Curd cake with bananas, strawberries and raspberries
How to make easy, fast and also very tasty dessert? Very simple: you make cottage cheese and fruit cake - it is a major chord of any tea. Cook this dessert will not only experienced, but also aspiring housewife, and thus it does not need to work a few hours to create a culinary masterpiece. A taste of the cake, through a combination of fruit and cottage cheese is a rich and original. And what is also important, at least in the dessert will be harmful for the figure of the test and the maximum lightness. It remains only to choose the right recipe for a cake that can please the sweet tooth home, girlfriends or colleagues. Well, this will not have problems, because the mass of options: you can prepare a dessert of peaches, oranges, kiwi, add the strawberries, raspberries and other berries.
This article provides just a variety of options: any cake recipe is unique and interesting. Just prepare each of the four cheese desserts offered by us, choose the one that appeals the most and often raduyte their home, friends or colleagues. Such culinary experiments will not have time to get bored or become boring, because they are so delicious! By the way, not the fact that you choose only one cake recipe - most likely, your cookbook filled up by several.
Fruit and cheese cake without baking
This is an excellent dessert option for kids, who will love the little sweet tooth with its bright taste. And their moms this cheese cake with fruit and biscuits for more than convenient: you need to cook it without baking, so handle even young and novice mistress. Plus, it can be done at any time of year, because the recipe includes kiwi and orange, that is a fruit that is not a problem to buy even in December or February.
shortbread - 200-250 grams
curd - 1 kg
butter - 150 grams
sugar - 100-150 grams (just over half a glass)
orange, kiwi, lemon - on 1 piece (the last - for the juice)
gelatin - 20 grams
candied fruits - for filling cake and decorations
Cooking method:
The first thing you need to turn to 200-250 grams of biscuits into fine crumbs. To save time, you can just put it in a bag and several times to walk on it with a rolling pin. The resulting chips should be mixed with 150 grams of butter, softened beforehand (even stand up for half an hour at room temperature). Cake baking is done without, but it will need to form. The bottom of the utensils you need to lay the usual oiled paper, and then put on her uniform homogeneous mass of crumbs and butter. So you build the cake, which will be necessary to leave in the refrigerator for about an hour and a half.
Meanwhile, of the need to squeeze the juice of lemon, a little heat it and dissolve it in 20 grams of gelatin. Half a cup of sugar is necessary to pour into cottage cheese and mix well. Then you need to add to the resulting juice with cottage cheese and half of candied fruit gelatin. Then everything again thoroughly. This cottage cheese should be evenly put on the cake has cooled of cookie crumbs.
Dessert is almost ready - still adorn it. To do this, cut circles kiwi and oranges (the latter, incidentally, can be done simply slices) and put them on the top layer of the cake with the remaining half of candied fruits. Even more interesting is if you make using the fruits of some pattern - this recipe is also good because it gives you some room for imagination and creativity. When you need to put the cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. When that time passes, it will be possible to safely bring to the table - a little sweet tooth will be delighted.
Cottage cheese and fruit cake and pastries
This dessert is attracted by a combination of nutritional pastry and curd ease. And as a bonus - the brightness and saturation of apricots, nectarines, peaches with a slight taste of red wine. Yes, the recipe includes alcohol, so this dessert for adults only. But he will appreciate even those who are indifferent to sweets. And this cake looks beautiful, even spectacular - it can be proud to put on a festive table.
100 grams of good margarine (preferably with a fat content over 72%)
flour - 1 tablespoon
a pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
1 packet of baking powder
for curd layer:
sour cream - 200 grams
sugar - 140 grams
cottage cheese - 500 grams
Starch - 2 tablespoons
vanilla sugar - 1 package
1 egg white
1 egg
for fruit layer:
200 milliliters of red wine
1 sachet of gelatine
sugar - 100 grams
half cinnamon sticks
5 cloves
apricots, nectarines - 3 pieces
peaches - 2 pieces
Cooking method:
Naturally, we must first make a cake from pastry. You only need to chop the margarine and mix it thoroughly with the other ingredients: flour, salt, baking powder and egg yolk. If the dough get too soft, it can be put in the freezer (literally 5 minutes). After that you need to do in the form of cake, bake it in the oven and cool. In fact, it is necessary in a conventional manner to prepare shortbread dough - nothing new and complex.
With curd layer will not have to mess around for a long time. The recipe for this cake generally very easy - it is designed for busy hostess. It is only necessary to mix cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, add vanilla sugar and starch, enter 1 protein and 1 egg. Then all you need is a good beat with a mixer, and the basis for the next layer of the cake is ready. The resulting mass is needed in regular intervals to put on the cake has cooled from the dough and then send it in the oven. This time is necessary to bake for 40 minutes, until the top layer was not browns; the temperature should be 170 degrees. Future cake rack to cool.
Preparation of fruit layer of the most difficult, but the most interesting and creative, and even occupation. First you need to take a bag of gelatine, pour it 50 milliliters of wine and leave for 40 minutes, so it swollen. The remaining 150 ml of alcohol need to put on a slow fire, add to them with cloves cinnamon and sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Then strain the resulting syrup, stirring, pour in the gelatin.
