Rose has always been and will be the queen of flowers, a symbol of the greatness and beauty. This flower is very popular among all peoples. Not one of the ornamental plants has so many varieties and forms. Everyone has at least a small garden, carefully cultivates roses on it. Yes, and these flowers in apartments successfully take root, as recently displayed enough species is adapted for cultivation in the room conditions.
Grades room roses varied. You can buy them in any flower shop. Usually domestic species are small shrubs, 30-40 cm tall. Choosing rosettes for your windowsill, do not rush to stop your eyes on the colors that are created by Dutch producers. Such plants often do not survive in our climate. Dutch rose even difficult to grow in the garden, what can you say about the apartment. It is best to choose those varieties of mini roses, are not so whimsical. Let's look at them in more detail.
Bengal red rose
The most common variety of home roses. It is quite demanding, very abundant flowering, but the flowers, unfortunately, have no smell. It can hibernate in apartment at temperatures up to 25 degrees without dropping the sheet. Bengal Rose pruning is not needed. It is only necessary to remove dead or diseased branches.
Polyanthus roses
This Class is divided into separate species. Polyanthus rose is not capricious, well take root in the home, it has a pleasant smell.
Quite a large plant, which pleases their masters bright red flowers from spring until the first frost. It tolerates the winter on a cool windowsill. To bloom was long and abundant, the plant should be fed.
Small shrub with double flowers of white and pink color. Perfect winter in the room, so it is quite easy to tolerate indoor common diseases of roses, arising from the excess moisture. The peculiarity of this kind is that it is without any problems propagated by cuttings. Roots appear virtually on the fifth day after placing the cuttings in water.
It has a very rare, if not the exclusive color. Bush is medium in size with small leaves and small flowers, from a distance resembling embers. For all its exoticism, buds do not have smell. Unfortunately, this small rosette does not tolerate the winter in a warm room. From October to February, it is necessary to settle in a cool place where the temperature is not more than ten degrees.
Small shrub with fragrant double flowers. Immediately after blossoming, bud has a light pink to a deeper shade of color in the middle, but after a few days becomes white. It blooms a long and abundant, well-wintering in the cool windowsill.
Bourbon Rose
This grade can not be considered very small. It forms a rather large bush with delicate leaves and large flowers full. Buds are kept for a long time, have a variety of shades: pale pink, cream, rich red. Bourbon Rose starts to bloom late, somewhere in the middle of July. But it stops and too late for the Christmas holidays to your windowsill will be similar to a fabulous garden.
In March species Bourbon roses lose almost all the leaves. Produce new branches, quickly gaining momentum, gathering young greens. The only problem that can give you this plant is difficult rooting. It is best to carry out cuttings in April, using a growth stimulator.
Irish Rose
This flower is very different from all domestic varieties. Its bud something like a tulip tender apricot color. And leaves are small, thin, with jagged edges with purple tint. This variety will certainly need to cut, leaving a 2-3 most powerful branch. Then the bloom is abundant, and the buds are larger.
China Mini Rose
This is a kind of miniature potted roses. Flowers has a very small, about two centimeters in diameter. And the bush grows no more than fifteen centimeters in height. Varieties of Chinese rose a lot, and they all differ in color and structure of the flower buds. Some species smell strongly, while others have no smell at all. Red, yellow, orange, burgundy, silver, and even a touch of Chinese Rose won the hearts of many gardeners. For most varieties need a cold winter.
Tea roses
These fragrant flowers were brought to us from India. However, it is in the nature of tea varieties exist. For its creation were used rose bengal. To keep at home were withdrawn mini varieties that grow to just thirty centimeters. Blooming tea rose almost continuously have double flowers with a strong and pleasant smell. Colours can be very different. Since this plant is very susceptible to dampness and cold, it is ideal for growing in the apartment.
Remontant roses
Large flowers, depending on the type can be white, red or pink hue. If you want to grow a similar instance in the apartment, ready to give him the cold winter, no more than 5-10 degrees. Ripple remontant rose cuttings is quite difficult, so many growers plant them. If you can provide the right conditions these plants and ample habitat, you get a very rare beauty items.
