proper nutrition of the child up to a year


  • The importance of colostrum early in life
  • Mother's milk - the best food
  • Breast-feeding, pacifiers and more
  • Starting solid foods
  • The lure of homemade
  • Diet in 8-9 months
  • At 10 months of age and older

The most complete and proper nutrition of children under one year - mother's milk.

It contains everything you need for the final maturation of the brain tissue, which is very important in the emotional and intellectual development and for normal growth, it is also ideally suited to the metabolism and to all the features of the digestive system of young children. Therefore, the need of breastfeeding can not be overestimated.
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The importance of colostrum early in life

Breastfeeding, among other things, is also a serious protection for the newborn in obtaining from the mother's milk with an opportunity to form their own strong immunity. It is important to put the baby to the mother's breast in the first hours of the birth. Colostrum, which it has, at the moment of his birth, contains very valuable substances such as nutrients and necessary to protect it from various allergies and infections that are heavily exposed to the kid in the very first few months of his life.

In addition, colostrum contains ingredients to help maturing and strengthening the intestines, prevents the development of dysbiosis and disorders of the digestive system. And one more important factor - getting a child in the greatest quantity of colostrum in the first hours makes it possible to continue to make my mother a full breast milk at a higher level.

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Mother's milk - the best food

No, even the most modern, the infant formula developed by entire institutions, can never replace natural food crumbs. Whatever you see on the package with the most expensive food and milk as if it might be advertised, and the mixture does not change its composition, in accordance with the needs of the child, as does breast milk. All pediatricians the world agree that the possibility of up to six months for the baby food should consist only of mother's milk. There are special techniques to overcome the crisis and increase the lactation of the lactation, you can continue to feed the baby exclusively on breast milk.

The number of arriving milk depends on how much it sucks the baby. That is, the more it sucks the milk, the more it produces. I do not want any child to children's drinks, teas, widely advertised and sold in specialized stores, even water is not needed. After all, if the crumb drink something, then it will suck the milk is less than that will result in lower milk production. And if the amount of milk allows, they should feed the baby, and a year and a half, and at a later age. It will only benefit him.
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Breast-feeding, pacifiers and more

Breast-feeding should be done by as the baby is hungry. The same applies to the duration of the feeding. Previously existed a misconception regarding its duration, it said that it is impossible to feed grudnichka more than ten minutes, because the nipples are swelling and cracks that lead to inflammation and other unpleasant things. But experience shows that these problems are due to poor attachment to the baby's chest. Teach young mother correctly applied to the chest of the child may be in the hospital, and at prenatal courses. The main thing - not to restrict the feeding, baby, let's load up to satiety.

Breastfeeding should not be given pacifiers, rubber surrogate slowly but very surely begins to displace the mother's influence, because the nipple and soothe and comfort. In this scenario, mom gets a secondary role - "giver of food."
Upon reaching the baby six months you can start to think about the lure, appropriate to his age. But do not resort to it immediately when the milk supply suddenly diminished, you just need to put more often crumbs to his chest, and a former milk volume will return.

 starting solid foods
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Starting solid foods

The child's diet to a year, starting from six months, may be added to solid foods, but breastfeeding even when you can not throw lactation crisis. Energy demand crumbs 6-8 months of age may be granted up to 70% with the help of breast milk. In the first 9 months of this figure changed to 55% and 40% - in the period before the age of two. The essence of the feeding - in any case not replace the mother's milk, and to complement its nutritional value.

Lure should start with a very low dose, to allow it to adjust to the digestive system: half a teaspoon if porridge or mash, and a few drops if fruit or vegetable juices. During the first week you need to gradually increase this number by adding solid foods into breast milk, so the digestibility of the new supply is improved.

At 6 months, the child's stomach is ready to digest more solid food. At this age, the baby in the body occur quite big changes, including milk teeth appear. Gradually, he needs to get used to use his teeth as directed, using not only thick, but solid food in the future.
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The lure of homemade

Whatever is a single puree perfect for the initial feeding, feeding should be gradually supplemented and the other components of which can be done and mash-cuts. In this respect, good enough vegetables such as potatoes, onions, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini. For example, you can cook the potato, carrot, onion, parsley and add it all to grind until smooth. And any salts, spices or sugar. You can use canned sauce and the like, but their composition is often added buckwheat or rice cereal.

After consulting with a pediatrician in the mashed potatoes and dairy-free porridge, you can add a little egg yolk and a few drops of vegetable oils - corn, sunflower or olive. If the serving is 150 g, it is possible to add one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2-3 tablespoons of cream or fat is not more than 10%.
All food should be soft consistency, the freshly prepared from quality products without salt, sugar and other flavorings, as mentioned above, and have a temperature of no more than 36-37 degrees.
It should be remembered that the seven months the child must start getting clean water between feedings.

 homemade food
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Diet in 8-9 months

We continue to add to the diet of baby new products. Among the products that can begin to take the child at this time, includes porridge of buckwheat, corn or rice cereals, and low-fat, iron-rich meat. Rules for preparing these foods are the same as that of the vegetable puree in earlier months. Now you can give your child fruit, pureed meat, vegetables, various cereals, cooked in cow's milk, if the child is not allergic to it.

Meat at this time is well suited rabbit and veal. Meat should be boiled until tender, carefully chop and add a little broth. Later, when the meat will take a firm place in the children's diet, it can be mixed with vegetable puree. Toddler, since nine months, begin to learn to chew food. It should offer the baby small pieces of food that is easy to hold in the handle.
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At 10 months of age and older

Children from 10 months should start to replace the meat, cut by the stuffing, meatballs and steamed meatballs. The infant also canned meat suitable for food from that time. It should be administered in the diet of low-fat chicken and fish varieties (cod, perch, and the like), if these products had no allergies. The fish is served for lunch instead of meat in particulate form with mashed vegetables. At this age have to be feeding time, three steps have to be basic. Between meals, you can give your child yogurt, fruit, baby cookies and bread. At the same time, you can begin to teach your baby to the spoon.

Usually, the mothers end up breastfeeding. The child with the right approach at this time with the food it receives all the necessary nutrients. But it is worth remembering that it is wrong to wean the child during his illness in the summer and when carry out preventive vaccinations.
Correct, complete and varied diet will cover all energy costs toddler, while providing it with all necessary for normal development and at this age, and in the future.

 Good nutrition of the child in the first year of life
