At first glance, ficus microcarpa fairly common and not much different from his cousin - Ficus benjamina. In stores this type of plant is sold in the form of small-sized trees. But this species of figs have one distinctive feature: it has a very fast grow roots, which makes it ideal for beginners bonsai. And the care of this plant is not very complicated.
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Basic information
If you met ficus microcarpa in its historic homeland, you would not know it in the 15-meter giant with huge aerial roots. Under natural conditions, it looks very impressive and has a rapid growth. His endurance is simply amazing: Ficus is able to grow on the rocks, gutters and sidewalk cracks. In Singapore, it can be seen even on the roofs of tall buildings.
Leaves of ficus microcarpa can be varied, but most are small rounded leaves without elongated axis as that of Ficus benjamina. The bark of this plant is quite thin and smooth, requires careful treatment, otherwise easily injured.
This type of ficus flowers forming Seacon - inflorescence, more like fruit than flowers. Later, they really are reborn in a completely useless and tasteless fruit. However, to observe the process at home very rarely, whatever the perfect plant care.
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How to care for ficus microcarpa
What care is needed ficus microcarpa why he fall leaves as it propagated and whether he needed a transplant immediately after purchase - all these questions invariably come with the purchase of ficus. We will try to answer the most popular ones.
From the first days of being in the house of ficus leaves can fall in, that always causes panic among the owners. Should not be afraid, just so that the plant responds to myocardial stress due to a dramatically changed living conditions. Make it a rule to regularly spray the plants with an atomizer, and try to keep the water fell mostly on the leaves, not the bark. And very soon the problem will disappear by itself.
Watering Ficus need only after a complete drying of the soil. Do not confuse the total dry drought - Ficus would not approve. Water for irrigation is required to defend about 12 hours, as a result, its temperature should be room temperature. In winter, reduce watering somewhat, in the spring and summer, during the period of active growth, - increase and begin to make fertilizer.
Watering is better in several steps, in small portions. The soil should be completely soggy, and 20 minutes after watering, if pan still water, it must be sure to drain. Remember, if ficus leaves are falling, it means that the water is too cold for irrigation and it can be a problem with the root system. You may need to check it and transplanting plants.
For the dressing use ready-made fertilizers for bonsai. You can choose as a fertilizer for root feeding and sheet, but be sure to stick to the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.
Ficus microcarpa loves thorough care, so try to avoid sudden temperature changes. Any deviation from the usual conditions is fraught with the fact that the leaves can fall in. The ambient temperature should be between 17 to 23 degrees. Too high a temperature can dry the air, and the plant is at risk of infection spider mites.
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Transplant ficus microcarpa
It is hard to proper care of the plant without a transplant. If it is a young plant, the change must necessarily take place every year in the spring, in pots larger diameter. In the future, given that the flower is almost not growing, transplanting only need to replace the soil. If the you are using an old pot, be sure to wash it thoroughly, and if you decide to replace it - choose the diameter of a couple of centimeters longer than the previous one.
When transplanting the roots need a good wash with warm water and a little shortened. In a pot they are placed horizontally. Sometimes, to the plant quickly took root after transplanting, pruning additionally produce (cut leaves and twigs). This will help prevent excessive moisture loss. Approximately a month after the transplant was performed, the plant should be fertilized. Fertilization will promote the active growing season.
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Methods of propagation
Those wishing to propagate a flower at home waiting for bad news. Ficus propagated by seeds, which we found quite difficult, as, indeed, grow and have a full plant. The easiest way to get from the ficus Babe - a reproduction of cuttings, but did not get such a strong root system, as in the instance brought from the store, no matter how good care you provide any plant. To get a strong outer root system, which, in fact, the plant is known, it is necessary to follow a special cultivation technology that at home difficult.
However, if you are not afraid to experiment, you can try to cope on their own, but the cultivation of this root system will take at least five years. You can multiply by a ficus root of the parent plant. Root stalk need planted in the ground so that the surface remains at about 2, 5 cm from the top and polyethylene wrap for creating greenhouse conditions. Watering cutting need not often enough 1 times a week.
Focus of condensate on polyethylene, as soon as he was gone, can be watered. Sometimes cutting will need to be aired, and it can easily rot. Wait, when new leaves have long, from two to four months. Polyethylene is removed after there was at least 4 leaves and new roots are visible. Keep the young plant must be under ambient light and watered as usual ficus.
In order to obtain the famous roots need more than one transplant, during which the need to constantly "denude" the root system is 2 cm. At the same time pinch out the tops of the shoots should be left up to 3 interstitials. Most likely, the specimen thus produced will still not be the same as that of the store, but worth a try!
Grades fragrant dracaena
Proper care dratsenu
The difficulty in growing
One of the most popular varieties of dracaena Dracaena fragrans is, or as it is called, dragon tree. This species is the most common and popular, it adapts easily to the home. Dracaena fragrant varieties are many and most of them throws a kind of flower brush with nice smelling fragrance. Flowers are painted in shades of cream. While indoors, in homes and apartments dracaena blooms very rarely.
Typically, sprouts are branched directly from the main stem, whose height is from 35 cm to 2 m. The leaves have a pleasant green color, although there are subtypes (massangena fragrans), which are on the leaves of the strip in the middle of the yellow foliage. Looks spectacular plants of different width and height, are located nearby. This game of contrasts decorate any room: an office or apartment.
Dracaena fragrans known for its beneficial properties. The resin plant is called "dragon's blood". Dracaena fibers used to manufacture the brush. This kind of green filter which can absorb and neutralize their leaves some poisons, for example, xylene, benzene and formaldehyde.
