Choosing a mattress for a newborn lies on the shoulders of the future father, who often buys it together with the crib already before the time comes to take my mother to the child. Will the baby in a comfortable bed, we do not know, but we can confidently say what parameters should correspond to a good mattress. So, let's find out together how to choose a mattress for a newborn, so he did not serve the cause of the night insomnia.
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The golden rule is to choose the mattress
You want to sleep your baby was serene? Then, choosing baby mattress in the crib, you should remember one golden rule: soft perinki not for children's backs. Sleeping child seat should always be smooth and moderately hard.
The spine in infants too malleable, and to avoid possible distortions, parents should make sure that their child was sleeping on the right mattress, and the smaller the child, the harder the mattress should be. Bending the spine appears only to three years, and before that time, to form a correct posture, the child should sleep on a fairly firm mattress.
You do not have to succumb to the temptation to acquire modern mattresses. The weight of the child is too small to so-called orthopedic effect could occur. But if you take a mattress "for growth" and hope to use it for another 4 years, you can choose that option, which allows unloading the spine.
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Size matters?
It would seem, well, what's the difference - a couple of centimeters longer, a couple less. But there it was! Choosing a mattress for children, it is important to know beforehand to what they would be in bed. If the mattress is less than the bed, it will constantly slide from side to side. Already it gives a lot of inconvenience, but other than that, the space between the mattress and crib bumpers can be a real trap for tiny legs and arms.
If you choose a mattress with unnecessary dimensions in the hope that you can just tuck the excess, then there will prove to be wrong. Too wide or long mattress wedged in the crib, carries a very serious threat to the health of the baby. After all, he will gather the folds and irregularities, and we have already talked about what a delicate spine of newborns.
Therefore, if the store to your question about the size of the seller says that "it is standard" bed and you will get "inherited" a hundred times think before you take the mattress. Still, do yourself a measurement of the future bed.
There is always a chance that the "standard" size that existed ten years ago, so different from those that exist today. The most ideal option is to purchase the crib and the mattress at the same time, then it would be impossible to make a mistake.
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Filling the mattress - what's inside?
It is very good that parents are concerned about the choice of mattress for the baby. So, when choosing this essential things definitely need to not be lazy and find out what the manufacturer put inside. Fillers can be synthetic (foam, padding polyester) or natural (buckwheat husk, coconut fiber, horsehair or latex).
The first option is different low cost and equally low grades and performance in operation He quickly loses its shape and difficult to dry. But it absorbs odors quickly and parted with them reluctantly.
With the ability to quickly absorb moisture (and in fact it could be a plus, considering all kinds of surprises, constantly befall the children), in its depths can be found proving ground for breeding of germs. If the filler is batting, he seems to be environmentally friendly, but also very short-lived: the batting quickly rolled, and its surface gets off in clumps.
But natural mattresses of the drawbacks are just the cost. It is higher than the synthetic, but they are made exclusively from natural ingredients, odorless, have a high ability to pass air and retain their original appearance throughout life.
But there is a middle ground that will help to find a suitable for you value for money. Choosing a baby mattress, you can find options where synthetic materials are perfectly combined with the natural and the whole composition will benefit.
After the "filling" is no longer a secret for you, pay attention to the fact of what made its interior. Here is better if you still will be present natural fabrics: cotton or linen.
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A little about the rules of operation
The mattress in the crib must be turned to the other side. It is necessary to provide access to it of air and prevent excessive accumulation of dust. After all, it can cause the breeding of dust mites, and it is quite unnecessary for the neighborhood children. In addition, turning is necessary that the mattress is not caked and prominaetsya. Then he will last longer.
If the same soft mattress on both sides, then it is recommended to turn the once every three months, and the need to change the head, and with his legs, not just part. If the mattress with different rigidity, it is turned from side to side with his older child, and later only change the head with sleigh.
Oil cloths or waterproof mattress covers help protect the mattress from getting wet. The most affordable is considered a medical oilcloth, but it is unpleasant to touch and cold. For kids, you can buy special waterproof bed sheet as reusable and disposable.
And remember: a cot - it's not something on what should be saving. After all, a newborn will hold a lot of time. And the purchase of a new mattress - is not a sign of luxury, this is the first rule of personal hygiene!
Foods that should be included in the daily diet
Sample menu for the day
This is your baby, and one year old - a very important and exciting date that you were looking forward to mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles. This first year has flown by very quickly - behind the sleepless nights and anxiety due to colic or first tooth, the joy of the first smile, first words and first steps. Birthday with balloons, gifts, a cake in the form of bears or bunnies will forever remain in the memory and the photographs.
Your crumb became so great, but to the adult he is still very far away. And the main task of mothers - to help your baby grow up healthy, smart and strong. The harmonious development of the child - that the proper organization of the daily routine, and exciting activities, age-appropriate, and walks in the fresh air, and more.
But most importantly - a nutrition-year-old child.
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Foods that should be included in the daily diet
Milk and milk products
In the year, many children continue to be breastfed, get a lot of nutrients from the mother's milk. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that breastfeeding continue up to 1, 5-2 years - is appropriate and beneficial for the child's health and for the health of the mother. If in a year you continue to feed your baby and is able to maintain lactation, the breast milk will continue to be an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. Furthermore, human milk protects the baby from many infections.
