money tree disease


  • Diseases of the money tree
  • Pests money tree

Each grower in any collection of indoor plants, there are gentle, very whimsical items, and totally unpretentious flowers. The latter can safely classify money tree (Crassula). No wonder that it is a money tree is considered one of the most common houseplants - it really is very hardy and even ascetic. Nevertheless, even unpretentious money tree can be ill.

Sometimes, seemingly perfectly healthy tree suddenly begins to drop or stunted leaves, or even killed for unknown reasons. A cause of ailments that pet becomes green and improper care and damage by pests. Let's learn more about these reasons.

Diseases of the money tree

Money tree can become sick as a result of improper care. Jade - a succulent, so often the main cause of the most common disease - root rot - becomes excessive watering. It is manifested in yellowing and leaf fall. And earlier signal is the loss of elasticity of the leaves. So if the money leaves your tree became soft, then cut it drastically watering. If this measure fails, and the tree continues to wither, it must be transplanted.

Remove the plant from the pot, the roots free from soil and wash them in warm running water. Allow the roots to dry completely and perform inspection. If you find rotten roots, then cut them with a sharp knife and place slices powder the charcoal. After this transplant money tree in the new pot with fresh soil, and immediately after the transplant do not water the plant. If the inspection you will find that not only began to rot the roots, but also the base of the trunk, it is the tree to resuscitate fail.

Fungal infections of the money tree is affected very rarely. But it happens and such attack. A clear sign of a fungal disease - white, brown or brown spots on the leaves. For the treatment of fungal infection is sufficient to handle money tree special preparations, strictly following the instructions on the packaging. But the black circles on the leaves - a sign of sunburn. To prevent them, just need to plant pritenyat from direct sunlight.

By the way, the followers of the teachings of feng shui say that money tree can get sick and because of mental disorder or the depressed state of its owner. However, agree or disagree with this esoteric postulate - your business. But many growers believe that the soul of the plant and the soul of a man who raised him, are closely related. So it is possible that an unhealthy state of your money tree - not a disease, but a reaction to your spiritual discomfort.

 money tree disease

Pests money tree

As we have said, a money tree gets sick very often. Suffice it rarely affected by pests and. Some special insects zhaluyuschih this kind of potted plants, no. Most often, the money tree settle the usual scale insects, spider mites and mealybugs. It is only important to notice the fact of defeat, to recognize the pest and conduct proper treatment.

Scale insects is the most dangerous pest of houseplants. And his main danger - the inability to detect the pest in the early stages of destruction. Typically, growers find the first clear signs of injury at the moment of the appearance on the leaves yellow or reddish-brown spots. Seen from the damaged leaves at the base of the stems and overleaf can see themselves and scale insects. Control measures with scale insects.

  • Mechanical removal. Insect scraped from the leaves and stems, scale insects pre-lubricated with kerosene or alcohol.
  • Money tree treated with infusion of tobacco or soap solution. To do this, use a moistened cotton swab.
  • Wash the treated leaves and stems of pure water (also with a swab).
  • Target plants insecticide broad spectrum of activity (according to instructions).

Spider mite is also considered stubborn pest. The first signs of destruction - the appearance of small yellowish spots on the leaves. At later stages of destruction can be seen between the leaves and cobwebs themselves insects. To deal with this pest is difficult because of its adaptability to the action of insecticides.

To effectively combat recommend alternate different broad-spectrum drugs, and tobacco processing plant extract and garlic or to wash the leaves with soap solution. In addition, it will be useful to process all the neighboring plants, the pot itself, as well as surfaces that are contaminated from the nearby money tree. This is done in order to eliminate deferred mite eggs.

Mealybugs also dangerous for the money tree, because it feeds on sap of young leaves and green shoots. As a result, growth slowed down trees first, then bend the shoots, then wither and fall off the leaves and branches. Symptoms of infection mealybugs - deposits in the axils of leaves, resembling the appearance of wool. Subsequently, the infected tree and develop sooty fungus.

