Violet bedroom care

All kinds of plants are grown or home-growers: one captive exotic beauty of orchids, like other cacti grow. But there is no lover of house plants that do not like to violet room care, which is not difficult, even beginner gardeners.

We buy violet

Saintpaulia, or violets, is prima indoor flower. The infinite variety of its forms and luxurious palette of colors and attracts collectors and fans of indoor plants. Even going to the florist or flower box just out of curiosity to see the violet, you will most likely not be able to resist not to buy this beauty.

If that happens, when you buy plants should first pay attention to the leaves. If you find them too tight a point of growth or some suspicious spots, then this plant is for sure, hit some disease. Not only newcomer will be difficult to go out and grow a plant, but even the expert. So you need to choose a plant whose leaves are bright green in color with no signs of lesions diseases and pests.

For breeding should take a leaf from the bottom of the second row. Cuttings from the lower row also give the children, but they tend to be more exhausted, so their offspring will obviously weaker. Be sure to ask your vendor what sort of plant, so you do not clarify it by eye.

When selecting cuttings is important to the leaves were not elongated. This indicates that the plant is grown under conditions of insufficient light. When buying plants you should ensure that the leaves did not have spots. The point of growth should look healthy with no signs of rotting. In the pot should indicate the name of the class and it would be nice if also the date of planting.

For transportation is convenient to use cardboard boxes, plastic containers, or other containers that retain stem from damage. If this box is not present, it is possible to inflate a plastic bag, tie it tightly. In this case, too, the stalk will not be injured during transport.

Hypothermia root system can result in death of the plant, so if you agree in advance to buy violets, ask the seller do not water it for three or four days before the purchase. To carry the plant in the winter it must be packaged in several layers of newspaper, then put in a plastic bag. You can wrap the plant feather scarf or put it on a heating pad. If the carriage when you have unpacked the purchase of the house, it turned out that some leaves are broken, they need to carefully remove the socket. These leaflets can be put into the water and after a few months, when they become starters, they can be planted in the ground.

Violets - a light-loving plants, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal place for their cultivation will be a window facing east or west. The windows facing south, they should be pritenyat. The best temperature for their content will be 20-24 ° C. If you have a lot of violets, the better for them to be equipped with lighting rack. This will place a small square a lot of plants, providing them with optimal light.

Propagation by cuttings of violets

Each grower chooses for itself a reliable and convenient method of rooting cuttings violet. At home, the best way is to rooting boiled water. Optionally for this purpose can be purchased substrate ingredients - Agroperlit or vermiculite. A good way is to rooting violets in sphagnum moss, which for this finely chop. Recently, a method has been extended rooting cuttings in peat-humus tablets. They are cutting the risk of decay is reduced to a minimum. But whatever you stalks rooted, there is a general rule - not to leave a long petiole. If the length of the stem will not exceed four centimeters, the kids will be faster and larger. The cut on the handle is good to do a scalpel.

When rooting is necessary to ensure the room temperature 20-24 ° C and high humidity. To do this, you can put the cuttings that are planted for rooting, a glass jar or plastic bag. The children come in a month and a half. When the kids grow up and get stronger, they must be carefully separated from the leaf, being careful not to injure the maximum root children. Babe should be planted in a separate pot, the diameter of which should not exceed six centimeters. If the sheet is strong, it can leave pereukorenyatsya.

Transplanting the children, to the bottom of the pot to put drainage, which can serve as pieces of Styrofoam, sphagnum moss, or small concrete block. The ground for children to be nutritious and loose, which can be added to the substrate of 20% vermiculite and 20% perlite. You can also add sliced ​​sphagnum moss. He also put up 20% of the total. After kids planted into two-three weeks, should be placed in a mini-teplichku that they adapt. Mini teplichku, as we have said, can serve as a glass jar or plastic bag, dressed on the potty.

Teplichku should be put on the light, but preferably not the south windowsill. On the southern window sill violets should pritenyat, the leaves do not get burned. In winter, the box should be left open, and of the slots should not blow because violets are very sensitive to hypothermia root system. Grown children should be taught gradually to normal room conditions. To do this, ventilate teplichku first 10-15 minutes and then increasing.

 violets and care

Reproduction violets stepchildren

Violet can be propagated by leaf cuttings, not only, but also stepchildren. Stepson for the successful establishment should have three or four leaves. Stepson is separated from the wall with an awl or sharp scalpel. When stepson is separated from the main socket, you should try not to hurt her leafy cuttings. Stepchildren rooted in a pot with the substrate or peat humus pills. For the speedy establishment and a better adaptation of the transplanted stepson Keep teplichke. In this way, usually propagated varieties chimeras and fantasy.

