Rose - is not only a beautiful flower and loved by many, but the main ingredient jam. Any owner shall at least once, to prepare a delicious rose jam and walked past the rose bushes growing in your yard do not forget to collect the petals.
Pink onto enriched not only with vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B, but also a large number of substances such as iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, phosphorus, vanadium, silicon, and etc.
Especially jam from rose petals, it is recommended to people suffering from diseases of the circulatory system, wishing to lose weight, as well as organize the work of the digestive system.
Jam made of rose petals recipe
200 gr. rose petals (of any color, but preferably small size)
200 gr. sugar
1 kg. sugar syrup
400 ml. water syrup
1 lemon
Cooking method:
Rose petals should be washed, cut and lightly mash. Sliced petals fill with sugar and add the juice of half a lemon. Mix thoroughly. Future jam leave for 5-6 hours.
Meanwhile prepare syrup for this 1 kg. sugar add water and put on fire. Cook until the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, then add the remaining lemon syrup and rose petals. After boiling jam the fire abated and cook for 5 minutes. After that, remove from heat and cool. Cooled down to pour the jam into jars. Rose petal jam recipe, which can not digest the jam, because of this it will lose its flavor.
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What is jam? It is a certain way of preserving, where the main preservative is sugar. During the preparation of jam, the most important thing to observe the ratio of sugar and fruit, and it is necessary to not jam sugar. It is brewed from fruits and berries, as well as zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, rhubarb. In order to achieve unusual and the jam especially tasty, it is added honey, nuts, lemon peel, etc. Consider a few popular recipes, make jams at home:
Jam made from cones
1 kg. pinecones
1 kg. sugar
Cooking method:
How to make jam from pine cones? To do this, you must clean the cones and rinse thoroughly under running water. Washed bumps lay in a saucepan, and cover with water so that it covers the bumps. The pot on the stove and put on low heat bring to a boil. Cones boil for 7 minutes, then add sugar. Stir and cook jam, periodically removing the foam skimmer for 2 hours. Pine jam - done! This jam perfectly helps with colds, bronchitis, flu.
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Raspberry jam
1 kg. raspberries
1 kg. sugar
600 ml. water
Cooking method:
In order to prepare the homemade raspberry jam, raspberry must be cleaned of stalks and cover with water, and then fill with sugar. Cook the berries for 5-7 minutes, then cool to a temperature of about 20 degrees. Jam cooled down again, put on fire. Bring to the boil and cook for 10 minutes and then cool. Perform the same procedure 2 more times. Ready raspberry jam pour into sterilized jars and roll.
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Strawberry jam
1 kg. sugar
1 kg. strawberries
Cooking method:
Strawberries cleaned of leaves and rinse well. Then put in a pot and pour sugar. Leave the pan with strawberries for 5-6 hours. After a let Strawberry juice, put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes. Jam remove from heat, cool and once again put on fire. Likewise, carry out the procedure three times. Ready strawberry jam pour into sterilized jars and roll. Remember! During cooking jam - do not forget to remove the foam.
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Cherry jam
3 kg. cherries
2 kg. sugar
2 packages vanilla sugar
Cooking method:
How to make jam from cherry or otherwise cherries? To do this, you need to wash the cherries, and cleaned of seed. In a saucepan put the cherry, sprinkling each layer with sugar and then leave for 5 hours to let berries juice. After that, put the pan on the fire, bring the jam to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Then a pan with berries aside and cool. In the same manner to carry out this procedure 2 more times. The third time, leave the jam on the fire for 15 minutes, then add the vanilla sugar, so it will get a very pleasant aroma. Ready cherry jam pour into sterilized jars and roll.
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Jam Nut
1 kg. Young walnuts
1 kg. sugar
500 ml. fluid from the nuts (the rest of scalding)
Cooking method:
To cook the jam from walnuts, walnuts must be young, pierce with a wooden stick several times. Then the nuts cover with cold water and leave for 1 week. And twice a day the water should be changed. A week later, nuts, pour boiling water, then dipped in cold water. In the liquid, which scalded nuts, add the sugar and then cook the syrup. Nuts put in a colander to water glass full, and then put in a saucepan and pour over the cooked sugar syrup and leave for 12 hours. After that, drain the syrup with nuts and bring it to a boil. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Ready syrup cool, then pour the nuts and leave them for 48 hours, then drain the syrup again, boil down and put track nuts and cook until done (cease to form foam). Ready jam nut pour into sterilized jars and roll.
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Jam made from oranges
5 oranges
1 kg. sugar
750 ml. water
1 tsp. Lemon juice
pinch of vanillin
Cooking method:
Orange jam prepared as follows: Oranges are cleaned and boiled in a saucepan until tender, namely as long as they are not easily punctured. Then fold in a colander oranges and cut into eight pieces. In a saucepan pour water, add sugar and cook until until the syrup thickens. After that, put the oranges in syrup and cook until tender. To add spice jam, at the end of cooking, add lemon juice and vanilla. Ready jam oranges pour into sterilized jars and roll.
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Jam made of zucchini
1 kg. zucchini
1 kg. sugar
2 oranges
1 lemon
250 ml. water
Cooking method:
How to cook the jam of zucchini? Courgettes need to peel and seeds. Oranges are also peel and seeds, then cut into cubes. Also chop the zucchini. Xu cuts put in an enamel bowl, cover with half the sugar and leave for 10 hours. Then in a bowl add water and put on a plate. Boil for 10 minutes, then cool and again put on the plate, the add remaining sugar. In the same way - cool and put back on the stove - to make 3 times. For 10 minutes until cooked, add to the jam and sliced peeled lemon and mix thoroughly. Ready zucchini jam pour into sterilized jars and roll.
