Caring for houseplants - the theme of the infinite, because for each of the species has its own recommendations for irrigation, cultivation, propagation, and so on. But there are general rules, knowing that you can always keep in good condition a small conservatory room type. And then you will be able to make sure that the plant you always pleased blossoming buds and gorgeous greenery. By the way, in addition to external charms, they help to create a special atmosphere in the room, give the room a cozy and have disinfectant properties of air, such as geranium, Chlorophytum, aloe, prickly pear cactus, and many others. So what is required for quality care for them?
For the normal development of green pets need conditions that are close to their habitat in nature. In this article, we will focus on how to care for the plants, as well as their need for moisture, light, air temperature and humidity. It should be noted that they are very different depending on what kind of flower settled on your windowsill. While some green livestock moody, and you have to constantly take care of them, while others are so unpretentious, that they are sometimes easy to forget.
On all four sides
Rules of care of plants consist of many points, but you should start with where you settle your green guest or guests. By placing pots with flowers growing in them in an apartment or house can not be based solely on the requirements of the interior. Of course, this is just a wonderful decoration, but in fact it is alive and therefore worthy to settle there, where he would be comfortable. It should first of all take into account that light-loving species, which include most of the plants, experts recommend to grow on the windows oriented to the south, southeast or southwest, or in the immediate vicinity. Unfortunately, the north side is suitable only for the shade-tolerant species, which have just decorative foliage. They usually do not bloom.
At the back of the room - on tables, wardrobes and tables - can be arranged such undemanding plants like ivy, begonias, spiderwort, monstera, fern, dieffenbachia, peperomiya, asplenium, Alokaziya, Fitton Epipremnum, Ficus elastica, arrowroot, and so on. If they will not have enough light, they will do it, "they say." Young shoots will stretch, losing saturated color and new leaves will be smaller than the old ones. In case of insufficient insolation often stops the growth of plants. Therefore, if you have recently pot feast for the eyes suddenly began to change before our eyes, think, and is not bound by any of its current unattractive appearance of transfer from one place to another, less lighting.
Many home flowers, especially placed in the depths of space, most suffer from lack of light in the shorter days of autumn-winter period. Does your pets like to understand is not so difficult - just watch them. The leaves have changed color, turn yellow, the plant looks weak and sick, but traces of rot or pests you do not notice? Well, it is likely that it is not suitable content in the present location of the room. Those who want to know how to properly care for your plants, it is important to understand that in such circumstances, and then only temporarily, there can be only the strong views of adults with well-developed root system. They have a lack of photosynthesis will be offset by the consumption of previously accumulated organic matter.
In the winter all the plants in any case it is better to move to the window, and as close as possible, or use artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps because they give the spectrum of radiation close to the spectrum of daylight. If you decide to make the backlight to its green pets, you know that in cloudy weather it will have to include twelve to fourteen hours, and bright sunny days - only in the morning and evening, to extend the duration of the light period. Such care for houseplants will give them optimal comfort. Additional light source is recommended to have a distance of not less than fifteen centimeters from crown of flowers. If you do not adhere to these guidelines and to hang the lamp above them, you can call the plant burn.
If the colors are many, and one window sill ...
As for the window sill, where so comfortable for most colors, it must be as wide as possible. The fact that the plants do not have to touch the glass sheet. In the summer, it is fraught with burns, and in the winter - hypothermia. And interfere with each other flowers, too, must not be, especially since there are species close proximity with which the rest of your green pets not like it. For example, geranium better settle separately - it is not like other plants.
And what do you do when the majority of your colors like light? It is not possible to place them all on the sunny side? Out come up with more experienced hostess home greenhouses. It consists in the fact that the set on the windowsill a special bookcase with shelves. Particularly impressive look on her small pots with violets. You get such a tiny blooming flower bed. Besides, does not necessarily put the pots on the window sill itself. They can be placed in special decorative supports on either side of the window so that the plants in the fall sunlight. At present, in any case-shop you can choose a convenient thing, made of wicker, forged metal rods or other material.
Many housewives are concerned about whether or not to turn the plant into the light. Experts insist on this need. But in this case, there are important nuances: if you want to admire the beautiful flowers, never move the pots and pots at a time when the plants budding occurs. For example, take the unpretentious cactus. Did you know that nature has endowed it with one interesting feature - clear already formed buds, changes dramatically if the position of the plant relative to the light source.
Yes, imagine that this long-awaited event, as the appearance of a delicate flower surrounded by spines, can not take place just because you moved to another cactus, best, in your opinion, place. By the way, it's just a defense mechanism, not capricious behavior whimsical pet. In the desert, as you know, very difficult conditions of survival. Therefore, torn or storm knocked down a camel hoof plant is forced to get rid of buds and to direct all efforts to take root again. Yes, when it comes to life and death, there can be no beauty. As you can see, the world's flora also have laws similar to those of men.