This plant does not belong to the family Rosaceae. However, it has long been firmly settled in our apartments under the name "Chinese Rose" and a rose "Chinese". Flower is not capricious, requires minimal maintenance, and it is very abundant blooms. And even if it does not bloom, too, it looks very attractive. In contrast to the cold-loving roses, hibiscus contained in the conditions, something similar to the tropics. He likes bright light, abundant watering and spraying the leaves.
Hibiscus flowers look like little gramophones, pink, red or burgundy color. During the flowering plant needs of mineral and organic fertilizers. Lives "Rosa chinensis" about twenty years. Adult plant can grow up to two meters in height. The first five years of the flower should be transplanted every year, after the change of the land and the pot is required every three years.
And finally, an important tip - saw a beautiful flower in the store, do not rush immediately to buy it. Check with the seller to find out all the details for your favorite plant care. Think, if you can provide it with all that is required. After all, in the opposite case, the flower will die just a week, like a bouquet of cut roses.
We recommend that read: Care rose room
The benefits of our green pets says a lot. And they clean the air and saturate it with oxygen, and relieve tension, and look delight ... And it is true all noticed: it is this and useful plants. Almost any of them has a truly magical properties. But there are also the most useful houseplants that can be called a true natural filters, green healers or lucky talisman.
I agree that if we live not in the best conditions and safe natural areas, plants simply will stand as a kind of protective barrier. And thus help us to some extent neutralize the aggressive influence of the surrounding man-made space.
And everyday experience of many generations of our ancestors allowed to distinguish among domestic plants are those who have healing properties, magical powers, especially energy and are able to positively affect our health and our lives. They can also be called useful. Is not it? After all, if you believe in the talisman, he is sure to bring good luck. So let's take a closer look at these helpful inhabitants of our homes.
So, let's begin. First, those who cleans the air in the apartment from carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene vapor and neutralizes the harmful effects of soot, dust and allergens.
Plants filters
Among the plants that can clean the air, you can still identify the most useful - or rather, the most active:
Chlorophytum - champion in speed and efficiency of purification apartment and office air. He is able to clear it from the cigarette smoke and carbon monoxide (which is especially important in the kitchen), neutralize formldegidy allocated some finishing materials. In addition, this plant has a bactericidal effect - his volatile mikrooganizmy and destroy harmful allergens. He is unpretentious in the care and useful properties Chlorophytum can be strengthened if planters expanded activated carbon.
Aglaonema - a natural air ionizer. This amazing property Aglaonema increases a person's ability to resist stress and improves its efficiency. In addition, she is also very beautiful, and so is not the last place among dekorativnolistvennye houseplants.
English ivy (or header) is indispensable for those who keep pets, he can destroy allergens allocated their hair. In addition to this great header clears the air of formaldehyde and other harmful fumes.
Bamboo Palm or Chamaedorea elegans - also very active air filter. In addition to the useful properties chamaedorea has an elegant appearance, and with proper care and blooms throughout the year.
Gerbera Jameson. Flowering houseplant. As a rule, many keep it because of the large and beautiful flowers delight the eye throughout the year. But not everyone knows that the gerbera is also helpful, as successfully cleans the air from harmful pollutants.
Dracaena copes with poisons such as ammonia, benzene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde, by removing from the air up to seventy percent of these impurities. Dracaena has also antibacterial properties.
Ficus called the symbol of clean air. And interestingly, from the air by absorbing toxic substances (benzene, pentachlorophenol, trichloroethane), Ficus eats them!
Citrus. Almost all types of citrus have antibaktrialnymi properties. They are able to disinfect the indoor air, and refresh dusty or smoky room.
In addition to these the leading plant-filters should be called all kinds of begonias, codiaeum, tsissus, asparagus, cyclamen, cypress, ehmeyu, anthurium, dates, Epipremnum, Qalat, dieffenbachia. All of them (and two dozen indoor plants) do an excellent job with all kinds of air pollution.