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Jam made from kiwi
1, 5 kg. sugar
1, 5 kg. kiwi
Cooking method:
Kiwi fruit peel and cut into small thin slices, then put in a saucepan, pour the sugar and leave for half an hour, in order to highlight the juice. Pan put on low heat, stirring constantly, and cook until sugar is dissolved. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, jams must be removed from the heat and cool. Then again, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes. Ready jam kiwi pour into sterilized jars and roll.
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Cheesecake - a dish of European and American cuisine, which is a dessert containing cheese. For the first time he began to prepare in ancient Greece, and the currently popular cheesecake worldwide. Let's prepare the cheesecake at home? Be sure - you will get it no worse than those desserts that are prepared in the confectionary factories.
To prepare cheesecake using soft cheese - cream or ricotta. And as a cracker or pastry. To begin?
Cheesecake New York
500 gr. cookies
150 gr. butter
100 ml. cream
700 gr. Cream Cheese
5 Art. spoons of sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Of nutmeg
3 eggs
3 tsp. Cream
vanilla sugar
Cooking method:
Use the blender to crush cookies, and then mix it with butter, cinnamon, 3 tablespoons sugar and nutmeg. Mix thoroughly. Lay a baking dish with parchment paper and put it in a ready-mix. The shape in the oven and bake for 15 minutes at 150 degrees. It should be noted that it is necessary to put in the oven, and a bowl of water that flowed to the butter released during baking. After that, the next cheesecake cool. Cream cheese mixed with butter, add sour cream and sugar and whip. Then, still whisking mass, add the eggs and vanilla sugar to taste. The resulting mass lay out on the basis of the baked cheesecake and again put in the oven. Bake for one hour at 160 degrees. After this cheesecake to cool and place in refrigerator for 12 hours. Cheesecake New York - ready!
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Cheese curd
400 gr. curd
200 gr. sour cream
300 gr. cookies
200 gr. walnuts
2 tbsp. spoons of lemon peel
250 gr. sugar
150 gr. butter
3 eggs
vanilla sugar
vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Cooking cheesecake curd begins with the fact that cookies need to grind into crumbs, then add the melted butter. Mix thoroughly. Baking dish greased with vegetable oil, then lay a cling film. Top with a lot of cookies and smooth. Form in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
In a separate bowl combine the sugar and curd. There also add lemon zest, vanilla sugar, eggs, sour cream and then, all mixed thoroughly. From the refrigerator to remove the frozen form and put it on top of the cream cheese. Form wrap in foil and place in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Then turn off the oven but leave the cheesecake without taking it for another half an hour. Thereafter, the cooled supply form for 4 hours in a refrigerator. Cheesecake from cottage cheese - ready!
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Chocolate Cheesecake
600 gr. soft cream cheese
200 gr. sugar
150 gr. chocolate chip cookies
450 gr. dark chocolate
4 eggs
150 gr. butter (50 g of chocolate, 100 g for biscuits)
1 tsp. Icing sugar
1 tsp. Cocoa
Cooking method:
Cookies grind into fine crumbs, then add the softened butter. Lay a baking dish with parchment paper and put on a layer of pastry with butter. Put the form in the oven and bake for 10 minutes at 170 degrees. The yolks separated from the whites and then combine them with sugar. Mix thoroughly. In a water bath to melt the chocolate and mix it with butter. Combine egg yolks with the chocolate mass and cream cheese, then add whipped yachnye proteins. Mix everything and put on baked cookies with butter. Form again put in the oven and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Thereafter, the chocolate cheesecake cool and refrigerate. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cocoa.
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Strawberry Cheesecake
150 gr. cookies
1 egg
100 gr. butter
150 ml. water
2 bags of strawberry jelly
400 gr. Cream Cheese
200 ml. strawberry yoghurt
100 gr. strawberries
vegetable oil
Cooking method:
To cook cheesecake with strawberries, cookies need to grind, and then connect with a pre-beaten egg and softened butter. Lay a baking dish with parchment paper and put it in the cookies evenly with the oil. Form put for 50 minutes in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, 1 package jelly pour hot water. Yogurt and cheese mix, and then add to the already ostyvshemu jelly. The resulting mass lay out in a baking dish and leave in the fridge for another half hour. Washed strawberries cut in half and lay on top of already frozen jelly cheesecake. The second bag of jelly pour hot water, cool slightly and pour on top of the strawberries. Give infusions for half an hour. Strawberry Cheesecake - ready!
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Cream cheesecake
200 gr. cookies
110 gr. butter
3 eggs
600 gr. Cream Cheese
150 gr. caster sugar
150 ml. cream
vanilla sugar
vegetable oil
Cooking method:
How to cook cheesecake with cream? To do this, crushed biscuits, and then add the melted butter and mix thoroughly. Baking dish greased with oil, and then put it in the prepared mixture of biscuit. The mold is then put in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Then cool the baked form. Powdered sugar and cream cheese mix, add vanilla sugar, eggs and cream. All thoroughly. The resulting mass lay out the form and smooth. Form foil wrap and bake in a water bath for 1, 5 hours at 180 ° C. Creamy cheesecake - ready!
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Vanilla cheesecake
250 gr. cookies
150 gr. butter
250 gr. cheese "Philadelphia"
3 eggs
300 gr. sour cream
150 gr. sugar
1 vanilla pod
Cooking method:
How to cook cheesecake with vanilla? To do this, crushed biscuits, and then add the melted butter and mix thoroughly. Put the mixture into a baking dish, cover with foil and place in refrigerator for half an hour. Meanwhile, sugar and sour cream mix, add vanilla, soft cheese, then egg - mix. Lay out the cheese mixture in the form of slightly chilled, on a base of pastry and bake in the oven for 1 hour. Bake at 160 degrees. Ready vanilla cheesecake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. A delicious cheesecake with vanilla - ready!
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