Magnificent any decor will florarium - a small corner of nature behind glass. It's kind of a tiny room Teplička, which feel good miniature bromeliads, orchids, Selaginella, dwarf ferns and rubber plants ground covers, arrowroot, Fitton, peperomiya. Sometimes it's beautiful compositions made of flowers and moss, decorated with seashells, bright beautiful stones, twigs, dry plants and so on. Florariumy used to decorate the home or office. Moreover, they fit into any interior.
They are big and small, floor, table and even a wall. Today, many flower shops offer a wide variety of compositions in the glass, but you can make florarium hands. It is an interesting exercise, not only for the amateur grower, but also for anyone wishing to express their creative personality and original design the interior of your own home.

What you need to florariuma?
Create such beauty is quite able to anyone. To make florarium, you need a clear vase of any shape and size. It can be round or square tank, a large glass bottle, etc. The next step is to select one or more small plants and prepare moss. The last thing you will need to complete the composition - is a variety of accessories: seashells, colored stones, crystals, beads, unusual forms and other branches.
Here, everything is limited only by your imagination. If you wish, you can make florarium no living plants, which in the interior will look just as good. You can make a miniature "rock garden" or rural landscape, erecting a house of matches or a toy windmill.
Thus, the materials chosen. It's time to talk about how to make florarium hands. Mini-garden behind the glass in a fully transparent closed containers implies a special microclimate. This means that not every plant can become an inhabitant florariuma.
In a closed container formed its own ecosystem, which is high humidity, temperature and internal gas exchange. With this plant in florariume can easily do for a long time without watering. The limited volume makes it possible to grow in florariume only slow-growing specimens. It should be remembered that such a composition, though will decorate your interior for a long time, but still temporarily - a plant sooner or later have to replant in a pot.
First you need to decide where it will be florarium. And if you're going to put him against the wall, its elements must be positioned so that the back was high, and in front of the small details. If he will stand in the center of the table, the decorative elements should be placed so that the beautiful view opens on all sides. That is the biggest and highest elements should be placed in the center of the composition.

Plants florariuma
Then, select a plant that will be the basis of the composition of your florariuma. The most suitable candidates for the creation of this masterpiece - a bromeliad, some flowering species requiring high humidity and tropical exotics. Perfect for such compositions ferns. The most commonly used for florariuma plant - a miniature violets (Saintpaulia), beautiful blooming orchids, Fitton, arrowroot, bromeliads, allokazii, azaleas, Selaginella, cyclamen, ivy and ferns, episcia, dieffenbachia, and p cereal and others. Cacti are not very cozy feel themselves in sealed containers, but with a special wish, you can make out of the garden and succulents. Only in this case it is not worth implanting them moisture-loving plants. It looks wonderful florarium based miniature violets with variegated foliage.
Having defined the plants that live in your florariume, pick a suitable ground for them. Pour the bottom of a glass container little soil (its amount depends on the size of the vessel). Above ground close moss to create a beautiful background. You can place the plants in small pots - plastic cups, which should also impose moss. Or just try to wrap a cup with green moss and place it in the interior florariuma. Then, without breaking composition, at any time you can replace the plant if it is lost or outgrown views. Besides, it's more convenient to take care of the plant.
Still, keep in mind that the small garden with plants of different species, planted in the common ground, it looks much nicer than the collection of pots. But then you need to carefully select plants suitable for the conditions of detention. Because the flowers that need a dry rest period (a rare watering or even lack thereof) will not be able to exist in a soil with plants that can not survive without irrigation. Therefore, when creating a composition of these plants, they need to share on this basis, providing each group its "soil space." It is not easy, so his first florarium start with the same type of plant.

Decorate florarium
Making outdoor florarium in the apartment with his hands, prepare for its jewelry shells, twigs, unusual stones, any items that you can find, and that you like. They must meet the following conditions: be a bright accent, or have an unusual shape to complement the overall picture of, or overlap with other elements of color for what would be their shade. Now you can create a composition such as your imagination tells you. We offer a little advice on the design: it is desirable that in florariume present some semantic accent - an unusual shell, bright stone, a flowering plant or something like that. This will make your garden more harmonious and complete.
If you do your composition using living plants, it is desirable to put florarium closer to a window or provide him with additional illumination. That is why you can use florariuma aquariums of various forms, because they are provided with a cover with light. In this capacity you will create a closed ecosystem and the plants will feel great there.
Florariumy you can do a variety. They may be thematic, for example, in the form of a sea coast or rainforest. The main thing is to choose the right to their own interior. And then this song will serve as a wonderful decoration of your, pleasing you and your guests.

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