It's time to move on to the fruit: it is necessary to cut the peaches, nectarines, apricots and put them on ostuzhennoy cheese layer. And here comes the time of creativity: you can do some drawing, playing with yellow, red, orange colors. You can cut the fruit into slices or strips. You can cover the top of the cake is completely or put any figures. The recipe can be extended to include also strawberries or some other fruit - enough options. The main thing is that after the decorations you do not forget to fill in fruit syrup with gelatin and put the cake for a few hours in the refrigerator.
Curd cake with peaches, cherries and puff pastry
This recipe has a twist: to save time and effort is taken ready-made puff pastry. Get it no problem: any housewife can buy it in the supermarket, and leave in the refrigerator until then, until she decides to cook a delicious dessert. And the fact that this cake is delicious is, no doubt, because the original combination of peach and cherry has never failed.
Bank of canned peaches (about 250 grams of fruit)
puff pastry (ready-made) - 250 grams
frozen cherries - 500 grams
9% fat cottage cheese - 500 grams
sugar - 250 grams
35% fat cream - 500 ml
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter
4 egg yolks
45 grams of granular gelatin
Cooking method:
The first step is to divide the gelatin in 2 parts - 15 and 30 grams - and soak each one in a separate container (attention, the water should be cold and always boiled). Then you can move on to the test: roll it thin, cut out a circle for the cake (with a diameter of about 30 centimeters), pierce it with a fork across the surface. When to lubricate the pan with oil, put on a cake base, send it in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees. Korzh need to bake for 10 minutes until the color is golden.
The recipe for this cake implies classical cooking custard. It is only necessary to mix the milk and sugar with the yolks and boil all water bath until the next until the cream thickens. Then you need to turn off the heat, add 30 grams of the finished gelatin and stir until smooth. The resulting cream should be cool, as long as it cools, beat cream cheese and grind. Then you need to dry the peaches and cut them into small pieces. Then you need to take the cooled custard, add the cream, cottage cheese and canned fruit and everything thoroughly.
In a saucepan to put frozen cherries, fill it 250 grams of sugar, fill it with water (but that barely cover) and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, add to it the remaining 15 grams of gelatin swollen, all mix well and send cool. Then you can begin to assemble the cake (by the way, for the convenience of the best to do it in a releasable form).
So, the bottom, the laid cling film, it is necessary to put the cake of puff pastry and make the second "floor" of cottage cheese and butter cream. It is essential that the last layer froze, so the future again have to send a cake in the refrigerator - this time for an hour and a half. Then, it must be filled with a mixture of cherry and again put the cool in 60-100 minutes. Yes, the cake is preparing for a long time, but its original flavor will pay a hundredfold all the efforts in the kitchen.
Curd cake with bananas, strawberries and raspberries
We just could not get around their attention recipe with bananas, strawberries and raspberries, as they are so fond of children and women. And this cake is very easy to get, and this is just what is needed to save the figure. And, of course, this is the perfect dessert for a hot summer: hand-made, not bought in the store, it does not go bad even for a couple of days of storage in the refrigerator.
300 grams of fresh cheese
any fat sour cream - 250 ml
sugar (powdered) - 8 tablespoons
1 peeled banana
200 grams of raspberries and strawberries
25 grams of gelatin
sugar - 2 tablespoons
melted butter - 50 ml
Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons 5-3
For decoration:
mint leaves
strawberries and raspberries - 5 pieces
Cooking method:
The first thing you need to skip the cottage cheese through a sieve to make it smoother and softer. Then you need to add to it half (4 tablespoons) of sugar and mix thoroughly. Then in a separate pan must be as good second part of the mix of sugar and sour cream. Next, you need to prepare a form in which you will collect the cake. The easiest way to choose a deep and split, because the dessert is prepared without baking and it will then have to somehow get.
Next you need to wash the berries, banana and strawberries cut into cubes and put them together with a raspberry on the bottom of the form. But it is necessary to grind some grapes in a blender and add them in the form of juice cream. Then you need to take gelatin: slowly pour it into 100 milliliters of water poured into a saucer, stirring as long as it is not completely dissolved.
After that you need to connect the cottage cheese and sour cream, of course, they mix well. And then you need to pour the resulting mass gelatin, and slowly, a thin stream. And, again, all carefully stir until smooth. Next, the resulting cottage cheese and sour cream mass necessary to lay evenly over the entire form, on top of a banana, raspberries and strawberries. Future cake to be sent to the freezer for 30 minutes, and after that - for a half hour to one of ordinary cameras your refrigerator.
While dessert freezes, it is necessary to make the chocolate glaze to cover it. This requires a good mix butter, cocoa powder and sugar. After that, you need only wait until the cottage cheese and sour cream mass hardens completely, dial into a syringe icing and decorate it the top of the cake, do not forget to lay out the whole strawberries and raspberries and mint. If the dessert will be served a la carte, make sure that each piece of its present and mint, and a whole strawberry or Malinka.
Select your cottage cheese and fruit cake - all of the above can become a real decoration of the table. Better yet, take note of all prescription 4, because one dessert can be prepared on the day of birth of the child, the other - at the bachelorette party, the third - for the usual tea family, the fourth - a gift to mum. But you can not get attached to specific dates and holidays, and just do a delicious, light and beautiful cakes for the joy of family and friends.