- Nose to the ground
- Cap Cap
- Unite and water
- Experts advise
Potted plants need good care - they must be properly watered, feed, remove dead leaves. And if necessary to rearrange the pot with the plant close to light or vice versa - farther from it. The long absence of the home is bad for all colors, without exception - without timely watering, they can die. But this can be avoided thanks to devices that auto watering.
Use these devices can be both summer and winter. The main thing to set them up and need to ensure that moisture does not impinge on the leaves and stem of the plant. Auto irrigation system may be different. By the principle of action of these units are divided into two groups:
- Devices installed inside the pot
Advantage of such devices is that they deliver water directly to the roots. But using them, you should be very careful: plunging to the ground cones, you can damage the roots;
- Devices producing drip irrigation (watering the soil on top)
The meaning of these devices is that due to the special dropper or thin tubes, cut into the hose, the drops fall. These devices consume nutrients and moisture is less effective, but they allow you to adjust the water supply. In contrast, support for the tubes of the cones near the roots do not touch, so you can put in a pot a few droppers.
Nose to the ground
The design of units with ceramic cone is very simple. Includes cone, container and hose that allows you to connect it to a source of water. These devices produce a car company «Weninger» and «Brigadier Werkzeuge».
For example, constant watering houseplants humidifier carries Swiss soil «Archimedes» manufactured by «Brigadier Werkzeuge». This simple device can correctly auto supply pot plant moisture within 5-7 days. His device is very simple: in a ceramic cone that is dipped into the ground glass bulb is inserted into the water. Water trickles drop by drop through the porous capillary walls. The cone can be lowered to different depths.
Cones with hoses can independently supply the plant with water for a long time. Here, the water goes through the hose from any capacity. For example, buckets or jars. Such devices are manufactured by «Weninger». Depending on the plant species, size, and preferences, these devices are passed from 0, 25 to 1 liter of water per week.
The rate of automatic irrigation affects the location of the water tanks with respect to the pot with the plant: the higher it is, the watering is faster. Operation of these devices is simple cars. To do this once a year rinse hose, with the brush to clean the cone inside and the outside - a scraper for ceramic pots or sandpaper.
Cap Cap
Drop watering houseplants based on the principle of garden units. Moisture to the roots is served in small doses. Moreover, such devices are capable of multiple watering plants. For example, auto instrument company «Gardena» can supply water simultaneously to thirty six colors. The unit consists of a pump with filter, delivery hose, a transformer with a timer to supply the three distributors with twelve taps, capillary tubing, end caps and stakes-holders.
The electronic timer is operable to provide daily automatic watering for one minute. If desired, one can draw the pot several hoses. The kit includes a closed plastic container, which is immersed pump. Once the water in the tank runs out, the pump is automatically switched off, and when the water is poured - continues to operate. Droppers, which are not needed at the moment, closed with plugs.
Slightly differently arranged auto «AquaPod» company «Hozelock». It micro drip setting is a barrel of thin tubes, and at their ends are arranged dropper. Capacity connected to the tap hose. In this case you should be aware that some plants with delicate root system, not like cold water, especially in winter.
Unite and water
It is very convenient to combine the drip pot plants with the root. Today, various companies produce cars system, combining the principles of both the above groups of devices. Such devices company produces «Weninger». We can say that this is the most advanced of all the devices, since they allow the plant to choose their mode of irrigation.
The system works as follows. The vases filled with water set ceramic cones. In the cap of this cone is driving diaphragm for clamping the hose which is placed above the cap. Through the main drainage drip hoses, collected in a single system, receive water from the tank. Sami cones with water - it is a certain kind of sensors that alert system on the level of humidity of the substrate in the pot.
Once the land has dried up, the plant begins to pull moisture sensor ceramic. Then there is some discharge of air, the membrane moves down under atmospheric pressure and to compress the hose ceases. When the earth shall be filled with moisture, water is again drawn into the cone, raised membrane and squash the hoses. Each sensor can be attached to multiple droppers, spread them evenly over the area of the pot.
There are other ways of automatic watering houseplants. For example, the hydrogel or granulated clay, pre-engorged with water, also can provide the plant with water. This method of irrigation is based on the fact that these materials are able to absorb a lot of moisture, gradually giving it the roots of plants.
For this clay lumps are placed on the bottom of the pot larger plants are then removed from the pot together with its clod of earth, is mounted on a granular clay and earth com on all sides is filled with a thick layer of the same material. Then close the top of the pot with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from evaporating.
Experts advise
And in the winter and summer watering houseplants recommended in a circle - so that the entire root system is engorged with water. As for the people, for plants of great importance is the quality of water, which they poured. This water must have a minimum amount of harmful impurities and neutral acid-base balance. Tap water is not always satisfy these requirements - watering her house plants can not. Therefore, before the water is settled and ideally also filtered.
Hard water, which contains a lot of salt, potassium and magnesium, heated or softened: adding oxalic acid or citric acid, it is put into peat. Thereafter, it is recommended to stand in an open transparent container. This is necessary to ensure that the volatile chlorine compounds formed in the chemical reaction, evaporated. In winter the water may freeze and "water" plants melt moisture - this method is much more useful and safe for indoor plants.
With a large iron content of the water acquires a specific taste of rust. This means that to use it for irrigation is impossible. Elevated levels of iron is dangerous for plants. In this case it is better to give preference to distilled water, adding it necessary number of liquid fertilizers.
In winter, it is not recommended to water the plants with cold water. The temperature should be room, and for some species (eg orchids) - lukewarm. Watering with cold water can cause root rot, abscission of buds and even death of the flower.
Theoretically, each plant needs an individual mode of irrigation, both in summer and winter. There vodohleby plant, such as asparagus, nertera, gidrangeya, Selaginella, Nephrolepis (fern), kareks, dzhunkus. They need plenty of water almost every day. Other plants require only a scant irrigation once a week. It's almost all succulents (in their stems, leaves and roots of a lot of their juices). These same plants are Scheffler, pahira, Nolin, philodendron.
In the summer, during the hot weather and strong growth, almost all indoor plants need more moisture than in the winter and fall. This is especially true colors, which have a pronounced period of rest (in other words - in the fall winter hibernation). During this period, some of these plants does not require watering. It is worth noting that another winter watering can replace loosening the soil.
Succulents - lovers of drought conditions - in winter require complete drying of the soil. However, do not completely forget about the plant. Periodically check the humidity of the soil, if necessary, its loose, so that the roots receive enough oxygen. If the plant has long abandoned the owners - it shows a paste: shrunken, dangling or leafless leaves.
These trouble talking about reducing the turgor - the internal pressure in the cell, causing the tension of its shell. Tension after watering is gradually recovering, but the new leaves will not grow as fast. And if Crassula, ficus and other marantaceae able to put on new leaves in the summer for 1-2 months, the Calathea foliage or dracaena not fully restore - new shoots will grow on top, and the trunk will remain naked.
And finally, I want to give a piece of advice: do not bring their flowers to the disease state. And summer and winter, they need regular, and most importantly - the right care. If you are not sure that they can devote sufficient time houseplants, better yet give up the idea to create a home area wildlife. After all stunted and withered flowers no one has gave a good mood.