cuttings simply wither.

After the appearance of the young shoots begin to feed the plants, watering is resumed in the usual mode and puansetii pritenenie alternated with bright lighting. So, from now on care for the young plants it is the same as for adults puansetiyami.

 Care puansetiya

Diseases and pests

If paunsetii turn yellow or fall off the leaves after flowering, then do not panic. However, the reason for this may be, and plant diseases and pests have settled on the leaves. The most common disease puansetii:

  • Gray mold. Especially dangerous during the dyeing of the bracts.
  • Bacterial spot. For this disease puansetiya vulnerable to a rest period and the beginning of the growing season.
  • Root rot. The cause of this illness becomes excessive watering.

In addition, like other houseplants puansetii susceptible to fungal and viral diseases, bacterial rot and leaf rust. All these diseases are treated with special or complex drugs, which can be purchased at flower shops.

Another problem, which affects puansetii room - pests. The most common ones:

  • whitefly,
  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • fungus gnats,
  • hothouse plant louse.

To deal with them quite easily. Quickly get rid of the pests will help conventional insecticides. The main thing - time to notice and prevent these insects cause considerable damage to the flower.

Other issues and questions

For puansetii flowering is the main decorative value. Actually for the sake of it and throw these plants. Why do some growers puansetii not bloom - a literacy distillation. Subject to the light and temperature conditions, as well as the right content in the plants dormant period is required to blossom.

Why not room puansetii resume growth after a period of rest? This may be the only improper care: excessive watering, over-drying earthen clod, too low temperature in the room. Yellowing leaves can be a sign of transition puansetii to rest, and a sign of any disease.

But if you properly care for this extraordinary plant to provide him a comfortable temperature and competent watering, even at home, it will repeatedly delight you with its wonderful flowering. Although care puansetiey can not be called very light, it is flowering more than compensates for all your efforts.

 Puansetiya - care at home

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