how to care for violets


  • What to plant and how to water?
  • When the frost on the street ...

You have visited the flower show or in a store and seeing violet, just could not resist and bought this beauty? And now fear that did not manage to ruin the plant and because they do not know how to care for violets? Do not worry about nothing, a few simple tips in this article will help you extend the life of the new plant the flowers and enjoy every day.

Violet came to us from East Africa. It was there, in the mountains uzumbarskiye first discovered these flowers French botanist Saint-Paul Iller. The scientific name of violets - senopoliya which she received in honor of its discoverer.

  • Violets like bright light, but do not favor direct sunlight, so it is best to keep these flowers on the north window.
  • If you do not have such an opportunity, there is no need to despair - just use the curtain of dense material to the direct rays of the sun shining onto the plant, and the room was light enough.
  • If you want your Violet looked nice and symmetrical, rotate it a couple of times a week. Do not forget to pick off the faded flowers and damaged or yellowed leaves.
  • As for temperature, the normal room temperature is quite happy violet.
  • Drafts affect the plant is not the best way.
  • Humidity should be high enough so well Violet lives in the kitchen, where cooking because the air is hot and humid.
  • The parameters of the pot is also important for the proper maintenance and growth. Use small plastic pots approximately fifteen centimeters in diameter and about ten centimeters in height.

  What to plant and how to water?

Land should be loose, easy to absorb water, and good to pass air. There are ready-made earthen mixture of violets. But if you do not want to look for them, proceed as follows: Pour half of the pot expanded clay (this is a lightweight porous material, pieces of brown oval), which is sold in specialty stores, put a piece of charcoal and add the usual ground.

Wondering how to care for violets in the first place comes to mind watering the plants. There should not be carried away. The soil should be kept moist, but not overly drenched. To know exactly whether or not water the plant, dip your finger in the ground - if it is dry, it watered, of course, is time.

As for the process of watering, it is best to water the violets as follows: Take a deep bowl, pour it with warm water and put the settled back with a flower pot, leaving him there until such time as the flower does not drink all the water.

At the time when blossoming violet, they must soiling biweekly. If the plant does not bloom, it can fertilize less often - about once a month. Fertilizer should be added to the water.

You've heard a lot of debate about whether to spray or not houseplants. Of course, it is worth! Especially if your violet leaves dulled by dust. Take the flower in the bathroom and drench him out of the shower (spray should be warm and not strong). Then leave violet in the bathroom, the leaves have dried completely, as if you put a wet violet to bright light, its leaves covered with spots.

From time to time, violets need to replant. Suffice it once a year to change the land and replant the flowers in the same pots. After transplant the plant should be well watered, and then do not water for two days. It is best to transplant in the spring to do.

When the frost on the street ...

With the onset of cold weather, many domestic plants die from improper care. This fact relate to violet in the first place. To keep your beauty felt well and continues to delight with flowers, you need to understand how to care for violets in winter, creating a favorable environment for them.

In winter, the violet receive little light, so you need to install additional lighting or just turn on the lights in the dark for a few hours to extend daylight hours.

Watering flower in cold weather should be a bit less, because if water stagnation, and the earth will not absorb it, the plant can start to rot the roots. If you suddenly notice that still filled flower quickly transplant it into a clean, dry ground, covered with the glass jar. Bank can be removed, when new roots. You notice it, because the plant start up a fresh sheet of paper.

If you have a cold on the windows, it is best to remove the flowers from the window sill. Violet does not tolerate low temperatures and can be frozen. Dry air is formed through heating, also harms violets. Therefore, you should fill in expanded clay pan, fill it with water and put the pot on top of the plant. Going to ventilate the room, remove the flowers away from drafts.

If you follow all these tips, refers to a plant with love and care, your violet thank you abundant and long blooming.

 How to care for violets to bloom profusely they?

We strongly recommend to read: How to care for palm room

 Watering orchids phalaenopsis


  • General rules
  • Watering from above (from a watering can)
  • Bathing (watering of the shower)
  • The immersion method
  • Secrets and Tips

Still, an orchid - a wonderful creation of nature. In order to draw strength for the violent growth and lush colors, they even descend to earth is not necessary. So myself and hover above the ground, the moisture content of the tropical air. However, tamed and domesticated orchids do not have such an opportunity. We cram them in flower pots and with bated breath waiting for the miraculous appearance of the first flowers. So let's try to create for these tropical Aboriginal least the illusion of native habitats. For example, learn how to water them, taking into account peculiarities of epiphytes and learn how to be a proper watering phalaenopsis orchids.