If your child received an adapted infant formula, the share of dairy products in the diet should not be dramatically reduced. Milk and dairy products - is a valuable source of protein, calcium, B vitamins for a child who is one year old, the daily norm of milk and dairy products should be 500-600 ml.
Preference should be given specialized products suitable for the nutrition of children older than 1 year. This formula milk enriched with trace elements and vitamins, children's yogurt, mild cheese. In addition, the diet must include cheese, which can be given not only in pure form. The menu baby can gradually begin to introduce casseroles and vegetables from curd or cottage cheese and cereals.
Dishes from cereals - porridge
The daily menu of the baby must be present one of the cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats, corn, or some other. Kashi very helpful for digestion and contain valuable nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. Kashi cook not thick, cereals tenderize first well in water, and then brought to readiness in the milk. Kashi can be prepared as a sweet, adding a small amount of sugar and unsweetened, then they can serve as a side dish to meat. If you want to replace the sugar with honey, then it should be done very carefully, because this product is quite often an allergy.
Porridge - it is also a very rich dish, so give her child to be no more than once a day. Some cereals, e.g., wheat and oats contain phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals from the digestive tract, thereby affecting the bone formation and development of the whole organism. Therefore cereals that are present in the diet of the child, should be alternated, and so popular in recent years semolina should be included in the menu is quite rare.
Do not rush to enter into the diet of a child and pasta, as their nutritional value is not very high. you are sure to acquaint their crumbs with this product, when he is older, for example, to two years. Be sure to choose high-quality varieties of small pasta made exclusively from durum wheat. Prepare them better in the milk, adding to the finished dish a little butter.
One year - this is the age at which it comes time to introduce crumbs with another product. This is the bread. You start with the white wheat bread, which is more easily absorbed by the body, and after a while will be gradually included in the diet and black rye bread.
Vegetable dishes and fruit
Getting your baby with vegetables happened in the age of about six months - the majority of mothers begin the first solid foods with vegetables. During this time, the child had to try and find the taste of a large number of species of these, of course, useful products. Potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower, beets, zucchini, carrots, onions, broccoli, pumpkin - these vegetables should already come into his diet.
Vegetables on the menu to the baby, the present as frayed soups, puree or casseroles. After a year, you can gradually introduce the food, which will be attended not frayed pieces, as many children are able to chew well enough. If your crumbs this still having problems, continue to give him a well-powdered food, and a firm offer from time to time.
In the summer, try to diversify the child's diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have difficulty chewing food, you then polish these products on a grater. Vegetables can be given in the form of salads, for example, of finely grated carrot, peeled cucumbers or tomatoes for salads can add herbs in small quantities. Preference should be given to the fruits that grow in your area - it's apples, pears, plums and so on. For exotic fruits should be treated with great caution because of an increased risk of allergic reactions.
In winter, should be included in the diet of the specialized baby food in jars from manufacturers. As well as soups and purees, fruit and jelly from the frozen fruit and vegetable mixtures. Vegetable purees (daily rate of 200 g) is better to cook at the same time of several components, from time to time, alternating them. In soups or puree is added oil or butter. Do not get involved mashed potatoes because of the high content of starch, which hinders the digestion of food, because the daily rate of 150 g
Protein foods - meat, fish, eggs
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of protein in the diet of children - without it is impossible to complete the development and growth of the organism. Meat necessarily be included in the diet of children aged 1 year, as this is not only a complete source of protein, and iron, and B vitamins child can cook steam cutlets or meatballs of beef or veal, rabbit meat, chicken and turkey - daily the rate of meat '85 can diversify food by-products: the liver, heart or tongue. In addition, you can feed your baby special children's canned meat.
Instead of meat 2-3 times a week the menu includes baby lean fish, such as pollock fillets, cod or walleye. Fish contains a large amount of phosphorus that is required for proper formation and bone growth. In marine fish contain iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The fish are boiled or steamed, then be sure to carefully fray.
Eggs for children aged up to six years are only hard-boiled, and it is recommended to give only the yolk, adding it to vegetable puree. After reaching the age of 1, 5, the child can feed and protein, and egg yolk. The daily rate for this age group is ½ of the egg. Most likely, your child will have to taste the egg cooked in plain omelet or scrambled eggs with vegetable additives (green peas, cauliflower, carrots).
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Sample menu for the day
The volume of the stomach of the child in one year is small, so it must eat frequently but in small portions.
The number of meals must be equal to five. The daily intake of 1200 g, hence one meal - 240 g, the interval between feedings about 3, 5-4 hours.
First breakfast - breast milk or infant formula.
Breakfast - cereal, which contains a large supply of energy substances necessary for the supply of energy for the whole day.
Lunch - meat or fish with vegetables or soup, cooked in meat broth (the first water after boiling broth should be emptied and then the meat re-fill with fresh water and cook until tender).
Afternoon snack - fruit puree or juice.
Dinner - vegetable soup, and before going to bed breast milk or yogurt.
During the first year of your baby, and achieved a great deal of power exclusively breastfed went on to varied and almost an adult food. But no need to rush. Introduce new products and food in the diet of your baby very gently and gradually, watching the reaction of the organism. Prepare food, taking into account the peculiarities of the digestive system and chewing apparatus baby. Child's diet should be varied and nutritious, that is to include all the necessary nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. And, of course, cooking is necessary to use only the highest quality and fresh produce.