At the initial stage of infestation clean off with a soft brush and a money tree itself is treated with a soap solution (as in the case of the fight against scale insects). Then within a month every ten days plants sprayed extract of tobacco or garlic broth cyclamen tubers or green soap solution. If these measures prove ineffective, then apply special insecticides.

With the defeat of any pests, and at obvious signs of other illnesses, money tree is required to replant. Transplant performed only in new or disinfected flower pot and only new pochvosmes. Caring for plants after transplantation continue as usual.

Still, money tree really unpretentious, very robust and immune to infection. And if you take care of it, then, most likely, all diseases will avoid your pet party.

 Money Tree - diseases and pests

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 Orchid room


  • Phalaenopsis - the most popular orchid
  • Features content Phalaenopsis
  • Problems with decorative orchids, the most frequently occurring
  • Other ornamental orchids

Orchids are known to mankind since time immemorial. But, as strange as it sounds, before people used some species in food as a kind of magical potions. The Golden Horde each warrior always carried a dried tubers of this plant. Due to the special composition, they could replace lunch and dinner at the same time, as is a strong power tool. But the first mention of orchids have been found in China. That's where this plant is already known and loved for more than three thousand years ago. You can judge this by the ancient drawings, which depicted some species of orchids. Europeans appreciate the splendor of all of them and enjoy the beauty of these gorgeous flowers for just two centuries.

Since orchids are many legends and mysterious tales. And it's not too surprising, because the plant has spread around the globe, with the exception only of the Antarctic. There are persistent rumors that in the jungle there are special types of orchids that feed on large animals and even people. But this is only a fantasy there the natives. The researchers did find carnivorous plants in this family, but it only eats insects. In some countries, Orchid is a symbol of passion, and in others, on the contrary, the mascot of innocence.

In general, from whatever side you look, the flower is very interesting. And extraordinarily beautiful. The cost of even the most common of its species is quite high. This is due to the fact that already sell orchid blossoms, and for this purpose it is necessary within five years to comply with all the rules of care, watering and create the most favorable conditions for growth. It later specified time interval orchids bloom for the first time. Plant tubers multiply by dividing the roots, shoots and cuttings. But the seed method has long led scientists puzzled because they could not manage to grow a flower so. As it turned out, orchid seeds need microscopic fungi - and they have become the missing link of the whole process.

 Orchid room

Phalaenopsis - the most popular orchid

One of the most popular members of this family is the charming flower phalaenopsis. Almost every Florist, both experienced and novice, has in its collection several of its variations in different colors. Why is it a great love of the people of the class? On this question, many experts give the set a very clear answer. Firstly, this orchid has a very nice and quite large flowers, and secondly, there is a large variety of plants themselves on a painting palette, thirdly, phalaenopsis very unpretentious care, fourthly, its value can be called reasonable, and so on. And all of these arguments really are true.

But it was not always because a couple of decades ago was considered a very whimsical orchid plant. This is explained by the fact that in our country mainly imported flowers, grown in open ground or in greenhouses. Therefore, the climate of apartments and offices became a real challenge for them, orchids do not survive and died quickly, and the owners frustrated and surprised by their capriciousness.

It was only in the mid-nineties we had these kinds of hybrid plants, completely replace the ones that grow in the wild. And I must say that this was not because of the need to adapt to an artificial orchid habitat whim florist. Just an urgent need to save endangered species, because of the immense popularity of the plant threatened with extinction.

With the advent of hybrid varieties for fans of indoor orchids grace time to come. After all, scientists have made a number of significant changes to the qualitative picture of the development and growth of farmed plants. Breeders have a long period of flowering orchids and managed to adapt to the unnatural conditions for them. But this does not mean that now your luxury beauty can live like a Spartan. Do not think that untimely watering or fertilizing absence will not affect its appearance.

It is important to remember that any flower or plant in a flowerpot on your window sill - a living organism, for a normal existence that requires an individual set of favorable factors. Therefore, potted orchids need to create suitable conditions for them precisely. Since Phalaenopsis enjoys the very popular compared to the other, I would like to pay special attention to it by its contents.