General rules

  • The first and mandatory rule of watering orchids states that it is necessary to use only a soft (or medium hardness) water. You can soften the water by boiling ordinary, or by adding to the water for the irrigation of oxalic acid (a quarter teaspoon to ten liters of water).
  • According to the second rule, water for irrigation orchids should be saturated with oxygen. How to do it? Simple transfusion water from tank to tank. But it should be done slowly pouring the water in a thin stream.
  • The third rule requires us to use for watering only warm water. In any case not lower than room temperature.
  • The fourth rule regulates the frequency and intensity of irrigation. Watering should be felanopsisy, focusing on the roots of the color and the presence of condensate. If the walls of the pot watching the droplets of moisture, you should refrain from watering. If there is no moisture, and roots with the steel blue-gray color, the flower is urgently needed watering.

Watering by these rules will not harm your orchid. Pour it as needed with warm soft water oxygenated. And if you are going to combine the techniques of irrigation, the Tropikanka-orchid will feel at home (in the tropics).

Watering from above (from a watering can)

Watering a flower with this method, water is uniformly dispensed from a floral leechki over the entire surface of the substrate. Pour it until then, until the water begins to flow from the bottom of the pot through the drainage holes. Then, wait until all excess water to drain into the pan, and poured the excess. After a few minutes to re-watered flower and drained the water from the pan.

If a pot of orchid is in a place where she is not afraid of drafts and temperature changes, the watering can flower at any time of the day. Otherwise, the procedure is best done in the second half (in the evening). When watering from a watering can is also necessary to ensure that water does not flow in the plant itself, particularly in the axils of leaves - Phalaenopsis does not like it. If the moisture still got a flower, then it must be removed (wet cloth or gently blow away droplets from a flower).

Bathing (watering of the shower)

It is believed that the Phalaenopsis orchids for irrigation, this method is preferable to watering from a watering can: small trickle of better and more evenly moisten the substrate. And the flower itself is swimming does not hurt if, after his soul dry and wet all the moisture (especially in the leaf axils). Bathe orchid is not more than three times a month, optimally - one or two times.

If you are not sure of the quality of tap water, it is best to bathe your orchid, protecting the substrate from moisture (covered with a plastic bag). For bathing, use only warm water and mild pressure to do. By the way, some growers are practicing hot shower. After the bath should be cleaned on a flower drops of water and leave it in the bathroom for drying the substrate. If immediately after a warm shower orchid drawn from the warm bath room, the temperature drop is not the best way affect the status of your beauty.

The immersion method

Fashionable now diving useful and phalaenopsis orchids. Of course, be immersed in water, we will not all flower pot but only with the substrate. It is believed that this method is best suited for those orchids that grow in baskets filled with bark. How to water the orchids phalaenopsis dip?

In a bowl (bowl, saucepan) with warm boiled water lowered the basket so that the water does not fill the surface of the substrate. Keep flowers in water for thirty seconds (may be longer depending on the density of the substrate), and then taken out and wait until all excess water to drain. Orchids growing on the block, too, can be watered by this method, but only if the substrate does not float.

 how to water an orchid phalaenopsis

Secrets and Tips

For a comfortable existence orchids needs moderate (even balanced) watering. Without water, they just die, but it will destroy the excess plant. Focus on the color of the roots of Phalaenopsis - this is the surest signal that you will never fail. In no case do not leave water droplets on the leaves of orchids. In a little water it more and more abundant, and in the cold season better spray.

Lack of moisture is fatal for orchids mostly during ovary buds and waterlogged - at any time. The "filled" orchid certainly will rot the roots, and the substrate in the pot is covered with mold. At the first symptoms of such plants should be immediately transplanted into a new pot, replacing it by cutting the substrate and all the damaged parts of the roots.

So be careful and moderate in its quest to actively take care of the flower. Remember that the main motto skillful "irrigators": Nedolya better than to pour. Phalaenopsis orchid watering prefers competent, relevant "Water regime" of its native habitat. In their places, it takes the moisture out of the air generally. And if you follow all the rules and requirements (dictated by, among other things, of the orchid), your Tropikanka certainly thank you with their magical flowering.

 Lessons floriculture. Watering orchids phalaenopsis

We strongly recommend to read: How to care for violets? The watering