Fertile soil - a vital necessity
Indoor plants necessarily need to be transplanted. It is desirable to do in the spring once every two years. This need is not so much due to the fact that the plant grows, as the deterioration of the soil itself. Of course, the nutrients can be replenished using fertilizer, but eventually the soil changes its structure becomes dense, making it difficult to access the roots of oxygen. In addition, the soil changes its acidity, clogged with salts that accumulate in it when watering.
Tips on caring for plants contain one important detail: each kind of flower needs its own home ground, which comprises various components. Turf and ground sheet, moss, peat, sand, bark, mixed in different proportions - it's the perfect ingredients of vegetable substrate. We have long been accustomed, in flower shops sell ready-ground, and buy it for their green pets, believing that it is the best choice. Indeed, the house plants are not demanding to soil structure, feel good at change, for them are not usually seen signs of rejection of the soil, exclusion and so on. But it so happens not always. So you need to figure out how to find it on sale, that is necessary for your plants.
It should be noted that fertilizer and plant soil - are goods that are not subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, the contents of the package may not correspond to the claimed composition on the label. Moreover, many firms simply packed a purchased commodity. It should also be able to distinguish between the substrate and the ground. Last necessarily contains sand, which is necessary for a comfortable growth of roots. A substrate is used to enrich the soil open. All the soils, which are sold in stores are divided into two groups:
Primers based on vermicompost. They are obtained by processing organic waste - sawdust, straw - worms.
Peat soils. They are made of a light and fluffy and fibrous peat moor. Peat is not capable of retaining moisture, and lowland, which has a fibrous structure, favorable to the root system.
Returning to the subject of transplanting houseplants, it must be emphasized that it is very needed by those who bought in the store. Easy, but cramped pot made of plastic, which is difficult to accommodate the root system, and a handful of substrate needed to ensure minimum weight during transport. They are not suitable for a normal existence and growth of plants. Also in the apartment colors fall into the very different conditions. And sometimes a hard time adapting to the new environment. That is why care for them in the first months should be especially careful and thorough.
Little secrets of experienced gardeners
Many houseplants can be turned into a neat and compact bushes, giving them a nice shape. The main thing - to know the basic principles of proper formation of the crown. This requires strong and promptly cut off the main runners, the so called "leaders". The most painless way is to periodically topping tops because circumcision is long and large branches weaken the entire plant as a whole. Especially if it happens in the winter, which is a special time for domestic green pets.
The life cycle of any houseplant requires a period of rest. In this they are no different from their wild counterparts, growing in natural environment. For some there comes a period of rest in the cold, but for others - in a drought. At this time the flower buds. Before the onset of frost in the fall gibikusy and azaleas in the recommended time from two weeks to a month to put on the balcony. But representatives of bromeliads - ehmeya, Guzman - tsvetopochek required to form a hot environment, when the temperature should not fall below twenty-five degrees Celsius, and preferably substantially exceed this figure.
If you arrange the house permutation should not change position relative to the cardinal in citrus ornamental plants, because their leaves are not suitable for turning sunlight. In order to control this, it is possible to land on the north side of the pot stick a stick as a guide.
Home tangerine or lemon you need to know how to pinch back, leaving the three to four leaf on young shoots. The sapling then obtained a compact and leaves him - strong and large. With the right light, moderate watering and temperature control alone with ten to fourteen degrees Celsius you plant will bloom the following year. A grown from bone lemon delight the first buds begin to bear fruit, and only fifteen years later.
As you can see, the proper content - this is not all. It turns out that not enough just to put Babe or buy a plant in the store, and give him comfort. In some cases, you'll have to stock up on a lot of patience to finally see it awaited the buds or fruit. There are a few secrets of how to provide proper care for houseplants. Here are the ones that you may find useful:
arrowroot and asplenium like moderate lighting and high humidity;
Ficus benjamina is very popular due to its unpretentious and decorative, it can be kept anywhere in the apartment;
anthurium needs watering, he shadow-but does not like waterlogged, so the pot with them should be a layer of drainage;
cypress - sun-loving plant that needs moderate watering and a long cold rest period;
Epipremnum shade tolerant do not like abundant watering;
azalea - a mountain plant, so the root system of her surface, it needs an acidic soil, high humidity, and abundant watering.
Of course, quickly grasp all the subtleties and nuances impossible. Growing domestic greenhouse or even a couple of orchids is now fashionable - troublesome, requires attention and patience. Even unpretentious cactus delight you with its wonderfully tender buds only if its contents were correct. But throughout we learn gradually, and the art of breeding of indoor plants - is no exception. The main thing - patience, desire and ability to use practical advice.
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