Plants mascots
Perhaps it is not the most useful of all the indoor plants, but does not say about them is impossible. In any case, very, very many growers were able to make their magical properties. For example, everyone knows such talismans financial well-being, and as a money tree dollar tree.
Money Tree - a common Crassula. It is believed that it helps to attract prosperity into the house, especially if buried in a flower pot in which it grows, coin. In the care of Crassula completely unpretentious. But appearance is quite spectacular: with proper pruning looks this little tree, reminiscent of elegant bonsai.
Dollar tree called Zamioculcas. This plant, exotic, which is helping to attract funds in the currency of the country where you live. And as the first "discovered" it is a magical property of Americans, then the name was appropriate Zamioculcas. In addition to these mascots ability to attract wealth into the house of wealth and money it has (at least so considered) asparagus, Astrophytum, Araucaria, Haworthia, azalea, yucca, banyan.
Bamboo brings happiness into the house and well-being. Under this name hides an interesting Dracaena braunii, which looks really reminiscent of bamboo. It is noteworthy that this is especially moisture-loving plant grows well even without the land being placed in a glass of water.
Academic excellence and strong friendly relations contribute ferns, spiderwort, ivy and feathery palms. Mascots are considered health agave, young, kalanchoe, and p, fuktsii, pahifitum. The creative achievements help Chinese rose, feces, aphelandra, Impatiens, camellia. And in the development of talent - Calathea, arrowroot, coleus, poinsettia, Araneus.
Alone among the plant mascot is Spathiphyllum, which is also called "women's happiness." It is believed that this flower is able to make any woman happy by giving her happiness to be loved and cherished. And if he is still blooming and growing rapidly, so happy just breaking into your house, and you just need to open the door!
Oh, these green healers! Already one property room colors - just to please the person of its kind - can be called healing. But among all the delight we have indoor plants and truly healing:
Aloe tops the list of therapeutic houseplants. It has a wound-healing, choleretic, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties protivoozhogovym. The juice of this plant normalizes digestion and improves appetite, improves the immune system, increases the hemoglobin, promotes tissue repair. In folk medicine, aloe is known as a remedy for peptic ulcer, gastritis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, festering wounds, abscesses and boils.
Kalanchoe - also known folk remedy in the treatment of many diseases. The juice of this plant are used to treat wounds, bedsores and venous ulcers, as well as gynecological diseases, stomatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and periodontitis.
Dracaena - a highly effective antiseptic. Destroy everything (everything!) Average microorganisms in the air of our home, dracaena promotes rapid healing of wounds and abrasions, helps to avoid complications from intestinal diseases and resist colds infections. Surprisingly, this plant is able to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, save (and correct) posture and keep your teeth healthy
Begonia white-spotted and white oleanders are beneficial to the upper respiratory tract and help in the treatment of bronchial and pulmonary diseases.
All the essential oil houseplants improves overall health and increase resistance to infection. The well-known geranium (also from this category) has beneficial effects on the nervous system, having a calming effect and lowers blood pressure.
Indoor lemon makes the air in the room is almost sterile, allocating to it more than eighty medicinal substances.
Rosemary officinalis highlights volatile, which contribute to the rapid recovery from bronchitis and asthma.
Laurel help with intestinal cramps and treatment of diseases of the biliary tract.
Mint has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and also improves appetite and digestion.
List of plant-doctor goes on and on. But this is only enough to ensure that the healing abilities of the home colors and their beneficial effect on humans. And in addition to the already mentioned beneficial properties can be called and other equally "useful qualities".
Other useful features
Indoor plants humidify the dry air of city apartments and offices, and thus create a favorable microclimate and "ennoble" the air. They help to overcome fatigue and increase efficiency. They improve mood and just make people feel happy. Green oasis of officialdom denies any room and makes a home and cozy. So the use of indoor plants - a basic truth.
The main thing is to choose the "right" of the plant. And you will surely be able to do it. Are you sure you will be able to choose the most useful houseplant (and possibly more than one). That which is necessary for you. Which will save from the polluted air of the modern city, or to help preserve the health of, or will be your lucky charm ..