Care socket

Care violets in the home will not give you much trouble. But in the period of active growth of young outlet needs a balanced soil and a good light. The soil should not be too heavy and greasy but quite nutritious. To outlet formed uniformly and symmetrically, it must be rotated 45 ° every three or four days. If cuttings and leaves at the outlet greatly raised up, then your plant is not enough light, and it should provide additional illumination.

The choice of dishes

Choosing pot for violets, it should be noted that great importance is its size. The diameter of the pot for young children and sockets should be 5-6 centimeters, and for adults outlets should not exceed 10-12 centimeters. Ideally, for an adult rosette diameter pot must be smaller than the outlet in three times.

For violets suitable as ceramic and plastic pots. With today's selection of plastic containers growers are choosing plastic pots for growing violets, as they are more convenient and cheaper.

To the water does not stagnate in the pot, it is necessary to make a drainage, in which may comprise a sphagnum-moss, expanded clay or pieces of foam. Drainage must fill at least a third of the pot.

Feeding and watering

Violet should be watered with water at room temperature or a few degrees higher. Tap water for irrigation or defend better filter. Watering can be both above and pouring water into the tray. When irrigation water should not fall into the growing point and leaves. The water remaining after watering in the pan must be emptied after 10-15 minutes. The soil in the pot should not be wet and damp, or the root system can start to rot and die violet. The frequency of watering depends on the room temperature and composition of the soil. As a rule, violets need to be watered once or twice a week.

Do not water violets distilled water because it absorbs the active salt. With regular use of distilled water for irrigation from the soil washed away all the salt, not only harmful but also helpful. Due to lack of nutrients Violet begins to grow worse and ceases to bloom.

When fertilizing earthen room should not be overdried. In principle, the substrate has all the nutrients necessary for normal development of violets, so it does not need special feeding. In order to replenish nutrients in sufficient time to transplant violet 9-12 months.

If you feel that your violet exhausted, it can feed. For this purpose, both liquid and granular fertilizers. When buying fertilizer, be sure to study the instruction. If the label structure is not specified, the fertilizer is better not to buy. If you do not buy a specialized fertilizer for violets, it is diluted by half. Feeding can be carried out once every three to four weeks.

The nitrogen content in the fertilizer for young outlets must be greater than the content of phosphorus and potassium. For the active bookmark buds and lush abundant flowering in the composition of fertilizer should be more phosphorus. For this purpose suitable fertilizer "Fialochka" and "Phosphate".

Excess nutrients can bring less good than harm. Therefore violet should not overfeed fertilizers. It is necessary to find out before fertilizing than caused by an unhealthy kind of violets. If it was the result of violations of farming and its cause was some disease, feeding can only hurt.

 violets care at home

Caring for an adult rosette

Old leaves often lose color and start to spoil the overall look of the plant, so they need to be removed. You can even remove the entire bottom row, and the very bottom of the socket impose moss or fill up the soil in the pot. If the outlet is formed by the trunk, the violet is necessary to transplant a bit to bury the bottom row of leaves. Ka we have said, adults need to replant outlet every nine to twelve months, because the substrate is depleted supply of nutrients. The diameter of the pot should be chosen correctly - in the ratio 1: 3 with the diameter of the outlet.

To Violet always looked beautiful and did not suffer from dust, its leaves should be washed occasionally. This is best done once or twice a month during the cold season, and every week - in the warm. Outlet wash under a gentle stream of water at room temperature. The plants are put to dry in a warm place. If you put it after washing in a cool place, the leaves can cover the light spots.

If the outlet is stopped in growth, it is necessary to check the ground - it is not compacted. If the soil is too dense, the violets should be transplanted into a loose, easy ground. If everything is fine with the ground, it is possible that violet is not enough nutrients. Then it should be a little feed.

Another possible reason for stopping the growth of the outlet and its decay - this is a bad development of the root system or even its decay. If the leaves of violets are small, sluggish, dull, then you need to cut at the base of the socket, remove the decayed part and then pereukorenit it in water.

If violet produces a lot of leaves and flower stalks are formed practically, it is likely, overfed nitrogen fertilizer plant. You should wait 4-6 weeks, and feed its phosphorus-containing fertilizers. If the outlet is formed too many leaves can be removed a couple of the lower layers of leaves, do not forget sprinkle coal powder wounds.

If you become short flower stalks, flowers began to grow shallow and leaves of violets become brownish, torus plant suffers from an excess of light, and it must be pritenit. Then the emerging leaves with time will become discolored. Brown leaves can be removed gradually, as they do not regain their color.

Flowering outlet is better not to transplant. If there is no other way, the outlet into bigger pot rolled over, and not transplanted. After that you should add on the edges of the earth and break the stalks, so that the plant does not drain.

If you follow all of these rules, violets and Caring for your enjoyment. Blossoming saintpaulia will delight you with luxurious hats delicate flowers of various shades - from white and pink to lavender and deep purple.

 Diva indoor flower. Violets and care

We strongly recommend to read: How to care for violets
