how to make jelly

  • Three-layered jelly "Gourmand"
  • Blancmange for true gourmets
  • Milk jelly with bananas and oranges

Sweet uplifting - this fact has long since been proved by scientists. That's why during the autumn blues, the dam on the job or, for example, the turmoil on the love front hand and reaches for something crazy calorie chocolate. You can eat cakes, pies, candies buy - in general, does gluttonize. But there is one dish that raises the mood and at the same time has a figure. Can you guess what it is? Well, of course, the jelly! This light and delicate dessert - a real find for the sweet tooth. Therefore we offer to learn how to cook it, believe me, it is quite simple. Especially in anticipation of the holidays listed below recipes you exactly come in handy, because surely your house will be full of guests. Surprise your loved ones with his culinary skills and a favorite Treat delicious dessert.

Three-layered jelly "Gourmand"

If you do not know how to make jellies, simply read this recipe. All actions are very simple and straightforward, so even if you are not a great cook, and do not cook too often, it is still easy to learn this dessert.


  • one package of gelatin
  • water - half cup
  • 600 grams of sour cream
  • half cup sugar
  • 100 grams of any jam (recommended raspberry, strawberry and currant)
  • one teaspoon of cocoa
  • vanilla and citric acid - to your taste
  • 1/3 small spoonful of instant coffee
  • two eggs

Cooking method:

This dessert is composed of three different layers, which differ from each other in color. The dish turns out incredibly delicious and beautiful to look at, so you can be proud to put on a festive table or prepare the child for his birthday.

So, to start in a bowl pour half cup of boiled and cooled water and pour it in gelatin. After 60 minutes, preheat it to a quiet heat, stirring occasionally. When the product is fully dissolved, remove from heat and pour three cups, each densely covered with a lid or plate. This is to ensure that the gelatin is not stiffened, but remained in the liquid state.

The first stage - the preparation of the bottom layer of jelly. Mix half cup of sugar with sour cream (need 200 grams) when it is dissolved, add the cocoa powder and coffee, and then citric acid and vanillin. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients with a spoon and pour one cup of gelatin. Beat all until smooth and pour into the prepared for this capacity. If you want to make the dish look nice, use the special transparent kremanki. Some sources suggest lubricate wall ware small amount of vegetable oil, but we do not recommend this, because you can ruin the dish flavored sunflower. Put the form on the top shelf in the refrigerator, but in any case not in the freezer. Gel setting time - 40 minutes or half an hour.

By the way, turned out to mass without lumps, we recommend coffee dissolved in one or two spoons of warm water, so it will be much easier to achieve uniformity.

While the first layer freezes, get the second cooking. To do this, connect the 200 grams of sour cream, ½ cup sugar, two eggs, previously beaten by a halo. Pour a bit of citric acid and a pinch of vanilla, then add the gelatin from the second cup. After all thoroughly stir and pour into a coffee kremanku top of the first layer, which should be well frozen. Place the bowl in the refrigerator, but keep in mind that this time will be jelly to freeze for longer than the first time (approximately one and a half hours).

You left quite a bit. The third layer consists of the remaining cream, sugar and jam. As for the latter product, you only need fruit liquid, so will have to get rid of the berries. If the jam is too thick, dilute it with a little warm water - as a result you should get half a glass of sweet syrup. Citric acid and vanillin is added to the gel does not necessarily proceed at its own discretion. So combine all the above ingredients, enter them gelatin, stir well, pour into kremanku over the second layer of jelly and put to freeze.

Weight grab half an hour, but that's just the top, but inside everything is still too runny. So keep the dessert in the refrigerator at least two hours. If you are preparing a dessert for home use in the family, it is optional to use kremanki - you can cook the dish in a shallow salad bowl, and just before serving cut into portions. Jelly melts quickly at room temperature, so get it out of the refrigerator, do not delay the fun for later, and proceed to the meal. Bon Appetit!