The most suitable location for this green will be the guest of the sill of eastern or western window. You can put the pot directly in the room itself, but in this case, take care of proper lighting using fluorescent or fitolampy. Experts say that these types of orchid room need light for fourteen hours a day. Therefore it is especially important to take care of additional sources of light in winter and autumn, when it gets dark early and late dawning.

Flowers will feel good if the temperature in the room in the summer will be + 20-25 ° C, and in winter - + 16-18 ° C. By the way, under these conditions, not only the plant, but also you, his mistress for a long time to keep a healthy and youthful appearance. If you want room orchid bloomed often should give it a small temperature difference in daytime and night-time (three to five degrees). But in the case of the Phalaenopsis is not necessary: ​​they are able to perfectly adapt to any more or less acceptable conditions, which can provide people.

Most of the plants are suffering from a lack of the necessary humidity. No exceptions are any kinds of orchid room. So try to regularly spray the plant with water at room temperature, previously defended. This should be at least three to five times per day. Very carefully follow such a rule should in the winter when the heating is downright dries the air in an apartment or house. Spraying is carried out carefully, and try to get only on the leaves, because water droplets spoil the flowers, leaving them unsightly brown spots. Because of this, they quickly wither and fall off.

 Orchid flowers room

Features content Phalaenopsis

Watering Phalaenopsis, like any other orchid rooms, recommended in two ways. At a time when the flowers bloom on it, it is better to use the watering to once again not to transfer the plant. At other times better immerse the pot in a bowl of water for a few minutes. Then wait until the excess moisture to drain, and return the green beauty in its place. It is important to know that orchids need to be watered only once a week, because you need to give to dry roots. Their permanent residence in a wet environment can cause decay and the rapid destruction of the substrate.

Water should be at room temperature or greater than three or four degrees. The maximum figure for irrigation - 28 ° C. Warmer water simply burn plant roots. Often, high-quality care for orchid fails to provide for a rather banal reason. It consists in an excess of water to lime salts. The main indicator of the quality of such could be the presence on the leaves blooming plants that appear after spraying. If you do not help defending before watering daily, use these guidelines:

  • dial hot water from the tap (it is already softer than cold) and boil it for at least twenty minutes;
  • Watering freeze water in a plastic bottle, then cut the bottom and drain the remnants of a salt;
  • add the water a little oxalic acid and let it stand until the time at the bottom of the white salt residue, it takes two to four days.

Do not be amiss to remind that it is a beautiful plant needs regular fertilizing, which contributes to its proper growth. In this case, the flowers are larger, the leaves look smooth and have a rich green color, though the whole orchid radiates freshness and health. To achieve this result will help you regularly use specific types of fertilizers marked "for orchids."

When your plant is in flowering stage, feed him two or three times a month. But the fall and winter you have to do is not too concentrated feeding, so fertilizer should be halved from that stated on the label. In a period of rest, that is the absence of color, plant feeding not need it, so do not fertilize it more than once a month.

Orchids, which are designed for living in areas of vegetatively propagated better, that is, the side branches. These shoots can grow on the stalk with flowers and leaves at the base. To get from the process eventually got a viable plant, wait until it has at least one root of their own, and only then put it in a separate pot.

Repot the orchid is necessary once every three to four years, a new special substrate. Do it better in the spring, when the plant is going through a period of active growth. Exclude transplant if the flowers have already appeared, otherwise they will be able to admire the beauty of you quite a bit. Keep in mind that the optimum capacity for orchids are transparent vases. This is due to the fact that the process of photosynthesis in Phalaenopsis occurs not only in leaves, but also in the roots. It is therefore important to provide them with the presence of light. Do not worry if after transplant your orchid does not bloom for a long time. Normally, it takes one and a half to two months, because the plant is experiencing some stress.