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Grades fragrant dracaena
As mentioned above, Dracaena fragrans - mnogosortovoe plant. Different color of foliage, its size, color bands. It may be a plant with leaves monochromatic color or variegated species in which there is a border around the edges. There are forms which height no more than twenty centimeters. For example, dracaena fragrans surprise. However, the most popular varieties - compacta, as well massangeana.
Massangeana - large plant palmoobraznoy form, grows up to six meters. The difference between subspecies - variegated foliage color, the center of which is a wide strip is surrounded by a narrow strip of the same color. But compacta different monochromatic leaves bright green color.
Victoriae - the kind that has the yellow leaves of elongated shape. Lindenii - one of the most popular varieties of different cream bars, usually at the edges of the leaves. Dark green leaves of the species rothiana. Here on the edges - white stripes. The most rare species is considered to lemon lemon lime and dracaena kanzi, who are known for their colorful striped leaves.
Florists also give preference to the most dracaena fragrans, because this subspecies looks great in the compositions with no less popular in other cultures. Yes, and as a solo plant, it looks great. It's a great way to greening apartment, cottage or office.
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Proper care dratsenu
The content of Dracaena, like any other plants, the correct means comprehensive care, which includes some requirements for lighting, watering and temperature. In addition, it is important to know how to ensure good plant propagation and transplanting. But first things first.
First of all let's talk about lighting. Dracaena needs a good, intense light, but direct light in this case is contraindicated. Simple conventional varieties require less light than bright and colorful, painted views. Dracaena semi-shade, because providing the plant pritenenie, you create it the most comfortable conditions.
Dracaena fragrans demanding temperature. In winter, it should not be below 15 degrees. If the plant grows in dry, it may make dracaena and mode of 12 degrees, but we must try to avoid it. In summer, the temperature should not exceed 24 degrees, otherwise the plant dries.
Competent care implies regular watering. In the period of active growth should be abundantly watered dratsenu. Usually, it's the middle of spring, late autumn. In winter, when the plant is dormant, it is necessary to reduce watering. However, do not allow the drying of the root system or a strong waterlogged soil. This can lead to a rapid decay of the stem, root destruction, and thereafter reproduction is weak. Pour dratsenu twice a week in summer, in winter it is necessary to reduce watering to once a week.
Fragrant Dracaena needs air humidity. Otherwise, the edges and ends of the leaf will shrink instantaneously. It is important to regularly spray the plant, about three times a week. If the tips are completely dry and you see what care they will not help, it is best to trim them carefully.
Use water spray, pre-settle, at room temperature. Twice a month, using a soft sponge soaked in water, wipe the leaves of dracaena. Instead, use a sponge cloth to remove the dust from the leaves precipitated.
If for any reason you can not often spray the plant, in this case, it must be placed on a special tray filled with moist pebbles. Instead of using peat pebbles or expanded clay. Do not forget to constantly fill the pan with water. With this simple technique, you can create the optimum conditions for dracaena and comprehensive care.
How to feed fragrant dratsenu? To use liquid fertilizer top dressing intended for indoor plants. They need to be diluted according to instructions. In no case do not need to avoid excess fertilizer, so the plant could be seriously harmed and you will achieve the opposite effect. Prepare a good soil for plants. It should be clay or alternatively, the peat.
Now for the transplant. Repot the plant should be already formed twice a year. If the deal with the large plant is very difficult, then change only the upper soil layer. Breeding also has some special features. The most appropriate time for this - spring and summer. Propagate Dracaena by grafting, rooting in water or sand. Typically, one stem has a length of 10 cm. But there are varieties that multiply air layering or seeds.
If you want to have the tops of the plants had a few, select a well-rooted sapling. Its height should not be less than 30 cm. Cut off the top of it, using a sharp knife. It is important that the leaves remain on the barrel. After a while, let the side shoots dracaena, and can now be rooting apex.
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The difficulty in growing
Dracaena fragrans - a plant that is very sensitive to external sources. It does not tolerate drafts and low humidity. As soon as the leaves were bright spots, move the pot with a plant in a shade less bright places. If you notice that the leaves start to wither, it indicates that the care of plants is wrong.
Most likely, the thing is excessive watering or in its acute shortage. In addition, the leaves may wither and because of frostbite. Also you can watch below mottled bright spots. This is an indication that you use poor-quality irrigation water. It is recommended before watering filter or boil it.
Dry air in the room may trigger dry leaf edges and ends with turn brown. The solution - the normalization of care, providing proper humidity. The second reason - drafts, lack of fluid. If the leaves become curled and soft, it is necessary to raise the temperature. In the case of dratsenu gentle subspecies such manifestations could be felt, if you leave the plant for the whole night at the window in the cold season.
Another problem that often hampers the growth of Dracaena, - a yellowing of the leaves. If the plant is old, the leaves begin to turn yellow slowly - it is impossible to avoid. So dratsenu peculiar green color of leaves only at the top of the stem. This is due to the fact that the plant is short-lived - after two years of strong growth Dracaena yellow and then dies.
Anyone caring for plant pests can spoil. In this case, the spider mite, Jose scale and mealybug, nematode and sooty fungus. How to deal with the disease? First of all, once you have found the aggressor, immediately start to take serious measures. You can not expect that the plant itself will cease to hurt!
Use chemicals only when weaker, home remedies have not given benefits. It is necessary to choose the least toxic, soft drugs. If you have pets in the house, do not forget about them - if they try to bite the leaf of a plant, they can be poisoned or severely ill. Try to prevent this. It is not necessary to handle a plant in the room - this is best carried out on the balcony or in the bathroom. Do not forget to follow the instructions!
But the main rule - is a constant, stable, caring for plants, observation of him. As soon as you see signs of distress, to resort to drastic measures. This is the main rule for the care of any plant. Ensure competent care, and Dracaena fragrans will delight you with its striking views of more than one month!