Finally give one piece of advice. If you do not jam, the third layer of the cook of the same products as the first, but instead of coffee and cocoa, use a fresh beet juice (about two tablespoons). Massa will be a very colorful and bright.

 how to make jelly

Blancmange for true gourmets

Make the jelly can be a variety of ways, using cream or cream, milk or fruit syrups. If you did not have the time, be limited by several bags of finished dry mix - fill it with water, and when it is dissolved, spread over the ice-cream bowls and let cool. So you get a light dessert. Well, this is an extreme case. Better, of course, a little effort, but then enjoy the perfect taste vegan dishes. We offer to your court one more recipe for sweet dishes for true gourmets.


  • five tablespoons gelatin
  • sugar syrup - 750 ml
  • 500 milliliters of raspberry syrup
  • the same amount of orange syrup
  • half a liter of milk
  • vanilla - one package

Cooking method:

Sugar syrup is distributed in equal amounts on the three glasses and pour each of them for one and a half tablespoons gelatin. First, warm the dish in a water bath with constant stirring where the gelatin has dissolved, strain the mixture and connect it with raspberry syrup. Take a deep form with high sides, pour into it the jelly and put in the fridge to harden.

When the first layer is tightly adhered not only from above but also inside the same technology heat the second cup with gelatin, strain the mixture and combine with milk and vanilla. Then, a little cool and pour it into the mold.

The final stage - the preparation of the last layer of jelly. Actions are the same as in the first case, but instead of using the magenta orange syrup. The resulting mixture pour over the second layer, then put in the fridge for a couple of hours.

When the dish is well hardens, remove it from the mold. It will be much easier to do if you lower the base of the pan for a few minutes in hot water. Then cover it with a flat top plate and turn. Dessert serve, cut it into portions.

 how to make gourmet jelly

Milk jelly with bananas and oranges

Many women prefer it to milk jelly. They love his delicate taste and lightness, besides it is not too high-calorie meal as compared to other desserts. In winter, it is very important to use vitamins, so we decided to add them to the sweet dish. What came out of it, see below.


  • pasteurized milk - 400 ml
  • One pack of instant gelatin
  • sugar - to your taste
  • two small banana
  • the same number of oranges

Cooking method:

If you do not want too long cast over this dessert, buy instant gelatin as it inflates in minutes and does not require much time. Thus, the product soak in warm water. As long as it dissolves, heat milk over low heat - when the first bubbles, pour into it the sugar and mix everything well. Bring the mixture to a boil, then remove it from the stove and connect with gelatin. Whisk whisk until smooth dough and place cool. Do not remove the dishes in the fridge - just set aside and enjoy a fruit.

Peel bananas, peeled and cut into thin circles, and then lay out the bottom of the prepared for this kremanok or cup and pour jelly mass. Place the bowl in the refrigerator on the top shelf for 40 minutes.

While the first layer hardens, remove the peel from the oranges, cut them into small pieces and whisk in a blender. After Put the mixture into a bowl, pour the sugar and it simmer, stirring constantly. Note that bring to a boil fruit syrup do not need to - fill it with gelatin, stir and let cool. When spread over the ice-cream bowls and send in the refrigerator.

As you can see yourself making jelly is quite simple! Home - prevent its freezing dish therefore be cooled in the refrigerator rather than a freezer. And to save time on cooking this dish, you can use instant gelatin, which do not need to pre-soak. If you bought this dry mixture, fill it with water (per 10 grams, that is, one package, one and a half cups of liquid) and heat over low heat. With constant stirring, the gelatin will melt very quickly.

Decorate the dish with mint leaves, pieces of fruit, nuts and whipped cream. Cook with pleasure and do not be discouraged if the first time something happens. The main thing - do not give up and try again. After all, a great cook, too, became those not immediately!

 The recipes for the sweet tooth: how to make jelly

We strongly recommend to read: How to make sherbet