Problems with decorative orchids, the most frequently occurring

Members-growers and their more experienced colleagues sometimes face a number of challenges on the content of orchids. It happens that the plant leaves turn yellow, it does not bloom, it looks weak, and so on. Most of these troubles is directly related to errors in the care of an orchid. But there is also a natural life cycle of the plant. Therefore, yellowing and dying leaves lower Phalaenopsis orchids or other kind - it is absolutely normal process. But if such change is subject to the upper part of them, it is likely hypothermia or over-drying the substrate, and the impact of a sharp cooling in the plant itself or the root system.

If you are concerned about the long absence from the orchid flower, the note is not too hot in the room, it gets enough light, not whether in the draft, whether irrigation water requirements, as described above. Look to the peduncle of the quiet period. If it turned yellow, wait until it is completely dry and safe to delete. New image after quite a long time, sometimes it takes a year and a half.

If discolored stem in two or three weeks is green, do not touch it. A month later, it will resume the activity or it is formed vegetative process for subsequent transplant. Carefully inspect your plant and do not delay treatment if it affected spider mites and mealybugs. Various types of root rot are removed, if properly adjust watering orchids.

It should be noted that Phalaenopsis does not require too complicated measures for its content. But ignoring the main of which can even lead to death of the plant, and not only to the absence of the color. Therefore, please note that the phrase "somehow cost" does not apply to orchids, for that matter, to any other types of houseplants. Do not go if you fail to provide normal living conditions for Phalaenopsis and the rest of his fellow room.

 Orchid room

Other ornamental orchids

Besides the popular Phalaenopsis, there are a number of representatives of a glorious kind of orchids, each of which will be a real ornament to any apartment. Briefly, I would like to highlight some of the brightest and most beautiful of them. First of all it is worth mentioning Cumbria. It has a very beautiful and bright colors, something resembling a phalaenopsis. This variety is the result of a successful crossing of several cultivars. Cumbria is also not particularly picky - they love the north and east windows and good humidity. So do not be lazy regularly spray the plant and see to it that it was not a dry substrate.

A feature-Cattleya orchid is the fragrance that exudes its rather large and bright flowers. They can reach thirty centimeters in diameter. New varieties of plants are able to bloom continuously for several weeks. These types of orchids like the sunlight, so in the summer it is better to make the garden. The plant does not tolerate temperatures drop and although in need of moisture, but is afraid of excess water. Therefore, irrigation involves immersion in a container of water no more than once in two or three weeks. Cattleya better placed on a pallet, which poured wet concrete block.

It has an unusual shape-pafiopedilum orchid flowers. They resemble tiny shoes and stay for a few weeks, delighting the eye of the home. To pafiopedilum blossomed as often as possible, it must be hard to feed. In summer, this should be done once a week, and in the winter - once a month. This plant likes shade and feels good, if the room temperature is between 15 to 20 ° C.

Around the same conditions and loves one more representative of the genus of orchids - ontsidiya. It has a long and similar to the branches of the flower stalks, which simply is dotted with small flowers. Their shades are very diverse, as used in the selection of many varieties of orchids. Ontsidiya also likes a lot of sunlight in the summer and requires a cool winter season.

Looks wonderful orchid Vanda. Its rooms are different varieties of rising about eighty centimeters. At one spike may appear more than one flower, but several. Wanda loves heat and light - the lack of them instantly reflected on the plant, slowing its development and breaking the life cycle. You should always monitor the condition of the substrate of this orchid - it should be moist, but without the excess water.

In addition to the above varieties of this beautiful plant, there is a whole huge and diverse army of his charming representatives. Orchids different sizes of stem, leaf shape, size and color tones and a number of other features. Each of these plants are beautiful in their own way. It seems that nature has created a specially delicate and gorgeous flower at the same time that he gave us his aesthetic pleasure truly perfect view.

It is difficult to imagine at least one themed shop, lounge or garden center, where there would be orchids. From them it is impossible to look away, they want to enjoy the time, so the plants themselves have become an integral part of every fashionable interior. But it is important to always remember that when buying orchids, we not only get a stylish decoration for the home, but also take on more responsibility. After all, any plant or animal in need of care and attention. Only when these two conditions are those we have tamed, really will give us joy.

 Orchid room: the variety of species and their characteristics

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